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Example 6 with ArrayInputStream

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method isColumnOrphaned.

 * See if there is a orphaned long colum chain or not.
 * <p>
 * See if there is a orphaned long colum chain or not.  This is a helper
 * function for removeOrphanedChain.  This page, which may be a head page
 * or overflow page, contains the column specified in columnId.  It used to
 * point to a long column chain at oldPageId and oldRecordId.  Returns true
 * if it no longer points to that long column chain.
 * <p>
 * @return true if page no longer points to the long column chain.
 * @param recordHeader  record header which used to point at the long column
 * @param columnId      column id of the long column in head.
 * @param oldPageId     the page id where the long column used to be.
 * @param oldRecordId   the record id where the long column used to be.
 * @exception  StandardException  Standard exception policy.
private boolean isColumnOrphaned(StoredRecordHeader recordHeader, int columnId, long oldPageId, long oldRecordId) throws StandardException, IOException {
    int slot = findRecordById(recordHeader.getId(), Page.FIRST_SLOT_NUMBER);
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        SanityManager.ASSERT(slot >= 0, "overflow row chain truncated");
        SanityManager.ASSERT(columnId >= recordHeader.getFirstField(), "first column on page > expected");
    // these reads are always against the page array
    ArrayInputStream lrdi = rawDataIn;
    // set read position to data portion of record to check.
    int offset = getRecordOffset(slot);
    lrdi.setPosition(offset + recordHeader.size());
    // skip until you get to the record in question.
    for (int i = recordHeader.getFirstField(); i < columnId; i++) skipField(lrdi);
    // read in the info of the column we are interested in.
    int fieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.readStatus(lrdi);
    int fieldLength = StoredFieldHeader.readFieldDataLength(lrdi, fieldStatus, slotFieldSize);
    if (StoredFieldHeader.isOverflow(fieldStatus)) {
        // it is still an overflow field, check if it still points to
        // overflow column in question.
        long ovflowPage = CompressedNumber.readLong((InputStream) lrdi);
        int ovflowRid = CompressedNumber.readInt((InputStream) lrdi);
        if (ovflowPage == oldPageId && ovflowRid == oldRecordId) {
            // update must have rolled back.
            return false;
    // point to oldPageId, oldRecordId.  The column chain is orphaned.
    return true;
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( ArrayInputStream(

Example 7 with ArrayInputStream

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method restoreRecordFromSlot.

