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Example 1 with VetoCamelContextStartException

use of org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException in project camel by apache.

the class DefaultCamelContext method doStartCamel.

private void doStartCamel() throws Exception {
    // custom properties may use property placeholders so resolve those early on
    if (globalOptions != null && !globalOptions.isEmpty()) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : globalOptions.entrySet()) {
            String key = entry.getKey();
            String value = entry.getValue();
            if (value != null) {
                String replaced = resolvePropertyPlaceholders(value);
                if (!value.equals(replaced)) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("Camel property with key {} replaced value from {} -> {}", new Object[] { key, value, replaced });
    if (classResolver instanceof CamelContextAware) {
        ((CamelContextAware) classResolver).setCamelContext(this);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Using ClassResolver={}, PackageScanClassResolver={}, ApplicationContextClassLoader={}", new Object[] { getClassResolver(), getPackageScanClassResolver(), getApplicationContextClassLoader() });
    if (isStreamCaching()) {"StreamCaching is enabled on CamelContext: {}", getName());
    if (isTracing()) {
        // tracing is added in the DefaultChannel so we can enable it on the fly"Tracing is enabled on CamelContext: {}", getName());
    if (isUseMDCLogging()) {
        // log if MDC has been enabled"MDC logging is enabled on CamelContext: {}", getName());
    if (isHandleFault()) {
        // only add a new handle fault if not already configured
        if (HandleFault.getHandleFault(this) == null) {
  "HandleFault is enabled on CamelContext: {}", getName());
            addInterceptStrategy(new HandleFault());
    if (getDelayer() != null && getDelayer() > 0) {"Delayer is enabled with: {} ms. on CamelContext: {}", getDelayer(), getName());
    // register debugger
    if (getDebugger() != null) {"Debugger: {} is enabled on CamelContext: {}", getDebugger(), getName());
        // register this camel context on the debugger
        addInterceptStrategy(new Debug(getDebugger()));
    // start management strategy before lifecycles are started
    ManagementStrategy managementStrategy = getManagementStrategy();
    // inject CamelContext if aware
    if (managementStrategy instanceof CamelContextAware) {
        ((CamelContextAware) managementStrategy).setCamelContext(this);
    // start lifecycle strategies
    Iterator<LifecycleStrategy> it = lifecycleStrategies.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        LifecycleStrategy strategy =;
        try {
        } catch (VetoCamelContextStartException e) {
            // okay we should not start Camel since it was vetoed
            log.warn("Lifecycle strategy vetoed starting CamelContext ({}) due: {}", getName(), e.getMessage());
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.warn("Lifecycle strategy " + strategy + " failed starting CamelContext ({}) due: {}", getName(), e.getMessage());
            throw e;
    // start notifiers as services
    for (EventNotifier notifier : getManagementStrategy().getEventNotifiers()) {
        if (notifier instanceof Service) {
            Service service = (Service) notifier;
            for (LifecycleStrategy strategy : lifecycleStrategies) {
                strategy.onServiceAdd(this, service, null);
        if (notifier instanceof Service) {
            startService((Service) notifier);
    // must let some bootstrap service be started before we can notify the starting event
    // re-create endpoint registry as the cache size limit may be set after the constructor of this instance was called.
    // and we needed to create endpoints up-front as it may be accessed before this context is started
    endpoints = new DefaultEndpointRegistry(this, endpoints);
    // add this as service and force pre-start them
    addService(endpoints, true, true);
    // special for executorServiceManager as want to stop it manually so false in stopOnShutdown
    addService(executorServiceManager, false, true);
    addService(producerServicePool, true, true);
    addService(pollingConsumerServicePool, true, true);
    addService(inflightRepository, true, true);
    addService(asyncProcessorAwaitManager, true, true);
    addService(shutdownStrategy, true, true);
    addService(packageScanClassResolver, true, true);
    addService(restRegistry, true, true);
    addService(messageHistoryFactory, true, true);
    addService(runtimeCamelCatalog, true, true);
    if (reloadStrategy != null) {"Using ReloadStrategy: {}", reloadStrategy);
        addService(reloadStrategy, true, true);
    // Initialize declarative transformer/validator registry
    transformerRegistry = new DefaultTransformerRegistry(this, transformers);
    addService(transformerRegistry, true, true);
    validatorRegistry = new DefaultValidatorRegistry(this, validators);
    addService(validatorRegistry, true, true);
    if (runtimeEndpointRegistry != null) {
        if (runtimeEndpointRegistry instanceof EventNotifier) {
            getManagementStrategy().addEventNotifier((EventNotifier) runtimeEndpointRegistry);
        addService(runtimeEndpointRegistry, true, true);
    // eager lookup any configured properties component to avoid subsequent lookup attempts which may impact performance
    // due we use properties component for property placeholder resolution at runtime
    Component existing = CamelContextHelper.lookupPropertiesComponent(this, false);
    if (existing != null) {
        // store reference to the existing properties component
        if (existing instanceof PropertiesComponent) {
            propertiesComponent = (PropertiesComponent) existing;
        } else {
            // properties component must be expected type
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found properties component of type: " + existing.getClass() + " instead of expected: " + PropertiesComponent.class);
    // start components
    // start the route definitions before the routes is started
    // is there any stream caching enabled then log an info about this and its limit of spooling to disk, so people is aware of this
    boolean streamCachingInUse = isStreamCaching();
    if (!streamCachingInUse) {
        for (RouteDefinition route : routeDefinitions) {
            Boolean routeCache = CamelContextHelper.parseBoolean(this, route.getStreamCache());
            if (routeCache != null && routeCache) {
                streamCachingInUse = true;
    if (streamCachingInUse) {
        // stream caching is in use so enable the strategy
        addService(getStreamCachingStrategy(), true, true);
    } else {
        // log if stream caching is not in use as this can help people to enable it if they use streams"StreamCaching is not in use. If using streams then its recommended to enable stream caching." + " See more details at");
    if (isAllowUseOriginalMessage()) {
        log.debug("AllowUseOriginalMessage enabled because UseOriginalMessage is in use");
    // start routes
    if (doNotStartRoutesOnFirstStart) {
        log.debug("Skip starting of routes as CamelContext has been configured with autoStartup=false");
    // invoke this logic to warmup the routes and if possible also start the routes
    doStartOrResumeRoutes(routeServices, true, !doNotStartRoutesOnFirstStart, false, true);
// starting will continue in the start method
Also used : CamelContextAware(org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware) DefaultManagementStrategy( ManagementStrategy(org.apache.camel.spi.ManagementStrategy) Service(org.apache.camel.Service) StatefulService(org.apache.camel.StatefulService) ScheduledExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService) SuspendableService(org.apache.camel.SuspendableService) RuntimeCamelException(org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException) MalformedObjectNameException( VetoCamelContextStartException(org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException) IOException( LoadPropertiesException(org.apache.camel.util.LoadPropertiesException) NoSuchEndpointException(org.apache.camel.NoSuchEndpointException) ResolveEndpointFailedException(org.apache.camel.ResolveEndpointFailedException) NoFactoryAvailableException(org.apache.camel.NoFactoryAvailableException) FailedToStartRouteException(org.apache.camel.FailedToStartRouteException) RouteDefinition(org.apache.camel.model.RouteDefinition) LifecycleStrategy(org.apache.camel.spi.LifecycleStrategy) VetoCamelContextStartException(org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException) EventNotifier(org.apache.camel.spi.EventNotifier) HandleFault(org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.HandleFault) PropertiesComponent( Component(org.apache.camel.Component) AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) Map(java.util.Map) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) PropertiesComponent( Debug(org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.Debug)

