use of org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.ConstantExpression in project calcite by apache.
the class Linq4jTest method testApproxConstant.
* We use BigDecimal to represent literals of float and double using
* BigDecimal, because we want an exact representation.
public void testApproxConstant() {
ConstantExpression c;
c = Expressions.constant(new BigDecimal("3.1"), float.class);
assertThat(Expressions.toString(c), equalTo("3.1F"));
c = Expressions.constant(new BigDecimal("-5.156"), float.class);
assertThat(Expressions.toString(c), equalTo("-5.156F"));
c = Expressions.constant(new BigDecimal("-51.6"), Float.class);
assertThat(Expressions.toString(c), equalTo("Float.valueOf(-51.6F)"));
c = Expressions.constant(new BigDecimal(Float.MAX_VALUE), Float.class);
assertThat(Expressions.toString(c), equalTo("Float.valueOf(Float.intBitsToFloat(2139095039))"));
c = Expressions.constant(new BigDecimal(Float.MIN_VALUE), Float.class);
assertThat(Expressions.toString(c), equalTo("Float.valueOf(Float.intBitsToFloat(1))"));
c = Expressions.constant(new BigDecimal("3.1"), double.class);
assertThat(Expressions.toString(c), equalTo("3.1D"));
c = Expressions.constant(new BigDecimal("-5.156"), double.class);
assertThat(Expressions.toString(c), equalTo("-5.156D"));
c = Expressions.constant(new BigDecimal("-51.6"), Double.class);
assertThat(Expressions.toString(c), equalTo("Double.valueOf(-51.6D)"));
c = Expressions.constant(new BigDecimal(Double.MAX_VALUE), Double.class);
assertThat(Expressions.toString(c), equalTo("Double.valueOf(Double.longBitsToDouble(9218868437227405311L))"));
c = Expressions.constant(new BigDecimal(Double.MIN_VALUE), Double.class);
assertThat(Expressions.toString(c), equalTo("Double.valueOf(Double.longBitsToDouble(1L))"));
use of org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.ConstantExpression in project calcite by apache.
the class OptimizerTest method testAssign.
public void testAssign() {
// long x = 0;
// final long y = System.currentTimeMillis();
// if (System.nanoTime() > 0) {
// x = y;
// }
// System.out.println(x);
// In bug, this was
// incorrectly optimized to
// if (System.nanoTime() > 0L) {
// System.currentTimeMillis();
// }
// System.out.println(0L);
final ParameterExpression x_ = Expressions.parameter(long.class, "x");
final ParameterExpression y_ = Expressions.parameter(long.class, "y");
final Method mT = Linq4j.getMethod("java.lang.System", "currentTimeMillis");
final Method mNano = Linq4j.getMethod("java.lang.System", "nanoTime");
final ConstantExpression zero = Expressions.constant(0L);
assertThat(optimize(Expressions.block(Expressions.declare(0, x_, zero), Expressions.declare(Modifier.FINAL, y_,, Expressions.ifThen(Expressions.greaterThan(, zero), Expressions.statement(Expressions.assign(x_, y_))), Expressions.statement(, System.class, "out"), "println", x_)))), equalTo("{\n" + " long x = 0L;\n" + " if (System.nanoTime() > 0L) {\n" + " x = System.currentTimeMillis();\n" + " }\n" + " System.out.println(x);\n" + "}\n"));
use of org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.ConstantExpression in project calcite by apache.
the class OptimizerTest method testAssign2.
public void testAssign2() {
// long x = 0;
// final long y = System.currentTimeMillis();
// if (System.currentTimeMillis() > 0) {
// x = y;
// }
// Make sure we don't fold two calls to System.currentTimeMillis into one.
