use of org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy.annotation.DataField in project camel by apache.
the class BindyCsvFactory method generateCsvPositionMap.
* Generate a table containing the data formatted and sorted with their position/offset
* If the model is Ordered than a key is created combining the annotation @Section and Position of the field
* If a relation @OneToMany is defined, than we iterate recursively through this function
* The result is placed in the Map<Integer, List> results
private void generateCsvPositionMap(Class<?> clazz, Object obj, Map<Integer, List<String>> results) throws Exception {
String result = "";
for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) {
DataField datafield = field.getAnnotation(DataField.class);
if (datafield != null) {
if (obj != null) {
// Retrieve the format, pattern and precision associated to the type
Class<?> type = field.getType();
// Create format
FormattingOptions formattingOptions = ConverterUtils.convert(datafield, field.getType(), field.getAnnotation(BindyConverter.class), getLocale());
Format<?> format = formatFactory.getFormat(formattingOptions);
// Get field value
Object value = field.get(obj);
// If the field value is empty, populate it with the default value
if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(datafield.defaultValue()) && ObjectHelper.isEmpty(value)) {
value = datafield.defaultValue();
result = formatString(format, value);
if (datafield.trim()) {
result = result.trim();
if (datafield.clip() && result.length() > datafield.length()) {
result = result.substring(0, datafield.length());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Value to be formatted: {}, position: {}, and its formatted value: {}", new Object[] { value, datafield.pos(), result });
} else {
result = "";
Integer key;
if (isMessageOrdered() && obj != null) {
// Generate a key using the number of the section
// and the position of the field
Integer key1 = sections.get(obj.getClass().getName());
Integer key2 = datafield.position();
Integer keyGenerated = generateKey(key1, key2);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Key generated: {}, for section: {}", String.valueOf(keyGenerated), key1);
key = keyGenerated;
} else {
key = datafield.pos();
if (!results.containsKey(key)) {
List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
results.put(key, list);
} else {
List<String> list = results.get(key);
OneToMany oneToMany = field.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
if (oneToMany != null) {
// Set global variable
// Will be used during generation of CSV
isOneToMany = true;
List<?> list = (List<?>) field.get(obj);
if (list != null) {
Iterator<?> it = list.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object target =;
generateCsvPositionMap(target.getClass(), target, results);
} else {
// Call this function to add empty value
// in the table
generateCsvPositionMap(field.getClass(), null, results);
use of org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy.annotation.DataField in project camel by apache.
the class BindyCsvFactory method initAnnotatedFields.
public void initAnnotatedFields() {
maxpos = 0;
for (Class<?> cl : models) {
List<Field> linkFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Class retrieved: {}", cl.getName());
for (Field field : cl.getDeclaredFields()) {
DataField dataField = field.getAnnotation(DataField.class);
if (dataField != null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Position defined in the class: {}, position: {}, Field: {}", new Object[] { cl.getName(), dataField.pos(), dataField });
if (dataField.required()) {
} else {
int pos = dataField.pos();
if (annotatedFields.containsKey(pos)) {
Field f = annotatedFields.get(pos);
LOG.warn("Potentially invalid model: existing @DataField '{}' replaced by '{}'", f.getName(), field.getName());
dataFields.put(pos, dataField);
annotatedFields.put(pos, field);
maxpos = Math.max(maxpos, pos);
Link linkField = field.getAnnotation(Link.class);
if (linkField != null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Class linked: {}, Field: {}", cl.getName(), field);
if (!linkFields.isEmpty()) {
annotatedLinkFields.put(cl.getName(), linkFields);
totalFields = numberMandatoryFields + numberOptionalFields;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Number of optional fields: {}", numberOptionalFields);
LOG.debug("Number of mandatory fields: {}", numberMandatoryFields);
LOG.debug("Total: {}", totalFields);
if (annotatedFields.size() < maxpos) {"Potentially incomplete model: some csv fields may not be mapped to @DataField members");
use of org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy.annotation.DataField in project camel by apache.
the class BindyFixedLengthFactory method bind.
