use of org.apache.cloudstack.quota.vo.QuotaCreditsVO in project cloudstack by apache.
the class QuotaResponseBuilderImpl method addQuotaCredits.
public QuotaCreditsResponse addQuotaCredits(Long accountId, Long domainId, Double amount, Long updatedBy, Boolean enforce) {
Date despositedOn = _quotaService.computeAdjustedTime(new Date());
QuotaBalanceVO qb = _quotaBalanceDao.findLaterBalanceEntry(accountId, domainId, despositedOn);
if (qb != null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Incorrect deposit date: " + despositedOn + " there are balance entries after this date");
QuotaCreditsVO credits = new QuotaCreditsVO(accountId, domainId, new BigDecimal(amount), updatedBy);
QuotaCreditsVO result = _quotaCreditsDao.saveCredits(credits);
final AccountVO account = _accountDao.findById(accountId);
if (account == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Account does not exist with account id " + accountId);
final boolean lockAccountEnforcement = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(QuotaConfig.QuotaEnableEnforcement.value());
final BigDecimal currentAccountBalance = _quotaBalanceDao.lastQuotaBalance(accountId, domainId, startOfNextDay(new Date(despositedOn.getTime())));
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("AddQuotaCredits: Depositing " + amount + " on adjusted date " + despositedOn + ", current balance " + currentAccountBalance);
// update quota account with the balance
_quotaService.saveQuotaAccount(account, currentAccountBalance, despositedOn);
if (lockAccountEnforcement) {
if (currentAccountBalance.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0)) >= 0) {
if (account.getState() == Account.State.locked) {"UnLocking account " + account.getAccountName() + " , due to positive balance " + currentAccountBalance);
_accountMgr.enableAccount(account.getAccountName(), domainId, accountId);
} else {
// currentAccountBalance < 0 then lock the account
if (_quotaManager.isLockable(account) && account.getState() == Account.State.enabled && enforce) {"Locking account " + account.getAccountName() + " , due to negative balance " + currentAccountBalance);
_accountMgr.lockAccount(account.getAccountName(), domainId, accountId);
String creditor = String.valueOf(Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM);
User creditorUser = _userDao.getUser(updatedBy);
if (creditorUser != null) {
creditor = creditorUser.getUsername();
QuotaCreditsResponse response = new QuotaCreditsResponse(result, creditor);
return response;
use of org.apache.cloudstack.quota.vo.QuotaCreditsVO in project cloudstack by apache.
the class QuotaResponseBuilderImplTest method testAddQuotaCredits.
public void testAddQuotaCredits() {
final long accountId = 2L;
final long domainId = 1L;
final double amount = 11.0;
final long updatedBy = 2L;
QuotaCreditsVO credit = new QuotaCreditsVO();
credit.setCredit(new BigDecimal(amount));
Mockito.when(quotaBalanceDao.lastQuotaBalance(Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.anyLong(), Mockito.any(Date.class))).thenReturn(new BigDecimal(111));
Mockito.when(quotaService.computeAdjustedTime(Mockito.any(Date.class))).thenReturn(new Date());
AccountVO account = new AccountVO();
QuotaCreditsResponse resp = quotaResponseBuilder.addQuotaCredits(accountId, domainId, amount, updatedBy, true);
assertTrue(resp.getCredits().compareTo(credit.getCredit()) == 0);