use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlToRelConverter method convertMerge.
private RelNode convertMerge(SqlMerge call) {
RelOptTable targetTable = getTargetTable(call);
// convert update column list from SqlIdentifier to String
final List<String> targetColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>();
final RelDataType targetRowType = targetTable.getRowType();
SqlUpdate updateCall = call.getUpdateCall();
if (updateCall != null) {
for (SqlNode targetColumn : updateCall.getTargetColumnList()) {
SqlIdentifier id = (SqlIdentifier) targetColumn;
RelDataTypeField field = SqlValidatorUtil.getTargetField(targetRowType, typeFactory, id, catalogReader, targetTable);
assert field != null : "column " + id.toString() + " not found";
// replace the projection of the source select with a
// projection that contains the following:
// 1) the expressions corresponding to the new insert row (if there is
// an insert)
// 2) all columns from the target table (if there is an update)
// 3) the set expressions in the update call (if there is an update)
// first, convert the merge's source select to construct the columns
// from the target table and the set expressions in the update call
RelNode mergeSourceRel = convertSelect(call.getSourceSelect(), false);
// then, convert the insert statement so we can get the insert
// values expressions
SqlInsert insertCall = call.getInsertCall();
int nLevel1Exprs = 0;
List<RexNode> level1InsertExprs = null;
List<RexNode> level2InsertExprs = null;
if (insertCall != null) {
RelNode insertRel = convertInsert(insertCall);
// if there are 2 level of projections in the insert source, combine
// them into a single project; level1 refers to the topmost project;
// the level1 projection contains references to the level2
// expressions, except in the case where no target expression was
// provided, in which case, the expression is the default value for
// the column; or if the expressions directly map to the source
// table
level1InsertExprs = ((LogicalProject) insertRel.getInput(0)).getProjects();
if (insertRel.getInput(0).getInput(0) instanceof LogicalProject) {
level2InsertExprs = ((LogicalProject) insertRel.getInput(0).getInput(0)).getProjects();
nLevel1Exprs = level1InsertExprs.size();
LogicalJoin join = (LogicalJoin) mergeSourceRel.getInput(0);
int nSourceFields = join.getLeft().getRowType().getFieldCount();
final List<RexNode> projects = new ArrayList<>();
for (int level1Idx = 0; level1Idx < nLevel1Exprs; level1Idx++) {
if ((level2InsertExprs != null) && (level1InsertExprs.get(level1Idx) instanceof RexInputRef)) {
int level2Idx = ((RexInputRef) level1InsertExprs.get(level1Idx)).getIndex();
} else {
if (updateCall != null) {
final LogicalProject project = (LogicalProject) mergeSourceRel;
projects.addAll(Util.skip(project.getProjects(), nSourceFields));
return LogicalTableModify.create(targetTable, catalogReader,, LogicalTableModify.Operation.MERGE, targetColumnNameList, null, false);
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlToRelConverter method convertCursor.
private RelNode convertCursor(Blackboard bb, SubQuery subQuery) {
final SqlCall cursorCall = (SqlCall) subQuery.node;
assert cursorCall.operandCount() == 1;
SqlNode query = cursorCall.operand(0);
RelNode converted = convertQuery(query, false, false).rel;
int iCursor = bb.cursors.size();
subQuery.expr = new RexInputRef(iCursor, converted.getRowType());
return converted;
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlToRelConverter method convertToSingleValueSubq.
* Converts the RelNode tree for a select statement to a select that
* produces a single value.
