use of org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptUtil.InputFinder in project hive by apache.
the class HiveFilterJoinRule method classifyFilters.
* Classifies filters according to where they should be processed. They
* either stay where they are, are pushed to the join (if they originated
* from above the join), or are pushed to one of the children. Filters that
* are pushed are added to list passed in as input parameters.
* @param joinRel join node
* @param filters filters to be classified
* @param pushInto whether filters can be pushed into the join
* @param pushLeft true if filters can be pushed to the left
* @param pushRight true if filters can be pushed to the right
* @param joinFilters list of filters to push to the join
* @param leftFilters list of filters to push to the left child
* @param rightFilters list of filters to push to the right child
* @return whether at least one filter was pushed
private static boolean classifyFilters(RelNode joinRel, List<RexNode> filters, boolean pushInto, boolean pushLeft, boolean pushRight, List<RexNode> joinFilters, List<RexNode> leftFilters, List<RexNode> rightFilters) {
if (Bug.CALCITE_4499_FIXED) {
throw new AssertionError("Remove this method when [CALCITE-4499] " + "has been fixed and use directly Calcite's RelOptUtil.classifyFilters.");
RexBuilder rexBuilder = joinRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
List<RelDataTypeField> joinFields = joinRel.getRowType().getFieldList();
// joinRel.getSystemFieldList().size();
final int nSysFields = 0;
final List<RelDataTypeField> leftFields = joinRel.getInputs().get(0).getRowType().getFieldList();
final int nFieldsLeft = leftFields.size();
final List<RelDataTypeField> rightFields = joinRel.getInputs().get(1).getRowType().getFieldList();
final int nFieldsRight = rightFields.size();
final int nTotalFields = nFieldsLeft + nFieldsRight;
// set the reference bitmaps for the left and right children
ImmutableBitSet leftBitmap = ImmutableBitSet.range(nSysFields, nSysFields + nFieldsLeft);
ImmutableBitSet rightBitmap = ImmutableBitSet.range(nSysFields + nFieldsLeft, nTotalFields);
final List<RexNode> filtersToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
for (RexNode filter : filters) {
final InputFinder inputFinder = InputFinder.analyze(filter);
final ImmutableBitSet inputBits =;
// the filter originate from the left child
if (pushLeft && leftBitmap.contains(inputBits)) {
// ignore filters that always evaluate to true
if (!filter.isAlwaysTrue()) {
// adjust the field references in the filter to reflect
// that fields in the left now shift over by the number
// of system fields
final RexNode shiftedFilter = shiftFilter(nSysFields, nSysFields + nFieldsLeft, -nSysFields, rexBuilder, joinFields, nTotalFields, leftFields, filter);
// filters can be pushed to the right child if the right child
// does not generate NULLs and the only columns referenced in
// the filter originate from the right child
} else if (pushRight && rightBitmap.contains(inputBits)) {
if (!filter.isAlwaysTrue()) {
// adjust the field references in the filter to reflect
// that fields in the right now shift over to the left;
// since we never push filters to a NULL generating
// child, the types of the source should match the dest
// so we don't need to explicitly pass the destination
// fields to RexInputConverter
final RexNode shiftedFilter = shiftFilter(nSysFields + nFieldsLeft, nTotalFields, -(nSysFields + nFieldsLeft), rexBuilder, joinFields, nTotalFields, rightFields, filter);
} else {
// If the filter can't be pushed to either child, we may push them into the join
if (pushInto) {
if (!joinFilters.contains(filter)) {
// Remove filters after the loop, to prevent concurrent modification.
if (!filtersToRemove.isEmpty()) {
// Did anything change?
return !filtersToRemove.isEmpty();