 * Read the record at the given slot into the given row.
 * <P>
 * This reads and initializes the columns in the row array from the raw
 * bytes stored in the page associated with the given slot.  If validColumns
 * is non-null then it will only read those columns indicated by the bit
 * set, otherwise it will try to read into every column in row[].
 * <P>
 * If there are more columns than entries in row[] then it just stops after
 * every entry in row[] is full.
 * <P>
 * If there are more entries in row[] than exist on disk, the requested
 * excess columns will be set to null by calling the column's object's
 * restoreToNull() routine (ie.  ((Object) column).restoreToNull() ).
 * <P>
 * If a qualifier list is provided then the row will only be read from
 * disk if all of the qualifiers evaluate true.  Some of the columns may
 * have been read into row[] in the process of evaluating the qualifier.
 * <p>
 * This routine should only be called on the head portion of a row, it
 * will call a utility routine to read the rest of the row if it is a
 * long row.
 * @param slot              the slot number
 * @param row (out)         filled in sparse row
 * @param fetchDesc         Information describing fetch, including what
 *                          columns to fetch and qualifiers.
 * @param recordToLock      the record handle for the row at top level,
 *                          and is used in OverflowInputStream to lock the
 *                          row for Blobs/Clobs.
 * @param isHeadRow         The row on this page includes the head record
 *                          handle.  Will be false for the overflow portions
 *                          of a "long" row, where columns of a row span
 *                          multiple pages.
 * @return  false if a qualifier_list is provided and the row does not
 *          qualifier (no row read in that case), else true.
 * @exception StandardException Standard Derby error policy
protected boolean restoreRecordFromSlot(int slot, Object[] row, FetchDescriptor fetchDesc, RecordHandle recordToLock, StoredRecordHeader recordHeader, boolean isHeadRow) throws StandardException {
    try {
        int offset_to_row_data = getRecordOffset(slot) + recordHeader.size();
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            if (getRecordOffset(slot) < (PAGE_HEADER_OFFSET + PAGE_HEADER_SIZE)) {
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Incorrect offset.  offset = " + getRecordOffset(slot) + ", offset should be < " + "(PAGE_HEADER_OFFSET + PAGE_HEADER_SIZE) = " + (PAGE_HEADER_OFFSET + PAGE_HEADER_SIZE) + ", current slot = " + slot + ", total slotsInUse = " + slotsInUse);
            SanityManager.ASSERT(isHeadRow, "restoreRecordFromSlot called on a non-headrow");
            SanityManager.ASSERT(!isOverflowPage(), "restoreRecordFromSlot called on an overflow page.");
        // position the array reading stream at beginning of row data just
        // past the record header.
        ArrayInputStream lrdi = rawDataIn;
        if (!recordHeader.hasOverflow()) {
            if (isHeadRow) {
                if (fetchDesc != null && fetchDesc.getQualifierList() != null) {
                    if (!qualifyRecordFromSlot(row, offset_to_row_data, fetchDesc, recordHeader, recordToLock)) {
                        return (false);
                    } else {
                        // reset position back for subsequent record read.
            // can return.
            if (fetchDesc != null) {
                readRecordFromArray(row, (fetchDesc.getValidColumns() == null) ? row.length - 1 : fetchDesc.getMaxFetchColumnId(), fetchDesc.getValidColumnsArray(), fetchDesc.getMaterializedColumns(), lrdi, recordHeader, recordToLock);
            } else {
                readRecordFromArray(row, row.length - 1, (int[]) null, (int[]) null, lrdi, recordHeader, recordToLock);
            return (true);
        } else {
            if (fetchDesc != null) {
                if (fetchDesc.getQualifierList() != null) {
                readRecordFromArray(row, (fetchDesc.getValidColumns() == null) ? row.length - 1 : fetchDesc.getMaxFetchColumnId(), fetchDesc.getValidColumnsArray(), fetchDesc.getMaterializedColumns(), lrdi, recordHeader, recordToLock);
            } else {
                readRecordFromArray(row, row.length - 1, (int[]) null, (int[]) null, lrdi, recordHeader, recordToLock);
            // the row, reading it into "row".
            while (recordHeader != null) {
                // The record is a long row, loop callng code to read the
                // pieces of the row located in a linked list of rows on
                // overflow pages.
                StoredPage overflowPage = getOverflowPage(recordHeader.getOverflowPage());
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    if (overflowPage == null)
                        SanityManager.THROWASSERT("cannot get overflow page");
                // This call reads in the columns of the row that reside
                // on "overflowPage", and if there is another piece it
                // returns the recordHeader of the row on overFlowPage,
                // from which we can find the next piece of the row.  A
                // null return means that we have read in the entire row,
                // and are done.
                recordHeader = overflowPage.restoreLongRecordFromSlot(row, fetchDesc, recordToLock, recordHeader);
                overflowPage = null;
            if ((fetchDesc != null) && (fetchDesc.getQualifierList() != null)) {
                if (!qualifyRecordFromRow(row, fetchDesc.getQualifierList())) {
                    return (false);
            return (true);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            if (pageData == null) {
                SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "caught an IOException in restoreRecordFromSlot " + (PageKey) getIdentity() + " slot " + slot + ", pageData is null");
            } else {
                SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "caught an IOException in reestoreRecordFromSlot, " + (PageKey) getIdentity() + " slot " + slot + ", pageData.length = " + pageData.length + " pageSize = " + getPageSize());
                SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "Hex dump of pageData \n " + "--------------------------------------------------\n" + pagedataToHexDump(pageData) + "--------------------------------------------------\n");
                SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "Attempt to dump page " + this.toString());
        // i/o methods on the byte array have thrown an IOException
        throw dataFactory.markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_CORRUPT_PAGE, ioe, getPageId()));
Also used : PageKey( ByteArrayInputStream( ArrayInputStream( IOException(

Example 8 with ArrayInputStream

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method readOneColumnFromPage.