Example 2 with VetoCamelContextStartException

use of org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException in project camel by apache.

the class DefaultManagementLifecycleStrategy method onContextStart.

public void onContextStart(CamelContext context) throws VetoCamelContextStartException {
    Object mc = getManagementObjectStrategy().getManagedObjectForCamelContext(context);
    String name = context.getName();
    String managementName = context.getManagementNameStrategy().getName();
    try {
        boolean done = false;
        while (!done) {
            ObjectName on = getManagementStrategy().getManagementNamingStrategy().getObjectNameForCamelContext(managementName, name);
            boolean exists = getManagementStrategy().isManaged(mc, on);
            if (!exists) {
                done = true;
            } else {
                // okay there exists already a CamelContext with this name, we can try to fix it by finding a free name
                boolean fixed = false;
                // if we use the default name strategy we can find a free name to use
                String newName = findFreeName(mc, context.getManagementNameStrategy(), name);
                if (newName != null) {
                    // use this as the fixed name
                    fixed = true;
                    done = true;
                    managementName = newName;
                // we could not fix it so veto starting camel
                if (!fixed) {
                    throw new VetoCamelContextStartException("CamelContext (" + context.getName() + ") with ObjectName[" + on + "] is already registered." + " Make sure to use unique names on CamelContext when using multiple CamelContexts in the same MBeanServer.", context);
                } else {
                    LOG.warn("This CamelContext(" + context.getName() + ") will be registered using the name: " + managementName + " due to clash with an existing name already registered in MBeanServer.");
    } catch (VetoCamelContextStartException e) {
        // rethrow veto
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Camel to continue to run
        throw ObjectHelper.wrapRuntimeCamelException(e);
    // set the name we are going to use
    if (context instanceof DefaultCamelContext) {
        ((DefaultCamelContext) context).setManagementName(managementName);
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Camel to continue to run
        throw ObjectHelper.wrapRuntimeCamelException(e);
    // yes we made it and are initialized
    initialized = true;
    if (mc instanceof ManagedCamelContext) {
        camelContextMBean = (ManagedCamelContext) mc;
    // register any pre registered now that we are initialized
Also used : ManagedCamelContext( VetoCamelContextStartException(org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException) MalformedObjectNameException( JMException( VetoCamelContextStartException(org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException) DefaultCamelContext(org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext) ObjectName(

