use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexDynamicParam in project calcite by apache.
the class RelFieldTrimmer method trimFields.
* Variant of {@link #trimFields(RelNode, ImmutableBitSet, Set)} for
* {@link org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Sort}.
public TrimResult trimFields(Sort sort, ImmutableBitSet fieldsUsed, Set<RelDataTypeField> extraFields) {
final RelDataType rowType = sort.getRowType();
final int fieldCount = rowType.getFieldCount();
final RelCollation collation = sort.getCollation();
final RelNode input = sort.getInput();
// We use the fields used by the consumer, plus any fields used as sort
// keys.
final ImmutableBitSet.Builder inputFieldsUsed = fieldsUsed.rebuild();
for (RelFieldCollation field : collation.getFieldCollations()) {
// Create input with trimmed columns.
final Set<RelDataTypeField> inputExtraFields = Collections.emptySet();
TrimResult trimResult = trimChild(sort, input,, inputExtraFields);
RelNode newInput = trimResult.left;
final Mapping inputMapping = trimResult.right;
// there's nothing we can do.
if (newInput == input && inputMapping.isIdentity() && fieldsUsed.cardinality() == fieldCount) {
return result(sort, Mappings.createIdentity(fieldCount));
// leave the Sort unchanged in case we have dynamic limits
if (sort.offset instanceof RexDynamicParam || sort.fetch instanceof RexDynamicParam) {
return result(sort, inputMapping);
final int offset = sort.offset == null ? 0 : RexLiteral.intValue(sort.offset);
final int fetch = sort.fetch == null ? -1 : RexLiteral.intValue(sort.fetch);
final ImmutableList<RexNode> fields = relBuilder.fields(RexUtil.apply(inputMapping, collation));
relBuilder.sortLimit(offset, fetch, fields);
// needs them for its condition.
return result(, inputMapping);
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexDynamicParam in project calcite by apache.
the class RexProgramTest method testSimplify.
public void testSimplify() {
final RelDataType booleanType = typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.BOOLEAN);
final RelDataType intType = typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.INTEGER);
final RelDataType intNullableType = typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(intType, true);
final RelDataType rowType = typeFactory.builder().add("a", booleanType).add("b", booleanType).add("c", booleanType).add("d", booleanType).add("e", booleanType).add("f", booleanType).add("g", booleanType).add("h", intType).add("i", intNullableType).build();
final RexDynamicParam range = rexBuilder.makeDynamicParam(rowType, 0);
final RexNode aRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 0);
final RexNode bRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 1);
final RexNode cRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 2);
final RexNode dRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 3);
final RexNode eRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 4);
final RexNode hRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 7);
final RexNode iRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 8);
final RexLiteral literal1 = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.ONE);
// and: remove duplicates
checkSimplify(and(aRef, bRef, aRef), "AND(?0.a, ?0.b)");
// and: remove true
checkSimplify(and(aRef, bRef, trueLiteral), "AND(?0.a, ?0.b)");
// and: false falsifies
checkSimplify(and(aRef, bRef, falseLiteral), "false");
// and: remove duplicate "not"s
checkSimplify(and(not(aRef), bRef, not(cRef), not(aRef)), "AND(?0.b, NOT(?0.a), NOT(?0.c))");
// and: "not true" falsifies
checkSimplify(and(not(aRef), bRef, not(trueLiteral)), "false");
// and: flatten and remove duplicates
checkSimplify(and(aRef, and(and(bRef, not(cRef), dRef, not(eRef)), not(eRef))), "AND(?0.a, ?0.b, ?0.d, NOT(?0.c), NOT(?0.e))");
// and: expand "... and not(or(x, y))" to "... and not(x) and not(y)"
checkSimplify(and(aRef, bRef, not(or(cRef, or(dRef, eRef)))), "AND(?0.a, ?0.b, NOT(?0.c), NOT(?0.d), NOT(?0.e))");
checkSimplify(and(aRef, bRef, not(or(not(cRef), dRef, not(eRef)))), "AND(?0.a, ?0.b, ?0.c, ?0.e, NOT(?0.d))");
// or: remove duplicates