 * Read just one column from stream into row.
 * <p>
 * The routine reads just one column from the row, it is mostly code
 * taken from readRecordFromStream, but highly optimized to just get
 * one column from a non-overflow row.  It can only be called to read
 * a row from the pageData array as it directly accesses the page array
 * to avoid the Stream overhead while processing non-user data which
 * does not need the limit functionality.
 * <p>
 * It is expected that this code will be called to read in a column
 * associated with a qualifiers which are applied one column at a time,
 * and has been specialized to proved the greatest peformance for
 * processing qualifiers.  This kind of access is done when scanning
 * large datasets while applying qualifiers and thus any performance
 * gain at this low level is multiplied by the large number of rows that
 * may be iterated over.
 * <p>
 * The column is read into the object located in row[qual_colid].
 * @param row                   col is read into object in row[qual_colid].
 * @param offset_to_field_data  offset in bytes from top of page to field
 * @param colid                 the column id to read, colid N is row[N]
 * @param recordHeader          record header of row to read column from.
 * @param recordToLock          record handle to lock,
 *                              used by overflow column code.
 * @exception  StandardException  Standard exception policy.
private final void readOneColumnFromPage(Object[] row, int colid, int offset_to_field_data, StoredRecordHeader recordHeader, RecordHandle recordToLock) throws StandardException, IOException {
    ErrorObjectInput inUserCode = null;
    // Reads in this routine are always against the raw data in the
    // pageData array, thus it can assume array access to page data array.
    ArrayInputStream lrdi = rawDataIn;
    try {
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            if (colid >= row.length)
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("colid = " + colid + ";row length = " + row.length);
            // currently this routine will not work on long rows.
            if (recordHeader.getFirstField() != 0) {
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("recordHeader.getFirstField() = " + recordHeader.getFirstField());
        Object column = row[colid];
        // if the column id exists on this page.
        if (colid <= (recordHeader.getNumberFields() - 1)) {
            for (int columnId = colid; columnId > 0; columnId--) {
                offset_to_field_data += StoredFieldHeader.readTotalFieldLength(pageData, offset_to_field_data);
            // read the field header
            // read the status byte.
            int fieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.readStatus(pageData, offset_to_field_data);
            // read the field data length, and position on 1st byte of data.
            int fieldDataLength = StoredFieldHeader.readFieldLengthAndSetStreamPosition(pageData, offset_to_field_data + StoredFieldHeader.STORED_FIELD_HEADER_STATUS_SIZE, fieldStatus, slotFieldSize, lrdi);
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                SanityManager.ASSERT(!StoredFieldHeader.isExtensible(fieldStatus), "extensible fields not supported yet");
            if (!StoredFieldHeader.isNonexistent(fieldStatus)) {
                boolean isOverflow = StoredFieldHeader.isOverflow(fieldStatus);
                OverflowInputStream overflowIn = null;
                if (isOverflow) {
                    // A fetched long column is returned as a stream
                    long overflowPage = CompressedNumber.readLong((InputStream) lrdi);
                    int overflowId = CompressedNumber.readInt((InputStream) lrdi);
                    // Prepare the stream for results...
                    // create the byteHolder the size of a page, so, that it
                    // will fit the field Data that would fit on a page.
                    MemByteHolder byteHolder = new MemByteHolder(pageData.length);
                    overflowIn = new OverflowInputStream(byteHolder, owner, overflowPage, overflowId, recordToLock);
                // Deal with Storable columns
                if (column instanceof DataValueDescriptor) {
                    DataValueDescriptor sColumn = (DataValueDescriptor) column;
                    // is the column null ?
                    if (StoredFieldHeader.isNull(fieldStatus)) {
                    } else {
                        // set the limit for the user read
                        if (!isOverflow) {
                            // normal, non-overflow column case.
                            inUserCode = lrdi;
