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Example 1 with ToManyProperty

use of org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty in project cayenne by apache.

the class DataContext method registerNewObject.

 * Registers a transient object with the context, recursively registering
 * all transient persistent objects attached to this object via
 * relationships.
 * <p>
 * <i>Note that since 3.0 this method takes Object as an argument instead of
 * a {@link DataObject}.</i>
 * @param object
 *            new object that needs to be made persistent.
public void registerNewObject(Object object) {
    if (object == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Can't register null object.");
    ObjEntity entity = getEntityResolver().getObjEntity((Persistent) object);
    if (entity == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find ObjEntity for Persistent class: " + object.getClass().getName() + ", class is likely not mapped.");
    final Persistent persistent = (Persistent) object;
    // sanity check - maybe already registered
    if (persistent.getObjectId() != null) {
        if (persistent.getObjectContext() == this) {
            // already registered, just ignore
        } else if (persistent.getObjectContext() != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Persistent is already registered with another DataContext. " + "Try using 'localObjects()' instead.");
    } else {
        persistent.setObjectId(new ObjectId(entity.getName()));
    ClassDescriptor descriptor = getEntityResolver().getClassDescriptor(entity.getName());
    if (descriptor == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid entity name: " + entity.getName());
    // now we need to find all arc changes, inject missing value holders and
    // pull in
    // all transient connected objects
    descriptor.visitProperties(new PropertyVisitor() {

        public boolean visitToMany(ToManyProperty property) {
            if (!property.isFault(persistent)) {
                Object value = property.readProperty(persistent);
                Collection<Map.Entry> collection = (value instanceof Map) ? ((Map) value).entrySet() : (Collection) value;
                Iterator<Map.Entry> it = collection.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    Object target =;
                    if (target instanceof Persistent) {
                        Persistent targetDO = (Persistent) target;
                        // make sure it is registered
                        getObjectStore().arcCreated(persistent.getObjectId(), targetDO.getObjectId(), property.getName());
            return true;

        public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
            Object target = property.readPropertyDirectly(persistent);
            if (target instanceof Persistent) {
                Persistent targetDO = (Persistent) target;
                // make sure it is registered
                getObjectStore().arcCreated(persistent.getObjectId(), targetDO.getObjectId(), property.getName());
            return true;

        public boolean visitAttribute(AttributeProperty property) {
            return true;
Also used : ClassDescriptor(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ClassDescriptor) ObjectId(org.apache.cayenne.ObjectId) Persistent(org.apache.cayenne.Persistent) AttributeProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.AttributeProperty) ToOneProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToOneProperty) ObjEntity( ToManyProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty) ResultIteratorIterator(org.apache.cayenne.util.ResultIteratorIterator) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ResultIterator(org.apache.cayenne.ResultIterator) Collection(java.util.Collection) DataObject(org.apache.cayenne.DataObject) Map(java.util.Map) PropertyVisitor(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.PropertyVisitor)

Example 2 with ToManyProperty

use of org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty in project cayenne by apache.

the class DataRowUtils method refreshObjectWithSnapshot.

 * Replaces all object attribute values with snapshot values. Sets object state to
 * COMMITTED, unless the snapshot is partial in which case the state is set to HOLLOW
static void refreshObjectWithSnapshot(ClassDescriptor descriptor, final Persistent object, final DataRow snapshot, final boolean invalidateToManyRelationships) {
    final boolean[] isPartialSnapshot = new boolean[1];
    descriptor.visitProperties(new PropertyVisitor() {

        public boolean visitAttribute(AttributeProperty property) {
            ObjAttribute attr = property.getAttribute();
            String dbAttrPath = attr.getDbAttributePath();
            Object value = snapshot.get(dbAttrPath);
            property.writePropertyDirectly(object, null, value);
            // checking for the null value first
            if (value == null && !snapshot.containsKey(dbAttrPath)) {
                isPartialSnapshot[0] = true;
            return true;

        public boolean visitToMany(ToManyProperty property) {
            // snapshot
            if (invalidateToManyRelationships) {
            return true;

        public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
            return true;
    object.setPersistenceState(isPartialSnapshot[0] ? PersistenceState.HOLLOW : PersistenceState.COMMITTED);
Also used : ObjAttribute( ToManyProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty) AttributeProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.AttributeProperty) PropertyVisitor(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.PropertyVisitor) ToOneProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToOneProperty)

Example 3 with ToManyProperty

use of org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty in project cayenne by apache.

the class ObjectDiff method addDiff.

