use of org.apache.cassandra.locator.EndpointsForRange in project cassandra by apache.
the class ActiveRepairService method getNeighbors.
* Return all of the neighbors with whom we share the provided range.
* @param keyspaceName keyspace to repair
* @param keyspaceLocalRanges local-range for given keyspaceName
* @param toRepair token to repair
* @param dataCenters the data centers to involve in the repair
* @return neighbors with whom we share the provided range
public static EndpointsForRange getNeighbors(String keyspaceName, Iterable<Range<Token>> keyspaceLocalRanges, Range<Token> toRepair, Collection<String> dataCenters, Collection<String> hosts) {
StorageService ss = StorageService.instance;
EndpointsByRange replicaSets = ss.getRangeToAddressMap(keyspaceName);
Range<Token> rangeSuperSet = null;
for (Range<Token> range : keyspaceLocalRanges) {
if (range.contains(toRepair)) {
rangeSuperSet = range;
} else if (range.intersects(toRepair)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Requested range %s intersects a local range (%s) " + "but is not fully contained in one; this would lead to " + "imprecise repair. keyspace: %s", toRepair.toString(), range.toString(), keyspaceName));
if (rangeSuperSet == null || !replicaSets.containsKey(rangeSuperSet))
return EndpointsForRange.empty(toRepair);
EndpointsForRange neighbors = replicaSets.get(rangeSuperSet).withoutSelf();
if (dataCenters != null && !dataCenters.isEmpty()) {
TokenMetadata.Topology topology = ss.getTokenMetadata().cloneOnlyTokenMap().getTopology();
Multimap<String, InetAddressAndPort> dcEndpointsMap = topology.getDatacenterEndpoints();
Iterable<InetAddressAndPort> dcEndpoints = concat(transform(dataCenters, dcEndpointsMap::get));
return, true);
} else if (hosts != null && !hosts.isEmpty()) {
Set<InetAddressAndPort> specifiedHost = new HashSet<>();
for (final String host : hosts) {
try {
final InetAddressAndPort endpoint = InetAddressAndPort.getByName(host.trim());
if (endpoint.equals(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddressAndPort()) || neighbors.endpoints().contains(endpoint))
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown host specified " + host, e);
if (!specifiedHost.contains(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddressAndPort()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The current host must be part of the repair");
if (specifiedHost.size() <= 1) {
String msg = "Specified hosts %s do not share range %s needed for repair. Either restrict repair ranges " + "with -st/-et options, or specify one of the neighbors that share this range with " + "this node: %s.";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(msg, hosts, toRepair, neighbors));
return neighbors.keep(specifiedHost);
return neighbors;
use of org.apache.cassandra.locator.EndpointsForRange in project cassandra by apache.
the class RangeStreamer method convertPreferredEndpointsToWorkMap.
* The preferred endpoint list is the wrong format because it is keyed by Replica (this node) rather than the source
* endpoint we will fetch from which streaming wants.
public static Multimap<InetAddressAndPort, FetchReplica> convertPreferredEndpointsToWorkMap(EndpointsByReplica preferredEndpoints) {
Multimap<InetAddressAndPort, FetchReplica> workMap = HashMultimap.create();
for (Map.Entry<Replica, EndpointsForRange> e : preferredEndpoints.entrySet()) {
for (Replica source : e.getValue()) {
assert (e.getKey()).isSelf();
assert !source.isSelf();
workMap.put(source.endpoint(), new FetchReplica(e.getKey(), source));
logger.debug("Work map {}", workMap);
return workMap;
use of org.apache.cassandra.locator.EndpointsForRange in project cassandra by apache.
the class RangeStreamer method calculateRangesToFetchWithPreferredEndpoints.
* Get a map of all ranges and the source that will be cleaned up once this bootstrapped node is added for the given ranges.
* For each range, the list should only contain a single source. This allows us to consistently migrate data without violating
* consistency.
public static EndpointsByReplica calculateRangesToFetchWithPreferredEndpoints(BiFunction<InetAddressAndPort, EndpointsForRange, EndpointsForRange> snitchGetSortedListByProximity, AbstractReplicationStrategy strat, ReplicaCollection<?> fetchRanges, boolean useStrictConsistency, TokenMetadata tmdBefore, TokenMetadata tmdAfter, String keyspace, Collection<SourceFilter> sourceFilters) {
EndpointsByRange rangeAddresses = strat.getRangeAddresses(tmdBefore);
InetAddressAndPort localAddress = FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddressAndPort();
logger.debug("Keyspace: {}", keyspace);
logger.debug("To fetch RN: {}", fetchRanges);
logger.debug("Fetch ranges: {}", rangeAddresses);
Predicate<Replica> testSourceFilters = and(sourceFilters);
Function<EndpointsForRange, EndpointsForRange> sorted = endpoints -> snitchGetSortedListByProximity.apply(localAddress, endpoints);
// This list of replicas is just candidates. With strict consistency it's going to be a narrow list.
