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Example 11 with Cluster

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class TestClusterTopology method testChooseRandom.

   * Test how well we pick random nodes.
public void testChooseRandom() {
    // create the topology
    NetworkTopology cluster = NetworkTopology.getInstance(new Configuration());
    NodeElement node1 = getNewNode("node1", "/d1/r1");
    NodeElement node2 = getNewNode("node2", "/d1/r2");
    NodeElement node3 = getNewNode("node3", "/d1/r3");
    NodeElement node4 = getNewNode("node4", "/d1/r3");
    // Number of iterations to do the test
    int numIterations = 100;
    // Pick random nodes
    HashMap<String, Integer> histogram = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
        String randomNode = cluster.chooseRandom(NodeBase.ROOT).getName();
        if (!histogram.containsKey(randomNode)) {
            histogram.put(randomNode, 0);
        histogram.put(randomNode, histogram.get(randomNode) + 1);
    assertEquals("Random is not selecting all nodes", 4, histogram.size());
    // Check with 99% confidence (alpha=0.01 as confidence = (100 * (1 - alpha)
    ChiSquareTest chiSquareTest = new ChiSquareTest();
    double[] expected = new double[histogram.size()];
    long[] observed = new long[histogram.size()];
    int j = 0;
    for (Integer occurrence : histogram.values()) {
        expected[j] = 1.0 * numIterations / histogram.size();
        observed[j] = occurrence;
    boolean chiSquareTestRejected = chiSquareTest.chiSquareTest(expected, observed, 0.01);
    // Check that they have the proper distribution
    assertFalse("Not choosing nodes randomly", chiSquareTestRejected);
    // Pick random nodes excluding the 2 nodes in /d1/r3
    histogram = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
        String randomNode = cluster.chooseRandom("~/d1/r3").getName();
        if (!histogram.containsKey(randomNode)) {
            histogram.put(randomNode, 0);
        histogram.put(randomNode, histogram.get(randomNode) + 1);
    assertEquals("Random is not selecting the nodes it should", 2, histogram.size());
Also used : Configuration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ChiSquareTest(org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.ChiSquareTest) ChiSquareTest(org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.ChiSquareTest) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 12 with Cluster

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class PCPALMFitting method fitClusteredModel.

	 * Fits the correlation curve with r>0 to the clustered model using the estimated density and precision. Parameters
	 * must be fit within a tolerance of the starting values.
	 * @param gr
	 * @param sigmaS
	 *            The estimated precision
	 * @param proteinDensity
	 *            The estimated protein density
	 * @return The fitted parameters [precision, density, clusterRadius, clusterDensity]
private double[] fitClusteredModel(double[][] gr, double sigmaS, double proteinDensity, String resultColour) {
    final ClusteredModelFunctionGradient function = new ClusteredModelFunctionGradient();
    clusteredModel = function;
    log("Fitting %s: Estimated precision = %f nm, estimated protein density = %g um^-2", clusteredModel.getName(), sigmaS, proteinDensity * 1e6);
    for (int i = offset; i < gr[0].length; i++) {
        // Only fit the curve above the estimated resolution (points below it will be subject to error)
        if (gr[0][i] > sigmaS * fitAboveEstimatedPrecision)
            clusteredModel.addPoint(gr[0][i], gr[1][i]);
    double[] parameters;
    // The model is: sigma, density, range, amplitude
    double[] initialSolution = new double[] { sigmaS, proteinDensity, sigmaS * 5, 1 };
    int evaluations = 0;
    // Constrain the fitting to be close to the estimated precision (sigmaS) and protein density.
    // LVM fitting does not support constrained fitting so use a bounded optimiser.
    SumOfSquaresModelFunction clusteredModelMulti = new SumOfSquaresModelFunction(clusteredModel);
    double[] x = clusteredModelMulti.x;
    // Put some bounds around the initial guess. Use the fitting tolerance (in %) if provided.
    double limit = (fittingTolerance > 0) ? 1 + fittingTolerance / 100 : 2;
    double[] lB = new double[] { initialSolution[0] / limit, initialSolution[1] / limit, 0, 0 };
    // The amplitude and range should not extend beyond the limits of the g(r) curve.
    double[] uB = new double[] { initialSolution[0] * limit, initialSolution[1] * limit, Maths.max(x), Maths.max(gr[1]) };
    log("Fitting %s using a bounded search: %s < precision < %s & %s < density < %s", clusteredModel.getName(), Utils.rounded(lB[0], 4), Utils.rounded(uB[0], 4), Utils.rounded(lB[1] * 1e6, 4), Utils.rounded(uB[1] * 1e6, 4));
    PointValuePair constrainedSolution = runBoundedOptimiser(gr, initialSolution, lB, uB, clusteredModelMulti);
    if (constrainedSolution == null)
        return null;
    parameters = constrainedSolution.getPointRef();
    evaluations = boundedEvaluations;
    // Refit using a LVM  
    if (useLSE) {
        log("Re-fitting %s using a gradient optimisation", clusteredModel.getName());
        LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer();
        Optimum lvmSolution;
        try {
            LeastSquaresProblem problem = new LeastSquaresBuilder().maxEvaluations(Integer.MAX_VALUE).maxIterations(3000).start(parameters).target(function.getY()).weight(new DiagonalMatrix(function.getWeights())).model(function, new MultivariateMatrixFunction() {