                            inUserCode = null;
                            int unread = lrdi.clearLimit();
                            if (unread != 0)
                                DataInputUtil.skipFully(lrdi, unread);
                        } else {
                            // fetched column is a Storable long column.
                            FormatIdInputStream newIn = new FormatIdInputStream(overflowIn);
                            if ((sColumn instanceof StreamStorable)) {
                                ((StreamStorable) sColumn).setStream(newIn);
                            } else {
                                inUserCode = newIn;
                                inUserCode = null;
                } else {
                    if (StoredFieldHeader.isNull(fieldStatus)) {
                        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_NULL_STORABLE_COLUMN, Integer.toString(colid));
                    // This is a non-extensible field, which means the
                    // caller must know the correct type and thus the
                    // element in row is the correct type or null. It must
                    // be Serializable.
                    // We do not support Externalizable here.
                    inUserCode = lrdi;
                    // RESOLVE (no non-storables?)
                    row[colid] = (Object) lrdi.readObject();
                    inUserCode = null;
                    int unread = lrdi.clearLimit();
                    if (unread != 0)
                        DataInputUtil.skipFully(lrdi, unread);
            } else {
                if (column instanceof DataValueDescriptor) {
                    // RESOLVE - This is in place for 1.2. In the future
                    // we may want to return this column as non-existent
                    // even if it is a storable column, or maybe use a
                    // supplied default.
                    ((DataValueDescriptor) column).restoreToNull();
                } else {
                    row[colid] = null;
        } else {
            if (column instanceof DataValueDescriptor) {
                // RESOLVE - This is in place for 1.2. In the future
                // we may want to return this column as non-existent
                // even if it is a storable column, or maybe use a
                // supplied default.
                ((DataValueDescriptor) column).restoreToNull();
            } else {
                row[colid] = null;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        if (inUserCode != null) {
            if (ioe instanceof EOFException) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "StoredPage.readOneColumnFromPage - EOF while restoring record: " + recordHeader + "Page dump = " + this);
                // an EOFException when it sees the -1 from a read
                throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_MISMATCH, ioe, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
            // some SQLData error reporting
            Exception ne = inUserCode.getNestedException();
            if (ne != null) {
                if (ne instanceof InstantiationException) {
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_SQLDATA_READ_INSTANTIATION_EXCEPTION, ne, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
                if (ne instanceof IllegalAccessException) {
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_SQLDATA_READ_ILLEGAL_ACCESS_EXCEPTION, ne, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
                if (ne instanceof StandardException) {
                    throw (StandardException) ne;
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_EXCEPTION, ioe, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
        // re-throw to higher levels so they can put it in correct context.
        throw ioe;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
        // make the database corrupt, just that this field is inaccessable
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_MISSING_CLASS, cnfe, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
    } catch (LinkageError le) {
        // Some error during the link of a user class
        if (inUserCode != null) {
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_EXCEPTION, le, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
        throw le;
Also used : ErrorObjectInput( IOException( StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) IOException( EOFException( FormatIdInputStream( StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) StreamStorable( EOFException( ByteArrayInputStream( ArrayInputStream( DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)