Example 3 with VetoCamelContextStartException

use of org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException in project camel by apache.

the class TwoManagedCamelContextClashTest method testTwoManagedCamelContextClash.

public void testTwoManagedCamelContextClash() throws Exception {
    // JMX tests dont work well on AIX CI servers (hangs them)
    if (isPlatform("aix")) {
    camel1 = createCamelContext("foo", "myFoo");
    camel2 = createCamelContext("foo", "myFoo");
    assertTrue("Should be started", camel1.getStatus().isStarted());
    MBeanServer mbeanServer = camel1.getManagementStrategy().getManagementAgent().getMBeanServer();
    ObjectName on = ObjectName.getInstance("org.apache.camel:context=" + camel1.getManagementName() + ",type=context,name=\"foo\"");
    assertTrue("Should be registered", mbeanServer.isRegistered(on));
    // we use fixed names, so we will get a clash
    try {
        fail("Should have thrown an exception");
    } catch (VetoCamelContextStartException e) {
        assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("is already registered"));
Also used : VetoCamelContextStartException(org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException) MBeanServer( ObjectName(

Example 4 with VetoCamelContextStartException

use of org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException in project camel by apache.

the class DefaultCamelContext method start.

public void start() throws Exception {
    try (MDCHelper mdcHelper = new MDCHelper()) {
        startDate = new Date();
        stopWatch.restart();"Apache Camel " + getVersion() + " (CamelContext: " + getName() + ") is starting");
        // Note: This is done on context start as we want to avoid doing it during object construction
        // where we could be dealing with CDI proxied camel contexts which may never be started (CAMEL-9657)
        // [TODO] Remove in 3.0
        doNotStartRoutesOnFirstStart = !firstStartDone && !isAutoStartup();
        // then we may need to start the routes on the 2nd start call
        if (firstStartDone && !isAutoStartup() && isStarted()) {
            // invoke this logic to warm up the routes and if possible also start the routes
            doStartOrResumeRoutes(routeServices, true, true, false, true);
        // super will invoke doStart which will prepare internal services and start routes etc.
        try {
            firstStartDone = true;
        } catch (VetoCamelContextStartException e) {
            // mark we veto against starting Camel
            if (e.isRethrowException()) {
                throw e;
            } else {
      "CamelContext ({}) vetoed to not start due {}", getName(), e.getMessage());
                // swallow exception and change state of this camel context to stopped
        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
            // count how many routes are actually started
            int started = 0;
            for (Route route : getRoutes()) {
                if (getRouteStatus(route.getId()).isStarted()) {
  "Total " + getRoutes().size() + " routes, of which " + started + " are started.");
  "Apache Camel " + getVersion() + " (CamelContext: " + getName() + ") started in " + TimeUtils.printDuration(stopWatch.taken()));
Also used : VetoCamelContextStartException(org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException) Date(java.util.Date) Endpoint(org.apache.camel.Endpoint) ShutdownRoute(org.apache.camel.ShutdownRoute) Route(org.apache.camel.Route)


VetoCamelContextStartException (org.apache.camel.VetoCamelContextStartException)4 MalformedObjectNameException ( ObjectName ( IOException ( Date (java.util.Date)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)1 ScheduledExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService)1 AtomicBoolean (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean)1 JMException ( MBeanServer ( CamelContextAware (org.apache.camel.CamelContextAware)1 Component (org.apache.camel.Component)1 Endpoint (org.apache.camel.Endpoint)1 FailedToStartRouteException (org.apache.camel.FailedToStartRouteException)1 NoFactoryAvailableException (org.apache.camel.NoFactoryAvailableException)1 NoSuchEndpointException (org.apache.camel.NoSuchEndpointException)1