                public double[][] value(double[] point) throws IllegalArgumentException {
                    return function.jacobian(point);
            lvmSolution = optimizer.optimize(problem);
            evaluations += lvmSolution.getEvaluations();
            double ss = lvmSolution.getResiduals().dotProduct(lvmSolution.getResiduals());
            if (ss < constrainedSolution.getValue()) {
                log("Re-fitting %s improved the SS from %s to %s (-%s%%)", clusteredModel.getName(), Utils.rounded(constrainedSolution.getValue(), 4), Utils.rounded(ss, 4), Utils.rounded(100 * (constrainedSolution.getValue() - ss) / constrainedSolution.getValue(), 4));
                parameters = lvmSolution.getPoint().toArray();
        } catch (TooManyIterationsException e) {
            log("Failed to re-fit %s: Too many iterations (%s)", clusteredModel.getName(), e.getMessage());
        } catch (ConvergenceException e) {
            log("Failed to re-fit %s: %s", clusteredModel.getName(), e.getMessage());
    // Ensure the width is positive
    parameters[0] = Math.abs(parameters[0]);
    //parameters[2] = Math.abs(parameters[2]);
    double ss = 0;
    double[] obs = clusteredModel.getY();
    double[] exp = clusteredModel.value(parameters);
    for (int i = 0; i < obs.length; i++) ss += (obs[i] - exp[i]) * (obs[i] - exp[i]);
    ic2 = Maths.getAkaikeInformationCriterionFromResiduals(ss, clusteredModel.size(), parameters.length);
    final double fitSigmaS = parameters[0];
    final double fitProteinDensity = parameters[1];
    //The radius of the cluster domain
    final double domainRadius = parameters[2];
    //The density of the cluster domain
    final double domainDensity = parameters[3];
    // This is from the PC-PALM paper. However that paper fits the g(r)protein exponential convolved in 2D
    // with the g(r)PSF. In this method we have just fit the exponential
    final double nCluster = 2 * domainDensity * Math.PI * domainRadius * domainRadius * fitProteinDensity;
    double e1 = parameterDrift(sigmaS, fitSigmaS);
    double e2 = parameterDrift(proteinDensity, fitProteinDensity);
    log("  %s fit: SS = %f. cAIC = %f. %d evaluations", clusteredModel.getName(), ss, ic2, evaluations);
    log("  %s parameters:", clusteredModel.getName());
    log("    Average precision = %s nm (%s%%)", Utils.rounded(fitSigmaS, 4), Utils.rounded(e1, 4));
    log("    Average protein density = %s um^-2 (%s%%)", Utils.rounded(fitProteinDensity * 1e6, 4), Utils.rounded(e2, 4));
    log("    Domain radius = %s nm", Utils.rounded(domainRadius, 4));
    log("    Domain density = %s", Utils.rounded(domainDensity, 4));
    log("    nCluster = %s", Utils.rounded(nCluster, 4));
    // Check the fitted parameters are within tolerance of the initial estimates
    valid2 = true;
    if (fittingTolerance > 0 && (Math.abs(e1) > fittingTolerance || Math.abs(e2) > fittingTolerance)) {
        log("  Failed to fit %s within tolerance (%s%%): Average precision = %f nm (%s%%), average protein density = %g um^-2 (%s%%)", clusteredModel.getName(), Utils.rounded(fittingTolerance, 4), fitSigmaS, Utils.rounded(e1, 4), fitProteinDensity * 1e6, Utils.rounded(e2, 4));
        valid2 = false;
    // Check extra parameters. Domain radius should be higher than the precision. Density should be positive
    if (domainRadius < fitSigmaS) {
        log("  Failed to fit %s: Domain radius is smaller than the average precision (%s < %s)", clusteredModel.getName(), Utils.rounded(domainRadius, 4), Utils.rounded(fitSigmaS, 4));
        valid2 = false;
    if (domainDensity < 0) {
        log("  Failed to fit %s: Domain density is negative (%s)", clusteredModel.getName(), Utils.rounded(domainDensity, 4));
        valid2 = false;
    if (ic2 > ic1) {
        log("  Failed to fit %s - Information Criterion has increased %s%%", clusteredModel.getName(), Utils.rounded((100 * (ic2 - ic1) / ic1), 4));
        valid2 = false;
    addResult(clusteredModel.getName(), resultColour, valid2, fitSigmaS, fitProteinDensity, domainRadius, domainDensity, nCluster, 0, ic2);
    return parameters;
Also used : PointValuePair(org.apache.commons.math3.optim.PointValuePair) LeastSquaresBuilder(org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LeastSquaresBuilder) Optimum(org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LeastSquaresOptimizer.Optimum) LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer) DiagonalMatrix(org.apache.commons.math3.linear.DiagonalMatrix) ConvergenceException(org.apache.commons.math3.exception.ConvergenceException) TooManyIterationsException(org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyIterationsException) LeastSquaresProblem(org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.leastsquares.LeastSquaresProblem) MultivariateMatrixFunction(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.MultivariateMatrixFunction)

