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Example 1 with RuntimeExchangeException

use of org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException in project camel by apache.

the class DefaultExchangeHolderTest method testFileNotSupported.

public void testFileNotSupported() throws Exception {
    Exchange exchange = new DefaultExchange(context);
    exchange.getIn().setBody(new File("src/test/resources/"));
    try {
        fail("Should have thrown exception");
    } catch (RuntimeExchangeException e) {
    // expected
Also used : Exchange(org.apache.camel.Exchange) RuntimeExchangeException(org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException) File(

Example 2 with RuntimeExchangeException

use of org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException in project camel by apache.

the class HttpHelper method createMethod.

     * Creates the HttpMethod to use to call the remote server, often either its GET or POST.
     * @param exchange  the exchange
     * @return the created method
     * @throws URISyntaxException
public static HttpMethods createMethod(Exchange exchange, HttpCommonEndpoint endpoint, boolean hasPayload) throws URISyntaxException {
    // is a query string provided in the endpoint URI or in a header (header overrules endpoint)
    String queryString = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_QUERY, String.class);
    // We need also check the HTTP_URI header query part
    String uriString = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_URI, String.class);
    // resolve placeholders in uriString
    try {
        uriString = exchange.getContext().resolvePropertyPlaceholders(uriString);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Cannot resolve property placeholders with uri: " + uriString, exchange, e);
    if (uriString != null) {
        // in case the URI string contains unsafe characters
        uriString = UnsafeUriCharactersEncoder.encodeHttpURI(uriString);
        URI uri = new URI(uriString);
        queryString = uri.getQuery();
    if (queryString == null) {
        queryString = endpoint.getHttpUri().getRawQuery();
    HttpMethods answer;
    if (endpoint.getHttpMethod() != null) {
        // endpoint configured take precedence
        answer = endpoint.getHttpMethod();
    } else {
        // compute what method to use either GET or POST (header take precedence)
        HttpMethods m = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, HttpMethods.class);
        if (m != null) {
            // always use what end-user provides in a header
            answer = m;
        } else if (queryString != null) {
            // if a query string is provided then use GET
            answer = HttpMethods.GET;
        } else {
            // fallback to POST if we have payload, otherwise GET
            answer = hasPayload ? HttpMethods.POST : HttpMethods.GET;
    return answer;
Also used : RuntimeExchangeException(org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException) URI( URISyntaxException( IOException( ProtocolException( RuntimeExchangeException(org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException)

Example 3 with RuntimeExchangeException

use of org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException in project camel by apache.

the class HttpMethodHelper method createMethod.

     * Creates the HttpMethod to use to call the remote server, often either its GET or POST.
     * @param exchange the exchange
     * @return the created method
     * @throws URISyntaxException 
public static HttpMethods createMethod(Exchange exchange, HttpEndpoint endpoint, boolean hasPayload) throws URISyntaxException {
    // is a query string provided in the endpoint URI or in a header (header
    // overrules endpoint)
    String queryString = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_QUERY, String.class);
    // We need also check the HTTP_URI header query part
    String uriString = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_URI, String.class);
    // resolve placeholders in uriString
    try {
        uriString = exchange.getContext().resolvePropertyPlaceholders(uriString);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Cannot resolve property placeholders with uri: " + uriString, exchange, e);
    if (uriString != null) {
        // in case the URI string contains unsafe characters
        uriString = UnsafeUriCharactersEncoder.encodeHttpURI(uriString);
        URI uri = new URI(uriString);
        queryString = uri.getQuery();
    if (queryString == null) {
        queryString = endpoint.getHttpUri().getRawQuery();
    // compute what method to use either GET or POST
    HttpMethods answer;
    if (endpoint.getHttpMethod() != null) {
        // endpoint configured take precedence
        answer = HttpMethods.valueOf(endpoint.getHttpMethod().name());
    } else {
        // compute what method to use either GET or POST (header take precedence)
        HttpMethods m = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, HttpMethods.class);
        if (m != null) {
            // always use what end-user provides in a header
            answer = m;
        } else if (queryString != null) {
            // if a query string is provided then use GET
            answer = HttpMethods.GET;
        } else {
            // fallback to POST if we have payload, otherwise GET
            answer = hasPayload ? HttpMethods.POST : HttpMethods.GET;
    return answer;
Also used : RuntimeExchangeException(org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException) HttpMethods(org.apache.camel.component.http4.HttpMethods) URI( RuntimeExchangeException(org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException) URISyntaxException(

Example 4 with RuntimeExchangeException

use of org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException in project camel by apache.

the class DefaultJdbcPrepareStatementStrategy method createPopulateIterator.

public Iterator<?> createPopulateIterator(final String query, final String preparedQuery, final int expectedParams, final Exchange exchange, final Object value) throws SQLException {
    Map<?, ?> map = null;
    if (exchange.getIn().hasHeaders()) {
        if (exchange.getIn().getHeader(JdbcConstants.JDBC_PARAMETERS) != null) {
            // header JDBC_PARAMETERS takes precedence over regular headers
            map = exchange.getIn().getHeader(JdbcConstants.JDBC_PARAMETERS, Map.class);
        } else {
            map = exchange.getIn().getHeaders();
    final Map<?, ?> headerMap = map;
    if (hasNamedParameters(query)) {
        // create an iterator that returns the value in the named order
        try {
            return new Iterator<Object>() {

                private NamedQueryParser parser = new NamedQueryParser(query);

                private Object next;

                private boolean done;

                private boolean preFetched;

                public boolean hasNext() {
                    if (!done && !preFetched) {
                        preFetched = true;
                    return !done;

                public Object next() {
                    if (!preFetched) {
                        String key =;
                        if (key == null) {
                            done = true;
                            return null;
                        // the key is expected to exist, if not report so end user can see this
                        boolean contains = headerMap != null && headerMap.containsKey(key);
                        if (!contains) {
                            throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Cannot find key [" + key + "] in message body or headers to use when setting named parameter in query [" + query + "]", exchange);
                        next = headerMap.get(key);
                    preFetched = false;
                    return next;

                public void remove() {
                // noop
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SQLException("Error iterating parameters for the query: " + query, e);
    } else {
        // just use a regular iterator
        return exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().convertTo(Iterator.class, headerMap != null ? headerMap.values() : null);
Also used : RuntimeExchangeException(org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Map(java.util.Map) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) RuntimeExchangeException(org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException)

