use of org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.NoSuchSchemaException in project beam by apache.
the class ParDo method finishSpecifyingStateSpecs.
private static void finishSpecifyingStateSpecs(DoFn<?, ?> fn, CoderRegistry coderRegistry, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, Coder<?> inputCoder) {
DoFnSignature signature = DoFnSignatures.getSignature(fn.getClass());
Map<String, DoFnSignature.StateDeclaration> stateDeclarations = signature.stateDeclarations();
for (DoFnSignature.StateDeclaration stateDeclaration : stateDeclarations.values()) {
try {
StateSpec<?> stateSpec = (StateSpec<?>) stateDeclaration.field().get(fn);
Coder[] coders;
try {
coders = schemasForStateSpecTypes(stateDeclaration, schemaRegistry);
} catch (NoSuchSchemaException e) {
coders = codersForStateSpecTypes(stateDeclaration, coderRegistry, inputCoder);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.NoSuchSchemaException in project beam by apache.
the class Create method getDefaultCreateCoder.
private static <T> Coder<T> getDefaultCreateCoder(CoderRegistry coderRegistry, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, Iterable<T> elems) throws CannotProvideCoderException {
checkArgument(!Iterables.isEmpty(elems), "Can not determine a default Coder for a 'Create' PTransform that " + "has no elements. Either add elements, call Create.empty(Coder)," + " Create.empty(TypeDescriptor), or call 'withCoder(Coder)' or " + "'withType(TypeDescriptor)' on the PTransform.");
// First try to deduce a coder using the types of the elements.
Class<?> elementClazz = Void.class;
for (T elem : elems) {
if (elem == null) {
Class<?> clazz = elem.getClass();
if (elementClazz.equals(Void.class)) {
elementClazz = clazz;
} else if (!elementClazz.equals(clazz)) {
// Elements are not the same type, require a user-specified coder.
throw new CannotProvideCoderException(String.format("Cannot provide coder for %s: The elements are not all of the same class.", Create.class.getSimpleName()));
TypeDescriptor<T> typeDescriptor = (TypeDescriptor<T>) TypeDescriptor.of(elementClazz);
if (elementClazz.getTypeParameters().length == 0) {
try {
Coder<T> coder = SchemaCoder.of(schemaRegistry.getSchema(typeDescriptor), typeDescriptor, schemaRegistry.getToRowFunction(typeDescriptor), schemaRegistry.getFromRowFunction(typeDescriptor));
return coder;
} catch (NoSuchSchemaException e) {
// No schema.
try {
// elementClazz is a wildcard type
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Coder<T> coder = (Coder<T>) coderRegistry.getCoder(typeDescriptor);
return coder;
} catch (CannotProvideCoderException exc) {
// Can't get a coder from the class of the elements, try from elements next.
// If that fails, try to deduce a coder using the elements themselves
return (Coder<T>) inferCoderFromObjects(coderRegistry, schemaRegistry, elems);
use of org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.NoSuchSchemaException in project beam by apache.
the class StorageApiWritesShardedRecords method expand.
public PCollection<Void> expand(PCollection<KV<ShardedKey<DestinationT>, Iterable<byte[]>>> input) {
String operationName = input.getName() + "/" + getName();
// Append records to the Storage API streams.
PCollection<KV<String, Operation>> written = input.apply("Write Records", ParDo.of(new WriteRecordsDoFn(operationName)).withSideInputs(dynamicDestinations.getSideInputs()));
SchemaCoder<Operation> operationCoder;
try {
SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry = input.getPipeline().getSchemaRegistry();
operationCoder = SchemaCoder.of(schemaRegistry.getSchema(Operation.class), TypeDescriptor.of(Operation.class), schemaRegistry.getToRowFunction(Operation.class), schemaRegistry.getFromRowFunction(Operation.class));
} catch (NoSuchSchemaException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Send all successful writes to be flushed.
return written.setCoder(KvCoder.of(StringUtf8Coder.of(), operationCoder)).apply(Window.<KV<String, Operation>>configure().triggering(Repeatedly.forever(AfterProcessingTime.pastFirstElementInPane().plusDelayOf(Duration.standardSeconds(1)))).discardingFiredPanes()).apply("maxFlushPosition", Combine.perKey(Max.naturalOrder(new Operation(-1, false)))).apply("Flush and finalize writes", ParDo.of(new StorageApiFlushAndFinalizeDoFn(bqServices)));
use of org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.NoSuchSchemaException in project beam by apache.
the class PCollection method inferCoderOrFail.