Example 13 with Cluster

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class TraceMolecules method summarise.

private void summarise(Trace[] traces, int filtered, double dThreshold, double tThreshold) {
    IJ.showStatus("Calculating summary ...");
    // Create summary table
    Statistics[] stats = new Statistics[NAMES.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
        stats[i] = (settings.showHistograms || settings.saveTraceData) ? new StoredDataStatistics() : new Statistics();
    int singles = 0;
    for (Trace trace : traces) {
        int nBlinks = trace.getNBlinks() - 1;
        int[] onTimes = trace.getOnTimes();
        int[] offTimes = trace.getOffTimes();
        double tOn = 0;
        for (int t : onTimes) {
            stats[T_ON].add(t * exposureTime);
            tOn += t * exposureTime;
        if (offTimes != null) {
            double tOff = 0;
            for (int t : offTimes) {
                stats[T_OFF].add(t * exposureTime);
                tOff += t * exposureTime;
        final double signal = trace.getSignal() / results.getGain();
        stats[SIGNAL_PER_FRAME].add(signal / trace.size());
        if (trace.size() == 1)
    // Add to the summary table
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append(outputName.equals("Cluster") ? settings.getClusteringAlgorithm() : settings.getTraceMode()).append("\t");
    sb.append(Utils.rounded(exposureTime * 1000, 3)).append("\t");
    sb.append(Utils.rounded(dThreshold, 3)).append("\t");
    sb.append(Utils.rounded(tThreshold, 3));
    if (settings.splitPulses)
        sb.append(" *");
    sb.append(traces.length - singles).append("\t");
    for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
        sb.append(Utils.rounded(stats[i].getMean(), 3)).append("\t");
    if (java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
    } else {
    if (settings.showHistograms) {
        IJ.showStatus("Calculating histograms ...");
        int[] idList = new int[NAMES.length];
        int count = 0;
        boolean requireRetile = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < NAMES.length; i++) {
            if (displayHistograms[i]) {
                idList[count++] = Utils.showHistogram(TITLE, (StoredDataStatistics) stats[i], NAMES[i], (integerDisplay[i]) ? 1 : 0, (settings.removeOutliers || alwaysRemoveOutliers[i]) ? 2 : 0, settings.histogramBins);
                requireRetile = requireRetile || Utils.isNewWindow();
        if (count > 0 && requireRetile) {
            idList = Arrays.copyOf(idList, count);
            new WindowOrganiser().tileWindows(idList);
    if (settings.saveTraceData) {
Also used : Trace(gdsc.smlm.results.Trace) StoredDataStatistics(gdsc.core.utils.StoredDataStatistics) WindowOrganiser(ij.plugin.WindowOrganiser) Statistics(gdsc.core.utils.Statistics) StoredDataStatistics(gdsc.core.utils.StoredDataStatistics) SummaryStatistics(org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics) ClusterPoint(gdsc.core.clustering.ClusterPoint)

