use of org.apache.beam.runners.flink.translation.functions.ImpulseSourceFunction in project beam by apache.
the class FlinkStreamingPortablePipelineTranslator method translateFlatten.
private <T> void translateFlatten(String id, RunnerApi.Pipeline pipeline, StreamingTranslationContext context) {
RunnerApi.PTransform transform = pipeline.getComponents().getTransformsOrThrow(id);
Map<String, String> allInputs = transform.getInputsMap();
if (allInputs.isEmpty()) {
// create an empty dummy source to satisfy downstream operations
// we cannot create an empty source in Flink, therefore we have to
// add the flatMap that simply never forwards the single element
long shutdownAfterIdleSourcesMs = context.getPipelineOptions().getShutdownSourcesAfterIdleMs();
DataStreamSource<WindowedValue<byte[]>> dummySource = context.getExecutionEnvironment().addSource(new ImpulseSourceFunction(shutdownAfterIdleSourcesMs));
DataStream<WindowedValue<T>> result = dummySource.<WindowedValue<T>>flatMap((s, collector) -> {
// never return anything
}).returns(new CoderTypeInformation<>(WindowedValue.getFullCoder((Coder<T>) VoidCoder.of(), GlobalWindow.Coder.INSTANCE), context.getPipelineOptions()));
context.addDataStream(Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform.getOutputsMap().values()), result);
} else {
DataStream<T> result = null;
// Determine DataStreams that we use as input several times. For those, we need to uniquify
// input streams because Flink seems to swallow watermarks when we have a union of one and
// the same stream.
HashMultiset<DataStream<T>> inputCounts = HashMultiset.create();
for (String input : allInputs.values()) {
DataStream<T> current = context.getDataStreamOrThrow(input);
inputCounts.add(current, 1);
for (String input : allInputs.values()) {
DataStream<T> current = context.getDataStreamOrThrow(input);
final int timesRequired = inputCounts.count(current);
if (timesRequired > 1) {
current = current.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<T, T>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void flatMap(T t, Collector<T> collector) {
result = (result == null) ? current : result.union(current);
context.addDataStream(Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform.getOutputsMap().values()), result);