use of org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class CoverageDropoutDetector method retrieveGaussianMixtureModelForFilteredTargets.
/** <p>Produces a Gaussian mixture model based on the difference between targets and segment means.</p>
* <p>Filters targets to populations where more than the minProportion lie in a single segment.</p>
* <p>Returns null if no pass filtering. Please note that in these cases,
* in the rest of this class, we use this to assume that a GMM is not a good model.</p>
* @param segments -- segments with segment mean in log2 copy ratio space
* @param targets -- targets with a log2 copy ratio estimate
* @param minProportion -- minimum proportion of all targets that a given segment must have in order to be used
* in the evaluation
* @param numComponents -- number of components to use in the GMM. Usually, this is 2.
* @return never {@code null}. Fitting result with indications whether it converged or was even attempted.
private MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult retrieveGaussianMixtureModelForFilteredTargets(final List<ModeledSegment> segments, final TargetCollection<ReadCountRecord.SingleSampleRecord> targets, double minProportion, int numComponents) {
// For each target in a segment that contains enough targets, normalize the difference against the segment mean
// and collapse the filtered targets into the copy ratio estimates.
final List<Double> filteredTargetsSegDiff = getNumProbeFilteredTargetList(segments, targets, minProportion);
if (filteredTargetsSegDiff.size() < numComponents) {
return new MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult(null, false, false);
// Assume that Apache Commons wants data points in the first dimension.
// Note that second dimension of length 2 (instead of 1) is to wrok around funny Apache commons API.
final double[][] filteredTargetsSegDiff2d = new double[filteredTargetsSegDiff.size()][2];
// Convert the filtered targets into 2d array (even if second dimension is length 1). The second dimension is
// uncorrelated Gaussian. This is only to get around funny API in Apache Commons, which will throw an
// exception if the length of the second dimension is < 2
final RandomGenerator rng = RandomGeneratorFactory.createRandomGenerator(new Random(RANDOM_SEED));
final NormalDistribution nd = new NormalDistribution(rng, 0, .1);
for (int i = 0; i < filteredTargetsSegDiff.size(); i++) {
filteredTargetsSegDiff2d[i][0] = filteredTargetsSegDiff.get(i);
filteredTargetsSegDiff2d[i][1] = nd.sample();
final MixtureMultivariateNormalDistribution estimateEM0 = MultivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization.estimate(filteredTargetsSegDiff2d, numComponents);
final MultivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization multivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization = new MultivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization(filteredTargetsSegDiff2d);
try {;
} catch (final MaxCountExceededException | ConvergenceException | SingularMatrixException e) {
// did not converge. Include the model as it was when the exception was thrown.
return new MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult(multivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization.getFittedModel(), false, true);
return new MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult(multivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization.getFittedModel(), true, true);
use of org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class CNLOHCaller method calculateDoubleGaussian.
* This function takes two half-Gaussian distributions and uses one for the values below the mode and the other for values above the
* mode.
* If the mode is outside the credible interval, the calculation is done as if the interval boundary is
* {@link CNLOHCaller#MIN_DIST_FROM_MODE} above/below the mode.
* @param val value to calculate the "pdf"
* @param credibleMode mode of the presumed distribution
* @param credibleLow 95% confidence interval on the low tail
* @param credibleHigh 95% confidence interval on the high tail
* @return pdf with a minimum value of {@link CNLOHCaller#MIN_L}
static double calculateDoubleGaussian(final double val, final double credibleMode, final double credibleLow, final double credibleHigh) {
final double hiDist = Math.max(credibleHigh - credibleMode, MIN_DIST_FROM_MODE);
final double loDist = Math.max(credibleMode - credibleLow, MIN_DIST_FROM_MODE);
return new NormalDistribution(null, credibleMode, (val >= credibleMode ? hiDist : loDist) / NUM_STD_95_CONF_INTERVAL_GAUSSIAN).density(val);
use of org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class SliceSamplerUnitTest method testInitialPointOutOfRange.
@Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testInitialPointOutOfRange() {
final double mean = 5.;
final double standardDeviation = 0.75;
final NormalDistribution normalDistribution = new NormalDistribution(mean, standardDeviation);
final Function<Double, Double> normalLogPDF = normalDistribution::logDensity;
final double xInitial = -10.;
final double xMin = 0.;
final double xMax = 1.;
final double width = 0.5;
final SliceSampler normalSampler = new SliceSampler(rng, normalLogPDF, xMin, xMax, width);
use of org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution in project gatk-protected by broadinstitute.
the class SliceSamplerUnitTest method testSliceSamplingOfNormalDistribution.
* Test slice sampling of a normal distribution. Checks that input mean and standard deviation are recovered
* by 10000 samples to a relative error of 0.5% and 2%, respectively.
public void testSliceSamplingOfNormalDistribution() {
final double mean = 5.;
final double standardDeviation = 0.75;
final NormalDistribution normalDistribution = new NormalDistribution(mean, standardDeviation);
final Function<Double, Double> normalLogPDF = normalDistribution::logDensity;
final double xInitial = 1.;
final double xMin = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
final double xMax = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
final double width = 0.5;
final int numSamples = 10000;
final SliceSampler normalSampler = new SliceSampler(rng, normalLogPDF, xMin, xMax, width);
final double[] samples = Doubles.toArray(normalSampler.sample(xInitial, numSamples));
final double sampleMean = new Mean().evaluate(samples);
final double sampleStandardDeviation = new StandardDeviation().evaluate(samples);
Assert.assertEquals(relativeError(sampleMean, mean), 0., 0.005);
Assert.assertEquals(relativeError(sampleStandardDeviation, standardDeviation), 0., 0.02);
use of org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution in project gatk by broadinstitute.
the class CoverageDropoutDetector method retrieveGaussianMixtureModelForFilteredTargets.
/** <p>Produces a Gaussian mixture model based on the difference between targets and segment means.</p>
* <p>Filters targets to populations where more than the minProportion lie in a single segment.</p>
* <p>Returns null if no pass filtering. Please note that in these cases,
* in the rest of this class, we use this to assume that a GMM is not a good model.</p>
* @param segments -- segments with segment mean in log2 copy ratio space
* @param targets -- targets with a log2 copy ratio estimate
* @param minProportion -- minimum proportion of all targets that a given segment must have in order to be used
* in the evaluation
* @param numComponents -- number of components to use in the GMM. Usually, this is 2.
* @return never {@code null}. Fitting result with indications whether it converged or was even attempted.
private MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult retrieveGaussianMixtureModelForFilteredTargets(final List<ModeledSegment> segments, final TargetCollection<ReadCountRecord.SingleSampleRecord> targets, double minProportion, int numComponents) {
// For each target in a segment that contains enough targets, normalize the difference against the segment mean
// and collapse the filtered targets into the copy ratio estimates.
final List<Double> filteredTargetsSegDiff = getNumProbeFilteredTargetList(segments, targets, minProportion);
if (filteredTargetsSegDiff.size() < numComponents) {
return new MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult(null, false, false);
// Assume that Apache Commons wants data points in the first dimension.
// Note that second dimension of length 2 (instead of 1) is to wrok around funny Apache commons API.
final double[][] filteredTargetsSegDiff2d = new double[filteredTargetsSegDiff.size()][2];
// Convert the filtered targets into 2d array (even if second dimension is length 1). The second dimension is
// uncorrelated Gaussian. This is only to get around funny API in Apache Commons, which will throw an
// exception if the length of the second dimension is < 2
final RandomGenerator rng = RandomGeneratorFactory.createRandomGenerator(new Random(RANDOM_SEED));
final NormalDistribution nd = new NormalDistribution(rng, 0, .1);
for (int i = 0; i < filteredTargetsSegDiff.size(); i++) {
filteredTargetsSegDiff2d[i][0] = filteredTargetsSegDiff.get(i);
filteredTargetsSegDiff2d[i][1] = nd.sample();
final MixtureMultivariateNormalDistribution estimateEM0 = MultivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization.estimate(filteredTargetsSegDiff2d, numComponents);
final MultivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization multivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization = new MultivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization(filteredTargetsSegDiff2d);
try {;
} catch (final MaxCountExceededException | ConvergenceException | SingularMatrixException e) {
// did not converge. Include the model as it was when the exception was thrown.
return new MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult(multivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization.getFittedModel(), false, true);
return new MixtureMultivariateNormalFitResult(multivariateNormalMixtureExpectationMaximization.getFittedModel(), true, true);