checkSimplify(or(aRef, bRef, aRef), "OR(?0.a, ?0.b)");
// or: remove false
checkSimplify(or(aRef, bRef, falseLiteral), "OR(?0.a, ?0.b)");
// or: true makes everything true
checkSimplify(or(aRef, bRef, trueLiteral), "true");
// case: remove false branches
checkSimplify(case_(eq(bRef, cRef), dRef, falseLiteral, aRef, eRef), "CASE(=(?0.b, ?0.c), ?0.d, ?0.e)");
// case: true branches become the last branch
checkSimplify(case_(eq(bRef, cRef), dRef, trueLiteral, aRef, eq(cRef, dRef), eRef, cRef), "CASE(=(?0.b, ?0.c), ?0.d, ?0.a)");
// case: singleton
checkSimplify(case_(trueLiteral, aRef, eq(cRef, dRef), eRef, cRef), "?0.a");
// case: always same value
checkSimplify(case_(aRef, literal1, bRef, literal1, cRef, literal1, dRef, literal1, literal1), "1");
// case: trailing false and null, no simplification
checkSimplify2(case_(aRef, trueLiteral, bRef, trueLiteral, cRef, falseLiteral, unknownLiteral), "CASE(?0.a, true, ?0.b, true, ?0.c, false, null)", "CAST(OR(?0.a, ?0.b)):BOOLEAN");
// case: form an AND of branches that return true
checkSimplify(case_(aRef, trueLiteral, bRef, falseLiteral, cRef, falseLiteral, dRef, trueLiteral, falseLiteral), "OR(?0.a, AND(?0.d, NOT(?0.b), NOT(?0.c)))");
checkSimplify(case_(aRef, trueLiteral, bRef, falseLiteral, cRef, falseLiteral, dRef, trueLiteral, eRef, falseLiteral, trueLiteral), "OR(?0.a, AND(?0.d, NOT(?0.b), NOT(?0.c)), AND(NOT(?0.b), NOT(?0.c), NOT(?0.e)))");
// is null, applied to not-null value
checkSimplify(rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.IS_NULL, aRef), "false");
// is not null, applied to not-null value
checkSimplify(rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.IS_NOT_NULL, aRef), "true");
// condition, and the inverse - nothing to do due to null values
checkSimplify2(and(le(aRef, literal1), gt(aRef, literal1)), "AND(<=(?0.a, 1), >(?0.a, 1))", "false");
checkSimplify(and(le(aRef, literal1), ge(aRef, literal1)), "AND(<=(?0.a, 1), >=(?0.a, 1))");
checkSimplify2(and(lt(aRef, literal1), eq(aRef, literal1), ge(aRef, literal1)), "AND(<(?0.a, 1), =(?0.a, 1), >=(?0.a, 1))", "false");
checkSimplify(and(lt(aRef, literal1), or(falseLiteral, falseLiteral)), "false");
checkSimplify(and(lt(aRef, literal1), or(falseLiteral, gt(bRef, cRef))), "AND(<(?0.a, 1), >(?0.b, ?0.c))");
checkSimplify(or(lt(aRef, literal1), and(trueLiteral, trueLiteral)), "true");
checkSimplify(or(lt(aRef, literal1), and(trueLiteral, or(trueLiteral, falseLiteral))), "true");
checkSimplify(or(lt(aRef, literal1), and(trueLiteral, and(trueLiteral, falseLiteral))), "<(?0.a, 1)");
checkSimplify(or(lt(aRef, literal1), and(trueLiteral, or(falseLiteral, falseLiteral))), "<(?0.a, 1)");
// "x = x" simplifies to "x is not null"
checkSimplify(eq(literal1, literal1), "true");
checkSimplify(eq(hRef, hRef), "true");
checkSimplify2(eq(iRef, iRef), "=(?0.i, ?0.i)", "IS NOT NULL(?0.i)");
checkSimplify(eq(iRef, hRef), "=(?0.i, ?0.h)");
// "x <= x" simplifies to "x is not null"
checkSimplify(le(literal1, literal1), "true");
checkSimplify(le(hRef, hRef), "true");
checkSimplify2(le(iRef, iRef), "<=(?0.i, ?0.i)", "IS NOT NULL(?0.i)");
checkSimplify(le(iRef, hRef), "<=(?0.i, ?0.h)");
// "x >= x" simplifies to "x is not null"
checkSimplify(ge(literal1, literal1), "true");
checkSimplify(ge(hRef, hRef), "true");
checkSimplify2(ge(iRef, iRef), ">=(?0.i, ?0.i)", "IS NOT NULL(?0.i)");
checkSimplify(ge(iRef, hRef), ">=(?0.i, ?0.h)");
// "x != x" simplifies to "false"
checkSimplify(ne(literal1, literal1), "false");
checkSimplify(ne(hRef, hRef), "false");
checkSimplify2(ne(iRef, iRef), "<>(?0.i, ?0.i)", "false");
checkSimplify(ne(iRef, hRef), "<>(?0.i, ?0.h)");
// "x < x" simplifies to "false"
checkSimplify(lt(literal1, literal1), "false");
checkSimplify(lt(hRef, hRef), "false");
checkSimplify2(lt(iRef, iRef), "<(?0.i, ?0.i)", "false");
checkSimplify(lt(iRef, hRef), "<(?0.i, ?0.h)");
// "x > x" simplifies to "false"
checkSimplify(gt(literal1, literal1), "false");
checkSimplify(gt(hRef, hRef), "false");
checkSimplify2(gt(iRef, iRef), ">(?0.i, ?0.i)", "false");
checkSimplify(gt(iRef, hRef), ">(?0.i, ?0.h)");
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexDynamicParam in project calcite by apache.