Example 14 with Cluster

use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class DataGenMR method runJob.

 * <p>Starts a Rand MapReduce job which will produce one or more random objects.</p>
 * @param inst MR job instruction
 * @param dataGenInstructions array of data gen instructions
 * @param instructionsInMapper instructions in mapper
 * @param aggInstructionsInReducer aggregate instructions in reducer
 * @param otherInstructionsInReducer other instructions in reducer
 * @param numReducers number of reducers
 * @param replication file replication
 * @param resultIndexes result indexes for each random object
 * @param dimsUnknownFilePrefix file path prefix when dimensions unknown
 * @param outputs output file for each random object
 * @param outputInfos output information for each random object
 * @return matrix characteristics for each random object
 * @throws Exception if Exception occurs
public static JobReturn runJob(MRJobInstruction inst, String[] dataGenInstructions, String instructionsInMapper, String aggInstructionsInReducer, String otherInstructionsInReducer, int numReducers, int replication, byte[] resultIndexes, String dimsUnknownFilePrefix, String[] outputs, OutputInfo[] outputInfos) throws Exception {
    JobConf job = new JobConf(DataGenMR.class);
    // whether use block representation or cell representation
    MRJobConfiguration.setMatrixValueClass(job, true);
    byte[] realIndexes = new byte[dataGenInstructions.length];
    for (byte b = 0; b < realIndexes.length; b++) realIndexes[b] = b;
    String[] inputs = new String[dataGenInstructions.length];
    InputInfo[] inputInfos = new InputInfo[dataGenInstructions.length];
    long[] rlens = new long[dataGenInstructions.length];
    long[] clens = new long[dataGenInstructions.length];
    int[] brlens = new int[dataGenInstructions.length];
    int[] bclens = new int[dataGenInstructions.length];
    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(job);
    String dataGenInsStr = "";
    int numblocks = 0;
    int maxbrlen = -1, maxbclen = -1;
    double maxsparsity = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < dataGenInstructions.length; i++) {
        dataGenInsStr = dataGenInsStr + Lop.INSTRUCTION_DELIMITOR + dataGenInstructions[i];
        MRInstruction mrins = MRInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(dataGenInstructions[i]);
        MRType mrtype = mrins.getMRInstructionType();
        DataGenMRInstruction genInst = (DataGenMRInstruction) mrins;
        rlens[i] = genInst.getRows();
        clens[i] = genInst.getCols();
        brlens[i] = genInst.getRowsInBlock();
        bclens[i] = genInst.getColsInBlock();
        maxbrlen = Math.max(maxbrlen, brlens[i]);
        maxbclen = Math.max(maxbclen, bclens[i]);
        if (mrtype == MRType.Rand) {
            RandInstruction randInst = (RandInstruction) mrins;
            inputs[i] = LibMatrixDatagen.generateUniqueSeedPath(genInst.getBaseDir());
            maxsparsity = Math.max(maxsparsity, randInst.getSparsity());
            PrintWriter pw = null;
            try {
                pw = new PrintWriter(fs.create(new Path(inputs[i])));
                // for obj reuse and preventing repeated buffer re-allocations
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                // seed generation
                Well1024a bigrand = LibMatrixDatagen.setupSeedsForRand(randInst.getSeed());
                for (long r = 0; r < Math.max(rlens[i], 1); r += brlens[i]) {
                    long curBlockRowSize = Math.min(brlens[i], (rlens[i] - r));
                    for (long c = 0; c < Math.max(clens[i], 1); c += bclens[i]) {
                        long curBlockColSize = Math.min(bclens[i], (clens[i] - c));
                        sb.append((r / brlens[i]) + 1);
                        sb.append((c / bclens[i]) + 1);
            } finally {
            inputInfos[i] = InputInfo.TextCellInputInfo;
        } else if (mrtype == MRType.Seq) {
            SeqInstruction seqInst = (SeqInstruction) mrins;
            inputs[i] = genInst.getBaseDir() + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".seqinput";
            // always dense
            maxsparsity = 1.0;
            double from = seqInst.fromValue;
            double to = seqInst.toValue;
