use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.UDAggregate in project cassandra by apache.
the class SchemaKeyspace method createUDAFromRow.
private static UDAggregate createUDAFromRow(UntypedResultSet.Row row, Functions functions, Types types) {
String ksName = row.getString("keyspace_name");
String functionName = row.getString("aggregate_name");
FunctionName name = new FunctionName(ksName, functionName);
List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes = row.getFrozenList("argument_types", UTF8Type.instance).stream().map(t -> CQLTypeParser.parse(ksName, t, types)).collect(toList());
AbstractType<?> returnType = CQLTypeParser.parse(ksName, row.getString("return_type"), types);
FunctionName stateFunc = new FunctionName(ksName, (row.getString("state_func")));
FunctionName finalFunc = row.has("final_func") ? new FunctionName(ksName, row.getString("final_func")) : null;
AbstractType<?> stateType = row.has("state_type") ? CQLTypeParser.parse(ksName, row.getString("state_type"), types) : null;
ByteBuffer initcond = row.has("initcond") ? Terms.asBytes(ksName, row.getString("initcond"), stateType) : null;
try {
return UDAggregate.create(functions, name, argTypes, returnType, stateFunc, finalFunc, stateType, initcond);
} catch (InvalidRequestException reason) {
return UDAggregate.createBroken(name, argTypes, returnType, initcond, reason);
use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.UDAggregate in project cassandra by apache.
the class SchemaKeyspace method createUDAFromRow.
private static UDAggregate createUDAFromRow(UntypedResultSet.Row row, Collection<UDFunction> functions, Types types) {
String ksName = row.getString("keyspace_name");
String functionName = row.getString("aggregate_name");
FunctionName name = new FunctionName(ksName, functionName);
List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes = row.getFrozenList("argument_types", UTF8Type.instance).stream().map(t -> CQLTypeParser.parse(ksName, t, types)).collect(toList());
AbstractType<?> returnType = CQLTypeParser.parse(ksName, row.getString("return_type"), types);
FunctionName stateFunc = new FunctionName(ksName, (row.getString("state_func")));
FunctionName finalFunc = row.has("final_func") ? new FunctionName(ksName, row.getString("final_func")) : null;
AbstractType<?> stateType = row.has("state_type") ? CQLTypeParser.parse(ksName, row.getString("state_type"), types) : null;
ByteBuffer initcond = row.has("initcond") ? Terms.asBytes(ksName, row.getString("initcond"), stateType) : null;
return UDAggregate.create(functions, name, argTypes, returnType, stateFunc, finalFunc, stateType, initcond);
use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.UDAggregate in project cassandra by apache.
the class UFJavaTest method testUDAToCqlString.
public void testUDAToCqlString() throws Throwable {
// we have to create this function in DB otherwise UDAggregate creation below fails
String stateFunctionName = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "int,int", "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s(state int, val int)\n" + " CALLED ON NULL INPUT\n" + " RETURNS int\n" + " LANGUAGE java\n" + " AS $$\n" + " return state + val;\n" + " $$;");
// Java representation of state function so we can construct aggregate programmatically
UDFunction stateFunction = UDFunction.create(new FunctionName(KEYSPACE, stateFunctionName.split("\\.")[1]), Arrays.asList(ColumnIdentifier.getInterned("state", false), ColumnIdentifier.getInterned("val", false)), Arrays.asList(Int32Type.instance, Int32Type.instance), Int32Type.instance, true, "java", "return state + val;");
UDAggregate aggregate = UDAggregate.create(Collections.singleton(stateFunction), new FunctionName(KEYSPACE, "my_aggregate"), Collections.singletonList(Int32Type.instance), Int32Type.instance, new FunctionName(KEYSPACE, stateFunctionName.split("\\.")[1]), null, Int32Type.instance, null);
Assert.assertTrue(aggregate.toCqlString(true, true).contains("CREATE AGGREGATE IF NOT EXISTS"));
Assert.assertFalse(aggregate.toCqlString(true, false).contains("CREATE AGGREGATE IF NOT EXISTS"));
Assert.assertEquals(aggregate.toCqlString(true, true), aggregate.toCqlString(false, true));
Assert.assertEquals(aggregate.toCqlString(true, false), aggregate.toCqlString(false, false));
use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.UDAggregate in project cassandra by apache.
the class DropAggregateStatement method announceMigration.
public Event.SchemaChange announceMigration(QueryState queryState, boolean isLocalOnly) throws RequestValidationException {
Collection<Function> olds = Schema.instance.getFunctions(functionName);
if (!argsPresent && olds != null && olds.size() > 1)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("'DROP AGGREGATE %s' matches multiple function definitions; " + "specify the argument types by issuing a statement like " + "'DROP AGGREGATE %s (type, type, ...)'. Hint: use cqlsh " + "'DESCRIBE AGGREGATE %s' command to find all overloads", functionName, functionName, functionName));
Function old = null;
if (argsPresent) {
if (Schema.instance.getKeyspaceMetadata(functionName.keyspace) != null) {
List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes = new ArrayList<>(argRawTypes.size());
for (CQL3Type.Raw rawType : argRawTypes) argTypes.add(prepareType("arguments", rawType));
old = Schema.instance.findFunction(functionName, argTypes).orElse(null);
if (old == null || !(old instanceof AggregateFunction)) {
if (ifExists)
return null;
// just build a nicer error message
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (CQL3Type.Raw rawType : argRawTypes) {
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.append(", ");
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot drop non existing aggregate '%s(%s)'", functionName, sb));
} else {
if (olds == null || olds.isEmpty() || !(olds.iterator().next() instanceof AggregateFunction)) {
if (ifExists)
return null;
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot drop non existing aggregate '%s'", functionName));
old = olds.iterator().next();
if (old.isNative())
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Cannot drop aggregate '%s' because it is a " + "native (built-in) function", functionName));
MigrationManager.announceAggregateDrop((UDAggregate) old, isLocalOnly);
return new Event.SchemaChange(Event.SchemaChange.Change.DROPPED, Event.SchemaChange.Target.AGGREGATE,,, AbstractType.asCQLTypeStringList(old.argTypes()));
use of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.UDAggregate in project cassandra by apache.
the class AggregationTest method testBrokenAggregate.
public void testBrokenAggregate() throws Throwable {
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (key int primary key, val int)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (key, val) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, 1);
String fState = createFunction(KEYSPACE, "int, int", "CREATE FUNCTION %s(a int, b int) " + "CALLED ON NULL INPUT " + "RETURNS int " + "LANGUAGE javascript " + "AS 'a + b;'");
String a = createAggregate(KEYSPACE, "int", "CREATE AGGREGATE %s(int) " + "SFUNC " + shortFunctionName(fState) + " " + "STYPE int ");
KeyspaceMetadata ksm = Schema.instance.getKeyspaceMetadata(keyspace());
UDAggregate f = (UDAggregate) ksm.functions.get(parseFunctionName(a)).iterator().next();
UDAggregate broken = UDAggregate.createBroken(, f.argTypes(), f.returnType(), null, new InvalidRequestException("foo bar is broken"));
Schema.instance.load(ksm.withSwapped(ksm.functions.without(, f.argTypes()).with(broken)));
assertInvalidThrowMessage("foo bar is broken", InvalidRequestException.class, "SELECT " + a + "(val) FROM %s");