the class RexProgramTest method testConstantMap.
public void testConstantMap() {
final RelDataType intType = typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.INTEGER);
final RelDataType rowType = typeFactory.builder().add("a", intType).add("b", intType).add("c", intType).add("d", intType).add("e", intType).build();
final RexDynamicParam range = rexBuilder.makeDynamicParam(rowType, 0);
final RexNode aRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 0);
final RexNode bRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 1);
final RexNode cRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 2);
final RexNode dRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 3);
final RexNode eRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 4);
final RexLiteral literal1 = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.ONE);
final RexLiteral literal2 = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.valueOf(2));
final ImmutableMap<RexNode, RexNode> map = RexUtil.predicateConstants(RexNode.class, rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(eq(aRef, bRef), eq(cRef, literal1), eq(cRef, aRef), eq(dRef, eRef)));
assertThat(getString(map), is("{1=?0.c, ?0.a=?0.b, ?0.b=?0.a, ?0.c=1, ?0.d=?0.e, ?0.e=?0.d}"));
// Contradictory constraints yield no constants
final RexNode ref0 = rexBuilder.makeInputRef(rowType, 0);
final ImmutableMap<RexNode, RexNode> map2 = RexUtil.predicateConstants(RexNode.class, rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(eq(ref0, literal1), eq(ref0, literal2)));
assertThat(getString(map2), is("{}"));
// Contradictory constraints on field accesses SHOULD yield no constants
// but currently there's a bug
final ImmutableMap<RexNode, RexNode> map3 = RexUtil.predicateConstants(RexNode.class, rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(eq(aRef, literal1), eq(aRef, literal2)));
assertThat(getString(map3), is("{1=?0.a, 2=?0.a}"));
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexDynamicParam in project calcite by apache.
the class RexProgramTest method testCnf2.
* Unit test for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-394]
* Add RexUtil.toCnf, to convert expressions to conjunctive normal form
* (CNF)</a>.
