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Example 1 with JwtException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class AbstractAccessTokenValidator method getAccessTokenValidation.

 * Get the access token
protected AccessTokenValidation getAccessTokenValidation(String authScheme, String authSchemeData, MultivaluedMap<String, String> extraProps) {
    if (dataProvider == null && tokenHandlers.isEmpty()) {
        throw ExceptionUtils.toInternalServerErrorException(null, null);
    AccessTokenValidation accessTokenV = null;
    if (maxValidationDataCacheSize > 0) {
        accessTokenV = accessTokenValidations.get(authSchemeData);
    ServerAccessToken localAccessToken = null;
    if (accessTokenV == null) {
        // Get the registered handler capable of processing the token
        AccessTokenValidator handler = findTokenValidator(authScheme);
        if (handler != null) {
            try {
                // Convert the HTTP Authorization scheme data into a token
                accessTokenV = handler.validateAccessToken(getMessageContext(), authScheme, authSchemeData, extraProps);
            } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                AuthorizationUtils.throwAuthorizationFailure(Collections.singleton(authScheme), realm);
        // Default processing if no registered providers available
        if (accessTokenV == null && dataProvider != null && authScheme.equals(DEFAULT_AUTH_SCHEME)) {
            try {
                String cacheKey = authSchemeData;
                if (!persistJwtEncoding) {
                    JoseJwtConsumer theConsumer = jwtTokenConsumer == null ? new JoseJwtConsumer() : jwtTokenConsumer;
                    JwtToken token = theConsumer.getJwtToken(authSchemeData);
                    cacheKey = token.getClaims().getTokenId();
                localAccessToken = dataProvider.getAccessToken(cacheKey);
            } catch (JwtException | OAuthServiceException ex) {
            // to be handled next
            if (localAccessToken == null) {
                AuthorizationUtils.throwAuthorizationFailure(Collections.singleton(authScheme), realm);
            accessTokenV = new AccessTokenValidation(localAccessToken);
    if (accessTokenV == null) {
        AuthorizationUtils.throwAuthorizationFailure(supportedSchemes, realm);
    // Check if token is still valid
    if (OAuthUtils.isExpired(accessTokenV.getTokenIssuedAt(), accessTokenV.getTokenLifetime())) {
        if (localAccessToken != null) {
        } else if (maxValidationDataCacheSize > 0) {
        AuthorizationUtils.throwAuthorizationFailure(supportedSchemes, realm);
    // Check nbf property
    if (accessTokenV.getTokenNotBefore() > 0 && accessTokenV.getTokenNotBefore() > System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L) {
        AuthorizationUtils.throwAuthorizationFailure(supportedSchemes, realm);
    if (maxValidationDataCacheSize > 0) {
        if (accessTokenValidations.size() >= maxValidationDataCacheSize) {
            // or delete the ones expiring sooner than others, etc
        accessTokenValidations.put(authSchemeData, accessTokenV);
    return accessTokenV;
Also used : AccessTokenValidator( JwtToken( ServerAccessToken( OAuthServiceException( AccessTokenValidation( JwtException( JoseJwtConsumer(

Example 2 with JwtException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class TokenIntrospectionService method getTokenIntrospection.

@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public TokenIntrospection getTokenIntrospection(@Encoded MultivaluedMap<String, String> params) {
    String tokenId = params.getFirst(OAuthConstants.TOKEN_ID);
    if (!persistJwtEncoding) {
        try {
            JoseJwtConsumer theConsumer = jwtTokenConsumer == null ? new JoseJwtConsumer() : jwtTokenConsumer;
            JwtToken token = theConsumer.getJwtToken(tokenId);
            tokenId = token.getClaims().getTokenId();
        } catch (JwtException ex) {
            return new TokenIntrospection(false);
    ServerAccessToken at = dataProvider.getAccessToken(tokenId);
    if (at == null || OAuthUtils.isExpired(at.getIssuedAt(), at.getExpiresIn())) {
        return new TokenIntrospection(false);
    TokenIntrospection response = new TokenIntrospection(true);
    if (!at.getScopes().isEmpty()) {
    UserSubject userSubject = at.getSubject();
    if (userSubject != null) {
        if (userSubject.getId() != null) {
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(at.getAudiences())) {
    if (at.getIssuer() != null) {
    if (at.getExpiresIn() > 0) {
        response.setExp(at.getIssuedAt() + at.getExpiresIn());
    if (at.getNotBefore() > 0) {
    if (reportExtraTokenProperties) {
    return response;
Also used : JwtToken( TokenIntrospection( ServerAccessToken( UserSubject( JwtException( JoseJwtConsumer( POST( Produces( Consumes(

Example 3 with JwtException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class JoseConsumer method getData.

