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Example 1 with Formatable

use of in project derby by apache.

the class LogToFile method recover.

 *		Recover the rawStore to a consistent state using the log.
 *		<P>
 *		In this implementation, the log is a stream of log records stored in
 *		one or more flat files.  Recovery is done in 2 passes: redo and undo.
 *		<BR> <B>Redo pass</B>
 *		<BR> In the redo pass, reconstruct the state of the rawstore by
 *		repeating exactly what happened before as recorded in the log.
 *		<BR><B>Undo pass</B>
 *		<BR> In the undo pass, all incomplete transactions are rolled back in
 *		the order from the most recently started to the oldest.
 *		<P>MT - synchronization provided by caller - RawStore boot.
 *		This method is guaranteed to be the only method being called and can
 *		assume single thread access on all fields.
 *		@see Loggable#needsRedo
 *		@see FileLogger#redo
 *		@exception StandardException Standard Derby error policy
public void recover(DataFactory df, TransactionFactory tf) throws StandardException {
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        SanityManager.ASSERT(df != null, "data factory == null");
    dataFactory = df;
    // to encrypt checksum log records.
    if (firstLog != null)
        logOut = new LogAccessFile(this, firstLog, logBufferSize);
    // initialization without causing serialization conflicts.
    if (inReplicationSlaveMode) {
        synchronized (slaveRecoveryMonitor) {
            // while this thread waited on the monitor
            while (inReplicationSlaveMode && (allowedToReadFileNumber < bootTimeLogFileNumber)) {
                // Wait until the first log file can be read.
                if (replicationSlaveException != null) {
                    throw replicationSlaveException;
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
    if (recoveryNeeded) {
        try {
            // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // During boot time, the log control file is accessed and
            // bootTimeLogFileNumber is determined.  LogOut is not set up.
            // bootTimeLogFileNumber is the log file the latest checkpoint
            // lives in,
            // or 1.  It may not be the latest log file (the system may have
            // crashed between the time a new log was generated and the
            // checkpoint log written), that can only be determined at the
            // end of recovery redo.
            // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            FileLogger logger = (FileLogger) getLogger();
            // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            if (checkpointInstant != LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT) {
                currentCheckpoint = findCheckpoint(checkpointInstant, logger);
            // beginning of the first log file
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(DUMP_LOG_ONLY)) {
                    currentCheckpoint = null;
                    System.out.println("Dump log only");
                    // unless otherwise specified, 1st log file starts at 1
                    String beginLogFileNumber = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(DUMP_LOG_FROM_LOG_FILE);
                    if (beginLogFileNumber != null) {
                        bootTimeLogFileNumber = Long.valueOf(beginLogFileNumber).longValue();
                    } else {
                        bootTimeLogFileNumber = 1;
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("setCheckpoint")) {
                    currentCheckpoint = null;
                    System.out.println("Set Checkpoint.");
                    // unless otherwise specified, 1st log file starts at 1
                    String checkpointStartLogStr = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty("");
                    String checkpointStartOffsetStr = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty("");
                    if ((checkpointStartLogStr != null) && (checkpointStartOffsetStr != null)) {
                        checkpointInstant = LogCounter.makeLogInstantAsLong(Long.valueOf(checkpointStartLogStr).longValue(), Long.valueOf(checkpointStartOffsetStr).longValue());
                    } else {
                        SanityManager.THROWASSERT("must set and, if setting setCheckpoint.");
                    currentCheckpoint = findCheckpoint(checkpointInstant, logger);
            long redoLWM = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;
            long undoLWM = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;
            long ttabInstant = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;
            StreamLogScan redoScan = null;
            if (currentCheckpoint != null) {
                Formatable transactionTable = null;
                // RESOLVE: sku
                // currentCheckpoint.getTransactionTable();
                // need to set the transaction table before the undo
                redoLWM = currentCheckpoint.redoLWM();
                undoLWM = currentCheckpoint.undoLWM();
                if (transactionTable != null)
                    ttabInstant = checkpointInstant;
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(DBG_FLAG)) {
                        SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "Found checkpoint at " + LogCounter.toDebugString(checkpointInstant) + " " + currentCheckpoint.toString());
                firstLogFileNumber = LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(redoLWM);
                // figure out where the first interesting log file is.
                if (LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(undoLWM) < firstLogFileNumber) {
                    firstLogFileNumber = LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(undoLWM);
                // if the checkpoint record doesn't have a transaction
                // table, we need to rebuild it by scanning the log from
                // the undoLWM.  If it does have a transaction table, we
                // only need to scan the log from the redoLWM
