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Example 1 with ColumnSpecification

use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification in project cassandra by apache.

the class ExecuteMessage method execute.

public Message.Response execute(QueryState state, long queryStartNanoTime) {
    try {
        QueryHandler handler = ClientState.getCQLQueryHandler();
        ParsedStatement.Prepared prepared = handler.getPrepared(statementId);
        if (prepared == null)
            throw new PreparedQueryNotFoundException(statementId);
        CQLStatement statement = prepared.statement;
        if (options.getPageSize() == 0)
            throw new ProtocolException("The page size cannot be 0");
        UUID tracingId = null;
        if (isTracingRequested()) {
            tracingId = UUIDGen.getTimeUUID();
        if (state.traceNextQuery()) {
            ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
            if (options.getPageSize() > 0)
                builder.put("page_size", Integer.toString(options.getPageSize()));
            if (options.getConsistency() != null)
                builder.put("consistency_level", options.getConsistency().name());
            if (options.getSerialConsistency() != null)
                builder.put("serial_consistency_level", options.getSerialConsistency().name());
            builder.put("query", prepared.rawCQLStatement);
            for (int i = 0; i < prepared.boundNames.size(); i++) {
                ColumnSpecification cs = prepared.boundNames.get(i);
                String boundName =;
                String boundValue = cs.type.asCQL3Type().toCQLLiteral(options.getValues().get(i), options.getProtocolVersion());
                if (boundValue.length() > 1000) {
                    boundValue = boundValue.substring(0, 1000) + "...'";
                //Here we prefix boundName with the index to avoid possible collission in builder keys due to
                //having multiple boundValues for the same variable
                builder.put("bound_var_" + Integer.toString(i) + "_" + boundName, boundValue);
            Tracing.instance.begin("Execute CQL3 prepared query", state.getClientAddress(),;
        // Some custom QueryHandlers are interested by the bound names. We provide them this information
        // by wrapping the QueryOptions.
        QueryOptions queryOptions = QueryOptions.addColumnSpecifications(options, prepared.boundNames);
        Message.Response response = handler.processPrepared(statement, state, queryOptions, getCustomPayload(), queryStartNanoTime);
        if (options.skipMetadata() && response instanceof ResultMessage.Rows)
            ((ResultMessage.Rows) response).result.metadata.setSkipMetadata();
        if (tracingId != null)
        return response;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return ErrorMessage.fromException(e);
    } finally {
Also used : CQLStatement(org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLStatement) QueryHandler(org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryHandler) ColumnSpecification(org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification) ParsedStatement(org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.ParsedStatement) PreparedQueryNotFoundException(org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.PreparedQueryNotFoundException) QueryOptions(org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryOptions) ImmutableMap( PreparedQueryNotFoundException(org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.PreparedQueryNotFoundException) UUID(java.util.UUID)

Example 2 with ColumnSpecification

use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification in project cassandra by apache.

the class FunctionResolver method validateTypes.

// This method and matchArguments are somewhat duplicate, but this method allows us to provide more precise errors in the common
// case where there is no override for a given function. This is thus probably worth the minor code duplication.
private static void validateTypes(String keyspace, Function fun, List<? extends AssignmentTestable> providedArgs, String receiverKs, String receiverCf) {
    if (providedArgs.size() != fun.argTypes().size())
        throw invalidRequest("Invalid number of arguments in call to function %s: %d required but %d provided",, fun.argTypes().size(), providedArgs.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < providedArgs.size(); i++) {
        AssignmentTestable provided = providedArgs.get(i);
        // We'll validate the actually provided value at execution time.
        if (provided == null)
        ColumnSpecification expected = makeArgSpec(receiverKs, receiverCf, fun, i);
        if (!provided.testAssignment(keyspace, expected).isAssignable())
            throw invalidRequest("Type error: %s cannot be passed as argument %d of function %s of type %s", provided, i,, expected.type.asCQL3Type());
Also used : AssignmentTestable(org.apache.cassandra.cql3.AssignmentTestable) ColumnSpecification(org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification)

Example 3 with ColumnSpecification

use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification in project cassandra by apache.

the class CQLSSTableWriter method addRow.