public String getData(String data) {
    if (isJweRequired()) {
        JweCompactConsumer jweConsumer = new JweCompactConsumer(data);
        JweDecryptionProvider theDecryptor = getInitializedDecryptionProvider(jweConsumer.getJweHeaders());
        if (theDecryptor == null) {
            throw new JwtException("Unable to decrypt JWT");
        if (!isJwsRequired()) {
            return jweConsumer.getDecryptedContentText(theDecryptor);
        JweDecryptionOutput decOutput = theDecryptor.decrypt(data);
        data = decOutput.getContentText();
    JwsCompactConsumer jwsConsumer = new JwsCompactConsumer(data);
    if (isJwsRequired()) {
        JwsSignatureVerifier theSigVerifier = getInitializedSignatureVerifier(jwsConsumer.getJwsHeaders());
        if (theSigVerifier == null) {
            throw new JwtException("Unable to validate JWT");
        if (!jwsConsumer.verifySignatureWith(theSigVerifier)) {
            throw new JwtException("Invalid Signature");
    return jwsConsumer.getDecodedJwsPayload();
Also used : JwsSignatureVerifier( JweDecryptionOutput( JwsCompactConsumer( JweCompactConsumer( JweDecryptionProvider( JwtException(

Example 4 with JwtException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class OidcClaimsValidator method validateJwtClaims.

 * Validate core JWT claims
 * @param claims the claims
 * @param clientId OAuth2 client id
 * @param validateClaimsAlways if set to true then enforce that the claims
 *                             to be validated must be set
public void validateJwtClaims(JwtClaims claims, String clientId, boolean validateClaimsAlways) {
    // validate the issuer
    String issuer = claims.getIssuer();
    if (issuer == null && validateClaimsAlways) {
        throw new OAuthServiceException("Invalid issuer");
    if (supportSelfIssuedProvider && issuerId == null && issuer != null && SELF_ISSUED_ISSUER.equals(issuer)) {
        validateSelfIssuedProvider(claims, clientId, validateClaimsAlways);
    } else {
        if (issuer != null && !issuer.equals(issuerId)) {
            throw new OAuthServiceException("Invalid issuer");
        // validate subject
        if (claims.getSubject() == null) {
            throw new OAuthServiceException("Invalid subject");
        // validate authorized party
        String authorizedParty = (String) claims.getClaim(IdToken.AZP_CLAIM);
        if (authorizedParty != null && !authorizedParty.equals(clientId)) {
            throw new OAuthServiceException("Invalid authorized party");
        // validate audience
        List<String> audiences = claims.getAudiences();
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(audiences) && validateClaimsAlways || !StringUtils.isEmpty(audiences) && !audiences.contains(clientId)) {
            throw new OAuthServiceException("Invalid audience");
        // If strict time validation: if no issuedTime claim is set then an expiresAt claim must be set
        // Otherwise: validate only if expiresAt claim is set
        boolean expiredRequired = validateClaimsAlways || strictTimeValidation && claims.getIssuedAt() == null;
        try {
            JwtUtils.validateJwtExpiry(claims, getClockOffset(), expiredRequired);
        } catch (JwtException ex) {
            throw new OAuthServiceException("ID Token has expired", ex);
        // If strict time validation: If no expiresAt claim is set then an issuedAt claim must be set
        // Otherwise: validate only if issuedAt claim is set
        boolean issuedAtRequired = validateClaimsAlways || strictTimeValidation && claims.getExpiryTime() == null;
        try {
            JwtUtils.validateJwtIssuedAt(claims, getTtl(), getClockOffset(), issuedAtRequired);
        } catch (JwtException ex) {
            throw new OAuthServiceException("Invalid issuedAt claim", ex);
        // Validate nbf - but don't require it to be present
        try {
            JwtUtils.validateJwtNotBefore(claims, getClockOffset(), false);
        } catch (JwtException ex) {
            throw new OAuthServiceException("ID Token can not be used yet", ex);
Also used : OAuthServiceException( JwtException(

Example 5 with JwtException

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class OidcRpAuthenticationFilter method checkSecurityContext.

protected boolean checkSecurityContext(ContainerRequestContext rc) {
    OidcClientTokenContext tokenContext = (OidcClientTokenContext) stateManager.getClientTokenContext(mc);
    if (tokenContext == null) {
        return false;
    IdToken idToken = tokenContext.getIdToken();
    try {
        // If ID token has expired then the context is no longer valid
        JwtUtils.validateJwtExpiry(idToken, 0, idToken.getExpiryTime() != null);
    } catch (JwtException ex) {
        stateManager.removeClientTokenContext(new MessageContextImpl(JAXRSUtils.getCurrentMessage()));
        return false;
    OidcClientTokenContextImpl newTokenContext = new OidcClientTokenContextImpl();
    JAXRSUtils.getCurrentMessage().setContent(ClientTokenContext.class, newTokenContext);
    OidcSecurityContext oidcSecCtx = new OidcSecurityContext(newTokenContext);
    return true;
Also used : IdToken( JwtException( MessageContextImpl(org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.MessageContextImpl)


JwtException ( JoseJwtConsumer ( JwtToken ( ServerAccessToken ( OAuthServiceException ( Consumes ( POST ( Produces ( MessageContextImpl (org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.MessageContextImpl)1 JweCompactConsumer ( JweDecryptionOutput ( JweDecryptionProvider ( JwsCompactConsumer ( JwsSignatureVerifier ( AccessTokenValidation ( TokenIntrospection ( UserSubject ( AccessTokenValidator ( IdToken (