use of org.apache.cassandra.db.RangeTombstone in project cassandra by apache.
the class DataResolverTest method testRepairRangeTombstoneWithPartitionDeletion.
* Test for CASSANDRA-13719: tests that having a partition deletion shadow a range tombstone on another source
* doesn't trigger an assertion error.
public void testRepairRangeTombstoneWithPartitionDeletion() {
EndpointsForRange replicas = makeReplicas(2);
DataResolver resolver = new DataResolver(command, plan(replicas, ALL), readRepair, nanoTime());
InetAddressAndPort peer1 = replicas.get(0).endpoint();
InetAddressAndPort peer2 = replicas.get(1).endpoint();
// 1st "stream": just a partition deletion
UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter1 = iter(PartitionUpdate.fullPartitionDelete(cfm, dk, 10, nowInSec));
// 2nd "stream": a range tombstone that is covered by the 1st stream
RangeTombstone rt = tombstone("0", true, "10", true, 5, nowInSec);
UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter2 = iter(new RowUpdateBuilder(cfm, nowInSec, 1L, dk).addRangeTombstone(rt).buildUpdate());
resolver.preprocess(response(command, peer1, iter1));
resolver.preprocess(response(command, peer2, iter2));
// No results, we've only reconciled tombstones.
try (PartitionIterator data = resolver.resolve()) {
// 2nd stream should get repaired
assertEquals(1, readRepair.sent.size());
Mutation mutation = readRepair.getForEndpoint(peer2);
assertRepairContainsDeletions(mutation, new DeletionTime(10, nowInSec));
use of org.apache.cassandra.db.RangeTombstone in project cassandra by apache.
the class DataResolverTest method assertRepairContainsDeletions.
private void assertRepairContainsDeletions(Mutation mutation, DeletionTime deletionTime, RangeTombstone... rangeTombstones) {
PartitionUpdate update = mutation.getPartitionUpdates().iterator().next();
DeletionInfo deletionInfo = update.deletionInfo();
if (deletionTime != null)
assertEquals(deletionTime, deletionInfo.getPartitionDeletion());
assertEquals(rangeTombstones.length, deletionInfo.rangeCount());
Iterator<RangeTombstone> ranges = deletionInfo.rangeIterator(false);
int i = 0;
while (ranges.hasNext()) {
RangeTombstone expected = rangeTombstones[i++];
RangeTombstone actual =;
String msg = String.format("Expected %s, but got %s", expected.toString(cfm.comparator), actual.toString(cfm.comparator));
assertEquals(msg, expected, actual);
use of org.apache.cassandra.db.RangeTombstone in project cassandra by apache.
the class DataResolverTest method testRepairRangeTombstoneBoundary.
* Test for CASSANDRA-13237, checking we don't fail (and handle correctly) the case where a RT boundary has the
* same deletion on both side (while is useless but could be created by legacy code pre-CASSANDRA-13237 and could
* thus still be sent).
private void testRepairRangeTombstoneBoundary(int timestamp1, int timestamp2, int timestamp3) throws UnknownHostException {
EndpointsForRange replicas = makeReplicas(2);
DataResolver resolver = new DataResolver(command, plan(replicas, ALL), readRepair, nanoTime());
InetAddressAndPort peer1 = replicas.get(0).endpoint();
InetAddressAndPort peer2 = replicas.get(1).endpoint();
// 1st "stream"
RangeTombstone one_nine = tombstone("0", true, "9", true, timestamp1, nowInSec);
UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter1 = iter(new RowUpdateBuilder(cfm, nowInSec, 1L, dk).addRangeTombstone(one_nine).buildUpdate());
// 2nd "stream" (build more manually to ensure we have the boundary we want)
RangeTombstoneBoundMarker open_one = marker("0", true, true, timestamp2, nowInSec);
RangeTombstoneBoundaryMarker boundary_five = boundary("5", false, timestamp2, nowInSec, timestamp3, nowInSec);
RangeTombstoneBoundMarker close_nine = marker("9", false, true, timestamp3, nowInSec);
UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter2 = iter(dk, open_one, boundary_five, close_nine);
resolver.preprocess(response(command, peer1, iter1));
resolver.preprocess(response(command, peer2, iter2));
boolean shouldHaveRepair = timestamp1 != timestamp2 || timestamp1 != timestamp3;
// No results, we've only reconciled tombstones.
try (PartitionIterator data = resolver.resolve()) {
assertEquals(shouldHaveRepair ? 1 : 0, readRepair.sent.size());
if (!shouldHaveRepair)
Mutation mutation = readRepair.getForEndpoint(peer2);
RangeTombstone expected = timestamp1 != timestamp2 ? // We've repaired the 1st part
tombstone("0", true, "5", false, timestamp1, nowInSec) : // We've repaired the 2nd part
tombstone("5", true, "9", true, timestamp1, nowInSec);
assertRepairContainsDeletions(mutation, null, expected);
use of org.apache.cassandra.db.RangeTombstone in project cassandra by apache.
the class AbstractReadResponseTest method tombstone.
public RangeTombstone tombstone(Object start, boolean inclusiveStart, Object end, boolean inclusiveEnd, long markedForDeleteAt, int localDeletionTime) {
ClusteringBound<?> startBound = rtBound(start, true, inclusiveStart);
ClusteringBound<?> endBound = rtBound(end, false, inclusiveEnd);
return new RangeTombstone(Slice.make(startBound, endBound), new DeletionTime(markedForDeleteAt, localDeletionTime));