                redoScan = (StreamLogScan) openForwardsScan(undoLWM, (LogInstant) null);
            } else {
                // no checkpoint
                tf.useTransactionTable((Formatable) null);
                long start = LogCounter.makeLogInstantAsLong(bootTimeLogFileNumber, LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE);
                // no checkpoint, start redo from the beginning of the
                // file - assume this is the first log file
                firstLogFileNumber = bootTimeLogFileNumber;
                redoScan = (StreamLogScan) openForwardsScan(start, (LogInstant) null);
            // open a transaction that is used for redo and rollback
            RawTransaction recoveryTransaction = tf.startTransaction(rawStoreFactory, getContextService().getCurrentContextManager(), AccessFactoryGlobals.USER_TRANS_NAME);
            // make this transaction aware that it is a recovery transaction
            // and don't spew forth post commit work while replaying the log
            // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // Redo loop - in FileLogger
            // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // set log factory state to inRedo so that if redo caused any
            // dirty page to be written from the cache, it won't flush the
            // log since the end of the log has not been determined and we
            // know the log record that caused the page to change has
            // already been written to the log.  We need the page write to
            // go thru the log factory because if the redo has a problem,
            // the log factory is corrupt and the only way we know not to
            // write out the page in a checkpoint is if it check with the
            // log factory, and that is done via a flush - we use the WAL
            // protocol to stop corrupt pages from writing to the disk.
            inRedo = true;
            long logEnd = logger.redo(recoveryTransaction, tf, redoScan, redoLWM, ttabInstant);
            inRedo = false;
            // Replication slave: When recovery has completed the
            // redo pass, the database is no longer in replication
            // slave mode and only the recover thread will access
            // this object until recover has complete. We
            // therefore do not need two versions of the log file
            // number anymore. From this point on, logFileNumber
            // is used for all references to the current log file
            // number; bootTimeLogFileNumber is no longer used.
            logFileNumber = bootTimeLogFileNumber;
            // the database and prevent anyone from using the log
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DUMP_LOG_ONLY)) {
                    Monitor.logMessage("\n\t\t Log dump finished");
                    // just in case, it has not been set anyway
                    logOut = null;
            // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // determine where the log ends
            // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            StorageRandomAccessFile theLog = null;
            // some way ...
            if (logEnd == LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT) {
                StorageFile logFile = getLogFileName(logFileNumber);
                if (privExists(logFile)) {
                    // otherwise, skip it
                    if (!privDelete(logFile)) {
                        logFile = getLogFileName(++logFileNumber);
                IOException accessException = null;
                try {
                    theLog = privRandomAccessFile(logFile, "rw");
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    theLog = null;
                    accessException = ioe;
                if (theLog == null || !privCanWrite(logFile)) {
                    if (theLog != null)
                    theLog = null;
                    if (accessException != null)
                    ReadOnlyDB = true;
                } else {
                    try {
                        // no previous log file or previous log position
                        if (!initLogFile(theLog, logFileNumber, LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT)) {
                            throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_SEGMENT_NOT_EXIST, logFile.getPath()));
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe));
                    // successfully init'd the log file - set up markers,
                    // and position at the end of the log.
                    lastFlush = endPosition;
                    // and reopen the file in rwd mode.
                    if (isWriteSynced) {
                        // extend the file by wring zeros to it
                        theLog = openLogFileInWriteMode(logFile);
                        // postion the log at the current end postion
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                        SanityManager.ASSERT(endPosition == LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE, "empty log file has wrong size");
                    // because we already incrementing the log number
                    // here, no special log switch required for
                    // backup recoveries.
                    logSwitchRequired = false;
            } else {
                // logEnd is the instant of the next log record in the log
                // it is used to determine the last known good position of
                // the log
                logFileNumber = LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(logEnd);
                ReadOnlyDB = df.isReadOnly();
                StorageFile logFile = getLogFileName(logFileNumber);
                if (!ReadOnlyDB) {
                    // if datafactory doesn't think it is readonly, we can
                    // do some futher test of our own
                    IOException accessException = null;
                    try {
                        if (isWriteSynced)
                            theLog = openLogFileInWriteMode(logFile);
                            theLog = privRandomAccessFile(logFile, "rw");
