use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlValidatorImpl method getValidatedNodeTypeIfKnown.
public RelDataType getValidatedNodeTypeIfKnown(SqlNode node) {
final RelDataType type = nodeToTypeMap.get(node);
if (type != null) {
return type;
final SqlValidatorNamespace ns = getNamespace(node);
if (ns != null) {
return ns.getType();
final SqlNode original = originalExprs.get(node);
if (original != null && original != node) {
return getValidatedNodeType(original);
return null;
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlValidatorImpl method registerQuery.
* Registers a query in a parent scope.
* @param parentScope Parent scope which this scope turns to in order to
* resolve objects
* @param usingScope Scope whose child list this scope should add itself to
* @param node Query node
* @param alias Name of this query within its parent. Must be specified
* if usingScope != null
* @param checkUpdate if true, validate that the update feature is supported
* if validating the update statement
private void registerQuery(SqlValidatorScope parentScope, SqlValidatorScope usingScope, SqlNode node, SqlNode enclosingNode, String alias, boolean forceNullable, boolean checkUpdate) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(usingScope == null || alias != null);
SqlCall call;
List<SqlNode> operands;
switch(node.getKind()) {
case SELECT:
final SqlSelect select = (SqlSelect) node;
final SelectNamespace selectNs = createSelectNamespace(select, enclosingNode);
registerNamespace(usingScope, alias, selectNs, forceNullable);
final SqlValidatorScope windowParentScope = (usingScope != null) ? usingScope : parentScope;
SelectScope selectScope = new SelectScope(parentScope, windowParentScope, select);
scopes.put(select, selectScope);
// Start by registering the WHERE clause
whereScopes.put(select, selectScope);
registerOperandSubQueries(selectScope, select, SqlSelect.WHERE_OPERAND);
// Register FROM with the inherited scope 'parentScope', not
// 'selectScope', otherwise tables in the FROM clause would be
// able to see each other.
final SqlNode from = select.getFrom();
if (from != null) {
final SqlNode newFrom = registerFrom(parentScope, selectScope, from, from, null, null, false);
if (newFrom != from) {
// If this is an aggregating query, the SELECT list and HAVING
// clause use a different scope, where you can only reference
// columns which are in the GROUP BY clause.
SqlValidatorScope aggScope = selectScope;
if (isAggregate(select)) {
aggScope = new AggregatingSelectScope(selectScope, select, false);
selectScopes.put(select, aggScope);
} else {
selectScopes.put(select, selectScope);
if (select.getGroup() != null) {
GroupByScope groupByScope = new GroupByScope(selectScope, select.getGroup(), select);
groupByScopes.put(select, groupByScope);
registerSubQueries(groupByScope, select.getGroup());
registerOperandSubQueries(aggScope, select, SqlSelect.HAVING_OPERAND);
registerSubQueries(aggScope, select.getSelectList());
final SqlNodeList orderList = select.getOrderList();
if (orderList != null) {
// available to the ORDER BY clause.
if (select.isDistinct()) {
aggScope = new AggregatingSelectScope(selectScope, select, true);
OrderByScope orderScope = new OrderByScope(aggScope, orderList, select);
orderScopes.put(select, orderScope);
registerSubQueries(orderScope, orderList);
if (!isAggregate(select)) {
// Since this is not an aggregating query,
// there cannot be any aggregates in the ORDER BY clause.
SqlNode agg = aggFinder.findAgg(orderList);
if (agg != null) {
throw newValidationError(agg, RESOURCE.aggregateIllegalInOrderBy());
validateFeature(RESOURCE.sQLFeature_F302(), node.getParserPosition());
registerSetop(parentScope, usingScope, node, node, alias, forceNullable);
case EXCEPT:
validateFeature(RESOURCE.sQLFeature_E071_03(), node.getParserPosition());
registerSetop(parentScope, usingScope, node, node, alias, forceNullable);
case UNION:
registerSetop(parentScope, usingScope, node, node, alias, forceNullable);
case WITH:
registerWith(parentScope, usingScope, (SqlWith) node, enclosingNode, alias, forceNullable, checkUpdate);
case VALUES:
call = (SqlCall) node;
scopes.put(call, parentScope);
final TableConstructorNamespace tableConstructorNamespace = new TableConstructorNamespace(this, call, parentScope, enclosingNode);
registerNamespace(usingScope, alias, tableConstructorNamespace, forceNullable);
operands = call.getOperandList();
for (int i = 0; i < operands.size(); ++i) {
assert operands.get(i).getKind() == SqlKind.ROW;
// FIXME jvs 9-Feb-2005: Correlation should
// be illegal in these sub-queries. Same goes for
// any non-lateral SELECT in the FROM list.
