use of org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder in project RoboBinding by RoboBinding.
the class PresentationModelErrors method getMessage.
public String getMessage() {
StrBuilder sb = new StrBuilder();
sb.appendln(MessageFormat.format("----------------{0} errors:---------------", presentationModelTypeName));
appendErrors(sb, "property errors:", propertyErrors);
appendErrors(sb, "property dependency errors:", propertyDependencyErrors);
return sb.toString();
use of org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder in project RoboBinding by RoboBinding.
the class InlineLinkTagTranslator method translate.
public String translate(String text, Tag containingTag, Doc doc, TagletWriterImpl tagletWriterImpl) {
StrBuilder sb = new StrBuilder(text);
List<SeeTag> inlineLinkTags = getInlineLinkTags(containingTag);
for (SeeTag inlineLinkTag : inlineLinkTags) {
String inlineLinkContent = "{@link " + inlineLinkTag.text() + "}";
if (sb.contains(inlineLinkContent)) {
TagletOutput tagletOutput = tagletWriterImpl.seeTagOutput(doc, new SeeTag[] { inlineLinkTag });
String seeAlsoText = tagletOutput.toString();
sb.replaceAll(inlineLinkContent, seeAlsoText.split("</span></dt><dd>")[1]);
return sb.toString();
use of org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder in project blue by kunstmusik.
the class BlueX7 method generateFTables.
public void generateFTables(Tables tables) {
StrBuilder buffer = new StrBuilder();
Object obj = tables.getCompilationVariable(BLUEX7_HAS_BEEN_COMPILED);
// static ftable generation)
if (obj == null || obj != Boolean.TRUE) {
tables.setCompilationVariable(BLUEX7_HAS_BEEN_COMPILED, Boolean.TRUE);
// assigning static table numbers
sineTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
outputAmpTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
rateScaleTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
egRateRiseLvlTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
egRateRisePercentageTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
egRateDecayLvlTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
egRateDecayPercentageTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
egLevelPeakTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
velAmpTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
velSensitivityTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
feedbackScaleTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
buffer.append("; [BLUEX7] - START STATIC TABLES");
buffer.append("; sine wave\n");
buffer.append("f" + sineTable + " 0 512 10 1\n");
buffer.append("; operator output level to amp scale function (data from Chowning/Bristow)\n");
buffer.append("f" + outputAmpTable + " 0 128 7 0 10 .003 10 .013");
buffer.append(" 10 .031 10 .079 10 .188 10 .446");
buffer.append(" 5 .690 5 1.068 5 1.639 5 2.512");
buffer.append(" 5 3.894 5 6.029 5 9.263 4 13.119");
buffer.append(" 29 13.119\n");
buffer.append("; rate scaling function\n");
buffer.append("f" + rateScaleTable + " 0 128 7 0 128 1\n");
buffer.append("; eg rate rise function for lvl change between 0 and 99 (data from Opcode)\n");
buffer.append("f" + egRateRiseLvlTable + " 0 128 -7 38 5 22.8 5 12 5");
buffer.append(" 7.5 5 4.8 5 2.7 5 1.8 5 1.3");
buffer.append(" 8 .737 3 .615 3 .505 3 .409 3");
buffer.append(" .321 6 .080 6 .055 2 .032 3 .024");
buffer.append(" 3 .018 3 .014 3 .011 3 .008 3");
buffer.append(" .008 3 .007 3 .005 3 .003 32 .003\n");
buffer.append("; eg rate rise percentage function\n");
buffer.append("f" + egRateRisePercentageTable + " 0 128 -7 .00001 31 .00001 4 .02 5");
buffer.append(" .06 10 .14 10 .24 10 .35 10 .50");
buffer.append(" 10 .70 5 .86 4 1.0 29 1.0\n");
buffer.append("; eg rate decay function for lvl change between 0 and 99\n");
buffer.append("f" + egRateDecayLvlTable + " 0 128 -7 318 4 181 5 115 5");
buffer.append(" 63 5 39.7 5 20 5 11.2 5 7");
buffer.append(" 8 5.66 3 3.98 6 1.99 3 1.34 3");
buffer.append(" .99 3 .71 5 .41 3 .15 3 .081");
buffer.append(" 3 .068 3 .047 3 .037 3 .025 3");
buffer.append(" .02 3 .013 3 .008 36 .008\n");
buffer.append("; eg rate decay percentage function\n");
buffer.append("f" + egRateDecayPercentageTable + " 0 128 -7 .00001 10 .25 10 .35 10");
buffer.append(" .43 10 .52 10 .59 10 .70 10 .77");
buffer.append(" 10 .84 10 .92 9 1.0 29 1.0\n");
buffer.append("; eg level to peak deviation mapping function (index in radians = Index / 2PI)\n");
buffer.append("f" + egLevelPeakTable + " 0 128 -7 0 10 .000477 10 .002");
buffer.append(" 10 .00493 10 .01257 10 .02992 10 .07098");
buffer.append(" 5 .10981 5 .16997 5 .260855 5 .39979");
buffer.append(" 5 .61974 5 .95954 5 1.47425 4 2.08795");
buffer.append(" 29 2.08795\n");
buffer.append("; velocity to amp factor mapping function (rough guess)\n");
buffer.append("f" + velAmpTable + " 0 129 9 .25 1 0\n");
buffer.append("; velocity sensitivity scaling function\n");
buffer.append("f" + velSensitivityTable + " 0 8 -7 0 8 1\n");
buffer.append("; feedback scaling function\n");
