use of in project bookkeeper by apache.
the class ReadLogCommand method scanEntryLogForPositionRange.
* Scan over an entry log file for entries in the given position range.
* @param logId Entry Log File id.
* @param rangeStartPos Start position of the entry we are looking for
* @param rangeEndPos End position of the entry we are looking for (-1 for till the end of the entrylog)
* @param printMsg Whether printing the entry data.
* @throws Exception
private void scanEntryLogForPositionRange(ServerConfiguration conf, long logId, final long rangeStartPos, final long rangeEndPos, final boolean printMsg) throws Exception {"Scan entry log {} ({}.log) for PositionRange: {} - {}", logId, Long.toHexString(logId), rangeStartPos, rangeEndPos);
final MutableBoolean entryFound = new MutableBoolean(false);
scanEntryLog(conf, logId, new EntryLogScanner() {
private MutableBoolean stopScanning = new MutableBoolean(false);
public boolean accept(long ledgerId) {
return !stopScanning.booleanValue();
public void process(long ledgerId, long entryStartPos, ByteBuf entry) throws IOException {
if (!stopScanning.booleanValue()) {
if ((rangeEndPos != -1) && (entryStartPos > rangeEndPos)) {
} else {
int entrySize = entry.readableBytes();
* entrySize of an entry (inclusive of payload and
* header) value is stored as int value in log file, but
* it is not counted in the entrySize, hence for calculating
* the end position of the entry we need to add additional
* 4 (intsize of entrySize). Please check
* EntryLogger.scanEntryLog.
long entryEndPos = entryStartPos + entrySize + 4 - 1;
if (((rangeEndPos == -1) || (entryStartPos <= rangeEndPos)) && (rangeStartPos <= entryEndPos)) {
FormatUtil.formatEntry(entryStartPos, entry, printMsg, ledgerIdFormatter, entryFormatter);
if (!entryFound.booleanValue()) {"Entry log {} ({}.log) doesn't has any entry in the range {} - {}. " + "Probably the position range, you have provided is lesser than the LOGFILE_HEADER_SIZE (1024) " + "or greater than the current log filesize.", logId, Long.toHexString(logId), rangeStartPos, rangeEndPos);
use of in project bookkeeper by apache.
the class ReadLogCommand method scanEntryLogForSpecificEntry.
* Scan over an entry log file for a particular entry.
* @param logId Entry Log File id.
* @param ledgerId id of the ledger
* @param entryId entryId of the ledger we are looking for (-1 for all of the entries of the ledger)
* @param printMsg Whether printing the entry data.
* @throws Exception
private void scanEntryLogForSpecificEntry(ServerConfiguration conf, long logId, final long ledgerId, final long entryId, final boolean printMsg) throws Exception {"Scan entry log {} ({}.log) for LedgerId {} {}", logId, Long.toHexString(logId), ledgerId, ((entryId == -1) ? "" : " for EntryId " + entryId));
final MutableBoolean entryFound = new MutableBoolean(false);
scanEntryLog(conf, logId, new EntryLogScanner() {
public boolean accept(long candidateLedgerId) {
return ((candidateLedgerId == ledgerId) && ((!entryFound.booleanValue()) || (entryId == -1)));
public void process(long candidateLedgerId, long startPos, ByteBuf entry) {
long entrysLedgerId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex());
long entrysEntryId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex() + 8);
if ((candidateLedgerId == entrysLedgerId) && (candidateLedgerId == ledgerId) && ((entrysEntryId == entryId) || (entryId == -1))) {
FormatUtil.formatEntry(startPos, entry, printMsg, ledgerIdFormatter, entryFormatter);
if (!entryFound.booleanValue()) {"LedgerId {} {} is not available in the entry log {} ({}.log)", ledgerId, ((entryId == -1) ? "" : " EntryId " + entryId), logId, Long.toHexString(logId));
use of in project bookkeeper by apache.
the class InterleavedStorageRegenerateIndexOp method initiate.
