use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexDynamicParam in project beam by apache.
the class BeamSqlUnparseContext method toSql.
public SqlNode toSql(RexProgram program, RexNode rex) {
if (rex.getKind().equals(SqlKind.LITERAL)) {
final RexLiteral literal = (RexLiteral) rex;
SqlTypeName name = literal.getTypeName();
SqlTypeFamily family = name.getFamily();
if (SqlTypeName.TIMESTAMP_WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE.equals(name)) {
TimestampString timestampString = literal.getValueAs(TimestampString.class);
return new SqlDateTimeLiteral(timestampString, POS);
} else if (SqlTypeFamily.BINARY.equals(family)) {
ByteString byteString = literal.getValueAs(ByteString.class);
BitString bitString = BitString.createFromHexString(byteString.toString(16));
return new SqlByteStringLiteral(bitString, POS);
} else if (SqlTypeFamily.CHARACTER.equals(family)) {
String escaped = ESCAPE_FOR_ZETA_SQL.translate(literal.getValueAs(String.class));
return SqlLiteral.createCharString(escaped, POS);
} else if (SqlTypeName.SYMBOL.equals(literal.getTypeName())) {
Enum symbol = literal.getValueAs(Enum.class);
if (TimeUnitRange.DOW.equals(symbol)) {
return new ReplaceLiteral(literal, POS, "DAYOFWEEK");
} else if (TimeUnitRange.DOY.equals(symbol)) {
return new ReplaceLiteral(literal, POS, "DAYOFYEAR");
} else if (TimeUnitRange.WEEK.equals(symbol)) {
return new ReplaceLiteral(literal, POS, "ISOWEEK");
} else if (rex.getKind().equals(SqlKind.DYNAMIC_PARAM)) {
final RexDynamicParam param = (RexDynamicParam) rex;
final int index = param.getIndex();
final String name = "null_param_" + index;
nullParams.put(name, param.getType());
return new NamedDynamicParam(index, POS, name);
} else if (SqlKind.SEARCH.equals(rex.getKind())) {
// Workaround CALCITE-4716
RexCall search = (RexCall) rex;
RexLocalRef ref = (RexLocalRef) search.operands.get(1);
RexLiteral literal = (RexLiteral) program.getExprList().get(ref.getIndex());
rex = search.clone(search.getType(), ImmutableList.of(search.operands.get(0), literal));
return super.toSql(program, rex);
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexDynamicParam in project calcite by apache.
the class RexProgramTest method checkExponentialCnf.
private void checkExponentialCnf(int n) {
final RelDataType booleanType = typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.BOOLEAN);
final RelDataTypeFactory.Builder builder = typeFactory.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
builder.add("x" + i, booleanType).add("y" + i, booleanType);
final RelDataType rowType3 =;
final RexDynamicParam range3 = rexBuilder.makeDynamicParam(rowType3, 0);
final List<RexNode> list = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
list.add(and(rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range3, i * 2), rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range3, i * 2 + 1)));
final RexNode cnf = RexUtil.toCnf(rexBuilder, or(list));
final int nodeCount = nodeCount(cnf);
assertThat((n + 1) * (int) Math.pow(2, n) + 1, equalTo(nodeCount));
if (n == 3) {
assertThat(cnf.toString(), equalTo("AND(OR(?0.x0, ?0.x1, ?0.x2), OR(?0.x0, ?0.x1, ?0.y2)," + " OR(?0.x0, ?0.y1, ?0.x2), OR(?0.x0, ?0.y1, ?0.y2)," + " OR(?0.y0, ?0.x1, ?0.x2), OR(?0.y0, ?0.x1, ?0.y2)," + " OR(?0.y0, ?0.y1, ?0.x2), OR(?0.y0, ?0.y1, ?0.y2))"));
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexDynamicParam in project calcite by apache.
the class RexProgramTest method testSimplifyFilter.