            double incr = seqInst.incrValue;
            // handle default 1 to -1 for special case of from>to
            incr = LibMatrixDatagen.updateSeqIncr(from, to, incr);
            // Correctness checks on (from, to, incr)
            boolean neg = (from > to);
            if (incr == 0)
                throw new DMLRuntimeException("Invalid value for \"increment\" in seq().");
            if (neg != (incr < 0))
                throw new DMLRuntimeException("Wrong sign for the increment in a call to seq()");
            // Compute the number of rows in the sequence
            long numrows = UtilFunctions.getSeqLength(from, to, incr);
            if (rlens[i] > 0) {
                if (numrows != rlens[i])
                    throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unexpected error while processing sequence instruction. Expected number of rows does not match given number: " + rlens[i] + " != " + numrows);
            } else {
                rlens[i] = numrows;
            if (clens[i] > 0 && clens[i] != 1)
                throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unexpected error while processing sequence instruction. Number of columns (" + clens[i] + ") must be equal to 1.");
                clens[i] = 1;
            PrintWriter pw = null;
            try {
                pw = new PrintWriter(fs.create(new Path(inputs[i])));
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                double temp = from;
                double block_from, block_to;
                for (long r = 0; r < rlens[i]; r += brlens[i]) {
                    long curBlockRowSize = Math.min(brlens[i], (rlens[i] - r));
                    // block (bid_i,bid_j) generates a sequence from the interval [block_from, block_to] (inclusive of both end points of the interval)
                    long bid_i = ((r / brlens[i]) + 1);
                    long bid_j = 1;
                    block_from = temp;
                    block_to = temp + (curBlockRowSize - 1) * incr;
                    // next block starts from here
                    temp = block_to + incr;
            } finally {
            inputInfos[i] = InputInfo.TextCellInputInfo;
        } else {
            throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unexpected Data Generation Instruction Type: " + mrtype);
    // remove the first ","
    dataGenInsStr = dataGenInsStr.substring(1);
    RunningJob runjob;
    MatrixCharacteristics[] stats;
    try {
        // set up the block size
        MRJobConfiguration.setBlocksSizes(job, realIndexes, brlens, bclens);
        // set up the input files and their format information
        MRJobConfiguration.setUpMultipleInputs(job, realIndexes, inputs, inputInfos, brlens, bclens, false, ConvertTarget.BLOCK);
        // set up the dimensions of input matrices
        MRJobConfiguration.setMatricesDimensions(job, realIndexes, rlens, clens);
        MRJobConfiguration.setDimsUnknownFilePrefix(job, dimsUnknownFilePrefix);
        // set up the block size
        MRJobConfiguration.setBlocksSizes(job, realIndexes, brlens, bclens);
        // set up the rand Instructions
        MRJobConfiguration.setRandInstructions(job, dataGenInsStr);
        // set up unary instructions that will perform in the mapper
        MRJobConfiguration.setInstructionsInMapper(job, instructionsInMapper);
        // set up the aggregate instructions that will happen in the combiner and reducer
        MRJobConfiguration.setAggregateInstructions(job, aggInstructionsInReducer);
        // set up the instructions that will happen in the reducer, after the aggregation instrucions
        MRJobConfiguration.setInstructionsInReducer(job, otherInstructionsInReducer);
        // set up the replication factor for the results
        job.setInt(MRConfigurationNames.DFS_REPLICATION, replication);
        // set up map/reduce memory configurations (if in AM context)
        DMLConfig config = ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig();
        DMLAppMasterUtils.setupMRJobRemoteMaxMemory(job, config);
        // set up custom map/reduce configurations
        MRJobConfiguration.setupCustomMRConfigurations(job, config);
        // determine degree of parallelism (nmappers: 1<=n<=capacity)
        // TODO use maxsparsity whenever we have a way of generating sparse rand data