registerOperandSubQueries(parentScope, call, i);
case INSERT:
SqlInsert insertCall = (SqlInsert) node;
InsertNamespace insertNs = new InsertNamespace(this, insertCall, enclosingNode, parentScope);
registerNamespace(usingScope, null, insertNs, forceNullable);
registerQuery(parentScope, usingScope, insertCall.getSource(), enclosingNode, null, false);
case DELETE:
SqlDelete deleteCall = (SqlDelete) node;
DeleteNamespace deleteNs = new DeleteNamespace(this, deleteCall, enclosingNode, parentScope);
registerNamespace(usingScope, null, deleteNs, forceNullable);
registerQuery(parentScope, usingScope, deleteCall.getSourceSelect(), enclosingNode, null, false);
case UPDATE:
if (checkUpdate) {
validateFeature(RESOURCE.sQLFeature_E101_03(), node.getParserPosition());
SqlUpdate updateCall = (SqlUpdate) node;
UpdateNamespace updateNs = new UpdateNamespace(this, updateCall, enclosingNode, parentScope);
registerNamespace(usingScope, null, updateNs, forceNullable);
registerQuery(parentScope, usingScope, updateCall.getSourceSelect(), enclosingNode, null, false);
case MERGE:
validateFeature(RESOURCE.sQLFeature_F312(), node.getParserPosition());
SqlMerge mergeCall = (SqlMerge) node;
MergeNamespace mergeNs = new MergeNamespace(this, mergeCall, enclosingNode, parentScope);
registerNamespace(usingScope, null, mergeNs, forceNullable);
registerQuery(parentScope, usingScope, mergeCall.getSourceSelect(), enclosingNode, null, false);
// validation check
if (mergeCall.getUpdateCall() != null) {
registerQuery(whereScopes.get(mergeCall.getSourceSelect()), null, mergeCall.getUpdateCall(), enclosingNode, null, false, false);
if (mergeCall.getInsertCall() != null) {
registerQuery(parentScope, null, mergeCall.getInsertCall(), enclosingNode, null, false);
case UNNEST:
call = (SqlCall) node;
final UnnestNamespace unnestNs = new UnnestNamespace(this, call, parentScope, enclosingNode);
registerNamespace(usingScope, alias, unnestNs, forceNullable);
registerOperandSubQueries(parentScope, call, 0);
scopes.put(node, parentScope);
call = (SqlCall) node;
ProcedureNamespace procNs = new ProcedureNamespace(this, parentScope, call, enclosingNode);
registerNamespace(usingScope, alias, procNs, forceNullable);
registerSubQueries(parentScope, call);
validateFeature(RESOURCE.sQLFeature_S271(), node.getParserPosition());
call = (SqlCall) node;
CollectScope cs = new CollectScope(parentScope, usingScope, call);
final CollectNamespace tableConstructorNs = new CollectNamespace(call, cs, enclosingNode);
final String alias2 = deriveAlias(node, nextGeneratedId++);
registerNamespace(usingScope, alias2, tableConstructorNs, forceNullable);
operands = call.getOperandList();
for (int i = 0; i < operands.size(); i++) {
registerOperandSubQueries(parentScope, call, i);
throw Util.unexpected(node.getKind());
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlValidatorImpl method lookupHints.
public List<SqlMoniker> lookupHints(SqlNode topNode, SqlParserPos pos) {
SqlValidatorScope scope = new EmptyScope(this);
SqlNode outermostNode = performUnconditionalRewrites(topNode, false);
if (outermostNode.isA(SqlKind.TOP_LEVEL)) {
registerQuery(scope, null, outermostNode, outermostNode, null, false);
final SqlValidatorNamespace ns = getNamespace(outermostNode);
if (ns == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Not a query: " + outermostNode);
Collection<SqlMoniker> hintList = Sets.newTreeSet(SqlMoniker.COMPARATOR);
lookupSelectHints(ns, pos, hintList);
return ImmutableList.copyOf(hintList);
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlValidatorImpl method expand.
public SqlNode expand(SqlNode expr, SqlValidatorScope scope) {
final Expander expander = new Expander(this, scope);
SqlNode newExpr = expr.accept(expander);
if (expr != newExpr) {
setOriginal(newExpr, expr);
return newExpr;
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlValidatorImpl method expandStar.
public SqlNodeList expandStar(SqlNodeList selectList, SqlSelect select, boolean includeSystemVars) {
final List<SqlNode> list = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Map.Entry<String, RelDataType>> types = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < selectList.size(); i++) {
final SqlNode selectItem = selectList.get(i);
final RelDataType originalType = getValidatedNodeTypeIfKnown(selectItem);
expandSelectItem(selectItem, select, Util.first(originalType, unknownType), list, catalogReader.nameMatcher().isCaseSensitive() ? new LinkedHashSet<String>() : new TreeSet<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER), types, includeSystemVars);
return new SqlNodeList(list, SqlParserPos.ZERO);