public void initiate(boolean dryRun) throws IOException {"Starting index rebuilding");
DiskChecker diskChecker = BookieResources.createDiskChecker(conf);
LedgerDirsManager ledgerDirsManager = BookieResources.createLedgerDirsManager(conf, diskChecker, NullStatsLogger.INSTANCE);
LedgerDirsManager indexDirsManager = BookieResources.createIndexDirsManager(conf, diskChecker, NullStatsLogger.INSTANCE, ledgerDirsManager);
DefaultEntryLogger entryLogger = new DefaultEntryLogger(conf, ledgerDirsManager);
final LedgerCache ledgerCache;
if (dryRun) {
ledgerCache = new DryRunLedgerCache();
} else {
ledgerCache = new LedgerCacheImpl(conf, new SnapshotMap<Long, Boolean>(), indexDirsManager, NullStatsLogger.INSTANCE);
Set<Long> entryLogs = entryLogger.getEntryLogsSet();
int totalEntryLogs = entryLogs.size();
int completedEntryLogs = 0;
long startTime = System.nanoTime();"Scanning {} entry logs", totalEntryLogs);
Map<Long, RecoveryStats> stats = new HashMap<>();
for (long entryLogId : entryLogs) {"Scanning {}", entryLogId);
entryLogger.scanEntryLog(entryLogId, new EntryLogScanner() {
public void process(long ledgerId, long offset, ByteBuf entry) throws IOException {
long entryId = entry.getLong(8);
stats.computeIfAbsent(ledgerId, (ignore) -> new RecoveryStats()).registerEntry(entryId);
// Actual location indexed is pointing past the entry size
long location = (entryLogId << 32L) | (offset + 4);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Rebuilding {}:{} at location {} / {}", ledgerId, entryId, location >> 32, location & (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1));
if (!ledgerCache.ledgerExists(ledgerId)) {
ledgerCache.setMasterKey(ledgerId, masterKey);
ledgerCache.putEntryOffset(ledgerId, entryId, location);
public boolean accept(long ledgerId) {
return ledgerIds.contains(ledgerId);
++completedEntryLogs;"Completed scanning of log {}.log -- {} / {}", Long.toHexString(entryLogId), completedEntryLogs, totalEntryLogs);
}"Rebuilding indices done");
for (long ledgerId : ledgerIds) {
RecoveryStats ledgerStats = stats.get(ledgerId);
if (ledgerStats == null || ledgerStats.getNumEntries() == 0) {" {} - No entries found", ledgerId);
} else {" {} - Found {} entries, from {} to {}", ledgerId, ledgerStats.getNumEntries(), ledgerStats.getFirstEntry(), ledgerStats.getLastEntry());
}"Total time: {}", DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startTime)));
use of in project bookkeeper by apache.
the class DefaultEntryLogger method extractEntryLogMetadataByScanning.
private EntryLogMetadata extractEntryLogMetadataByScanning(long entryLogId, AbstractLogCompactor.Throttler throttler) throws IOException {
final EntryLogMetadata meta = new EntryLogMetadata(entryLogId);
// Read through the entry log file and extract the entry log meta
scanEntryLog(entryLogId, new EntryLogScanner() {
public void process(long ledgerId, long offset, ByteBuf entry) throws IOException {
if (throttler != null) {
// add new entry size of a ledger to entry log meta
meta.addLedgerSize(ledgerId, entry.readableBytes() + 4);
public boolean accept(long ledgerId) {
return ledgerId >= 0;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Retrieved entry log meta data entryLogId: {}, meta: {}", entryLogId, meta);
return meta;
use of in project bookkeeper by apache.
the class LocationsIndexRebuildOp method initiate.
public void initiate() throws IOException {"Starting locations index rebuilding");
// Move locations index to a backup directory
String basePath = BookieImpl.getCurrentDirectory(conf.getLedgerDirs()[0]).toString();
Path currentPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(basePath, "locations");
String timestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ").format(new Date());
Path backupPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(basePath, "locations.BACKUP-" + timestamp);
Files.move(currentPath, backupPath);"Created locations index backup at {}", backupPath);
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
DefaultEntryLogger entryLogger = new DefaultEntryLogger(conf, new LedgerDirsManager(conf, conf.getLedgerDirs(), new DiskChecker(conf.getDiskUsageThreshold(), conf.getDiskUsageWarnThreshold())));
Set<Long> entryLogs = entryLogger.getEntryLogsSet();
Set<Long> activeLedgers = getActiveLedgers(conf, KeyValueStorageRocksDB.factory, basePath);"Found {} active ledgers in ledger manager", activeLedgers.size());
KeyValueStorage newIndex = KeyValueStorageRocksDB.factory.newKeyValueStorage(basePath, "locations", DbConfigType.Default, conf);
int totalEntryLogs = entryLogs.size();
int completedEntryLogs = 0;"Scanning {} entry logs", totalEntryLogs);
for (long entryLogId : entryLogs) {
entryLogger.scanEntryLog(entryLogId, new EntryLogScanner() {
public void process(long ledgerId, long offset, ByteBuf entry) throws IOException {
long entryId = entry.getLong(8);
// Actual location indexed is pointing past the entry size
long location = (entryLogId << 32L) | (offset + 4);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Rebuilding {}:{} at location {} / {}", ledgerId, entryId, location >> 32, location & (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1));
// Update the ledger index page
LongPairWrapper key = LongPairWrapper.get(ledgerId, entryId);
LongWrapper value = LongWrapper.get(location);
newIndex.put(key.array, value.array);
public boolean accept(long ledgerId) {
return activeLedgers.contains(ledgerId);
++completedEntryLogs;"Completed scanning of log {}.log -- {} / {}", Long.toHexString(entryLogId), completedEntryLogs, totalEntryLogs);
newIndex.close();"Rebuilding index is done. Total time: {}", DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startTime)));