use of org.apache.calcite.avatica.NoSuchConnectionException in project calcite-avatica by apache.
the class AbstractHandler method unwrapException.
* Unwrap Avatica-specific context about a given exception.
* @param e A caught exception throw by Avatica implementation.
* @return An {@link ErrorResponse}.
ErrorResponse unwrapException(Exception e) {
// By default, we know nothing extra.
int errorCode = ErrorResponse.UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE;
String sqlState = ErrorResponse.UNKNOWN_SQL_STATE;
AvaticaSeverity severity = AvaticaSeverity.UNKNOWN;
String errorMsg = null;
// Extract the contextual information if we have it. We may not.
if (e instanceof AvaticaRuntimeException) {
AvaticaRuntimeException rte = (AvaticaRuntimeException) e;
errorCode = rte.getErrorCode();
sqlState = rte.getSqlState();
severity = rte.getSeverity();
errorMsg = rte.getErrorMessage();
} else if (e instanceof NoSuchConnectionException) {
severity = AvaticaSeverity.ERROR;
errorMsg = e.getMessage();
} else {
// Try to construct a meaningful error message when the server impl doesn't provide one.
errorMsg = getCausalChain(e);
return new ErrorResponse(e, errorMsg, errorCode, sqlState, severity, metadata);