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        theLog = null;
                        accessException = ioe;
                    if (theLog == null || !privCanWrite(logFile)) {
                        if (theLog != null)
                        theLog = null;
                        if (accessException != null)
                        ReadOnlyDB = true;
                if (!ReadOnlyDB) {
                    // find out if log had incomplete log records at the end.
                    if (redoScan.isLogEndFuzzy()) {
                        long eof = theLog.length();
                        Monitor.logTextMessage(MessageId.LOG_INCOMPLETE_LOG_RECORD, logFile, endPosition, eof);
                        /* Write zeros from incomplete log record to end of file */
                        long nWrites = (eof - endPosition) / logBufferSize;
                        int rBytes = (int) ((eof - endPosition) % logBufferSize);
                        byte[] zeroBuf = new byte[logBufferSize];
                        // write the zeros to file
                        while (nWrites-- > 0) theLog.write(zeroBuf);
                        if (rBytes != 0)
                            theLog.write(zeroBuf, 0, rBytes);
                        if (!isWriteSynced)
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                        if (theLog.length() != endPosition) {
                            SanityManager.ASSERT(theLog.length() > endPosition, "log end > log file length, bad scan");
                    // set the log to the true end position,
                    // and not the end of the file
                    lastFlush = endPosition;
            if (theLog != null) {
                if (logOut != null) {
                    // Close the currently open log file, if there is
                    // one. DERBY-5937.
                logOut = new LogAccessFile(this, theLog, logBufferSize);
            if (logSwitchRequired)
            boolean noInFlightTransactions = tf.noActiveUpdateTransaction();
            if (ReadOnlyDB) {
                // dirty buffer
                if (!noInFlightTransactions) {
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_READ_ONLY_DB_NEEDS_UNDO);
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                    SanityManager.DEBUG(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG, "About to call undo(), transaction table =" + tf.getTransactionTable());
            if (!noInFlightTransactions) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                        SanityManager.DEBUG(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG, "In recovery undo, rollback inflight transactions");
                tf.rollbackAllTransactions(recoveryTransaction, rawStoreFactory);
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                        SanityManager.DEBUG(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG, "finish recovery undo,");
            } else {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                        SanityManager.DEBUG(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG, "No in flight transaction, no recovery undo work");
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                    SanityManager.DEBUG(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG, "About to call rePrepare(), transaction table =" + tf.getTransactionTable());
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                    SanityManager.DEBUG(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG, "Finished rePrepare(), transaction table =" + tf.getTransactionTable());
            // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // End of recovery.
            // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // recovery is finished.  Close the transaction
            // notify the dataFactory that recovery is completed,
            // but before the checkpoint is written.
            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // set the transaction factory short id, we have seen all the
            // trasactions in the log, and at the minimum, the checkpoint
            // transaction will be there.  Set the shortId to the next
            // value.
            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // if can't checkpoint for some reasons, flush log and carry on
            if (!ReadOnlyDB) {
                boolean needCheckpoint = true;
                // rollbacks, then don't checkpoint. Otherwise checkpoint.
                if (currentCheckpoint != null && noInFlightTransactions && redoLWM != LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT && undoLWM != LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT) {
                    if ((logFileNumber == LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(redoLWM)) && (logFileNumber == LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(undoLWM)) && (endPosition < (LogCounter.getLogFilePosition(redoLWM) + 1000)))
                        needCheckpoint = false;
                if (needCheckpoint && !checkpoint(rawStoreFactory, df, tf, false))
                    flush(logFileNumber, endPosition);
            recoveryNeeded = false;
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe));
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_CORRUPTED, cnfe));
        } catch (StandardException se) {
            throw markCorrupt(se);
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_RECOVERY_FAILED, th));
    } else {
        tf.useTransactionTable((Formatable) null);
        // set the transaction factory short id
    // done with recovery
    // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // setup checkpoint daemon and cache cleaner
    // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    checkpointDaemon = rawStoreFactory.getDaemon();
    if (checkpointDaemon != null) {
        myClientNumber = checkpointDaemon.subscribe(this, true);
        // use the same daemon for the cache cleaner
Also used : IOException( StorageRandomAccessFile( StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) Formatable( RawTransaction( StorageFile(