Example 9 with ArrayInputStream

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method readRecordFromArray.

private final boolean readRecordFromArray(Object[] row, int max_colid, int[] vCols, int[] mCols, ArrayInputStream dataIn, StoredRecordHeader recordHeader, RecordHandle recordToLock) throws StandardException, IOException {
    ErrorObjectInput inUserCode = null;
    try {
        // Get the number of columns in the row.
        int numberFields = recordHeader.getNumberFields();
        int startColumn = recordHeader.getFirstField();
        if (startColumn > max_colid) {
            // done if the startColumn is higher than highest column.
            return true;
        // For each column in the row, restore the column from
        // the corresponding field in the record.  If the field
        // is missing or not set, set the column to null.
        int highestColumnOnPage = numberFields + startColumn;
        int vColsSize = (vCols == null) ? 0 : vCols.length;
        int offset_to_field_data = dataIn.getPosition();
        for (int columnId = startColumn; columnId <= max_colid; columnId++) {
            // that have already been read.
            if (((vCols != null) && (!(vColsSize > columnId && (vCols[columnId] != 0)))) || ((mCols != null) && (mCols[columnId] != 0))) {
                if (columnId < highestColumnOnPage) {
                    // If the field exists in the row on the page, but the
                    // partial row being returned does not include it,
                    // skip the field ...
                    offset_to_field_data += StoredFieldHeader.readTotalFieldLength(pageData, offset_to_field_data);
            } else if (columnId < highestColumnOnPage) {
                // the column is on this page.
                // read the field header
                // read the status byte.
                int fieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.readStatus(pageData, offset_to_field_data);
                // read the field data length, position on 1st byte of data
                int fieldDataLength = StoredFieldHeader.readFieldLengthAndSetStreamPosition(pageData, offset_to_field_data + StoredFieldHeader.STORED_FIELD_HEADER_STATUS_SIZE, fieldStatus, slotFieldSize, dataIn);
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    SanityManager.ASSERT(!StoredFieldHeader.isExtensible(fieldStatus), "extensible fields not supported yet");
                Object column = row[columnId];
                OverflowInputStream overflowIn = null;
                if ((fieldStatus & StoredFieldHeader.FIELD_NONEXISTENT) != StoredFieldHeader.FIELD_NONEXISTENT) {
                    // normal path - field exists.
                    boolean isOverflow = ((fieldStatus & StoredFieldHeader.FIELD_OVERFLOW) != 0);
                    if (isOverflow) {
                        // A fetched long column is returned as a stream
                        long overflowPage = CompressedNumber.readLong((InputStream) dataIn);
                        int overflowId = CompressedNumber.readInt((InputStream) dataIn);
                        // Prepare the stream for results...
                        // create the byteHolder the size of a page, so,
                        // that it will fit the field Data that would fit
                        // on a page.
                        MemByteHolder byteHolder = new MemByteHolder(pageData.length);
                        overflowIn = new OverflowInputStream(byteHolder, owner, overflowPage, overflowId, recordToLock);
                    // Deal with Object columns
                    if (column instanceof DataValueDescriptor) {
                        DataValueDescriptor sColumn = (DataValueDescriptor) column;
                        // is the column null ?
                        if ((fieldStatus & StoredFieldHeader.FIELD_NULL) == 0) {
                            // set the limit for the user read
                            if (!isOverflow) {
                                // normal, non-overflow column case.
                                inUserCode = dataIn;
                                inUserCode = null;
                                int unread = dataIn.clearLimit();
                                if (unread != 0)
                                    DataInputUtil.skipFully(dataIn, unread);
                            } else {
                                // column being fetched is a long column.
                                FormatIdInputStream newIn = new FormatIdInputStream(overflowIn);
                                // long columns are fetched as a stream.
                                boolean fetchStream = true;
                                if (!(sColumn instanceof StreamStorable)) {
                                    fetchStream = false;
                                if (fetchStream) {
                                    ((StreamStorable) sColumn).setStream(newIn);
                                } else {
                                    inUserCode = newIn;
                                    inUserCode = null;
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        if (StoredFieldHeader.isNull(fieldStatus)) {
                            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_NULL_STORABLE_COLUMN, Integer.toString(columnId));
                        // This is a non-extensible field, which means the
                        // caller must know the correct type and thus the
                        // element in row is the correct type or null. It
                        // must be Serializable.
                        // We do not support Externalizable here.
                        inUserCode = dataIn;
                        // RESOLVE (no non-storables?)
                        row[columnId] = (Object) dataIn.readObject();
                        inUserCode = null;
                        int unread = dataIn.clearLimit();
                        if (unread != 0)
                            DataInputUtil.skipFully(dataIn, unread);
                } else {
                    if (column instanceof DataValueDescriptor) {
                        // RESOLVE - This is in place for 1.2. In the future
                        // we may want to return this column as non-existent
                        // even if it is a storable column, or maybe use a
                        // supplied default.
                        ((DataValueDescriptor) column).restoreToNull();
                    } else {
                        row[columnId] = null;
                // move the counter to point to beginning of next field.
                offset_to_field_data = dataIn.getPosition();
            } else {
                // field is non-existent
                Object column = row[columnId];
                if (column instanceof DataValueDescriptor) {
                    // RESOLVE - This is in place for 1.2. In the future
                    // we may want to return this column as non-existent
                    // even if it is a storable column, or maybe use a
                    // supplied default.
                    ((DataValueDescriptor) column).restoreToNull();
                } else {
                    row[columnId] = null;
        if ((numberFields + startColumn) > max_colid)
            return true;
            return false;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        if (inUserCode != null) {
            if (ioe instanceof EOFException) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "StoredPage - EOF while restoring record: " + recordHeader + "Page dump = " + this);
                // an EOFException when it sees the -1 from a read
                throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_MISMATCH, ioe, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
            // some SQLData error reporting
            Exception ne = inUserCode.getNestedException();
            if (ne != null) {
                if (ne instanceof InstantiationException) {
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_SQLDATA_READ_INSTANTIATION_EXCEPTION, ne, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
                if (ne instanceof IllegalAccessException) {
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_SQLDATA_READ_ILLEGAL_ACCESS_EXCEPTION, ne, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
                if (ne instanceof StandardException) {
                    throw (StandardException) ne;
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_EXCEPTION, ioe, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
        // re-throw to higher levels so they can put it in correct context.
        throw ioe;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
        // make the database corrupt, just that this field is inaccessable
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_MISSING_CLASS, cnfe, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
    } catch (LinkageError le) {
        // Some error during the link of a user class
        if (inUserCode != null) {
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_EXCEPTION, le, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
        throw le;
Also used : ErrorObjectInput( FormatIdInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( ArrayInputStream( InputStream( IOException( StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) IOException( EOFException( FormatIdInputStream( StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) StreamStorable( EOFException( DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)