* @param query the query
* @param plan the original RelNode tree corresponding to the statement
* @return the converted RelNode tree
public RelNode convertToSingleValueSubq(SqlNode query, RelNode plan) {
// Check whether query is guaranteed to produce a single value.
if (query instanceof SqlSelect) {
SqlSelect select = (SqlSelect) query;
SqlNodeList selectList = select.getSelectList();
SqlNodeList groupList = select.getGroup();
if ((selectList.size() == 1) && ((groupList == null) || (groupList.size() == 0))) {
SqlNode selectExpr = selectList.get(0);
if (selectExpr instanceof SqlCall) {
SqlCall selectExprCall = (SqlCall) selectExpr;
if (Util.isSingleValue(selectExprCall)) {
return plan;
// it is ensured to produce a single value
if (select.getFetch() != null && select.getFetch() instanceof SqlNumericLiteral) {
SqlNumericLiteral limitNum = (SqlNumericLiteral) select.getFetch();
if (((BigDecimal) limitNum.getValue()).intValue() < 2) {
return plan;
} else if (query instanceof SqlCall) {
// If the query is (values ...),
// it is necessary to look into the operands to determine
// whether SingleValueAgg is necessary
SqlCall exprCall = (SqlCall) query;
if (exprCall.getOperator() instanceof SqlValuesOperator && Util.isSingleValue(exprCall)) {
return plan;
// If not, project SingleValueAgg
return RelOptUtil.createSingleValueAggRel(cluster, plan);
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlToRelConverter method convertMatchRecognize.
protected void convertMatchRecognize(Blackboard bb, SqlCall call) {
final SqlMatchRecognize matchRecognize = (SqlMatchRecognize) call;
final SqlValidatorNamespace ns = validator.getNamespace(matchRecognize);
final SqlValidatorScope scope = validator.getMatchRecognizeScope(matchRecognize);
final Blackboard matchBb = createBlackboard(scope, null, false);
final RelDataType rowType = ns.getRowType();
// convert inner query, could be a table name or a derived table
SqlNode expr = matchRecognize.getTableRef();
convertFrom(matchBb, expr);
final RelNode input = matchBb.root;
final SqlNodeList partitionList = matchRecognize.getPartitionList();
final List<RexNode> partitionKeys = new ArrayList<>();
for (SqlNode partition : partitionList) {
RexNode e = matchBb.convertExpression(partition);
final SqlNodeList orderList = matchRecognize.getOrderList();
final List<RelFieldCollation> orderKeys = new ArrayList<>();
for (SqlNode order : orderList) {
final RelFieldCollation.Direction direction;
switch(order.getKind()) {
direction = RelFieldCollation.Direction.DESCENDING;
order = ((SqlCall) order).operand(0);
throw new AssertionError();
direction = RelFieldCollation.Direction.ASCENDING;
final RelFieldCollation.NullDirection nullDirection = validator.getDefaultNullCollation().last(desc(direction)) ? RelFieldCollation.NullDirection.LAST : RelFieldCollation.NullDirection.FIRST;
RexNode e = matchBb.convertExpression(order);
orderKeys.add(new RelFieldCollation(((RexInputRef) e).getIndex(), direction, nullDirection));
final RelCollation orders = cluster.traitSet().canonize(RelCollations.of(orderKeys));
// convert pattern
final Set<String> patternVarsSet = new HashSet<>();
SqlNode pattern = matchRecognize.getPattern();
final SqlBasicVisitor<RexNode> patternVarVisitor = new SqlBasicVisitor<RexNode>() {
public RexNode visit(SqlCall call) {
List<SqlNode> operands = call.getOperandList();
List<RexNode> newOperands = Lists.newArrayList();
for (SqlNode node : operands) {
return rexBuilder.makeCall(validator.getUnknownType(), call.getOperator(), newOperands);
public RexNode visit(SqlIdentifier id) {
assert id.isSimple();
return rexBuilder.makeLiteral(id.getSimple());
public RexNode visit(SqlLiteral literal) {
if (literal instanceof SqlNumericLiteral) {
return rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.valueOf(literal.intValue(true)));
} else {
return rexBuilder.makeLiteral(literal.booleanValue());
final RexNode patternNode = pattern.accept(patternVarVisitor);
SqlLiteral interval = matchRecognize.getInterval();
RexNode intervalNode = null;
if (interval != null) {