public void testCnf2() {
final RelDataType intType = typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.INTEGER);
final RelDataType rowType = typeFactory.builder().add("x", intType).add("y", intType).add("z", intType).add("a", intType).add("b", intType).build();
final RexDynamicParam range = rexBuilder.makeDynamicParam(rowType, 0);
final RexNode xRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 0);
final RexNode yRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 1);
final RexNode zRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 2);
final RexNode aRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 3);
final RexNode bRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 4);
final RexLiteral literal1 = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.valueOf(1));
final RexLiteral literal2 = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.valueOf(2));
final RexLiteral literal3 = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.valueOf(3));
checkCnf(or(and(eq(xRef, literal1), eq(yRef, literal1), eq(zRef, literal1)), and(eq(xRef, literal2), eq(yRef, literal2), eq(aRef, literal2)), and(eq(xRef, literal3), eq(aRef, literal3), eq(bRef, literal3))), "AND(" + "OR(=(?0.x, 1), =(?0.x, 2), =(?0.x, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.x, 1), =(?0.x, 2), =(?0.a, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.x, 1), =(?0.x, 2), =(?0.b, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.x, 1), =(?0.y, 2), =(?0.x, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.x, 1), =(?0.y, 2), =(?0.a, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.x, 1), =(?0.y, 2), =(?0.b, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.x, 1), =(?0.a, 2), =(?0.x, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.x, 1), =(?0.a, 2), =(?0.a, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.x, 1), =(?0.a, 2), =(?0.b, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.y, 1), =(?0.x, 2), =(?0.x, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.y, 1), =(?0.x, 2), =(?0.a, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.y, 1), =(?0.x, 2), =(?0.b, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.y, 1), =(?0.y, 2), =(?0.x, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.y, 1), =(?0.y, 2), =(?0.a, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.y, 1), =(?0.y, 2), =(?0.b, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.y, 1), =(?0.a, 2), =(?0.x, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.y, 1), =(?0.a, 2), =(?0.a, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.y, 1), =(?0.a, 2), =(?0.b, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.z, 1), =(?0.x, 2), =(?0.x, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.z, 1), =(?0.x, 2), =(?0.a, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.z, 1), =(?0.x, 2), =(?0.b, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.z, 1), =(?0.y, 2), =(?0.x, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.z, 1), =(?0.y, 2), =(?0.a, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.z, 1), =(?0.y, 2), =(?0.b, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.z, 1), =(?0.a, 2), =(?0.x, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.z, 1), =(?0.a, 2), =(?0.a, 3)), " + "OR(=(?0.z, 1), =(?0.a, 2), =(?0.b, 3)))");
use of org.apache.calcite.rex.RexDynamicParam in project calcite by apache.
the class RexProgramTest method testPullFactors.
* Unit test for {@link org.apache.calcite.rex.RexUtil#pullFactors}.
public void testPullFactors() {
final RelDataType booleanType = typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.BOOLEAN);
final RelDataType intType = typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.INTEGER);
final RelDataType rowType = typeFactory.builder().add("a", booleanType).add("b", booleanType).add("c", booleanType).add("d", booleanType).add("e", booleanType).add("f", booleanType).add("g", booleanType).add("h", intType).build();
final RexDynamicParam range = rexBuilder.makeDynamicParam(rowType, 0);
final RexNode aRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 0);
final RexNode bRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 1);
final RexNode cRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 2);
final RexNode dRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 3);
final RexNode eRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 4);
final RexNode fRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 5);
final RexNode gRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 6);
final RexNode hRef = rexBuilder.makeFieldAccess(range, 7);
final RexLiteral sevenLiteral = rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.valueOf(7));
final RexNode hEqSeven = eq(hRef, sevenLiteral);
// Most of the expressions in testCnf are unaffected by pullFactors.
checkPullFactors(or(and(aRef, bRef), and(cRef, aRef, dRef, aRef)), "AND(?0.a, OR(?0.b, AND(?0.c, ?0.d)))");
checkPullFactors(aRef, "?0.a");
checkPullFactors(trueLiteral, "true");
checkPullFactors(falseLiteral, "false");
checkPullFactors(unknownLiteral, "null");
checkPullFactors(and(aRef, bRef), "AND(?0.a, ?0.b)");
checkPullFactors(and(aRef, bRef, cRef), "AND(?0.a, ?0.b, ?0.c)");
checkPullFactorsUnchanged(and(or(aRef, bRef), or(cRef, dRef)));
checkPullFactorsUnchanged(or(and(aRef, bRef), and(cRef, dRef)));
// Input has nested ORs, output ORs are flat; different from CNF
checkPullFactors(or(and(aRef, bRef), or(cRef, dRef)), "OR(AND(?0.a, ?0.b), ?0.c, ?0.d)");
checkPullFactorsUnchanged(or(aRef, not(and(bRef, not(hEqSeven)))));
checkPullFactorsUnchanged(not(or(aRef, not(bRef))));
checkPullFactorsUnchanged(not(or(and(aRef, trueLiteral), not(bRef), falseLiteral)));
checkPullFactorsUnchanged(and(aRef, or(bRef, and(cRef, dRef))));
checkPullFactorsUnchanged(and(aRef, or(bRef, and(cRef, or(dRef, and(eRef, or(fRef, gRef)))))));
checkPullFactorsUnchanged(and(aRef, or(bRef, and(cRef, or(dRef, and(eRef, or(fRef, and(gRef, or(trueLiteral, falseLiteral)))))))));