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Example 1 with CorruptFileException

use of in project cassandra by apache.

the class AutoSavingCache method loadSaved.

public int loadSaved() {
    int count = 0;
    long start = System.nanoTime();
    // modern format, allows both key and value (so key cache load can be purely sequential)
    File dataPath = getCacheDataPath(CURRENT_VERSION);
    File crcPath = getCacheCrcPath(CURRENT_VERSION);
    if (dataPath.exists() && crcPath.exists()) {
        DataInputStreamPlus in = null;
        try {
  "reading saved cache {}", dataPath);
            in = new DataInputStreamPlus(new LengthAvailableInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(streamFactory.getInputStream(dataPath, crcPath)), dataPath.length()));
            //Check the schema has not changed since CFs are looked up by name which is ambiguous
            UUID schemaVersion = new UUID(in.readLong(), in.readLong());
            if (!schemaVersion.equals(Schema.instance.getVersion()))
                throw new RuntimeException("Cache schema version " + schemaVersion + " does not match current schema version " + Schema.instance.getVersion());
            ArrayDeque<Future<Pair<K, V>>> futures = new ArrayDeque<Future<Pair<K, V>>>();
            while (in.available() > 0) {
                //tableId and indexName are serialized by the serializers in CacheService
                //That is delegated there because there are serializer specific conditions
                //where a cache key is skipped and not written
                TableId tableId = TableId.deserialize(in);
                String indexName = in.readUTF();
                if (indexName.isEmpty())
                    indexName = null;
                ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Schema.instance.getColumnFamilyStoreInstance(tableId);
                if (indexName != null && cfs != null)
                    cfs = cfs.indexManager.getIndexByName(indexName).getBackingTable().orElse(null);
                Future<Pair<K, V>> entryFuture = cacheLoader.deserialize(in, cfs);
                // Key cache entry can return null, if the SSTable doesn't exist.
                if (entryFuture == null)
                     * Kind of unwise to accrue an unbounded number of pending futures
                     * So now there is this loop to keep a bounded number pending.
                do {
                    while (futures.peek() != null && futures.peek().isDone()) {
                        Future<Pair<K, V>> future = futures.poll();
                        Pair<K, V> entry = future.get();
                        if (entry != null && entry.right != null)
                            put(entry.left, entry.right);
                    if (futures.size() > 1000)
                } while (futures.size() > 1000);
            Future<Pair<K, V>> future = null;
            while ((future = futures.poll()) != null) {
                Pair<K, V> entry = future.get();
                if (entry != null && entry.right != null)
                    put(entry.left, entry.right);
        } catch (CorruptFileException e) {
            logger.warn(String.format("Non-fatal checksum error reading saved cache %s", dataPath.getAbsolutePath()), e);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
  "Harmless error reading saved cache %s", dataPath.getAbsolutePath()), t);
        } finally {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
        logger.trace("completed reading ({} ms; {} keys) saved cache {}", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start), count, dataPath);
    return count;
Also used : TableId(org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableId) CorruptFileException( DataInputStreamPlus( ColumnFamilyStore(org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore) ScheduledFuture(java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture) ListenableFuture( Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) Pair(org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair)


ListenableFuture ( Future (java.util.concurrent.Future)1 ScheduledFuture (java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture)1 ColumnFamilyStore (org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore)1 CorruptFileException ( DataInputStreamPlus ( TableId (org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableId)1 Pair (org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair)1