buffer.append("f" + feedbackScaleTable + " 0 8 -7 0 8 7\n");
buffer.append("; [BLUEX7] - END STATIC TABLES\n\n");
// end static ftable generation
buffer.append("; FTABLES FOR BLUEX7 INSTRUMENT: " + this.getName() + "\n");
operatorTableNums = new int[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
operatorTableNums[i] = tables.getOpenFTableNumber();
buffer.append(generateFTableForOperator(this.operators[i], operatorTableNums[i]) + "\n");
tables.setTables(tables.getTables() + "\n" + buffer.toString());
use of org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder in project blue by kunstmusik.
the class BlueX7 method generateInstrument.
public String generateInstrument() {
String algNum = this.algorithmCommon.algorithm < 10 ? "0" + this.algorithmCommon.algorithm : Integer.toString(this.algorithmCommon.algorithm);
StrBuilder buffer = new StrBuilder();
try {
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("blue/resources/blueX7/dx7" + algNum + ".orc")))) {
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.err.println("[error] BlueX7::generateInstrument");
return "";
String credits = "; Instrument derived from Russell Pinkston's DX7 emulation patches\n" + "; Code from Jeff Harrington's DX72SCO consulted in building BlueX7\n" + "; as well as the JSynthLib project\n";
buffer.insert(0, credits);
String instrText = buffer.toString();
instrText = instrText.substring(instrText.indexOf('\n', instrText.indexOf("instr")) + 1);
instrText = instrText.substring(0, instrText.indexOf("endin") - 1);
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "abs(p3)", "idur");
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "ihold", "idur \t= abs(p3) \np3 = p3 + 4");
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "cpspch(p4)", "(p4 < 15 ? cpspch(p4) : p4)");
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "octpch(p4)", "(p4 < 15 ? octpch(p4) : p4)");
/* Static FTable Swap */
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p16", Integer.toString(outputAmpTable));
// instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p17",
// Integer.toString(peakAmp)); // some multiplier value
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p17", "5000");
// some multiplier value, maybe should map output level
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p18", Integer.toString(rateScaleTable));
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p19", Integer.toString(egLevelPeakTable));
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p20", Integer.toString(egRateRiseLvlTable));
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p21", Integer.toString(egRateDecayLvlTable));
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p22", Integer.toString(velSensitivityTable));
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p23", Integer.toString(velAmpTable));
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p24", Integer.toString(feedbackScaleTable));
/* Swapping other values */
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p25", Integer.toString(;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
instrText = TextUtilities.replace(instrText, "p" + (i + 10), Integer.toString(operatorTableNums[i]));
int pos = instrText.lastIndexOf("out");
instrText = instrText.substring(0, pos) + "aout = " + instrText.substring(pos + 7);
instrText += "\n" + this.csoundPostCode;
// egRateDecayPercentageTable = tables.getOpenFTableNumber(); unused
return instrText;
use of org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder in project blue by kunstmusik.
the class BlueX7 method generateFTableForOperator.
private String generateFTableForOperator(Operator op, int tableNum) {
StrBuilder buffer = new StrBuilder();
buffer.append("f ").append(tableNum).append(" 0 32 -2 ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.outputLevel)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.velocitySensitivity)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.envelopePoints[0].x)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.envelopePoints[1].x)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.envelopePoints[2].x)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.envelopePoints[3].x)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.envelopePoints[0].y)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.envelopePoints[1].y)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.envelopePoints[2].y)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.envelopePoints[3].y)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.modulationAmplitude)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.mode)).append(" ");
// buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.freqCoarse) + " ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(1)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.detune)).append(" ");
buffer.append(Integer.toString(op.keyboardRateScaling)).append(" ");
// adding 0 to fill table
buffer.append("0 \n");
return buffer.toString();