        int capacity = InfrastructureAnalyzer.getRemoteParallelMapTasks();
        long dfsblocksize = InfrastructureAnalyzer.getHDFSBlockSize();
        // correction max number of mappers on yarn clusters
        if (InfrastructureAnalyzer.isYarnEnabled())
            capacity = (int) Math.max(capacity, YarnClusterAnalyzer.getNumCores());
        int nmapers = Math.max(Math.min((int) (8 * maxbrlen * maxbclen * (long) numblocks / dfsblocksize), capacity), 1);
        // set up what matrices are needed to pass from the mapper to reducer
        HashSet<Byte> mapoutputIndexes = MRJobConfiguration.setUpOutputIndexesForMapper(job, realIndexes, dataGenInsStr, instructionsInMapper, null, aggInstructionsInReducer, otherInstructionsInReducer, resultIndexes);
        MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups ret = MRJobConfiguration.computeMatrixCharacteristics(job, realIndexes, dataGenInsStr, instructionsInMapper, null, aggInstructionsInReducer, null, otherInstructionsInReducer, resultIndexes, mapoutputIndexes, false);
        stats = ret.stats;
        // set up the number of reducers
        MRJobConfiguration.setNumReducers(job, ret.numReducerGroups, numReducers);
        // print the complete MRJob instruction
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
        // Update resultDimsUnknown based on computed "stats"
        byte[] resultDimsUnknown = new byte[resultIndexes.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < resultIndexes.length; i++) {
            if (stats[i].getRows() == -1 || stats[i].getCols() == -1) {
                resultDimsUnknown[i] = (byte) 1;
            } else {
                resultDimsUnknown[i] = (byte) 0;
        boolean mayContainCtable = instructionsInMapper.contains("ctabletransform") || instructionsInMapper.contains("groupedagg");
        // set up the multiple output files, and their format information
        MRJobConfiguration.setUpMultipleOutputs(job, resultIndexes, resultDimsUnknown, outputs, outputInfos, true, mayContainCtable);
        // configure mapper and the mapper output key value pairs
        if (numReducers == 0) {
        } else {
        // set up combiner
        if (numReducers != 0 && aggInstructionsInReducer != null && !aggInstructionsInReducer.isEmpty())
        // configure reducer
        // job.setReducerClass(PassThroughReducer.class);
        // By default, the job executes in "cluster" mode.
        // Determine if we can optimize and run it in "local" mode.
        MatrixCharacteristics[] inputStats = new MatrixCharacteristics[inputs.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
            inputStats[i] = new MatrixCharacteristics(rlens[i], clens[i], brlens[i], bclens[i]);
        // set unique working dir
        runjob = JobClient.runJob(job);
        /* Process different counters */
        Group group = runjob.getCounters().getGroup(MRJobConfiguration.NUM_NONZERO_CELLS);
        for (int i = 0; i < resultIndexes.length; i++) {
            // number of non-zeros
        String dir = dimsUnknownFilePrefix + "/" + runjob.getID().toString() + "_dimsFile";
        stats = MapReduceTool.processDimsFiles(dir, stats);
    } finally {
        for (String input : inputs) MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(new Path(input), job);
    return new JobReturn(stats, outputInfos, runjob.isSuccessful());
Also used : Group(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Group) DataGenMRInstruction( InputInfo( GMRCombiner(org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.GMRCombiner) FileSystem(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem) DataGenMRInstruction( MRInstruction( JobConf(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf) PrintWriter( Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) DMLConfig(org.apache.sysml.conf.DMLConfig) SeqInstruction( RandInstruction( MRType( DMLRuntimeException(org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException) MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups(org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.mapred.MRJobConfiguration.MatrixChar_N_ReducerGroups) RunningJob(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob) Well1024a(org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well1024a)

