use of org.apache.cassandra.distributed.action.GossipHelper.decommission in project cassandra by apache.
the class HintedHandoffAddRemoveNodesTest method shouldStreamHintsDuringDecommission.
* Replaces Python dtest {@code}.
* Ignored for now as there is some in-jvm bug which needs to be fixed, otherwise the test is flaky
* For more information see CASSANDRA-16679
public void shouldStreamHintsDuringDecommission() throws Exception {
try (Cluster cluster = builder().withNodes(4).withConfig(config -> config.with(NETWORK, GOSSIP, NATIVE_PROTOCOL)).start()) {
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE KEYSPACE %s WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 2}"));
cluster.schemaChange(withKeyspace("CREATE TABLE %s.decom_hint_test (key int PRIMARY KEY, value int)"));
// Write data using the second node as the coordinator...
populate(cluster, "decom_hint_test", 2, 0, 128, ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
Long totalHints = countTotalHints(cluster);
// ...and verify that we've accumulated hints intended for node 4, which is down.
// Decomision node 1...
assertEquals(4, endpointsKnownTo(cluster, 2));, 1);
await().pollDelay(1, SECONDS).until(() -> endpointsKnownTo(cluster, 2) == 3);
// ...and verify that all data still exists on either node 2 or 3.
verify(cluster, "decom_hint_test", 2, 0, 128, ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
// Start node 4 back up and verify that all hints were delivered.
await().atMost(30, SECONDS).pollDelay(3, SECONDS).until(() -> count(cluster, "decom_hint_test", 4).equals(totalHints));
// Now decommission both nodes 2 and 3..., 2);, 3);
await().pollDelay(1, SECONDS).until(() -> endpointsKnownTo(cluster, 4) == 1);
// ...and verify that even if we drop below the replication factor of 2, all data has been preserved.
verify(cluster, "decom_hint_test", 4, 0, 128, ConsistencyLevel.ONE);