Example 5 with RuntimeExchangeException

use of org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException in project camel by apache.

the class JmsProducer method processInOut.

protected boolean processInOut(final Exchange exchange, final AsyncCallback callback) {
    final org.apache.camel.Message in = exchange.getIn();
    String destinationName = in.getHeader(JmsConstants.JMS_DESTINATION_NAME, String.class);
    // remove the header so it wont be propagated
    if (destinationName == null) {
        destinationName = endpoint.getDestinationName();
    Destination destination = in.getHeader(JmsConstants.JMS_DESTINATION, Destination.class);
    // remove the header so it wont be propagated
    if (destination == null) {
        destination = endpoint.getDestination();
    if (destination != null) {
        // prefer to use destination over destination name
        destinationName = null;
    // the request timeout can be overruled by a header otherwise the endpoint configured value is used
    final long timeout = exchange.getIn().getHeader(JmsConstants.JMS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, endpoint.getRequestTimeout(), long.class);
    final JmsConfiguration configuration = endpoint.getConfiguration();
    // when using message id as correlation id, we need at first to use a provisional correlation id
    // which we then update to the real JMSMessageID when the message has been sent
    // this is done with the help of the MessageSentCallback
    final boolean msgIdAsCorrId = configuration.isUseMessageIDAsCorrelationID();
    final String provisionalCorrelationId = msgIdAsCorrId ? getUuidGenerator().generateUuid() : null;
    MessageSentCallback messageSentCallback = null;
    if (msgIdAsCorrId) {
        messageSentCallback = new UseMessageIdAsCorrelationIdMessageSentCallback(replyManager, provisionalCorrelationId, timeout);
    final String correlationProperty = configuration.getCorrelationProperty();
    final String correlationPropertyToUse = ofNullable(correlationProperty).orElse("JMSCorrelationID");
    final String originalCorrelationId = in.getHeader(correlationPropertyToUse, String.class);
    boolean generateFreshCorrId = (ObjectHelper.isEmpty(originalCorrelationId) && !msgIdAsCorrId) || (originalCorrelationId != null && originalCorrelationId.startsWith(GENERATED_CORRELATION_ID_PREFIX));
    if (generateFreshCorrId) {
        // we append the 'Camel-' prefix to know it was generated by us
        in.setHeader(correlationPropertyToUse, GENERATED_CORRELATION_ID_PREFIX + getUuidGenerator().generateUuid());
    MessageCreator messageCreator = new MessageCreator() {

        public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
            Message answer = endpoint.getBinding().makeJmsMessage(exchange, in, session, null);
            Destination replyTo = null;
            String replyToOverride = configuration.getReplyToOverride();
            if (replyToOverride != null) {
                replyTo = resolveOrCreateDestination(replyToOverride, session);
            } else {
                // get the reply to destination to be used from the reply manager
                replyTo = replyManager.getReplyTo();
            if (replyTo == null) {
                throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Failed to resolve replyTo destination", exchange);
            JmsMessageHelper.setJMSReplyTo(answer, replyTo);
            replyManager.setReplyToSelectorHeader(in, answer);
            String correlationId = determineCorrelationId(answer, provisionalCorrelationId);
            replyManager.registerReply(replyManager, exchange, callback, originalCorrelationId, correlationId, timeout);
            if (correlationProperty != null) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Using {}: {}, JMSReplyTo destination: {}, with request timeout: {} ms.", new Object[] { correlationPropertyToUse, correlationId, replyTo, timeout });
            LOG.trace("Created javax.jms.Message: {}", answer);
            return answer;
    doSend(true, destinationName, destination, messageCreator, messageSentCallback);
    // continue routing asynchronously (reply will be processed async when its received)
    return false;
Also used : Destination(javax.jms.Destination) Message(javax.jms.Message) UseMessageIdAsCorrelationIdMessageSentCallback(org.apache.camel.component.jms.reply.UseMessageIdAsCorrelationIdMessageSentCallback) UseMessageIdAsCorrelationIdMessageSentCallback(org.apache.camel.component.jms.reply.UseMessageIdAsCorrelationIdMessageSentCallback) MessageCreator(org.springframework.jms.core.MessageCreator) RuntimeExchangeException(org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException) Session(javax.jms.Session)


RuntimeExchangeException (org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException)16 URISyntaxException ( IOException ( URI ( Exchange (org.apache.camel.Exchange)3 XMPPException (org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException)3 HttpString (io.undertow.util.HttpString)2 ProtocolException ( SmackException (org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException)2 Message (org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message)2 File ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Destination (javax.jms.Destination)1 Message (javax.jms.Message)1 Session (javax.jms.Session)1 HttpMethods (org.apache.camel.component.http4.HttpMethods)1 UseMessageIdAsCorrelationIdMessageSentCallback (org.apache.camel.component.jms.reply.UseMessageIdAsCorrelationIdMessageSentCallback)1