Example 2 with Formatable

use of in project derby by apache.

the class LogToFile method checkpointWithTran.

 *		checkpoint with pre-start transaction
 *        @param rsf          The RawStoreFactory to use to do the checkpoint.
 *        @param df           The DataFactory to use to do the checkpoint.
 *        @param tf           The TransactionFactory to use to do the checkpoint.
 *        @param wait         If an existing checkpoint is in progress, then if
 *                            wait=true then this routine will wait for the
 *                            checkpoint to complete and the do another checkpoint
 *                            and wait for it to finish before returning.
 *		@exception StandardException Derby Standard Error Policy
private boolean checkpointWithTran(RawTransaction cptran, RawStoreFactory rsf, DataFactory df, TransactionFactory tf, boolean wait) throws StandardException {
    LogInstant redoLWM;
    // logout is set
    if (logOut == null) {
        return false;
    long approxLogLength;
    boolean proceed = true;
    do {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (corrupt != null) {
                throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_STORE_CORRUPT, corrupt);
            // current end position
            approxLogLength = endPosition;
            if (!inCheckpoint) {
                // no checkpoint in progress, change status to indicate
                // this code is doing the checkpoint.
                inCheckpoint = true;
                // in this routine.
            } else {
                if (wait) {
                    while (inCheckpoint) {
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                } else {
                    // caller did not want to wait for already executing
                    // checkpoint to finish.  Routine will return false
                    // upon exiting the loop.
                    proceed = false;
        // don't return from inside of a sync block
    } while (proceed);
    if (!proceed) {
        return false;
    // needCPtran == true if not supplied with a pre-started transaction
    boolean needCPTran = (cptran == null);
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        if (logSwitchInterval == 0) {
            SanityManager.THROWASSERT("switching log file: Approx log length = " + approxLogLength + " logSwitchInterval = 0");
    try {
        if (approxLogLength > logSwitchInterval) {
            // log switch is occuring in conjuction with the
            // checkpoint, set the amount of log written from last
            // checkpoint to zero.
            logWrittenFromLastCheckPoint = 0;
        } else {
            // checkpoint is happening without the log switch,
            // in the middle of a log file. Amount of log written already for
            // the current log file should not be included in caluculation
            // of when next check point is due. By assigning the negative
            // value of amount of log written for this file. Later it will
            // be subtracted when we switch the log file or while
            // calculating whether we are due a for checkpoint at flush time.
            logWrittenFromLastCheckPoint = -endPosition;
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_LOG_SWITCH_LOG))
                return false;
        // start a checkpoint transaction
        if (needCPTran)
            cptran = tf.startInternalTransaction(rsf, getContextService().getCurrentContextManager());
        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // gather a snapshot of the various interesting points of the log
        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
        long undoLWM_long;
        long redoLWM_long;
        synchronized (// we could synchronized on something else, it
        this) // doesn't matter as long as logAndDo sync on
        // the same thing
            // The redo LWM is the current log instant.  We are going to
            // clean the cache shortly, any log record before this point
            // will not ever need to be redone.
            redoLWM_long = currentInstant();
            redoLWM = new LogCounter(redoLWM_long);
            // The undo LWM is what we need to rollback all transactions.
            // Synchronize this with the starting of a new transaction so
            // that the transaction factory can have a consistent view
            // See FileLogger.logAndDo
            LogCounter undoLWM = (LogCounter) (tf.firstUpdateInstant());
            if (undoLWM == null)
                // no active transaction
                undoLWM_long = redoLWM_long;
                undoLWM_long = undoLWM.getValueAsLong();
        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // clean the buffer cache
        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // write out the checkpoint log record
        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // send the checkpoint record to the log
        Formatable transactionTable = tf.getTransactionTable();
        CheckpointOperation nextCheckpoint = new CheckpointOperation(redoLWM_long, undoLWM_long, transactionTable);
        LogCounter checkpointInstant = (LogCounter) (cptran.getLastLogInstant());
        if (checkpointInstant != null) {
            // since checkpoint is an internal transaction, I need to
            // flush it to make sure it actually goes to the log
        } else {
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_CANNOT_LOG_CHECKPOINT);
        if (needCPTran) {
            // if we started it, we will close it
            cptran = null;
        if (!writeControlFile(getControlFileName(), checkpointInstant.getValueAsLong())) {
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_CONTROL_FILE, getControlFileName());
        // next checkpoint becomes the current checkpoint
        currentCheckpoint = nextCheckpoint;
        if (!logArchived()) {
        // are needed to recover from the backup checkpoint on restore.
        if (!backupInProgress)
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe));
    } finally {
        synchronized (this) {
            inCheckpoint = false;
        if (cptran != null && needCPTran) {
            try {
            } catch (StandardException se) {
                throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_CORRUPTED, se));
    return true;
Also used : StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) LogInstant( Formatable( IOException(