public void testSimplifyFilter() {
final RelDataType booleanType = typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.BOOLEAN);
final RelDataType intType = typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.INTEGER);
final RelDataType rowType = typeFactory.builder().add("a", booleanType).add("b", booleanType).add("c", booleanType).add("d", booleanType).add("e", booleanType).add("f", booleanType).add("g", booleanType).add("h", intType).build();
final RexDynamicParam range = rexBuilder.makeDynamicParam(rowType, 0);
final RexNode aRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 0);
final RexNode bRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 1);
final RexNode cRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 2);
final RexNode dRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 3);
final RexLiteral literal1 = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.ONE);
final RexLiteral literal5 = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(new BigDecimal(5));
final RexLiteral literal10 = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.TEN);
// condition, and the inverse
checkSimplifyFilter(and(le(aRef, literal1), gt(aRef, literal1)), "false");
checkSimplifyFilter(and(le(aRef, literal1), ge(aRef, literal1)), "AND(<=(?0.a, 1), >=(?0.a, 1))");
checkSimplifyFilter(and(lt(aRef, literal1), eq(aRef, literal1), ge(aRef, literal1)), "false");
// simplify equals boolean
final ImmutableList<RexNode> args = ImmutableList.of(eq(eq(aRef, literal1), trueLiteral), eq(bRef, literal1));
checkSimplifyFilter(and(args), "AND(=(?0.a, 1), =(?0.b, 1))");
// as previous, using simplifyFilterPredicates
assertThat(simplify.withUnknownAsFalse(true).simplifyFilterPredicates(args).toString(), equalTo("AND(=(?0.a, 1), =(?0.b, 1))"));
// "a = 1 and a = 10" is always false
final ImmutableList<RexNode> args2 = ImmutableList.of(eq(aRef, literal1), eq(aRef, literal10));
checkSimplifyFilter(and(args2), "false");
assertThat(simplify.withUnknownAsFalse(true).simplifyFilterPredicates(args2), nullValue());
// equality on constants, can remove the equality on the variables
checkSimplifyFilter(and(eq(aRef, literal1), eq(bRef, literal1), eq(aRef, bRef)), "AND(=(?0.a, 1), =(?0.b, 1))");
// condition not satisfiable
checkSimplifyFilter(and(eq(aRef, literal1), eq(bRef, literal10), eq(aRef, bRef)), "false");
// condition not satisfiable
checkSimplifyFilter(and(gt(aRef, literal10), ge(bRef, literal1), lt(aRef, literal10)), "false");
// one "and" containing three "or"s
checkSimplifyFilter(or(gt(aRef, literal10), gt(bRef, literal1), gt(aRef, literal10)), "OR(>(?0.a, 10), >(?0.b, 1))");
// case: trailing false and null, remove
checkSimplifyFilter(case_(aRef, trueLiteral, bRef, trueLiteral, cRef, falseLiteral, dRef, falseLiteral, unknownLiteral), "CAST(OR(?0.a, ?0.b)):BOOLEAN");
// condition with null value for range
checkSimplifyFilter(and(gt(aRef, unknownLiteral), ge(bRef, literal1)), "false");
// condition "1 < a && 5 < x" yields "5 < x"
checkSimplifyFilter(and(lt(literal1, aRef), lt(literal5, aRef)), RelOptPredicateList.EMPTY, "<(5, ?0.a)");
// condition "1 < a && a < 5" is unchanged
checkSimplifyFilter(and(lt(literal1, aRef), lt(aRef, literal5)), RelOptPredicateList.EMPTY, "AND(<(1, ?0.a), <(?0.a, 5))");
// condition "1 > a && 5 > x" yields "1 > a"
checkSimplifyFilter(and(gt(literal1, aRef), gt(literal5, aRef)), RelOptPredicateList.EMPTY, ">(1, ?0.a)");
// condition "1 > a && a > 5" yields false
checkSimplifyFilter(and(gt(literal1, aRef), gt(aRef, literal5)), RelOptPredicateList.EMPTY, "false");
// range with no predicates;
// condition "a > 1 && a < 10 && a < 5" yields "a < 1 && a < 5"
checkSimplifyFilter(and(gt(aRef, literal1), lt(aRef, literal10), lt(aRef, literal5)), RelOptPredicateList.EMPTY, "AND(>(?0.a, 1), <(?0.a, 5))");
// condition "a > 1 && a < 10 && a < 5"
// with pre-condition "a > 5"
// yields "false"
checkSimplifyFilter(and(gt(aRef, literal1), lt(aRef, literal10), lt(aRef, literal5)), RelOptPredicateList.of(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(gt(aRef, literal5))), "false");
// condition "a > 1 && a < 10 && a <= 5"
// with pre-condition "a >= 5"
// yields "a = 5"
// "a <= 5" would also be correct, just a little less concise.
