use of in project beam by apache.
the class DataflowRunner method fromOptions.
* Construct a runner from the provided options.
* @param options Properties that configure the runner.
* @return The newly created runner.
public static DataflowRunner fromOptions(PipelineOptions options) {
DataflowPipelineOptions dataflowOptions = PipelineOptionsValidator.validate(DataflowPipelineOptions.class, options);
ArrayList<String> missing = new ArrayList<>();
if (dataflowOptions.getAppName() == null) {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(dataflowOptions.getRegion()) && isServiceEndpoint(dataflowOptions.getDataflowEndpoint())) {
if (missing.size() > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing required pipeline options: " + Joiner.on(',').join(missing));
validateWorkerSettings(PipelineOptionsValidator.validate(DataflowPipelineWorkerPoolOptions.class, options));
PathValidator validator = dataflowOptions.getPathValidator();
String gcpTempLocation;
try {
gcpTempLocation = dataflowOptions.getGcpTempLocation();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("DataflowRunner requires gcpTempLocation, " + "but failed to retrieve a value from PipelineOptions", e);
String stagingLocation;
try {
stagingLocation = dataflowOptions.getStagingLocation();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("DataflowRunner requires stagingLocation, " + "but failed to retrieve a value from PipelineOptions", e);
if (!isNullOrEmpty(dataflowOptions.getSaveProfilesToGcs())) {
if (dataflowOptions.getFilesToStage() != null) {
// The user specifically requested these files, so fail now if they do not exist.
// (automatically detected classpath elements are permitted to not exist, so later
// staging will not fail on nonexistent files)
dataflowOptions.getFilesToStage().stream().forEach(stagedFileSpec -> {
File localFile;
if (stagedFileSpec.contains("=")) {
String[] components = stagedFileSpec.split("=", 2);
localFile = new File(components[1]);
} else {
localFile = new File(stagedFileSpec);
if (!localFile.exists()) {
// cannot add checked exception
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Non-existent files specified in filesToStage: %s", localFile));
} else {
dataflowOptions.setFilesToStage(detectClassPathResourcesToStage(DataflowRunner.class.getClassLoader(), options));
if (dataflowOptions.getFilesToStage().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No files to stage has been found.");
} else {"PipelineOptions.filesToStage was not specified. " + "Defaulting to files from the classpath: will stage {} files. " + "Enable logging at DEBUG level to see which files will be staged.", dataflowOptions.getFilesToStage().size());
LOG.debug("Classpath elements: {}", dataflowOptions.getFilesToStage());
// Verify jobName according to service requirements, truncating converting to lowercase if
// necessary.
String jobName = dataflowOptions.getJobName().toLowerCase();
checkArgument(jobName.matches("[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?"), "JobName invalid; the name must consist of only the characters " + "[-a-z0-9], starting with a letter and ending with a letter " + "or number");
if (!jobName.equals(dataflowOptions.getJobName())) {"PipelineOptions.jobName did not match the service requirements. " + "Using {} instead of {}.", jobName, dataflowOptions.getJobName());
// Verify project
String project = dataflowOptions.getProject();
if (project.matches("[0-9]*")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Project ID '" + project + "' invalid. Please make sure you specified the Project ID, not project number.");
} else if (!project.matches(PROJECT_ID_REGEXP)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Project ID '" + project + "' invalid. Please make sure you specified the Project ID, not project" + " description.");
DataflowPipelineDebugOptions debugOptions =;
// Verify the number of worker threads is a valid value
if (debugOptions.getNumberOfWorkerHarnessThreads() < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of worker harness threads '" + debugOptions.getNumberOfWorkerHarnessThreads() + "' invalid. Please make sure the value is non-negative.");
if (dataflowOptions.isStreaming() && dataflowOptions.getGcsUploadBufferSizeBytes() == null) {
// Adding the Java version to the SDK name for user's and support convenience.
String agentJavaVer = "(JRE 8 environment)";
if (Environments.getJavaVersion() == Environments.JavaVersion.java17) {
agentJavaVer = "(JRE 17 environment)";
} else if (Environments.getJavaVersion() == Environments.JavaVersion.java11) {
agentJavaVer = "(JRE 11 environment)";
DataflowRunnerInfo dataflowRunnerInfo = DataflowRunnerInfo.getDataflowRunnerInfo();
String userAgent = String.format("%s/%s%s", dataflowRunnerInfo.getName(), dataflowRunnerInfo.getVersion(), agentJavaVer).replace(" ", "_");
return new DataflowRunner(dataflowOptions);