public void bind(String record, Map<String, Object> model, int line) throws Exception {
int pos = 1;
int counterMandatoryFields = 0;
DataField dataField;
String token;
int offset = 1;
int length;
String delimiter;
Field field;
// Iterate through the list of positions
// defined in the @DataField
// and grab the data from the line
Collection<DataField> c = dataFields.values();
Iterator<DataField> itr = c.iterator();
// this iterator is for a link list that was built using items in order
while (itr.hasNext()) {
dataField =;
length = dataField.length();
delimiter = dataField.delimiter();
if (length == 0 && dataField.lengthPos() != 0) {
Field lengthField = annotatedFields.get(dataField.lengthPos());
Object modelObj = model.get(lengthField.getDeclaringClass().getName());
Object lengthObj = lengthField.get(modelObj);
length = ((Integer) lengthObj).intValue();
if (length < 1 && delimiter == null && dataField.lengthPos() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either length or delimiter must be specified for the field : " + dataField.toString());
if (offset - 1 <= -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset/Position of the field " + dataField.toString() + " cannot be negative");
// skip ahead if the expected position is greater than the offset
if (dataField.pos() > offset) {
LOG.debug("skipping ahead [" + (dataField.pos() - offset) + "] chars.");
offset = dataField.pos();
if (length > 0) {
if (record.length() < offset) {
token = "";
} else {
int endIndex = offset + length - 1;
if (endIndex > record.length()) {
endIndex = record.length();
token = record.substring(offset - 1, endIndex);
offset += length;
} else if (!delimiter.equals("")) {
String tempToken = record.substring(offset - 1, record.length());
token = tempToken.substring(0, tempToken.indexOf(delimiter));
// include the delimiter in the offset calculation
offset += token.length() + 1;
} else {
// defined as a zero-length field
token = "";
if (dataField.trim()) {
token = trim(token, dataField, paddingChar);
//token = token.trim();
// Check mandatory field
if (dataField.required()) {
// Increment counter of mandatory fields
// This is not possible for mandatory fields
if (token.equals("")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The mandatory field defined at the position " + pos + " is empty for the line: " + line);
// Get Field to be set
field = annotatedFields.get(dataField.pos());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Pos/Offset: {}, Data: {}, Field type: {}", new Object[] { offset, token, field.getType() });
// Create format object to format the field
FormattingOptions formattingOptions = ConverterUtils.convert(dataField, field.getType(), field.getAnnotation(BindyConverter.class), getLocale());
Format<?> format = formatFactory.getFormat(formattingOptions);
// field object to be set
Object modelField = model.get(field.getDeclaringClass().getName());
// format the data received
Object value = null;
if ("".equals(token)) {
token = dataField.defaultValue();
if (!"".equals(token)) {
try {
value = format.parse(token);
} catch (FormatException ie) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ie.getMessage() + ", position: " + offset + ", line: " + line, ie);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parsing error detected for field defined at the position/offset: " + offset + ", line: " + line, e);
} else {
value = getDefaultValueForPrimitive(field.getType());
field.set(modelField, value);
// check for unmapped non-whitespace data at the end of the line
if (offset <= record.length() && !(record.substring(offset - 1, record.length())).trim().equals("") && !isIgnoreTrailingChars()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected / unmapped characters found at the end of the fixed-length record at line : " + line);
LOG.debug("Counter mandatory fields: {}", counterMandatoryFields);
if (pos < totalFields) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Some fields are missing (optional or mandatory), line: " + line);
if (counterMandatoryFields < numberMandatoryFields) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Some mandatory fields are missing, line: " + line);
use of org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy.annotation.DataField in project camel by apache.
the class BindyCsvFactory method setDefaultValuesForFields.
* Set the default values for the non defined fields.
* @param model the model which has its default fields set.
* @throws IllegalAccessException if the underlying fields are inaccessible
* @throws Exception In case the field cannot be parsed
private void setDefaultValuesForFields(final Map<String, Object> model) throws IllegalAccessException, Exception {
// Set the default values, if defined
for (int i = 1; i <= dataFields.size(); i++) {
Field field = annotatedFields.get(i);
DataField dataField = dataFields.get(i);
Object modelField = model.get(field.getDeclaringClass().getName());
if (field.get(modelField) == null && !dataField.defaultValue().isEmpty()) {
FormattingOptions formattingOptions = ConverterUtils.convert(dataField, field.getType(), field.getAnnotation(BindyConverter.class), getLocale());
Format<?> format = formatFactory.getFormat(formattingOptions);
Object value = format.parse(dataField.defaultValue());
field.set(modelField, value);
use of org.apache.camel.dataformat.bindy.annotation.DataField in project camel by apache.
the class BindyCsvFactory method generateHeader.
* Generate for the first line the headers of the columns
* @return the headers columns
public String generateHeader() {
Map<Integer, DataField> dataFieldsSorted = new TreeMap<Integer, DataField>(dataFields);
Iterator<Integer> it = dataFieldsSorted.keySet().iterator();
StringBuilder builderHeader = new StringBuilder();
while (it.hasNext()) {
DataField dataField = dataFieldsSorted.get(;
// Retrieve the field
Field field = annotatedFields.get(dataField.pos());
// Change accessibility to allow to read protected/private fields
// Get dataField
if (!dataField.columnName().equals("")) {
} else {
if (it.hasNext()) {
return builderHeader.toString();