checkSimplifyFilter(and(gt(aRef, literal1), lt(aRef, literal10), le(aRef, literal5)), RelOptPredicateList.of(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(ge(aRef, literal5))), "=(?0.a, 5)");
// condition "a > 1 && a < 10 && a < 5"
// with pre-condition "b < 10 && a > 5"
// yields "a > 1 and a < 5"
checkSimplifyFilter(and(gt(aRef, literal1), lt(aRef, literal10), lt(aRef, literal5)), RelOptPredicateList.of(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(lt(bRef, literal10), ge(aRef, literal1))), "AND(>(?0.a, 1), <(?0.a, 5))");
// condition "a > 1"
// with pre-condition "b < 10 && a > 5"
// yields "true"
checkSimplifyFilter(gt(aRef, literal1), RelOptPredicateList.of(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(lt(bRef, literal10), gt(aRef, literal5))), "true");
// condition "a < 1"
// with pre-condition "b < 10 && a > 5"
// yields "false"
checkSimplifyFilter(lt(aRef, literal1), RelOptPredicateList.of(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(lt(bRef, literal10), gt(aRef, literal5))), "false");
// condition "a > 5"
// with pre-condition "b < 10 && a >= 5"
// yields "a > 5"
checkSimplifyFilter(gt(aRef, literal5), RelOptPredicateList.of(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(lt(bRef, literal10), ge(aRef, literal5))), ">(?0.a, 5)");
// condition "a > 5"
// with pre-condition "a <= 5"
// yields "false"
checkSimplifyFilter(gt(aRef, literal5), RelOptPredicateList.of(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(le(aRef, literal5))), "false");
// condition "a > 5"
// with pre-condition "a <= 5 and b <= 5"
// yields "false"
checkSimplifyFilter(gt(aRef, literal5), RelOptPredicateList.of(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(le(aRef, literal5), le(bRef, literal5))), "false");
// condition "a > 5 or b > 5"
// with pre-condition "a <= 5 and b <= 5"
// should yield "false" but yields "a = 5 or b = 5"
checkSimplifyFilter(or(gt(aRef, literal5), gt(bRef, literal5)), RelOptPredicateList.of(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(le(aRef, literal5), le(bRef, literal5))), "false");
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexDynamicParam in project druid by druid-io.
the class RelParameterizerShuttle method bind.
private RexNode bind(RexNode node, RexBuilder builder, RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
if (node instanceof RexDynamicParam) {
RexDynamicParam dynamicParam = (RexDynamicParam) node;
// if we have a value for dynamic parameter, replace with a literal, else add to list of unbound parameters
if (plannerContext.getParameters().size() > dynamicParam.getIndex()) {
TypedValue param = plannerContext.getParameters().get(dynamicParam.getIndex());
if (param == null) {
throw new SqlPlanningException(PlanningError.VALIDATION_ERROR, StringUtils.format("Parameter at position[%s] is not bound", dynamicParam.getIndex()));
if (param.value == null) {
return builder.makeNullLiteral(typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.NULL));
SqlTypeName typeName = SqlTypeName.getNameForJdbcType(param.type.typeId);
return builder.makeLiteral(param.value, typeFactory.createSqlType(typeName), true);
} else {
throw new SqlPlanningException(PlanningError.VALIDATION_ERROR, StringUtils.format("Parameter at position[%s] is not bound", dynamicParam.getIndex()));
return node;
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexDynamicParam in project herddb by diennea.
the class SQLExpressionCompiler method compileExpression.
