use of org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType in project hive by apache.
the class HiveMaterializedViewsRegistry method createTableScan.
private static RelNode createTableScan(Table viewTable) {
// 0. Recreate cluster
final RelOptPlanner planner = HiveVolcanoPlanner.createPlanner(null);
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = new RexBuilder(new JavaTypeFactoryImpl());
final RelOptCluster cluster = RelOptCluster.create(planner, rexBuilder);
// 1. Create column schema
final RowResolver rr = new RowResolver();
// 1.1 Add Column info for non partion cols (Object Inspector fields)
StructObjectInspector rowObjectInspector;
try {
rowObjectInspector = (StructObjectInspector) viewTable.getDeserializer().getObjectInspector();
} catch (SerDeException e) {
// Bail out
return null;
List<? extends StructField> fields = rowObjectInspector.getAllStructFieldRefs();
ColumnInfo colInfo;
String colName;
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> cInfoLst = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
colName = fields.get(i).getFieldName();
colInfo = new ColumnInfo(fields.get(i).getFieldName(), TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfoFromObjectInspector(fields.get(i).getFieldObjectInspector()), null, false);
rr.put(null, colName, colInfo);
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> nonPartitionColumns = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>(cInfoLst);
// 1.2 Add column info corresponding to partition columns
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> partitionColumns = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>();
for (FieldSchema part_col : viewTable.getPartCols()) {
colName = part_col.getName();
colInfo = new ColumnInfo(colName, TypeInfoFactory.getPrimitiveTypeInfo(part_col.getType()), null, true);
rr.put(null, colName, colInfo);
// 1.3 Build row type from field <type, name>
RelDataType rowType;
try {
rowType = TypeConverter.getType(cluster, rr, null);
} catch (CalciteSemanticException e) {
// Bail out
return null;
// 2. Build RelOptAbstractTable
String fullyQualifiedTabName = viewTable.getDbName();
if (fullyQualifiedTabName != null && !fullyQualifiedTabName.isEmpty()) {
fullyQualifiedTabName = fullyQualifiedTabName + "." + viewTable.getTableName();
} else {
fullyQualifiedTabName = viewTable.getTableName();
RelOptHiveTable optTable = new RelOptHiveTable(null, fullyQualifiedTabName, rowType, viewTable, nonPartitionColumns, partitionColumns, new ArrayList<VirtualColumn>(), SessionState.get().getConf(), new HashMap<String, PrunedPartitionList>(), new AtomicInteger());
RelNode tableRel;
// 3. Build operator
if (obtainTableType(viewTable) == TableType.DRUID) {
// Build Druid query
String address = HiveConf.getVar(SessionState.get().getConf(), HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_DRUID_BROKER_DEFAULT_ADDRESS);
String dataSource = viewTable.getParameters().get(Constants.DRUID_DATA_SOURCE);
Set<String> metrics = new HashSet<>();
List<RelDataType> druidColTypes = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> druidColNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (RelDataTypeField field : rowType.getFieldList()) {
if (field.getName().equals(DruidTable.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN)) {
// timestamp
if (field.getType().getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.VARCHAR) {
// dimension
List<Interval> intervals = Arrays.asList(DruidTable.DEFAULT_INTERVAL);
DruidTable druidTable = new DruidTable(new DruidSchema(address, address, false), dataSource, RelDataTypeImpl.proto(rowType), metrics, DruidTable.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN, intervals);
final TableScan scan = new HiveTableScan(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION), optTable, viewTable.getTableName(), null, false, false);
tableRel = DruidQuery.create(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION), optTable, druidTable, ImmutableList.<RelNode>of(scan));
} else {
// Build Hive Table Scan Rel
tableRel = new HiveTableScan(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION), optTable, viewTable.getTableName(), null, false, false);
return tableRel;
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType in project hive by apache.
the class RexNodeConverter method convert.
private RexNode convert(ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc func) throws SemanticException {
ExprNodeDesc tmpExprNode;
RexNode tmpRN;
List<RexNode> childRexNodeLst = new ArrayList<RexNode>();
Builder<RelDataType> argTypeBldr = ImmutableList.<RelDataType>builder();
// TODO: 1) Expand to other functions as needed 2) What about types other than primitive.
TypeInfo tgtDT = null;
GenericUDF tgtUdf = func.getGenericUDF();
boolean isNumeric = (tgtUdf instanceof GenericUDFBaseBinary && func.getTypeInfo().getCategory() == Category.PRIMITIVE && (PrimitiveGrouping.NUMERIC_GROUP == PrimitiveObjectInspectorUtils.getPrimitiveGrouping(((PrimitiveTypeInfo) func.getTypeInfo()).getPrimitiveCategory())));
boolean isCompare = !isNumeric && tgtUdf instanceof GenericUDFBaseCompare;
boolean isWhenCase = tgtUdf instanceof GenericUDFWhen || tgtUdf instanceof GenericUDFCase;
boolean isTransformableTimeStamp = func.getGenericUDF() instanceof GenericUDFUnixTimeStamp && func.getChildren().size() != 0;
if (isNumeric) {
tgtDT = func.getTypeInfo();
assert func.getChildren().size() == 2;
// TODO: checking 2 children is useless, compare already does that.
