use of org.apache.camel.spi.UriEndpoint in project camel by apache.
the class EndpointAnnotationProcessor method processEndpointClass.
private void processEndpointClass(final RoundEnvironment roundEnv, final TypeElement classElement) {
final UriEndpoint uriEndpoint = classElement.getAnnotation(UriEndpoint.class);
if (uriEndpoint != null) {
String scheme = uriEndpoint.scheme();
String extendsScheme = uriEndpoint.extendsScheme();
String title = uriEndpoint.title();
final String label = uriEndpoint.label();
if (!isNullOrEmpty(scheme)) {
// support multiple schemes separated by comma, which maps to the exact same component
// for example camel-mail has a bunch of component schema names that does that
String[] schemes = scheme.split(",");
String[] titles = title.split(",");
String[] extendsSchemes = extendsScheme.split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < schemes.length; i++) {
final String alias = schemes[i];
final String extendsAlias = i < extendsSchemes.length ? extendsSchemes[i] : extendsSchemes[0];
String aTitle = i < titles.length ? titles[i] : titles[0];
// some components offer a secure alternative which we need to amend the title accordingly
if (secureAlias(schemes[0], alias)) {
aTitle += " (Secure)";
final String aliasTitle = aTitle;
// write json schema
String name = canonicalClassName(classElement.getQualifiedName().toString());
String packageName = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("."));
String fileName = alias + ".json";
Func1<PrintWriter, Void> handler = new Func1<PrintWriter, Void>() {
public Void call(PrintWriter writer) {
writeJSonSchemeDocumentation(writer, roundEnv, classElement, uriEndpoint, aliasTitle, alias, extendsAlias, label, schemes);
return null;
processFile(processingEnv, packageName, fileName, handler);