void addDiff(NodeDiff diff, ObjectStore parent) {
    boolean addDiff = true;
    if (diff instanceof ArcOperation) {
        ArcOperation arcDiff = (ArcOperation) diff;
        Object targetId = arcDiff.getTargetNodeId();
        String arcId = arcDiff.getArcId().toString();
        ArcProperty property = (ArcProperty) getClassDescriptor().getProperty(arcId);
        if (property == null && arcId.startsWith(ASTDbPath.DB_PREFIX)) {
            addDiff = false;
        } else if (property instanceof ToManyProperty) {
            // record flattened op changes
            ObjRelationship relationship = property.getRelationship();
            if (relationship.isFlattened()) {
                if (flatIds == null) {
                    flatIds = new HashMap<>();
                ArcOperation oldOp = flatIds.put(arcDiff, arcDiff);
                // "delete" cancels "create" and vice versa...
                if (oldOp != null && oldOp.isDelete() != arcDiff.isDelete()) {
                    addDiff = false;
                    if (otherDiffs != null) {
            } else if (property.getComplimentaryReverseArc() == null) {
                // register complimentary arc diff
                String arc = ASTDbPath.DB_PREFIX + property.getComplimentaryReverseDbRelationshipPath();
                ArcOperation complimentartyOp = new ArcOperation(targetId, arcDiff.getNodeId(), arc, arcDiff.isDelete());
                parent.registerDiff(targetId, complimentartyOp);
        } else if (property instanceof ToOneProperty) {
            if (currentArcSnapshot == null) {
                currentArcSnapshot = new HashMap<>();
            currentArcSnapshot.put(arcId, targetId);
        } else {
            String message = (property == null) ? "No property for arcId " + arcId : "Unrecognized property for arcId " + arcId + ": " + property;
            throw new CayenneRuntimeException(message);
    if (addDiff) {
        if (otherDiffs == null) {
            otherDiffs = new ArrayList<>(3);
Also used : ObjRelationship( ArcProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ArcProperty) ToManyProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CayenneRuntimeException(org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException) ToOneProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToOneProperty)

Example 4 with ToManyProperty

use of org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty in project cayenne by apache.

the class PrefetchProcessorJointNode method buildRowMapping.

 * Configures row columns mapping for this node entity.
private void buildRowMapping() {
    final Map<String, ColumnDescriptor> targetSource = new TreeMap<>();
    // build a DB path .. find parent node that terminates the joint group...
    PrefetchTreeNode jointRoot = this;
    while (jointRoot.getParent() != null && !jointRoot.isDisjointPrefetch() && !jointRoot.isDisjointByIdPrefetch()) {
        jointRoot = jointRoot.getParent();
    final String prefix;
    if (jointRoot != this) {
        Expression objectPath = ExpressionFactory.exp(getPath(jointRoot));
        ASTPath translated = (ASTPath) ((PrefetchProcessorNode) jointRoot).getResolver().getEntity().translateToDbPath(objectPath);
        // make sure we do not include "db:" prefix
        prefix = translated.getOperand(0) + ".";
    } else {
        prefix = "";
    if (getParent() != null && !getParent().isPhantom() && getIncoming() != null && !getIncoming().getRelationship().isFlattened()) {
        DbRelationship r = getIncoming().getRelationship().getDbRelationships().get(0);
        for (final DbJoin join : r.getJoins()) {
            appendColumn(targetSource, join.getTargetName(), prefix + join.getTargetName());
    ClassDescriptor descriptor = resolver.getDescriptor();
    descriptor.visitAllProperties(new PropertyVisitor() {

        public boolean visitAttribute(AttributeProperty property) {
            String target = property.getAttribute().getDbAttributePath();
            appendColumn(targetSource, target, prefix + target);
            return true;

        public boolean visitToMany(ToManyProperty property) {
            return visitRelationship(property);

        public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
            return visitRelationship(property);

        private boolean visitRelationship(ArcProperty arc) {
            DbRelationship dbRel = arc.getRelationship().getDbRelationships().get(0);
            for (DbAttribute attribute : dbRel.getSourceAttributes()) {
                String target = attribute.getName();
                appendColumn(targetSource, target, prefix + target);
            return true;
    // append id columns ... (some may have been appended already via relationships)
    for (String pkName : descriptor.getEntity().getPrimaryKeyNames()) {
        appendColumn(targetSource, pkName, prefix + pkName);
    // append inheritance discriminator columns...
    for (ObjAttribute column : descriptor.getDiscriminatorColumns()) {
        String target = column.getDbAttributePath();
        appendColumn(targetSource, target, prefix + target);
    int size = targetSource.size();
    this.rowCapacity = (int) Math.ceil(size / 0.75);
    this.columns = new ColumnDescriptor[size];
Also used : ArcProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ArcProperty) ClassDescriptor(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ClassDescriptor) ObjAttribute( ColumnDescriptor(org.apache.cayenne.access.jdbc.ColumnDescriptor) DbAttribute( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) AttributeProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.AttributeProperty) ToOneProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToOneProperty) ToManyProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty) Expression(org.apache.cayenne.exp.Expression) PrefetchTreeNode(org.apache.cayenne.query.PrefetchTreeNode) DbRelationship( DbJoin( ASTPath(org.apache.cayenne.exp.parser.ASTPath) PropertyVisitor(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.PropertyVisitor)

