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Example 6 with StreamStorable

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StreamFileContainer method writeColumn.

private void writeColumn(Object column) throws StandardException, IOException {
    int fieldStatus = FIELD_STATUS;
    if (column == null) {
        // just write a non-existent header.
        fieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.setNonexistent(fieldStatus);
        StoredFieldHeader.write(out, fieldStatus, 0, LARGE_SLOT_SIZE);
    // if the column is a null column, write the field header now.
    if (column instanceof Storable) {
        Storable sColumn = (Storable) column;
        if (sColumn.isNull()) {
            fieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.setNull(fieldStatus, true);
            StoredFieldHeader.write(out, fieldStatus, 0, LARGE_SLOT_SIZE);
    int beginPosition = out.getPosition();
    int fieldDataLength = 0;
    // write out the header, mostly to reserve the space
    StoredFieldHeader.write(out, fieldStatus, fieldDataLength, LARGE_SLOT_SIZE);
    if (column instanceof StreamStorable) {
        if (((StreamStorable) column).returnStream() != null) {
            column = (InputStream) ((StreamStorable) column).returnStream();
    if (column instanceof InputStream) {
        InputStream inColumn = (InputStream) column;
        // Set a reasonable buffer size.
        // To avoid extremely inefficient reads, and an infinite loop when
        // InputStream.available() returns zero, a lower limit is set on
        // the buffer size. To avoid using too much memory (especially in
        // multi-user environments) an upper limit is set as well.
        // The limits can be tuned, but note that using a too high default
        // or lower limit can put unnecessary pressure on the memory sub-
        // system and the GC process.
        int bufferLen = Math.min(Math.max(inColumn.available(), 64), 8192);
        byte[] bufData = new byte[bufferLen];
        do {
            int lenRead =;
            if (lenRead != -1) {
                fieldDataLength += lenRead;
                out.write(bufData, 0, lenRead);
            } else {
        } while (true);
    } else if (column instanceof Storable) {
        Storable sColumn = (Storable) column;
        // write field data to the stream, we already handled the null case
        fieldDataLength = out.getPosition() - beginPosition - FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
    } else {
        // Serializable/Externalizable/Formattable
        // all look the same at this point.
        fieldDataLength = out.getPosition() - beginPosition - FIELD_HEADER_SIZE;
    // Now we go back to update the fieldDataLength in the field header
    int endPosition = out.getPosition();
    StoredFieldHeader.write(out, fieldStatus, fieldDataLength, LARGE_SLOT_SIZE);
    // set position to the end of the field
    if (!StoredFieldHeader.isNull(fieldStatus))
Also used : FormatIdInputStream( BufferedInputStream( LimitInputStream( InputStream( StreamStorable( Storable( StreamStorable(

Example 7 with StreamStorable

use of in project derby by apache.

the class UpdateResultSet method checkStreamCols.

/* Following 2 methods are for checking and make sure we don't have one un-objectified stream
	 * to be inserted into 2 temp table rows for deferred update.  Otherwise it would cause problem
	 * when writing to disk using the stream a second time.  In other cases we don't want to
	 * unnecessarily objectify the stream. beetle 4896.
private FormatableBitSet checkStreamCols() {
    DataValueDescriptor[] cols = row.getRowArray();
    FormatableBitSet streamCols = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBaseColumns; i++) {
        if (// check new values
        cols[i + numberOfBaseColumns] instanceof StreamStorable) {
            if (streamCols == null)
                streamCols = new FormatableBitSet(numberOfBaseColumns);
    return streamCols;
Also used : StreamStorable( FormatableBitSet( DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)

Example 8 with StreamStorable

use of in project derby by apache.

the class MergeResultSet method collectAffectedRows.

 * <p>
 * Loop through the rows in the driving left join.
 * </p>
boolean collectAffectedRows() throws StandardException {
    DataValueDescriptor rlColumn;
    boolean rowsFound = false;
    while (true) {
        // may need to objectify stream columns here.
        // see DMLWriteResultSet.getNextRowCoure(NoPutResultSet)
        _row = _drivingLeftJoin.getNextRowCore();
        if (_row == null) {
        // By convention, the last column for the driving left join contains a data value
        // containing the RowLocation of the target row.
        rowsFound = true;
        rlColumn = _row.getColumn(_row.nColumns());
        SQLRef baseRowLocation = null;
        boolean matched = false;
        if (rlColumn != null) {
            if (!rlColumn.isNull()) {
                matched = true;
                // change the HeapRowLocation into a SQLRef, something which the
                // temporary table can (de)serialize correctly
                baseRowLocation = new SQLRef((RowLocation) rlColumn.getObject());
                _row.setColumn(_row.nColumns(), baseRowLocation);
        // find the first clause which applies to this row
        MatchingClauseConstantAction matchingClause = null;
        int clauseCount = _constants.matchingClauseCount();
        int clauseIdx = 0;
        for (; clauseIdx < clauseCount; clauseIdx++) {
            MatchingClauseConstantAction candidate = _constants.getMatchingClause(clauseIdx);
            boolean isWhenMatchedClause = false;
            switch(candidate.clauseType()) {
                case ConstantAction.WHEN_MATCHED_THEN_UPDATE:
                case ConstantAction.WHEN_MATCHED_THEN_DELETE:
                    isWhenMatchedClause = true;
            boolean considerClause = (matched == isWhenMatchedClause);
            if (considerClause) {
                if (candidate.evaluateRefinementClause(activation)) {
                    matchingClause = candidate;
        if (matchingClause != null) {
            // this will raise an exception if the row is being touched more than once
            if (baseRowLocation != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < _row.nColumns(); i++) {
                DataValueDescriptor dvd = _row.getColumn(i + 1);
                if (dvd instanceof StreamStorable) {
                    if (dvd.hasStream()) {
                        _row.setColumn(i + 1, dvd.cloneValue(true));
            _thenRows[clauseIdx] = matchingClause.bufferThenRow(activation, _thenRows[clauseIdx], _row);
    return rowsFound;
Also used : StreamStorable( DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor) RowLocation(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation) SQLRef(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLRef)

