use of org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.NodeToolResult in project cassandra by apache.
the class ClusterUtils method ring.
* Get the ring from the perspective of the instance.
public static List<RingInstanceDetails> ring(IInstance inst) {
NodeToolResult results = inst.nodetoolResult("ring");
return parseRing(results.getStdout());
use of org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.NodeToolResult in project cassandra by apache.
the class ClientNetworkStopStartTest method assertNodetoolStdout.
private static void assertNodetoolStdout(IInvokableInstance node, String expectedStatus, String notExpected, String... nodetool) {
NodeToolResult result = node.nodetoolResult(nodetool);
if (notExpected != null)
use of org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.NodeToolResult in project cassandra by apache.
the class RepairCoordinatorFailingMessageTest method streamFailure.
@Test(timeout = 1 * 60 * 1000)
public void streamFailure() {
String table = tableName("streamfailure");
CLUSTER.schemaChange(format("CREATE TABLE %s.%s (key text, value text, PRIMARY KEY (key))", KEYSPACE, table));
// there needs to be a difference to cause streaming to happen, so add to one node
CLUSTER.get(2).executeInternal(format("INSERT INTO %s.%s (key) VALUES (?)", KEYSPACE, table), "some data");
IMessageFilters.Filter filter = CLUSTER.verbs(Verb.SYNC_REQ).messagesMatching(of(m -> {
throw new RuntimeException("stream fail");
try {
NodeToolResult result = repair(1, KEYSPACE, table);
result.asserts().failure().errorContains("Some repair failed").notificationContains(NodeToolResult.ProgressEventType.ERROR, "Some repair failed").notificationContains(NodeToolResult.ProgressEventType.COMPLETE, "finished with error");
} finally {;
use of org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.NodeToolResult in project cassandra by apache.
the class RepairCoordinatorNeighbourDown method validationParticipentCrashesAndComesBack.
public void validationParticipentCrashesAndComesBack() {
// Test what happens when a participant restarts in the middle of validation
// Currently this isn't recoverable but could be.
// TODO since this is a real restart, how would I test "long pause"? Can't send SIGSTOP since same procress
String table = tableName("validationparticipentcrashesandcomesback");
assertTimeoutPreemptively(Duration.ofMinutes(1), () -> {
CLUSTER.schemaChange(format("CREATE TABLE %s.%s (key text, value text, PRIMARY KEY (key))", KEYSPACE, table));
AtomicReference<Future<Void>> participantShutdown = new AtomicReference<>();
CLUSTER.verbs(Verb.VALIDATION_REQ).to(2).messagesMatching(of(m -> {
// the nice thing about this is that this lambda is "capturing" and not "transfer", what this means is that
// this lambda isn't serialized and any object held isn't copied.
// drop it so this node doesn't reply before shutdown.
return true;
// since nodetool is blocking, need to handle participantShutdown in the background
CompletableFuture<Void> recovered = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
try {
while (participantShutdown.get() == null) {
// event not happened, wait for it
Future<Void> f = participantShutdown.get();
// wait for shutdown to complete
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
long repairExceptions = getRepairExceptions(CLUSTER, 1);
NodeToolResult result = repair(1, KEYSPACE, table);
// if recovery didn't happen then the results are not what are being tested, so block here first
result.asserts().failure().errorContains("/ died");
if (withNotifications) {
result.asserts().notificationContains(NodeToolResult.ProgressEventType.ERROR, "/ died").notificationContains(NodeToolResult.ProgressEventType.COMPLETE, "finished with error");
Assert.assertEquals(repairExceptions + 1, getRepairExceptions(CLUSTER, 1));
if (repairType != RepairType.PREVIEW) {
assertParentRepairFailedWithMessageContains(CLUSTER, KEYSPACE, table, "/ died");
} else {
assertParentRepairNotExist(CLUSTER, KEYSPACE, table);
use of org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.NodeToolResult in project cassandra by apache.
the class RepairCoordinatorNeighbourDown method neighbourDown.
public void neighbourDown() {
String table = tableName("neighbourdown");
assertTimeoutPreemptively(Duration.ofMinutes(1), () -> {
CLUSTER.schemaChange(format("CREATE TABLE %s.%s (key text, value text, PRIMARY KEY (key))", KEYSPACE, table));
String downNodeAddress = CLUSTER.get(2).callOnInstance(() -> FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddressAndPort().getHostAddressAndPort());
Future<Void> shutdownFuture = CLUSTER.get(2).shutdown();
try {
// wait for the node to stop
// wait for the failure detector to detect this
CLUSTER.get(1).runOnInstance(() -> {
InetAddressAndPort neighbor;
try {
neighbor = InetAddressAndPort.getByName(downNodeAddress);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
while (FailureDetector.instance.isAlive(neighbor)) Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
long repairExceptions = getRepairExceptions(CLUSTER, 1);
NodeToolResult result = repair(1, KEYSPACE, table);
result.asserts().failure().errorContains("Endpoint not alive");
if (withNotifications) {
result.asserts().notificationContains(NodeToolResult.ProgressEventType.START, "Starting repair command").notificationContains(NodeToolResult.ProgressEventType.START, "repairing keyspace " + KEYSPACE + " with repair options").notificationContains(NodeToolResult.ProgressEventType.ERROR, "Endpoint not alive").notificationContains(NodeToolResult.ProgressEventType.COMPLETE, "finished with error");
Assert.assertEquals(repairExceptions + 1, getRepairExceptions(CLUSTER, 1));
} finally {
// make sure to call outside of the try/finally so the node is up so we can actually query
if (repairType != RepairType.PREVIEW) {
assertParentRepairFailedWithMessageContains(CLUSTER, KEYSPACE, table, "Endpoint not alive");
} else {
assertParentRepairNotExist(CLUSTER, KEYSPACE, table);