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Example 1 with UnitOfWork

use of org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork in project camel by apache.

the class ExpressionBuilder method routeIdExpression.

     * Returns an Expression for the route id
public static Expression routeIdExpression() {
    return new ExpressionAdapter() {

        public Object evaluate(Exchange exchange) {
            String answer = null;
            UnitOfWork uow = exchange.getUnitOfWork();
            RouteContext rc = uow != null ? uow.getRouteContext() : null;
            if (rc != null) {
                answer = rc.getRoute().getId();
            if (answer == null) {
                // fallback and get from route id on the exchange
                answer = exchange.getFromRouteId();
            return answer;

        public String toString() {
            return "routeId";
Also used : Exchange(org.apache.camel.Exchange) UnitOfWork(org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork) ExpressionAdapter( RouteContext(org.apache.camel.spi.RouteContext)

Example 2 with UnitOfWork

use of org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork in project camel by apache.

the class MulticastProcessor method createUnitOfWorkProcessor.

     * Strategy to create the unit of work to be used for the sub route
     * @param routeContext the route context
     * @param processor    the processor
     * @param exchange     the exchange
     * @return the unit of work processor
protected Processor createUnitOfWorkProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, Processor processor, Exchange exchange) {
    CamelInternalProcessor internal = new CamelInternalProcessor(processor);
    // and wrap it in a unit of work so the UoW is on the top, so the entire route will be in the same UoW
    UnitOfWork parent = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.PARENT_UNIT_OF_WORK, UnitOfWork.class);
    if (parent != null) {
        internal.addAdvice(new CamelInternalProcessor.ChildUnitOfWorkProcessorAdvice(routeContext, parent));
    } else {
        internal.addAdvice(new CamelInternalProcessor.UnitOfWorkProcessorAdvice(routeContext));
    return internal;
Also used : UnitOfWork(org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork)

Example 3 with UnitOfWork

use of org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork in project camel by apache.

the class RedeliveryErrorHandler method handleException.

protected void handleException(Exchange exchange, RedeliveryData data, boolean isDeadLetterChannel) {
    Exception e = exchange.getException();
    // store the original caused exception in a property, so we can restore it later
    exchange.setProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, e);
    // find the error handler to use (if any)
    OnExceptionDefinition exceptionPolicy = getExceptionPolicy(exchange, e);
    if (exceptionPolicy != null) {
        data.currentRedeliveryPolicy = exceptionPolicy.createRedeliveryPolicy(exchange.getContext(), data.currentRedeliveryPolicy);
        data.handledPredicate = exceptionPolicy.getHandledPolicy();
        data.continuedPredicate = exceptionPolicy.getContinuedPolicy();
        data.retryWhilePredicate = exceptionPolicy.getRetryWhilePolicy();
        data.useOriginalInMessage = exceptionPolicy.getUseOriginalMessagePolicy() != null && exceptionPolicy.getUseOriginalMessagePolicy();
        // route specific failure handler?
        Processor processor = null;
        UnitOfWork uow = exchange.getUnitOfWork();
        if (uow != null && uow.getRouteContext() != null) {
            String routeId = uow.getRouteContext().getRoute().getId();
            processor = exceptionPolicy.getErrorHandler(routeId);
        } else if (!exceptionPolicy.getErrorHandlers().isEmpty()) {
            // note this should really not happen, but we have this code as a fail safe
            // to be backwards compatible with the old behavior
            log.warn("Cannot determine current route from Exchange with id: {}, will fallback and use first error handler.", exchange.getExchangeId());
            processor = exceptionPolicy.getErrorHandlers().iterator().next();
        if (processor != null) {
            data.failureProcessor = processor;
        // route specific on redelivery?
        processor = exceptionPolicy.getOnRedelivery();
        if (processor != null) {
            data.onRedeliveryProcessor = processor;
        // route specific on exception occurred?
        processor = exceptionPolicy.getOnExceptionOccurred();
        if (processor != null) {
            data.onExceptionProcessor = processor;
    // only log if not failure handled or not an exhausted unit of work
    if (!ExchangeHelper.isFailureHandled(exchange) && !ExchangeHelper.isUnitOfWorkExhausted(exchange)) {
        String msg = "Failed delivery for " + ExchangeHelper.logIds(exchange) + ". On delivery attempt: " + data.redeliveryCounter + " caught: " + e;
        logFailedDelivery(true, false, false, false, isDeadLetterChannel, exchange, msg, data, e);
    data.redeliveryCounter = incrementRedeliveryCounter(exchange, e, data);
Also used : UnitOfWork(org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork) Processor(org.apache.camel.Processor) AsyncProcessor(org.apache.camel.AsyncProcessor) OnExceptionDefinition(org.apache.camel.model.OnExceptionDefinition) RejectedExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException)