Example 15 with Cluster

use of in project pyramid by cheng-li.

the class MultiLabelSynthesizer method sampleFromMix.

     * C0, y0: w=(0,1)
     * C0, y1: w=(1,1)
     * C1, y0: w=(1,0)
     * C1, y1: w=(1,-1)
     * @return
public static MultiLabelClfDataSet sampleFromMix() {
    int numData = 10000;
    int numClass = 2;
    int numFeature = 2;
    int numClusters = 2;
    double[] proportions = { 0.4, 0.6 };
    int[] indices = { 0, 1 };
    MultiLabelClfDataSet dataSet = MLClfDataSetBuilder.getBuilder().numFeatures(numFeature).numClasses(numClass).numDataPoints(numData).build();
    // generate weights
    Vector[][] weights = new Vector[numClusters][numClass];
    for (int c = 0; c < numClusters; c++) {
        for (int l = 0; l < numClass; l++) {
            Vector vector = new DenseVector(numFeature);
            weights[c][l] = vector;
    weights[0][0].set(0, 0);
    weights[0][0].set(1, 1);
    weights[0][1].set(0, 1);
    weights[0][1].set(1, 1);
    weights[1][0].set(0, 1);
    weights[1][0].set(1, 0);
    weights[1][1].set(0, 1);
    weights[1][1].set(1, -1);
    // generate features
    for (int i = 0; i < numData; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < numFeature; j++) {
            dataSet.setFeatureValue(i, j, Sampling.doubleUniform(-1, 1));
    IntegerDistribution distribution = new EnumeratedIntegerDistribution(indices, proportions);
    // assign labels
    for (int i = 0; i < numData; i++) {
        int cluster = distribution.sample();
        System.out.println("cluster " + cluster);
        for (int l = 0; l < numClass; l++) {
            System.out.println("row = " + dataSet.getRow(i));
            System.out.println("weight = " + weights[cluster][l]);
            double dot = weights[cluster][l].dot(dataSet.getRow(i));
            System.out.println("dot = " + dot);
            if (dot >= 0) {
                dataSet.addLabel(i, l);
    return dataSet;
Also used : EnumeratedIntegerDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.EnumeratedIntegerDistribution) IntegerDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.IntegerDistribution) EnumeratedIntegerDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.EnumeratedIntegerDistribution) DenseVector(org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector) Vector(org.apache.mahout.math.Vector) MultiLabelClfDataSet(edu.neu.ccs.pyramid.dataset.MultiLabelClfDataSet) DenseVector(org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector)


ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 ClusterPoint (gdsc.core.clustering.ClusterPoint)5 Plot2 (ij.gui.Plot2)3 WeightedObservedPoint (org.apache.commons.math3.fitting.WeightedObservedPoint)3 PointValuePair (org.apache.commons.math3.optim.PointValuePair)3 Material (com.jme3.material.Material)2 ColorRGBA (com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA)2 Geometry (com.jme3.scene.Geometry)2 Mesh (com.jme3.scene.Mesh)2 Node (com.jme3.scene.Node)2 VertexBuffer (com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer)2 TDoubleArrayList (gnu.trove.list.array.TDoubleArrayList)2 PrintWriter ( Collections (java.util.Collections)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Set (java.util.Set)2 Collectors (