EndpointsByReplica.Builder rangesToFetchWithPreferredEndpoints = new EndpointsByReplica.Builder();
for (Replica toFetch : fetchRanges) {
// Replica that is sufficient to provide the data we need
// With strict consistency and transient replication we may end up with multiple types
// so this isn't used with strict consistency
Predicate<Replica> isSufficient = r -> toFetch.isTransient() || r.isFull();
logger.debug("To fetch {}", toFetch);
for (Range<Token> range : rangeAddresses.keySet()) {
if (!range.contains(toFetch.range()))
final EndpointsForRange oldEndpoints = sorted.apply(rangeAddresses.get(range));
// Ultimately we populate this with whatever is going to be fetched from to satisfy toFetch
// It could be multiple endpoints and we must fetch from all of them if they are there
// With transient replication and strict consistency this is to get the full data from a full replica and
// transient data from the transient replica losing data
EndpointsForRange sources;
// Due to CASSANDRA-5953 we can have a higher RF than we have endpoints.
// So we need to be careful to only be strict when endpoints == RF
boolean isStrictConsistencyApplicable = useStrictConsistency && (oldEndpoints.size() == strat.getReplicationFactor().allReplicas);
if (isStrictConsistencyApplicable) {
EndpointsForRange strictEndpoints;
// Start with two sets of who replicates the range before and who replicates it after
EndpointsForRange newEndpoints = strat.calculateNaturalReplicas(toFetch.range().right, tmdAfter);
logger.debug("Old endpoints {}", oldEndpoints);
logger.debug("New endpoints {}", newEndpoints);
// Remove new endpoints from old endpoints based on address
strictEndpoints = oldEndpoints.without(newEndpoints.endpoints());
if (strictEndpoints.size() > 1)
throw new AssertionError("Expected <= 1 endpoint but found " + strictEndpoints);
// required for strict consistency
if (!all(strictEndpoints, testSourceFilters))
throw new IllegalStateException("Necessary replicas for strict consistency were removed by source filters: " + buildErrorMessage(sourceFilters, strictEndpoints));
// So it's an error if we don't find what we need.
if (strictEndpoints.isEmpty() && toFetch.isTransient())
throw new AssertionError("If there are no endpoints to fetch from then we must be transitioning from transient to full for range " + toFetch);
if (!any(strictEndpoints, isSufficient)) {
// need an additional replica; include all our filters, to ensure we include a matching node
Optional<Replica> fullReplica = Iterables.<Replica>tryFind(oldEndpoints, and(isSufficient, testSourceFilters)).toJavaUtil();
if (fullReplica.isPresent())
strictEndpoints = Endpoints.concat(strictEndpoints, EndpointsForRange.of(fullReplica.get()));
throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't find any matching sufficient replica out of " + buildErrorMessage(sourceFilters, oldEndpoints));
sources = strictEndpoints;
} else {
// Without strict consistency we have given up on correctness so no point in fetching from
// a random full + transient replica since it's also likely to lose data
// Also apply testSourceFilters that were given to us so we can safely select a single source
sources = sorted.apply(oldEndpoints.filter(and(isSufficient, testSourceFilters)));
// Limit it to just the first possible source, we don't need more than one and downstream
// will fetch from every source we supply
sources = sources.size() > 0 ? sources.subList(0, 1) : sources;
// storing range and preferred endpoint set
rangesToFetchWithPreferredEndpoints.putAll(toFetch, sources, Conflict.NONE);
logger.debug("Endpoints to fetch for {} are {}", toFetch, sources);
EndpointsForRange addressList = rangesToFetchWithPreferredEndpoints.getIfPresent(toFetch);
if (addressList == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to find endpoints to fetch " + toFetch);
* When we move forwards (shrink our bucket) we are the one losing a range and no one else loses
* from that action (we also don't gain). When we move backwards there are two people losing a range. One is a full replica
* and the other is a transient replica. So we must need fetch from two places in that case for the full range we gain.