Example 4 with UnitOfWork

use of org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork in project camel by apache.

the class RedeliveryErrorHandler method prepareExchangeAfterFailureNotHandled.

private void prepareExchangeAfterFailureNotHandled(Exchange exchange) {
    log.trace("This exchange is not handled or continued so its marked as failed: {}", exchange);
    // exception not handled, put exception back in the exchange
    exchange.setProperty(Exchange.ERRORHANDLER_HANDLED, Boolean.FALSE);
    exchange.setException(exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, Exception.class));
    // and put failure endpoint back as well
    exchange.setProperty(Exchange.FAILURE_ENDPOINT, exchange.getProperty(Exchange.TO_ENDPOINT));
    // and store the route id so we know in which route we failed
    UnitOfWork uow = exchange.getUnitOfWork();
    if (uow != null && uow.getRouteContext() != null) {
        exchange.setProperty(Exchange.FAILURE_ROUTE_ID, uow.getRouteContext().getRoute().getId());
Also used : UnitOfWork(org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork) RejectedExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException)

Example 5 with UnitOfWork

use of org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork in project camel by apache.

the class AsyncProcessorHelper method process.

     * Calls the async version of the processor's process method.
     * <p/>
     * This implementation supports transacted {@link Exchange}s which ensure those are run in a synchronous fashion.
     * See more details at {@link org.apache.camel.AsyncProcessor}.
     * @param processor the processor
     * @param exchange  the exchange
     * @param callback  the callback
     * @return <tt>true</tt> to continue execute synchronously, <tt>false</tt> to continue being executed asynchronously
     * @deprecated should no longer be needed, instead invoke the process method on the {@link AsyncProcessor} directly,
     * instead of using this method.
public static boolean process(final AsyncProcessor processor, final Exchange exchange, final AsyncCallback callback) {
    boolean sync;
    if (exchange.isTransacted()) {
        // must be synchronized for transacted exchanges
        LOG.trace("Transacted Exchange must be routed synchronously for exchangeId: {} -> {}", exchange.getExchangeId(), exchange);
        try {
            process(processor, exchange);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        sync = true;
    } else {
        final UnitOfWork uow = exchange.getUnitOfWork();
        // allow unit of work to wrap callback in case it need to do some special work
        // for example the MDCUnitOfWork
        AsyncCallback async = callback;
        if (uow != null) {
            async = uow.beforeProcess(processor, exchange, callback);
        // we support asynchronous routing so invoke it
        sync = processor.process(exchange, async);
        // execute any after processor work (in current thread, not in the callback)
        if (uow != null) {
            uow.afterProcess(processor, exchange, callback, sync);
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace("Exchange processed and is continued routed {} for exchangeId: {} -> {}", new Object[] { sync ? "synchronously" : "asynchronously", exchange.getExchangeId(), exchange });
    return sync;
Also used : UnitOfWork(org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork) AsyncCallback(org.apache.camel.AsyncCallback)


UnitOfWork (org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork)16 RejectedExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException)4 AsyncCallback (org.apache.camel.AsyncCallback)3 AsyncProcessor (org.apache.camel.AsyncProcessor)3 Processor (org.apache.camel.Processor)3 Exchange (org.apache.camel.Exchange)2 Message (org.apache.camel.Message)2 DefaultExchange (org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchange)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Channel (org.apache.camel.Channel)1 Consumer (org.apache.camel.Consumer)1 NonManagedService (org.apache.camel.NonManagedService)1 Producer (org.apache.camel.Producer)1 RuntimeCamelCatalog (org.apache.camel.catalog.RuntimeCamelCatalog)1 ConsumerCache (org.apache.camel.impl.ConsumerCache)1 DefaultEndpointRegistry (org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultEndpointRegistry)1 DefaultTransformerRegistry (org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultTransformerRegistry)1 DefaultUnitOfWork (org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultUnitOfWork)1 DefaultValidatorRegistry (org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultValidatorRegistry)1 ProducerCache (org.apache.camel.impl.ProducerCache)1