intervalNode = matchBb.convertLiteral(interval);
// convert subset
final SqlNodeList subsets = matchRecognize.getSubsetList();
final Map<String, TreeSet<String>> subsetMap = Maps.newHashMap();
for (SqlNode node : subsets) {
List<SqlNode> operands = ((SqlCall) node).getOperandList();
SqlIdentifier left = (SqlIdentifier) operands.get(0);
SqlNodeList rights = (SqlNodeList) operands.get(1);
final TreeSet<String> list = new TreeSet<String>();
for (SqlNode right : rights) {
assert right instanceof SqlIdentifier;
list.add(((SqlIdentifier) right).getSimple());
subsetMap.put(left.getSimple(), list);
SqlNode afterMatch = matchRecognize.getAfter();
if (afterMatch == null) {
afterMatch = SqlMatchRecognize.AfterOption.SKIP_TO_NEXT_ROW.symbol(SqlParserPos.ZERO);
final RexNode after;
if (afterMatch instanceof SqlCall) {
List<SqlNode> operands = ((SqlCall) afterMatch).getOperandList();
SqlOperator operator = ((SqlCall) afterMatch).getOperator();
assert operands.size() == 1;
SqlIdentifier id = (SqlIdentifier) operands.get(0);
assert patternVarsSet.contains(id.getSimple()) : id.getSimple() + " not defined in pattern";
RexNode rex = rexBuilder.makeLiteral(id.getSimple());
after = rexBuilder.makeCall(validator.getUnknownType(), operator, ImmutableList.of(rex));
} else {
after = matchBb.convertExpression(afterMatch);
// convert measures
final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, RexNode> measureNodes = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (SqlNode measure : matchRecognize.getMeasureList()) {
List<SqlNode> operands = ((SqlCall) measure).getOperandList();
String alias = ((SqlIdentifier) operands.get(1)).getSimple();
RexNode rex = matchBb.convertExpression(operands.get(0));
measureNodes.put(alias, rex);
// convert definitions
final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, RexNode> definitionNodes = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (SqlNode def : matchRecognize.getPatternDefList()) {
List<SqlNode> operands = ((SqlCall) def).getOperandList();
String alias = ((SqlIdentifier) operands.get(1)).getSimple();
RexNode rex = matchBb.convertExpression(operands.get(0));
definitionNodes.put(alias, rex);
final SqlLiteral rowsPerMatch = matchRecognize.getRowsPerMatch();
final boolean allRows = rowsPerMatch != null && rowsPerMatch.getValue() == SqlMatchRecognize.RowsPerMatchOption.ALL_ROWS;
final RelFactories.MatchFactory factory = RelFactories.DEFAULT_MATCH_FACTORY;
final RelNode rel = factory.createMatch(input, patternNode, rowType, matchRecognize.getStrictStart().booleanValue(), matchRecognize.getStrictEnd().booleanValue(),,, after, subsetMap, allRows, partitionKeys, orders, intervalNode);
bb.setRoot(rel, false);
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlToRelConverter method convertSelectList.
private void convertSelectList(Blackboard bb, SqlSelect select, List<SqlNode> orderList) {
SqlNodeList selectList = select.getSelectList();
selectList = validator.expandStar(selectList, select, false);
replaceSubQueries(bb, selectList, RelOptUtil.Logic.TRUE_FALSE_UNKNOWN);
List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<>();
final List<RexNode> exprs = new ArrayList<>();
final Collection<String> aliases = new TreeSet<>();
// Project any system fields. (Must be done before regular select items,
// because offsets may be affected.)
final List<SqlMonotonicity> columnMonotonicityList = new ArrayList<>();
extraSelectItems(bb, select, exprs, fieldNames, aliases, columnMonotonicityList);
// Project select clause.
int i = -1;
for (SqlNode expr : selectList) {
fieldNames.add(deriveAlias(expr, aliases, i));
// Project extra fields for sorting.
for (SqlNode expr : orderList) {
SqlNode expr2 = validator.expandOrderExpr(select, expr);
fieldNames.add(deriveAlias(expr, aliases, i));
fieldNames = SqlValidatorUtil.uniquify(fieldNames, catalogReader.nameMatcher().isCaseSensitive());
relBuilder.push(bb.root).projectNamed(exprs, fieldNames, true);
bb.setRoot(, false);
assert bb.columnMonotonicities.isEmpty();
for (SqlNode selectItem : selectList) {