final ParameterExpression x_ = Expressions.parameter(long.class, "x");
final ParameterExpression y_ = Expressions.parameter(long.class, "y");
final Method mT = Linq4j.getMethod("java.lang.System", "currentTimeMillis");
final ConstantExpression zero = Expressions.constant(0L);
assertThat(optimize(Expressions.block(Expressions.declare(0, x_, zero), Expressions.declare(Modifier.FINAL, y_,, Expressions.ifThen(Expressions.greaterThan(, zero), Expressions.statement(Expressions.assign(x_, y_))))), equalTo("{\n" + " long x = 0L;\n" + " if (System.currentTimeMillis() > 0L) {\n" + " x = System.currentTimeMillis();\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"));
use of org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.ConstantExpression in project calcite by apache.
the class EnumerableRelImplementor method classDecl.
private ClassDeclaration classDecl(JavaTypeFactoryImpl.SyntheticRecordType type) {
ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = Expressions.classDecl(Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC, type.getName(), null, ImmutableList.<Type>of(Serializable.class), new ArrayList<MemberDeclaration>());
// ...
for (Types.RecordField field : type.getRecordFields()) {
classDeclaration.memberDeclarations.add(Expressions.fieldDecl(field.getModifiers(), Expressions.parameter(field.getType(), field.getName()), null));
// Constructor:
// Foo(T0 f0, ...) { this.f0 = f0; ... }
final BlockBuilder blockBuilder = new BlockBuilder();
final List<ParameterExpression> parameters = new ArrayList<>();
final ParameterExpression thisParameter = Expressions.parameter(type, "this");
// Here a constructor without parameter is used because the generated
// code could cause error if number of fields is too large.
classDeclaration.memberDeclarations.add(Expressions.constructorDecl(Modifier.PUBLIC, type, parameters, blockBuilder.toBlock()));
// equals method():
// public boolean equals(Object o) {
// if (this == o) return true;
// if (!(o instanceof MyClass)) return false;
// final MyClass that = (MyClass) o;
// return this.f0 == that.f0
// && equal(this.f1, that.f1)
// ...
// }
final BlockBuilder blockBuilder2 = new BlockBuilder();
final ParameterExpression thatParameter = Expressions.parameter(type, "that");
final ParameterExpression oParameter = Expressions.parameter(Object.class, "o");
blockBuilder2.add(Expressions.ifThen(Expressions.equal(thisParameter, oParameter), Expressions.return_(null, Expressions.constant(true))));
blockBuilder2.add(Expressions.ifThen(Expressions.not(Expressions.typeIs(oParameter, type)), Expressions.return_(null, Expressions.constant(false))));
blockBuilder2.add(Expressions.declare(Modifier.FINAL, thatParameter, Expressions.convert_(oParameter, type)));
final List<Expression> conditions = new ArrayList<>();
for (Types.RecordField field : type.getRecordFields()) {
conditions.add( ? Expressions.equal(Expressions.field(thisParameter, field.getName()), Expressions.field(thatParameter, field.getName())) :, Expressions.field(thisParameter, field.getName()), Expressions.field(thatParameter, field.getName())));
blockBuilder2.add(Expressions.return_(null, Expressions.foldAnd(conditions)));
classDeclaration.memberDeclarations.add(Expressions.methodDecl(Modifier.PUBLIC, boolean.class, "equals", Collections.singletonList(oParameter), blockBuilder2.toBlock()));
// hashCode method:
// public int hashCode() {
// int h = 0;
// h = hash(h, f0);
// ...
// return h;
// }
final BlockBuilder blockBuilder3 = new BlockBuilder();
final ParameterExpression hParameter = Expressions.parameter(int.class, "h");
final ConstantExpression constantZero = Expressions.constant(0);
blockBuilder3.add(Expressions.declare(0, hParameter, constantZero));
for (Types.RecordField field : type.getRecordFields()) {
final Method method = BuiltInMethod.HASH.method;
blockBuilder3.add(Expressions.statement(Expressions.assign(hParameter,, method.getName(), ImmutableList.of(hParameter, Expressions.field(thisParameter, field))))));
blockBuilder3.add(Expressions.return_(null, hParameter));
classDeclaration.memberDeclarations.add(Expressions.methodDecl(Modifier.PUBLIC, int.class, "hashCode", Collections.<ParameterExpression>emptyList(), blockBuilder3.toBlock()));
// compareTo method:
// public int compareTo(MyClass that) {
// int c;
// c = compare(this.f0, that.f0);
// if (c != 0) return c;
// ...
