use of in project core-java by SpineEventEngine.
the class ValidationFilter method reportMissingTenantId.
private void reportMissingTenantId(Command command, StreamObserver<Response> responseObserver) {
final CommandException noTenantDefined = InvalidCommandException.onMissingTenantId(command);
commandBus.commandStore().storeWithError(command, noTenantDefined);
final StatusRuntimeException exception = invalidArgumentWithCause(noTenantDefined, noTenantDefined.getError());
use of in project grpc-java by grpc.
the class TlsTest method clientRejectsUntrustedServerCert.
* Tests that a client configured using GrpcSslContexts refuses to talk to a server that has an
* an untrusted certificate.
public void clientRejectsUntrustedServerCert() throws Exception {
// Create & start a server.
File serverCertFile = TestUtils.loadCert("badserver.pem");
File serverPrivateKeyFile = TestUtils.loadCert("badserver.key");
X509Certificate[] serverTrustedCaCerts = { TestUtils.loadX509Cert("ca.pem") };
server = serverBuilder(0, serverCertFile, serverPrivateKeyFile, serverTrustedCaCerts).addService(new TestServiceImpl(executor)).build().start();
// Create a client.
File clientCertChainFile = TestUtils.loadCert("client.pem");
File clientPrivateKeyFile = TestUtils.loadCert("client.key");
X509Certificate[] clientTrustedCaCerts = { TestUtils.loadX509Cert("ca.pem") };
channel = clientChannel(server.getPort(), clientContextBuilder.keyManager(clientCertChainFile, clientPrivateKeyFile).trustManager(clientTrustedCaCerts).build());
TestServiceGrpc.TestServiceBlockingStub client = TestServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);
// Check that the TLS handshake fails.
Empty request = Empty.getDefaultInstance();
try {
fail("TLS handshake should have failed, but didn't; received RPC response");
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
// GRPC reports this situation by throwing a StatusRuntimeException that wraps either a
// or a java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException.
// Thus, reliably detecting the underlying cause is not feasible.
// TODO(carl-mastrangelo): eventually replace this with a hamcrest matcher.
assertEquals(Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e), Status.Code.UNAVAILABLE, e.getStatus().getCode());
use of in project grpc-java by grpc.
the class TlsTest method noClientAuthFailure.
* Tests that a server configured to require client authentication actually does require client
* authentication.
public void noClientAuthFailure() throws Exception {
// Create & start a server.
File serverCertFile = TestUtils.loadCert("server1.pem");
File serverPrivateKeyFile = TestUtils.loadCert("server1.key");
X509Certificate[] serverTrustedCaCerts = { TestUtils.loadX509Cert("ca.pem") };
server = serverBuilder(0, serverCertFile, serverPrivateKeyFile, serverTrustedCaCerts).addService(new TestServiceImpl(executor)).build().start();
// Create a client. It has no credentials.
X509Certificate[] clientTrustedCaCerts = { TestUtils.loadX509Cert("ca.pem") };
channel = clientChannel(server.getPort(), clientContextBuilder.trustManager(clientTrustedCaCerts).build());
TestServiceGrpc.TestServiceBlockingStub client = TestServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);
// Check that the TLS handshake fails.
Empty request = Empty.getDefaultInstance();
try {
fail("TLS handshake should have failed, but didn't; received RPC response");
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
// GRPC reports this situation by throwing a StatusRuntimeException that wraps either a
// or a java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException.
// Thus, reliably detecting the underlying cause is not feasible.
assertEquals(Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e), Status.Code.UNAVAILABLE, e.getStatus().getCode());
use of in project grpc-java by grpc.
the class TlsTest method serverRejectsUntrustedClientCert.
* Tests that a server configured to require client authentication refuses to accept connections
* from a client that has an untrusted certificate.
public void serverRejectsUntrustedClientCert() throws Exception {
// Create & start a server. It requires client authentication and trusts only the test CA.
File serverCertFile = TestUtils.loadCert("server1.pem");
File serverPrivateKeyFile = TestUtils.loadCert("server1.key");
X509Certificate[] serverTrustedCaCerts = { TestUtils.loadX509Cert("ca.pem") };
server = serverBuilder(0, serverCertFile, serverPrivateKeyFile, serverTrustedCaCerts).addService(new TestServiceImpl(executor)).build().start();
// Create a client. Its credentials come from a CA that the server does not trust. The client
// trusts both test CAs, so we can be sure that the handshake failure is due to the server
// rejecting the client's cert, not the client rejecting the server's cert.
File clientCertChainFile = TestUtils.loadCert("badclient.pem");
File clientPrivateKeyFile = TestUtils.loadCert("badclient.key");
X509Certificate[] clientTrustedCaCerts = { TestUtils.loadX509Cert("ca.pem") };
channel = clientChannel(server.getPort(), clientContextBuilder.keyManager(clientCertChainFile, clientPrivateKeyFile).trustManager(clientTrustedCaCerts).build());
TestServiceGrpc.TestServiceBlockingStub client = TestServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);
// Check that the TLS handshake fails.
Empty request = Empty.getDefaultInstance();
try {
fail("TLS handshake should have failed, but didn't; received RPC response");
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
// GRPC reports this situation by throwing a StatusRuntimeException that wraps either a
// or a java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException.
// Thus, reliably detecting the underlying cause is not feasible.
assertEquals(Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e), Status.Code.UNAVAILABLE, e.getStatus().getCode());
use of in project grpc-java by grpc.
the class NanoUtilsTest method parseInvalid.
public void parseInvalid() throws Exception {
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] { -127 });
try {
fail("Expected exception");
} catch (StatusRuntimeException ex) {
assertEquals(Status.Code.INTERNAL, ex.getStatus().getCode());
assertTrue(ex.getCause() instanceof InvalidProtocolBufferNanoException);