Example 5 with ToManyProperty

use of org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty in project cayenne by apache.

the class EJBQLIdentifierColumnsTranslator method visitIdentifier.

public boolean visitIdentifier(EJBQLExpression expression) {
    Map<String, String> xfields = null;
    if (context.isAppendingResultColumns()) {
        xfields = context.nextEntityResult().getFields();
    // assign whatever we have to a final ivar so that it can be accessed
    // within
    // the inner class
    final Map<String, String> fields = xfields;
    final String idVar = expression.getText();
    // append all table columns ... the trick is to follow the algorithm for
    // describing the fields in the expression compiler, so that we could
    // assign
    // columns labels from FieldResults in the order we encounter them
    // here...
    // TODO: andrus 2008/02/17 - this is a bit of a hack, think of a better
    // solution
    ClassDescriptor descriptor = context.getEntityDescriptor(idVar);
    PropertyVisitor visitor = new PropertyVisitor() {

        public boolean visitAttribute(AttributeProperty property) {
            ObjAttribute oa = property.getAttribute();
            Iterator<?> dbPathIterator = oa.getDbPathIterator();
            EJBQLJoinAppender joinAppender = null;
            String marker = null;
            EJBQLTableId lhsId = new EJBQLTableId(idVar);
            while (dbPathIterator.hasNext()) {
                Object pathPart =;
                if (pathPart == null) {
                    throw new CayenneRuntimeException("ObjAttribute has no component: %s", oa.getName());
                } else if (pathPart instanceof DbRelationship) {
                    if (marker == null) {
                        marker = EJBQLJoinAppender.makeJoinTailMarker(idVar);
                        joinAppender = context.getTranslatorFactory().getJoinAppender(context);
                    DbRelationship dr = (DbRelationship) pathPart;
                    EJBQLTableId rhsId = new EJBQLTableId(lhsId, dr.getName());
                    joinAppender.appendOuterJoin(marker, lhsId, rhsId);
                    lhsId = rhsId;
                } else if (pathPart instanceof DbAttribute) {
                    appendColumn(idVar, oa, (DbAttribute) pathPart, fields, oa.getType());
            return true;

        public boolean visitToMany(ToManyProperty property) {
            return true;

        public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
            return true;

        private void visitRelationship(ArcProperty property) {
            ObjRelationship rel = property.getRelationship();
            DbRelationship dbRel = rel.getDbRelationships().get(0);
            for (DbJoin join : dbRel.getJoins()) {
                DbAttribute src = join.getSource();
                appendColumn(idVar, null, src, fields);
    // EJBQL queries are polymorphic by definition - there is no distinction
    // between
    // inheritance/no-inheritance fetch
    // append id columns ... (some may have been appended already via
    // relationships)
    DbEntity table = descriptor.getEntity().getDbEntity();
    for (DbAttribute pk : table.getPrimaryKeys()) {
        appendColumn(idVar, null, pk, fields);
    // append inheritance discriminator columns...
    for (ObjAttribute column : descriptor.getDiscriminatorColumns()) {
        appendColumn(idVar, column, column.getDbAttribute(), fields);
    return false;
Also used : ObjRelationship( ArcProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ArcProperty) ClassDescriptor(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ClassDescriptor) ObjAttribute( CayenneRuntimeException(org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException) DbAttribute( AttributeProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.AttributeProperty) ToOneProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToOneProperty) ToManyProperty(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty) DbEntity( DbRelationship( DbJoin( PropertyVisitor(org.apache.cayenne.reflect.PropertyVisitor)


ToManyProperty (org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToManyProperty)31 ToOneProperty (org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ToOneProperty)29 AttributeProperty (org.apache.cayenne.reflect.AttributeProperty)28 PropertyVisitor (org.apache.cayenne.reflect.PropertyVisitor)28 ClassDescriptor (org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ClassDescriptor)21 ArcProperty (org.apache.cayenne.reflect.ArcProperty)13 ObjRelationship ( Persistent (org.apache.cayenne.Persistent)8 DbRelationship ( ObjAttribute ( PropertyDescriptor (org.apache.cayenne.reflect.PropertyDescriptor)8 CayenneRuntimeException (org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException)7 DbJoin ( ObjEntity ( ObjectId (org.apache.cayenne.ObjectId)6 DbAttribute ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 Map (java.util.Map)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Collection (java.util.Collection)3