// return 0;
// }
final BlockBuilder blockBuilder4 = new BlockBuilder();
final ParameterExpression cParameter = Expressions.parameter(int.class, "c");
final int mod = type.getRecordFields().size() == 1 ? Modifier.FINAL : 0;
blockBuilder4.add(Expressions.declare(mod, cParameter, null));
final ConditionalStatement conditionalStatement = Expressions.ifThen(Expressions.notEqual(cParameter, constantZero), Expressions.return_(null, cParameter));
for (Types.RecordField field : type.getRecordFields()) {
MethodCallExpression compareCall;
try {
final Method method = (field.nullable() ? BuiltInMethod.COMPARE_NULLS_LAST : BuiltInMethod.COMPARE).method;
compareCall =, method.getName(), Expressions.field(thisParameter, field), Expressions.field(thatParameter, field));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof NoSuchMethodException) {
// In those cases it is fine if we skip the problematic fields.
throw e;
blockBuilder4.add(Expressions.statement(Expressions.assign(cParameter, compareCall)));
blockBuilder4.add(Expressions.return_(null, constantZero));
classDeclaration.memberDeclarations.add(Expressions.methodDecl(Modifier.PUBLIC, int.class, "compareTo", Collections.singletonList(thatParameter), blockBuilder4.toBlock()));
// toString method:
// public String toString() {
// return "{f0=" + f0
// + ", f1=" + f1
// ...
// + "}";
// }
final BlockBuilder blockBuilder5 = new BlockBuilder();
Expression expression5 = null;
for (Types.RecordField field : type.getRecordFields()) {
if (expression5 == null) {
expression5 = Expressions.constant("{" + field.getName() + "=");
} else {
expression5 = Expressions.add(expression5, Expressions.constant(", " + field.getName() + "="));
expression5 = Expressions.add(expression5, Expressions.field(thisParameter, field.getName()));
expression5 = expression5 == null ? Expressions.constant("{}") : Expressions.add(expression5, Expressions.constant("}"));
blockBuilder5.add(Expressions.return_(null, expression5));
classDeclaration.memberDeclarations.add(Expressions.methodDecl(Modifier.PUBLIC, String.class, "toString", Collections.<ParameterExpression>emptyList(), blockBuilder5.toBlock()));
return classDeclaration;
use of org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.ConstantExpression in project calcite by apache.
the class RexToLixTranslator method handleNull.
* Adapts an expression with "normal" result to one that adheres to
* this particular policy. Wraps the result expression into a new
* parameter if need be.
* @param input Expression
* @param nullAs If false, if expression is definitely not null at
* runtime. Therefore we can optimize. For example, we can cast to int
* using x.intValue().
* @return Translated expression
public Expression handleNull(Expression input, RexImpTable.NullAs nullAs) {
final Expression nullHandled = nullAs.handle(input);
// If we get ConstantExpression, just return it (i.e. primitive false)
if (nullHandled instanceof ConstantExpression) {
return nullHandled;
// then we can just reuse it
if (nullHandled == input) {
return input;
// If nullHandled is different, then it might be unsafe to compute
// early (i.e. unbox of null value should not happen _before_ ternary).
// Thus we wrap it into brand-new ParameterExpression,
// and we are guaranteed that ParameterExpression will not be shared
String unboxVarName = "v_unboxed";
if (input instanceof ParameterExpression) {
unboxVarName = ((ParameterExpression) input).name + "_unboxed";
ParameterExpression unboxed = Expressions.parameter(nullHandled.getType(), list.newName(unboxVarName));
list.add(Expressions.declare(Modifier.FINAL, unboxed, nullHandled));
return unboxed;