Example 10 with ArrayInputStream

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method getRecordPortionLength.

 * Return length of row on this page.
 * <p>
 * Return the total length of data and header stored on this page for
 * this record.  This length is stored as the second "field" of the
 * slot table entry.
 * @return The length of the row on this page.
 * @param slot   the slot of the row to look up the length of.
protected int getRecordPortionLength(int slot) throws IOException {
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        if (getRecordOffset(slot) <= 0) {
            SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "getRecordPortionLength failed with getRecordOffset(" + slot + ") = " + getRecordOffset(slot) + " must be greater than 0." + "page dump = \n" + toUncheckedString());
            SanityManager.THROWASSERT("bad record offset found in getRecordPortionLength()");
    // these reads are always against the page array
    ArrayInputStream lrdi = rawDataIn;
    lrdi.setPosition(slotTableOffsetToFirstRecordLengthField - (slot * slotEntrySize));
    return ((slotFieldSize == SMALL_SLOT_SIZE) ? lrdi.readUnsignedShort() : lrdi.readInt());
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( ArrayInputStream(


ArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayInputStream ( IOException ( StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)4 PageKey ( LogRecord ( EOFException ( InputStream ( ErrorObjectInput ( FormatIdInputStream ( StreamStorable ( DataValueDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)2 LogCounter ( StreamLogScan ( CRC32 ( Compensation ( Loggable ( RePreparable ( Undoable ( LogInstant (