} else if (isCompare && (func.getChildren().size() == 2)) {
tgtDT = FunctionRegistry.getCommonClassForComparison(func.getChildren().get(0).getTypeInfo(), func.getChildren().get(1).getTypeInfo());
} else if (isWhenCase) {
// as they are not allowed
if (checkForStatefulFunctions(func.getChildren())) {
throw new SemanticException("Stateful expressions cannot be used inside of CASE");
} else if (isTransformableTimeStamp) {
// unix_timestamp(args) -> to_unix_timestamp(args)
func = ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc.newInstance(new GenericUDFToUnixTimeStamp(), func.getChildren());
for (ExprNodeDesc childExpr : func.getChildren()) {
tmpExprNode = childExpr;
if (tgtDT != null && TypeInfoUtils.isConversionRequiredForComparison(tgtDT, childExpr.getTypeInfo())) {
if (isCompare) {
// For compare, we will convert requisite children
tmpExprNode = ParseUtils.createConversionCast(childExpr, (PrimitiveTypeInfo) tgtDT);
} else if (isNumeric) {
// For numeric, we'll do minimum necessary cast - if we cast to the type
// of expression, bad things will happen.
PrimitiveTypeInfo minArgType = ExprNodeDescUtils.deriveMinArgumentCast(childExpr, tgtDT);
tmpExprNode = ParseUtils.createConversionCast(childExpr, minArgType);
} else {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected " + tgtDT + " - not a numeric op or compare");
argTypeBldr.add(TypeConverter.convert(tmpExprNode.getTypeInfo(), cluster.getTypeFactory()));
tmpRN = convert(tmpExprNode);
// See if this is an explicit cast.
RexNode expr = null;
RelDataType retType = null;
expr = handleExplicitCast(func, childRexNodeLst);
if (expr == null) {
// This is not a cast; process the function.
retType = TypeConverter.convert(func.getTypeInfo(), cluster.getTypeFactory());
SqlOperator calciteOp = SqlFunctionConverter.getCalciteOperator(func.getFuncText(), func.getGenericUDF(),, retType);
if (calciteOp.getKind() == SqlKind.CASE) {
// If it is a case operator, we need to rewrite it
childRexNodeLst = rewriteCaseChildren(func, childRexNodeLst);
} else if (HiveExtractDate.ALL_FUNCTIONS.contains(calciteOp)) {
// If it is a extract operator, we need to rewrite it
childRexNodeLst = rewriteExtractDateChildren(calciteOp, childRexNodeLst);
} else if (HiveFloorDate.ALL_FUNCTIONS.contains(calciteOp)) {
// If it is a floor <date> operator, we need to rewrite it
childRexNodeLst = rewriteFloorDateChildren(calciteOp, childRexNodeLst);
expr = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeCall(calciteOp, childRexNodeLst);
} else {
retType = expr.getType();
// an exception
if (flattenExpr && (expr instanceof RexCall) && !(((RexCall) expr).getOperator() instanceof SqlCastFunction)) {
RexCall call = (RexCall) expr;
expr = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeCall(retType, call.getOperator(), RexUtil.flatten(call.getOperands(), call.getOperator()));
return expr;
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType in project hive by apache.
the class RexNodeConverter method convert.
protected RexNode convert(ExprNodeColumnDesc col) throws SemanticException {
//if this is co-rrelated we need to make RexCorrelVariable(with id and type)
// id and type should be retrieved from outerRR
InputCtx ic = getInputCtx(col);
if (ic == null) {
// we have correlated column, build data type from outer rr
RelDataType rowType = TypeConverter.getType(cluster, this.outerRR, null);
if (this.outerNameToPosMap.get(col.getColumn()) == null) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_COLUMN_NAME.getMsg(col.getColumn()));
int pos = this.outerNameToPosMap.get(col.getColumn());
CorrelationId colCorr = new CorrelationId(this.correlatedId);
RexNode corExpr = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeCorrel(rowType, colCorr);
return cluster.getRexBuilder().makeFieldAccess(corExpr, pos);
int pos = ic.hiveNameToPosMap.get(col.getColumn());
return cluster.getRexBuilder().makeInputRef(ic.calciteInpDataType.getFieldList().get(pos).getType(), pos + ic.offsetInCalciteSchema);
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType in project hive by apache.
the class SqlFunctionConverter method getUDFInfo.
private static CalciteUDFInfo getUDFInfo(String hiveUdfName, ImmutableList<RelDataType> calciteArgTypes, RelDataType calciteRetType) {
CalciteUDFInfo udfInfo = new CalciteUDFInfo();
udfInfo.udfName = hiveUdfName;
udfInfo.returnTypeInference = ReturnTypes.explicit(calciteRetType);
udfInfo.operandTypeInference = InferTypes.explicit(calciteArgTypes);
ImmutableList.Builder<SqlTypeFamily> typeFamilyBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<SqlTypeFamily>();
for (RelDataType at : calciteArgTypes) {
typeFamilyBuilder.add(Util.first(at.getSqlTypeName().getFamily(), SqlTypeFamily.ANY));
udfInfo.operandTypeChecker =;
return udfInfo;
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType in project hive by apache.
the class TypeConverter method convert.
public static RelDataType convert(MapTypeInfo mapType, RelDataTypeFactory dtFactory) throws CalciteSemanticException {
RelDataType keyType = convert(mapType.getMapKeyTypeInfo(), dtFactory);
RelDataType valueType = convert(mapType.getMapValueTypeInfo(), dtFactory);
return dtFactory.createMapType(keyType, valueType);