* If the coder is not explicitly set, this sets the coder for this {@link PCollection} to the
* best coder that can be inferred based upon the known {@link TypeDescriptor}. By default, this
* is null, but can and should be improved by subclasses.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private CoderOrFailure<T> inferCoderOrFail(PInput input, PTransform<?, ?> transform, CoderRegistry coderRegistry, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry) {
// First option for a coder: use the Coder set on this PValue.
if (coderOrFailure.coder != null) {
return coderOrFailure;
// Second option for a coder: use the default Coder from the producing PTransform.
CannotProvideCoderException inputCoderException;
try {
return new CoderOrFailure<>(((PTransform) transform).getDefaultOutputCoder(input, this), null);
} catch (CannotProvideCoderException exc) {
inputCoderException = exc;
TypeDescriptor<T> token = getTypeDescriptor();
// If there is a schema registered for the type, attempt to create a SchemaCoder.
if (token != null) {
try {
SchemaCoder<T> schemaCoder = SchemaCoder.of(schemaRegistry.getSchema(token), token, schemaRegistry.getToRowFunction(token), schemaRegistry.getFromRowFunction(token));
return new CoderOrFailure<>(schemaCoder, null);
} catch (NoSuchSchemaException esc) {
// No schema.
// Fourth option for a coder: Look in the coder registry.
CannotProvideCoderException inferFromTokenException = null;
if (token != null) {
try {
return new CoderOrFailure<>(coderRegistry.getCoder(token), null);
} catch (CannotProvideCoderException exc) {
inferFromTokenException = exc;
// and the error message itself.
if (transform instanceof ParDo.MultiOutput && exc.getReason() == ReasonCode.TYPE_ERASURE) {
inferFromTokenException = new CannotProvideCoderException(exc.getMessage() + " If this error occurs for an output of the producing ParDo, verify that the " + "TupleTag for this output is constructed with proper type information (see " + "TupleTag Javadoc) or explicitly set the Coder to use if this is not possible.");
// Build up the error message and list of causes.
StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder().append("Unable to return a default Coder for ").append(this).append(". Correct one of the following root causes:");
// No exception, but give the user a message about .setCoder() has not been called.
messageBuilder.append("\n No Coder has been manually specified; ").append(" you may do so using .setCoder().");
if (inferFromTokenException != null) {
messageBuilder.append("\n Inferring a Coder from the CoderRegistry failed: ").append(inferFromTokenException.getMessage());
if (inputCoderException != null) {
messageBuilder.append("\n Using the default output Coder from the producing PTransform failed: ").append(inputCoderException.getMessage());
// Build and throw the exception.
return new CoderOrFailure<>(null, messageBuilder.toString());
use of org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.NoSuchSchemaException in project beam by apache.
the class Neo4jIO method getOutputPCollection.
private static <ParameterT, OutputT> PCollection<OutputT> getOutputPCollection(PCollection<ParameterT> input, DoFn<ParameterT, OutputT> writeFn, @Nullable Coder<OutputT> coder) {
PCollection<OutputT> output = input.apply(ParDo.of(writeFn));
if (coder != null) {
try {
TypeDescriptor<OutputT> typeDesc = coder.getEncodedTypeDescriptor();
SchemaRegistry registry = input.getPipeline().getSchemaRegistry();
Schema schema = registry.getSchema(typeDesc);
output.setSchema(schema, typeDesc, registry.getToRowFunction(typeDesc), registry.getFromRowFunction(typeDesc));
} catch (NoSuchSchemaException e) {
// ignore
return output;