use of org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType in project drill by apache.
the class ConvertHiveParquetScanToDrillParquetScan method createProjectRel.
* Create a project that converts the native scan output to expected output of Hive scan.
private DrillProjectRel createProjectRel(final DrillScanRel hiveScanRel, final Map<String, String> partitionColMapping, final DrillScanRel nativeScanRel) {
final List<RexNode> rexNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
final RexBuilder rb = hiveScanRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
final RelDataType hiveScanRowType = hiveScanRel.getRowType();
for (String colName : hiveScanRowType.getFieldNames()) {
final String dirColName = partitionColMapping.get(colName);
if (dirColName != null) {
rexNodes.add(createPartitionColumnCast(hiveScanRel, nativeScanRel, colName, dirColName, rb));
} else {
rexNodes.add(createColumnFormatConversion(hiveScanRel, nativeScanRel, colName, rb));
return DrillProjectRel.create(hiveScanRel.getCluster(), hiveScanRel.getTraitSet(), nativeScanRel, rexNodes, hiveScanRowType);
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType in project drill by apache.
the class DrillOptiqTest method testUnsupportedRexNode.
/* Method checks if we raise the appropriate error while dealing with RexNode that cannot be converted to
* equivalent Drill expressions
public void testUnsupportedRexNode() {
try {
// Create the data type factory.
RelDataTypeFactory relFactory = new SqlTypeFactoryImpl(DrillRelDataTypeSystem.DRILL_REL_DATATYPE_SYSTEM);
// Create the rex builder
RexBuilder rex = new RexBuilder(relFactory);
RelDataType anyType = relFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.ANY);
List<RexNode> emptyList = new LinkedList<>();
ImmutableList<RexFieldCollation> e = ImmutableList.copyOf(new RexFieldCollation[0]);
// create a dummy RexOver object.
RexNode window = rex.makeOver(anyType, SqlStdOperatorTable.AVG, emptyList, emptyList, e, null, null, true, false, false);
DrillOptiq.toDrill(null, (RelNode) null, window);
} catch (UserException e) {
if (e.getMessage().contains(DrillOptiq.UNSUPPORTED_REX_NODE_ERROR)) {
// got expected error return
}"Hit exception with unexpected error message");
}"Failed to raise the expected exception");
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType in project drill by apache.
the class View method getRowType.
public RelDataType getRowType(RelDataTypeFactory factory) {
// if there are no fields defined, this is a dynamic view.
if (isDynamic()) {
return new RelDataTypeDrillImpl(new RelDataTypeHolder(), factory);
List<RelDataType> types = Lists.newArrayList();
List<String> names = Lists.newArrayList();
for (FieldType field : fields) {
RelDataType type;
if (SqlTypeFamily.INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH == field.getType().getFamily() || SqlTypeFamily.INTERVAL_DAY_TIME == field.getType().getFamily()) {
type = factory.createSqlIntervalType(field.getIntervalQualifier());
} else if (field.getPrecision() == null && field.getScale() == null) {
type = factory.createSqlType(field.getType());
} else if (field.getPrecision() != null && field.getScale() == null) {
type = factory.createSqlType(field.getType(), field.getPrecision());
} else {
type = factory.createSqlType(field.getType(), field.getPrecision(), field.getScale());
if (field.getIsNullable()) {
types.add(factory.createTypeWithNullability(type, true));
} else {
return factory.createStructType(types, names);
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType in project drill by apache.
the class TypeInferenceUtils method convertSqlOperatorBindingToFunctionCall.
* Given a SqlOperatorBinding, convert it to FunctionCall
* @param opBinding the given SqlOperatorBinding
* @return FunctionCall the converted FunctionCall
public static FunctionCall convertSqlOperatorBindingToFunctionCall(final SqlOperatorBinding opBinding) {
final List<LogicalExpression> args = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < opBinding.getOperandCount(); ++i) {
final RelDataType type = opBinding.getOperandType(i);
final TypeProtos.MinorType minorType = getDrillTypeFromCalciteType(type);
final TypeProtos.MajorType majorType;
if (type.isNullable()) {
majorType = Types.optional(minorType);
} else {
majorType = Types.required(minorType);
args.add(new MajorTypeInLogicalExpression(majorType));
final String drillFuncName = FunctionCallFactory.replaceOpWithFuncName(opBinding.getOperator().getName());
final FunctionCall functionCall = new FunctionCall(drillFuncName, args, ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN);
return functionCall;
use of org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType in project drill by apache.
the class DefaultSqlHandler method getPlan.
public PhysicalPlan getPlan(SqlNode sqlNode) throws ValidationException, RelConversionException, IOException, ForemanSetupException {
final ConvertedRelNode convertedRelNode = validateAndConvert(sqlNode);
final RelDataType validatedRowType = convertedRelNode.getValidatedRowType();
final RelNode queryRelNode = convertedRelNode.getConvertedNode();
final DrillRel drel = convertToDrel(queryRelNode, validatedRowType);
final Prel prel = convertToPrel(drel);
logAndSetTextPlan("Drill Physical", prel, logger);
final PhysicalOperator pop = convertToPop(prel);
final PhysicalPlan plan = convertToPlan(pop);
log("Drill Plan", plan, logger);
return plan;