Example 3 with Formatable

use of in project derby by apache.

the class CacheLock method setProperty.

 * Sets the Serializable object associated with a property key.
 * <p>
 * This implementation turns the setProperty into an insert into the
 * PropertyConglomerate conglomerate.
 * <p>
 * See the discussion of getProperty().
 * <p>
 * The value stored may be a Formatable object or a Serializable object
 * whose class name starts with java.*. This stops arbitary objects being
 * stored in the database by class name, which will cause problems in
 * obfuscated/non-obfuscated systems.
 * @param	tc		The transaction to do the Conglomerate work under.
 * @param	key		The key used to lookup this property.
 * @param	value	The value to be associated with this key. If null,
 *                  delete the property from the properties list.
 * @exception  StandardException  Standard exception policy.
void setProperty(TransactionController tc, String key, Serializable value, boolean dbOnlyProperty) throws StandardException {
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        if (!((value == null) || (value instanceof Formatable))) {
            if (!(value.getClass().getName().startsWith("java."))) {
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Non-formattable, non-java class - " + value.getClass().getName());
    Serializable valueToValidateAndApply = value;
    // If we remove a property we validate and apply its default.
    if (value == null)
        valueToValidateAndApply = getPropertyDefault(tc, key);
    Serializable valueToSave = validateApplyAndMap(tc, key, valueToValidateAndApply, dbOnlyProperty);
    // a special way.
    if (bootPasswordChange(tc, key, value))
    else // DEFAULT value returned by validateAndApply.
    if (value == null)
        saveProperty(tc, key, null);
        // value != null means we simply save the possibly
        // mapped value of the property returned by
        // validateAndApply.
        saveProperty(tc, key, valueToSave);
Also used : Serializable( Formatable(


Formatable ( IOException ( StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)2 Serializable ( LogInstant ( RawTransaction ( StorageFile ( StorageRandomAccessFile (