public static CompiledSQLExpression compileExpression(RexNode expression) {
if (expression == null) {
return null;
if (expression instanceof RexDynamicParam) {
RexDynamicParam p = (RexDynamicParam) expression;
return new TypedJdbcParameterExpression(p.getIndex(), CalcitePlanner.convertToHerdType(p.getType()));
} else if (expression instanceof RexLiteral) {
RexLiteral p = (RexLiteral) expression;
if (p.isNull()) {
return new ConstantExpression(null, ColumnTypes.NULL);
} else {
return new ConstantExpression(safeValue(p.getValue3(), p.getType(), p.getTypeName()), CalcitePlanner.convertToHerdType(p.getType()));
} else if (expression instanceof RexInputRef) {
RexInputRef p = (RexInputRef) expression;
return new AccessCurrentRowExpression(p.getIndex(), CalcitePlanner.convertToHerdType(p.getType()));
} else if (expression instanceof RexCall) {
RexCall p = (RexCall) expression;
SqlOperator op = p.op;
String name = op.getName();
CompiledSQLExpression[] operands = new CompiledSQLExpression[p.operands.size()];
int i = 0;
for (RexNode operand : p.operands) {
operands[i++] = compileExpression(operand);
switch(name) {
case "=":
return new CompiledEqualsExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case "<>":
return new CompiledNotEqualsExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case ">":
return new CompiledGreaterThanExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case ">=":
return new CompiledGreaterThanEqualsExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case "<":
return new CompiledMinorThanExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case "<=":
return new CompiledMinorThanEqualsExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case "+":
return new CompiledAddExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case "MOD":
return new CompiledModuloExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case "-":
if (operands.length == 1) {
return new CompiledSignedExpression('-', operands[0]);
} else if (operands.length == 2) {
return new CompiledSubtractExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case "*":
return new CompiledMultiplyExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case "/":
return new CompiledDivideExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case "/INT":
return new CompiledDivideIntExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
case "LIKE":
if (operands.length == 2) {
return new CompiledLikeExpression(operands[0], operands[1]);
} else {
return new CompiledLikeExpression(operands[0], operands[1], operands[2]);
case "AND":
return new CompiledMultiAndExpression(operands);
case "OR":
return new CompiledMultiOrExpression(operands);
case "NOT":
return new CompiledParenthesisExpression(true, operands[0]);
case "IS NOT NULL":
return new CompiledIsNullExpression(true, operands[0]);
case "IS NOT TRUE":
return new CompiledIsNotTrueExpression(false, operands[0]);
case "IS NULL":
return new CompiledIsNullExpression(false, operands[0]);
case "SEARCH":
return convertSearchOperator(p);
case "CAST":
return operands[0].cast(CalcitePlanner.convertToHerdType(p.type));
case "CASE":
List<Map.Entry<CompiledSQLExpression, CompiledSQLExpression>> cases = new ArrayList<>(operands.length / 2);
boolean hasElse = operands.length % 2 == 1;
int numcases = hasElse ? ((operands.length - 1) / 2) : (operands.length / 2);
for (int j = 0; j < numcases; j++) {
cases.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(operands[j * 2], operands[j * 2 + 1]));
CompiledSQLExpression elseExp = hasElse ? operands[operands.length - 1] : null;
return new CompiledCaseExpression(cases, elseExp);
case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP:
return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, Collections.emptyList());
case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_CURRENT_DATE:
return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.NAME_CURRENT_DATE, Collections.emptyList());
case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_LOWERCASE:
return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.LOWER, Arrays.asList(operands));
case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_UPPER:
return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.UPPER, Arrays.asList(operands));
case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_ABS:
return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.ABS, Arrays.asList(operands));
case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_ROUND:
return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.ROUND, Arrays.asList(operands));
case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_EXTRACT:
return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.EXTRACT, Arrays.asList(operands));
case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_FLOOR:
return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.FLOOR, Arrays.asList(operands));
case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_RAND:
return new CompiledFunction(BuiltinFunctions.RAND, Arrays.asList(operands));
case BuiltinFunctions.NAME_REINTERPRET:
if (operands.length != 1) {
throw new StatementExecutionException("unsupported use of Reinterpret with " + Arrays.toString(operands));
return (CompiledSQLExpression) operands[0];
throw new StatementExecutionException("unsupported operator '" + name + "'");
} else if (expression instanceof RexFieldAccess) {
RexFieldAccess p = (RexFieldAccess) expression;
CompiledSQLExpression object = compileExpression(p.getReferenceExpr());
return new AccessFieldExpression(object, p.getField().getName());
} else if (expression instanceof RexCorrelVariable) {
RexCorrelVariable p = (RexCorrelVariable) expression;
return new AccessCorrelVariableExpression(,;
throw new StatementExecutionException("not implemented expression type " + expression.getClass() + ": " + expression);