* For a transient range we only need to fetch from one.
if (useStrictConsistency && addressList.size() > 1 && (addressList.filter(Replica::isFull).size() > 1 || addressList.filter(Replica::isTransient).size() > 1))
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Multiple strict sources found for %s, sources: %s", toFetch, addressList));
// We must have enough stuff to fetch from
if (!any(addressList, isSufficient)) {
if (strat.getReplicationFactor().allReplicas == 1) {
if (useStrictConsistency) {
logger.warn("A node required to move the data consistently is down");
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find sufficient sources for streaming range " + toFetch + " in keyspace " + keyspace + " with RF=1. " + "Ensure this keyspace contains replicas in the source datacenter.");
} else
logger.warn("Unable to find sufficient sources for streaming range {} in keyspace {} with RF=1. " + "Keyspace might be missing data.", toFetch, keyspace);
} else {
if (useStrictConsistency)
logger.warn("A node required to move the data consistently is down");
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find sufficient sources for streaming range " + toFetch + " in keyspace " + keyspace);
use of org.apache.cassandra.locator.EndpointsForRange in project cassandra by apache.
the class RangeFetchMapCalculator method getRangeFetchMapForTrivialRanges.
Multimap<InetAddressAndPort, Range<Token>> getRangeFetchMapForTrivialRanges(Multimap<InetAddressAndPort, Range<Token>> optimisedMap) {
Multimap<InetAddressAndPort, Range<Token>> fetchMap = HashMultimap.create();
for (Range<Token> trivialRange : trivialRanges) {
boolean added = false;
boolean localDCCheck = true;
while (!added) {
// sort with the endpoint having the least number of streams first:
EndpointsForRange replicas = rangesWithSources.get(trivialRange).sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(o -> optimisedMap.get(o.endpoint()).size()));
for (Replica replica : replicas) {
if (passFilters(replica, localDCCheck)) {
added = true;
// see RangeFetchMapCalculator#addEndpoints and RangeStreamer#getRangeFetchMap
if (replica.isSelf())
// but don't add localhost to avoid streaming locally
fetchMap.put(replica.endpoint(), trivialRange);
if (!added && !localDCCheck)
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find sufficient sources for streaming range " + trivialRange + " in keyspace " + keyspace);
if (!added)"Using other DC endpoints for streaming for range: {} and keyspace {}", trivialRange, keyspace);
localDCCheck = false;
return fetchMap;
use of org.apache.cassandra.locator.EndpointsForRange in project cassandra by apache.
the class RepairRunnable method getNeighborsAndRanges.
private NeighborsAndRanges getNeighborsAndRanges() throws RepairException {
Set<InetAddressAndPort> allNeighbors = new HashSet<>();
List<CommonRange> commonRanges = new ArrayList<>();
// pre-calculate output of getLocalReplicas and pass it to getNeighbors to increase performance and prevent
// calculation multiple times
Iterable<Range<Token>> keyspaceLocalRanges = storageService.getLocalReplicas(keyspace).ranges();
for (Range<Token> range : options.getRanges()) {
EndpointsForRange neighbors = ActiveRepairService.getNeighbors(keyspace, keyspaceLocalRanges, range, options.getDataCenters(), options.getHosts());
if (neighbors.isEmpty()) {
if (options.ignoreUnreplicatedKeyspaces()) {"{} Found no neighbors for range {} for {} - ignoring since repairing with --ignore-unreplicated-keyspaces", parentSession, range, keyspace);
} else {
throw RepairException.warn(String.format("Nothing to repair for %s in %s - aborting", range, keyspace));
addRangeToNeighbors(commonRanges, range, neighbors);
if (options.ignoreUnreplicatedKeyspaces() && allNeighbors.isEmpty()) {
throw new SkipRepairException(String.format("Nothing to repair for %s in %s - unreplicated keyspace is ignored since repair was called with --ignore-unreplicated-keyspaces", options.getRanges(), keyspace));
boolean shouldExcludeDeadParticipants = options.isForcedRepair();
if (shouldExcludeDeadParticipants) {
Set<InetAddressAndPort> actualNeighbors = Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.filter(allNeighbors, FailureDetector.instance::isAlive));
shouldExcludeDeadParticipants = !allNeighbors.equals(actualNeighbors);
allNeighbors = actualNeighbors;
return new NeighborsAndRanges(shouldExcludeDeadParticipants, allNeighbors, commonRanges);