use of org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlConformance in project calcite by apache.
the class CalcitePrepareImpl method createSqlValidator.
private SqlValidator createSqlValidator(Context context, CalciteCatalogReader catalogReader) {
final SqlOperatorTable opTab0 = context.config().fun(SqlOperatorTable.class, SqlStdOperatorTable.instance());
final SqlOperatorTable opTab = ChainedSqlOperatorTable.of(opTab0, catalogReader);
final JavaTypeFactory typeFactory = context.getTypeFactory();
final SqlConformance conformance = context.config().conformance();
return new CalciteSqlValidator(opTab, catalogReader, typeFactory, conformance);
use of org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlConformance in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlValidatorTest method testOrder.
public void testOrder() {
final SqlConformance conformance = tester.getConformance();
check("select empno as x from emp order by empno");
// invalid use of 'asc'
checkFails("select empno, sal from emp order by ^asc^", "Column 'ASC' not found in any table");
// In sql92, empno is obscured by the alias.
// Otherwise valid.
// Checked Oracle10G -- is it valid.
checkFails("select empno as x from emp order by empno", // in sql92, empno is obscured by the alias
conformance.isSortByAliasObscures() ? "unknown column empno" : // otherwise valid
checkFails("select empno as x from emp order by ^x^", // valid in oracle and pre-99 sql
conformance.isSortByAlias() ? null : // invalid in sql:2003
"Column 'X' not found in any table");
checkFails("select empno as x from emp order by ^10^", // invalid in oracle and pre-99
conformance.isSortByOrdinal() ? "Ordinal out of range" : // nothing!)
// Has different meanings in different dialects (which makes it very
// confusing!) but is always valid.
check("select empno + 1 as empno from emp order by empno");
// Always fails
checkFails("select empno as x from emp, dept order by ^deptno^", "Column 'DEPTNO' is ambiguous");
check("select empno + 1 from emp order by deptno asc, empno + 1 desc");
checkFails("select empno as deptno from emp, dept order by deptno", // Checked Oracle10G -- it is valid.
conformance.isSortByAlias() ? null : // Ambiguous in SQL:2003
"col ambig");
check("select deptno from dept\n" + "union\n" + "select empno from emp\n" + "order by deptno");
checkFails("select deptno from dept\n" + "union\n" + "select empno from emp\n" + "order by ^empno^", "Column 'EMPNO' not found in any table");
checkFails("select deptno from dept\n" + "union\n" + "select empno from emp\n" + "order by ^10^", // invalid in oracle and pre-99
conformance.isSortByOrdinal() ? "Ordinal out of range" : null);
// Sort by scalar sub-query
check("select * from emp\n" + "order by (select name from dept where deptno = emp.deptno)");
checkFails("select * from emp\n" + "order by (select name from dept where deptno = emp.^foo^)", "Column 'FOO' not found in table 'EMP'");
// REVIEW jvs 10-Apr-2008: I disabled this because I don't
// understand what it means; see
// testAggregateInOrderByFails for the discrimination I added
// (SELECT should be aggregating for this to make sense).
// Sort by aggregate. Oracle allows this.
check("select 1 from emp order by sum(sal)");
check("select * from emp order by empno");
checkFails("select * from emp order by ^nonExistent^, deptno", "Column 'NONEXISTENT' not found in any table");
// Overriding expression has different type.
checkFails("select 'foo' as empno from emp order by ^empno + 5^", "(?s)Cannot apply '\\+' to arguments of type '<CHAR\\(3\\)> \\+ <INTEGER>'\\..*");
use of org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlConformance in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlValidatorTest method testAbstractConformance.
public void testAbstractConformance() throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
final SqlAbstractConformance c0 = new SqlAbstractConformance() {
final SqlConformance c1 = SqlConformanceEnum.DEFAULT;
for (Method method : SqlConformance.class.getMethods()) {
final Object o0 = method.invoke(c0);
final Object o1 = method.invoke(c1);
assertThat(method.toString(), Objects.equals(o0, o1), is(true));
use of org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlConformance in project calcite by apache.
the class PlannerImpl method validate.
public SqlNode validate(SqlNode sqlNode) throws ValidationException {
final SqlConformance conformance = conformance();
final CalciteCatalogReader catalogReader = createCatalogReader();
this.validator = new CalciteSqlValidator(operatorTable, catalogReader, typeFactory, conformance);
try {
validatedSqlNode = validator.validate(sqlNode);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new ValidationException(e);
state = State.STATE_4_VALIDATED;
return validatedSqlNode;
use of org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlConformance in project calcite by apache.
the class DefaultSqlTestFactory method getValidator.
public SqlValidator getValidator(SqlTestFactory factory) {
final Xyz xyz = cache.getUnchecked(factory);
final SqlConformance conformance = (SqlConformance) factory.get("conformance");
return SqlValidatorUtil.newValidator(xyz.operatorTable, xyz.catalogReader, xyz.typeFactory, conformance);