 * Adds a new row to the writer.
 * <p>
 * This is equivalent to the other addRow methods, but takes a map whose
 * keys are the names of the columns to add instead of taking a list of the
 * values in the order of the insert statement used during construction of
 * this write.
 * <p>
 * Please note that the column names in the map keys must be in lowercase unless
 * the declared column name is a
 * <a href="">case-sensitive quoted identifier</a>
 * (in which case the map key must use the exact case of the column).
 * @param values a map of colum name to column values representing the new
 * row to add. Note that if a column is not part of the map, it's value will
 * be {@code null}. If the map contains keys that does not correspond to one
 * of the column of the insert statement used when creating this writer, the
 * the corresponding value is ignored.
 * @return this writer.
public CQLSSTableWriter addRow(Map<String, Object> values) throws InvalidRequestException, IOException {
    int size = boundNames.size();
    List<ByteBuffer> rawValues = new ArrayList<>(size);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        ColumnSpecification spec = boundNames.get(i);
        Object value = values.get(;
        rawValues.add(serialize(value, typeCodecs.get(i), boundNames.get(i)));
    return rawAddRow(rawValues);
Also used : ColumnSpecification(org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer)

Example 4 with ColumnSpecification

use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification in project cassandra by apache.

the class ExecuteMessage method traceQuery.

private void traceQuery(QueryState state, QueryHandler.Prepared prepared) {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    if (options.getPageSize() > 0)
        builder.put("page_size", Integer.toString(options.getPageSize()));
    if (options.getConsistency() != null)
        builder.put("consistency_level", options.getConsistency().name());
    if (options.getSerialConsistency() != null)
        builder.put("serial_consistency_level", options.getSerialConsistency().name());
    builder.put("query", prepared.rawCQLStatement);
    for (int i = 0; i < prepared.statement.getBindVariables().size(); i++) {
        ColumnSpecification cs = prepared.statement.getBindVariables().get(i);
        String boundName =;
        String boundValue = cs.type.asCQL3Type().toCQLLiteral(options.getValues().get(i), options.getProtocolVersion());
        if (boundValue.length() > 1000)
            boundValue = boundValue.substring(0, 1000) + "...'";
        // Here we prefix boundName with the index to avoid possible collission in builder keys due to
        // having multiple boundValues for the same variable
        builder.put("bound_var_" + i + '_' + boundName, boundValue);
    Tracing.instance.begin("Execute CQL3 prepared query", state.getClientAddress(),;
Also used : ColumnSpecification(org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification) ImmutableMap(

Example 5 with ColumnSpecification

use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification in project cassandra by apache.

the class SelectionColumnMappingTest method testMultipleArgumentFunction.

public void testMultipleArgumentFunction() throws Throwable {
    // demonstrate behaviour of token() with composite partition key
    tableName = createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (a int, b text, PRIMARY KEY ((a, b)))");
    ColumnSpecification tokenSpec = columnSpecification("system.token(a, b)", BytesType.instance);
    SelectionColumnMapping expected = SelectionColumnMapping.newMapping().addMapping(tokenSpec, columnDefinitions("a", "b"));
    // we don't use verify like with the other tests because this query will produce no results
    SelectStatement statement = getSelect("SELECT token(a,b) FROM %s");
    verifyColumnMapping(expected, statement);
    statement.executeLocally(QueryState.forInternalCalls(), QueryOptions.DEFAULT);
Also used : SelectStatement(org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.SelectStatement) Test(org.junit.Test)


ColumnSpecification (org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification)14 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 List (java.util.List)3 ImmutableMap ( AssignmentTestable (org.apache.cassandra.cql3.AssignmentTestable)2 QueryOptions (org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryOptions)2 ColumnMetadata (org.apache.cassandra.schema.ColumnMetadata)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 ColumnDefinitions (com.datastax.driver.core.ColumnDefinitions)1 ResultSet (com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet)1 Session (com.datastax.driver.core.Session)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1 CQLStatement (org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLStatement)1 ColumnIdentifier (org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier)1 QueryHandler (org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryHandler)1 ResultSet (org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ResultSet)1 UntypedResultSet (org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet)1 SingleColumnRestriction (org.apache.cassandra.cql3.restrictions.SingleColumnRestriction)1