use of org.apache.cassandra.schema.KeyspaceParams in project cassandra by apache.
the class KeyspaceAttributes method asAlteredKeyspaceParams.
public KeyspaceParams asAlteredKeyspaceParams(KeyspaceParams previous) {
boolean durableWrites = getBoolean(Option.DURABLE_WRITES.toString(), previous.durableWrites);
ReplicationParams replication = getReplicationStrategyClass() == null ? previous.replication : ReplicationParams.fromMap(getAllReplicationOptions());
return new KeyspaceParams(durableWrites, replication);
use of org.apache.cassandra.schema.KeyspaceParams in project cassandra by apache.
the class AlterKeyspaceStatement method validate.
public void validate(ClientState state) throws RequestValidationException {
KeyspaceMetadata ksm = Schema.instance.getKeyspaceMetadata(name);
if (ksm == null)
throw new InvalidRequestException("Unknown keyspace " + name);
if (SchemaConstants.isSystemKeyspace(
throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot alter system keyspace");
if (attrs.getReplicationStrategyClass() == null && !attrs.getReplicationOptions().isEmpty())
throw new ConfigurationException("Missing replication strategy class");
if (attrs.getReplicationStrategyClass() != null) {
// The strategy is validated through KSMetaData.validate() in announceKeyspaceUpdate below.
// However, for backward compatibility with thrift, this doesn't validate unexpected options yet,
// so doing proper validation here.
KeyspaceParams params = attrs.asAlteredKeyspaceParams(ksm.params);
if (params.replication.klass.equals(LocalStrategy.class))
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to use given strategy class: LocalStrategy is reserved for internal use.");
warnIfIncreasingRF(ksm, params);
use of org.apache.cassandra.schema.KeyspaceParams in project cassandra by apache.
the class CreateKeyspaceStatement method validate.
* The <code>CqlParser</code> only goes as far as extracting the keyword arguments
* from these statements, so this method is responsible for processing and
* validating.
* @throws InvalidRequestException if arguments are missing or unacceptable
public void validate(ClientState state) throws RequestValidationException {
// keyspace name
if (!PATTERN_WORD_CHARS.matcher(name).matches())
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("\"%s\" is not a valid keyspace name", name));
if (name.length() > SchemaConstants.NAME_LENGTH)
throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Keyspace names shouldn't be more than %s characters long (got \"%s\")", SchemaConstants.NAME_LENGTH, name));
if (attrs.getReplicationStrategyClass() == null)
throw new ConfigurationException("Missing mandatory replication strategy class");
// The strategy is validated through KSMetaData.validate() in announceNewKeyspace below.
// However, for backward compatibility with thrift, this doesn't validate unexpected options yet,
// so doing proper validation here.
KeyspaceParams params = attrs.asNewKeyspaceParams();
if (params.replication.klass.equals(LocalStrategy.class))
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to use given strategy class: LocalStrategy is reserved for internal use.");