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Example 1 with ArrayInputStream

use of in project derby by apache.

the class AllocPage method readAllocPageHeader.

private void readAllocPageHeader() throws IOException {
    ArrayInputStream lrdi = rawDataIn;
    nextAllocPageNumber = lrdi.readLong();
    nextAllocPageOffset = lrdi.readLong();
    reserved1 = lrdi.readLong();
    reserved2 = lrdi.readLong();
    reserved3 = lrdi.readLong();
    reserved4 = lrdi.readLong();
Also used : ArrayInputStream(

Example 2 with ArrayInputStream

use of in project derby by apache.

the class AllocPage method readExtent.

private AllocExtent readExtent(int offset) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    ArrayInputStream lrdi = rawDataIn;
    AllocExtent newExtent = new AllocExtent();
    // in 1.3 or later, make sure the upgrade from before 1.3 is legal.
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        int max_range = AllocExtent.MAX_RANGE(getMaxFreeSpace());
        long extent_start = newExtent.getFirstPagenum();
        long extent_end = newExtent.getExtentEnd();
        if ((extent_start + max_range - 1) < extent_end) {
            SanityManager.THROWASSERT("extent range exceed what extent's space can handle ");
    return newExtent;
Also used : ArrayInputStream(

Example 3 with ArrayInputStream

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method restoreLongRecordFromSlot.

private StoredRecordHeader restoreLongRecordFromSlot(Object[] row, FetchDescriptor fetchDesc, RecordHandle recordToLock, StoredRecordHeader parent_recordHeader) throws StandardException {
    int slot = findRecordById(parent_recordHeader.getOverflowId(), Page.FIRST_SLOT_NUMBER);
    StoredRecordHeader recordHeader = getHeaderAtSlot(slot);
    try {
        int offset_to_row_data = getRecordOffset(slot) + recordHeader.size();
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            if (getRecordOffset(slot) < (PAGE_HEADER_OFFSET + PAGE_HEADER_SIZE)) {
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Incorrect offset.  offset = " + getRecordOffset(slot) + ", offset should be < " + "(PAGE_HEADER_OFFSET + PAGE_HEADER_SIZE) = " + (PAGE_HEADER_OFFSET + PAGE_HEADER_SIZE) + ", current slot = " + slot + ", total slotsInUse = " + slotsInUse);
        // position the array reading stream at beginning of row data
        // just past the record header.
        ArrayInputStream lrdi = rawDataIn;
        if (fetchDesc != null) {
            if (fetchDesc.getQualifierList() != null) {
            readRecordFromArray(row, (fetchDesc.getValidColumns() == null) ? row.length - 1 : fetchDesc.getMaxFetchColumnId(), fetchDesc.getValidColumnsArray(), fetchDesc.getMaterializedColumns(), lrdi, recordHeader, recordToLock);
        } else {
            readRecordFromArray(row, row.length - 1, (int[]) null, (int[]) null, lrdi, recordHeader, recordToLock);
        return (recordHeader.hasOverflow() ? recordHeader : null);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            if (pageData == null) {
                SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "caught an IOException in restoreRecordFromSlot " + (PageKey) getIdentity() + " slot " + slot + ", pageData is null");
            } else {
                SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "caught an IOException in reestoreRecordFromSlot, " + (PageKey) getIdentity() + " slot " + slot + ", pageData.length = " + pageData.length + " pageSize = " + getPageSize());
                SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "Hex dump of pageData \n " + "--------------------------------------------------\n" + pagedataToHexDump(pageData) + "--------------------------------------------------\n");
                SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "Attempt to dump page " + this.toString());
        // i/o methods on the byte array have thrown an IOException
        throw dataFactory.markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_CORRUPT_PAGE, ioe, getPageId()));
Also used : PageKey( ByteArrayInputStream( ArrayInputStream( IOException(

Example 4 with ArrayInputStream

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method getFieldOffset.

 *        Get the offset of the field header of the given field for
 *        the record in the given slot.
 *        Field number is the absolute number for the complete record, not just this portion.
 *        E.g. if this is a record portion that starts at field 3 and has 6 fields
 *        then the second field on this *page* has field number 4.
private int getFieldOffset(int slot, int fieldNumber) throws IOException {
    // RESOLVE - overflow, needs to be changed
    int offset = getRecordOffset(slot);
    StoredRecordHeader recordHeader = getHeaderAtSlot(slot);
    // get the number of fields
    int startField = recordHeader.getFirstField();
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        int numberFields = recordHeader.getNumberFields();
        if ((fieldNumber < startField) || (fieldNumber >= (startField + numberFields)))
            SanityManager.THROWASSERT("fieldNumber: " + fieldNumber + " start field: " + startField + " number of fields " + numberFields);
    ArrayInputStream lrdi = rawDataIn;
    // skip the record header
    lrdi.setPosition(offset + recordHeader.size());
    // skip any earlier fields ...
    for (int i = startField; i < fieldNumber; i++) {
    return rawDataIn.getPosition();
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( ArrayInputStream(

Example 5 with ArrayInputStream

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method purgeColumnChains.

 * purge long columns chains which eminate from this page.
 * <p>
 * Purge all the long column chains emanating from the record on this slot
 * of this page.  The headRowHandle is the record handle of the head row
 * piece of this row - if this page is the head row, then headRowHandle is
 * the record handle at the slot.  Otherwise, headRowHandle points to a
 * row on a different page, i.e., the head page.
 * <p>
 * @param t             The raw transaction doing the purging.
 * @param slot          The slot of the row to purge.
 * @param headRowHandle The RecordHandle of the head row.
 * @exception  StandardException  Standard exception policy.
private void purgeColumnChains(RawTransaction t, int slot, RecordHandle headRowHandle) throws StandardException {
    try {
        StoredRecordHeader recordHeader = getHeaderAtSlot(slot);
        int numberFields = recordHeader.getNumberFields();
        // these reads are always against the page array
        ArrayInputStream lrdi = rawDataIn;
        // position the stream to just after record header.
        int offset = getRecordOffset(slot) + recordHeader.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberFields; i++) {
            int fieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.readStatus(lrdi);
            int fieldLength = StoredFieldHeader.readFieldDataLength(lrdi, fieldStatus, slotFieldSize);
            if (!StoredFieldHeader.isOverflow(fieldStatus)) {
                // skip this field, it is not an long column
                if (fieldLength != 0)
                    lrdi.setPosition(lrdi.getPosition() + fieldLength);
            } else {
                // Got an overflow field.  The column value is the
                // <pageId, recordId> pair where the next column piece is
                // residing
                long overflowPageId = CompressedNumber.readLong((InputStream) lrdi);
                int overflowRecordId = CompressedNumber.readInt((InputStream) lrdi);
                purgeOneColumnChain(overflowPageId, overflowRecordId);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw dataFactory.markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_CORRUPT_PAGE, ioe, getPageId()));
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( ArrayInputStream( IOException(


ArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayInputStream ( IOException ( StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)4 PageKey ( LogRecord ( EOFException ( InputStream ( ErrorObjectInput ( FormatIdInputStream ( StreamStorable ( DataValueDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)2 LogCounter ( StreamLogScan ( CRC32 ( Compensation ( Loggable ( RePreparable ( Undoable ( LogInstant (