Example 9 with StreamStorable

use of in project derby by apache.

the class DMLWriteResultSet method objectifyStreams.

private void objectifyStreams(ExecRow row) throws StandardException {
    // therefore, the object can be used to multiple rows.
    if ((row != null) && (streamStorableHeapColIds != null)) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < streamStorableHeapColIds.length; ix++) {
            int heapIx = streamStorableHeapColIds[ix];
            int readIx = (baseRowReadMap == null) ? heapIx : baseRowReadMap[heapIx];
            DataValueDescriptor col = row.getColumn(readIx + 1);
            // Derby-4779
            if (col != null) {
                InputStream stream = ((StreamStorable) col).returnStream();
                ((StreamStorable) col).loadStream();
                if (stream != null)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= row.nColumns(); i++) {
                        DataValueDescriptor c = row.getColumn(i);
                        if (c instanceof StreamStorable)
                            if (((StreamStorable) c).returnStream() == stream)
                                row.setColumn(i, col.cloneValue(false));
Also used : InputStream( StreamStorable( DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)

Example 10 with StreamStorable

use of in project derby by apache.

the class StoredPage method readRecordFromStream.

 * restore a record from a stream.
 * <p>
 * The rawDataIn stream is expected to be positioned after the record
 * header.
 * @return The identifier to be used to open the conglomerate later.
 * @param row               restore row into this object array.
 * @param max_colid         The maximum numbered column id that will be
 *                          requested by caller.  It should be:
 *                            min(row.length - 1, maximum bit set in vCols)
 *                          It is used to stop the inner most loop from
 *                          looking at more columns in the row.
 * @param vCols             If not null, bit map indicates valid cols.
 * @param mCols             If not null, int array indicates columns already
 *                          read in from the stream.  A non-zero entry
 *                          means the column has already been read in.
 * @param dataIn            restore row from this stream.
 * @param recordHeader      The record header of the row, it was read in
 *                          from stream and dataIn is positioned after it.
 * @param recordToLock      The head row to use for locking, used to lock
 *                          head row of overflow columns/rows.
 * @exception  StandardException  Standard exception policy.
private final boolean readRecordFromStream(Object[] row, int max_colid, int[] vCols, int[] mCols, LimitObjectInput dataIn, StoredRecordHeader recordHeader, RecordHandle recordToLock) throws StandardException, IOException {
    ErrorObjectInput inUserCode = null;
    try {
        // Get the number of columns in the row.
        int numberFields = recordHeader.getNumberFields();
        int startColumn = recordHeader.getFirstField();
        if (startColumn > max_colid) {
            // done if the startColumn is higher than highest column.
            return true;
        // For each column in the row, restore the column from
        // the corresponding field in the record.  If the field
        // is missing or not set, set the column to null.
        int highestColumnOnPage = numberFields + startColumn;
        int vColsSize = (vCols == null) ? 0 : vCols.length;
        for (int columnId = startColumn; columnId <= max_colid; columnId++) {
            // that have already been read.
            if (((vCols != null) && (!(vColsSize > columnId && (vCols[columnId] != 0)))) || ((mCols != null) && (mCols[columnId] != 0))) {
                if (columnId < highestColumnOnPage) {
                    // If the field exists in the row on the page, but the
                    // partial row being returned does not include it,
                    // skip the field ...
            // that this record has
            if (columnId >= highestColumnOnPage) {
                // field is non-existent
                Object column = row[columnId];
                if (column instanceof DataValueDescriptor) {
                    // RESOLVE - This is in place for 1.2. In the future
                    // we may want to return this column as non-existent
                    // even if it is a storable column, or maybe use a
                    // supplied default.
                    ((DataValueDescriptor) column).restoreToNull();
                } else {
                    row[columnId] = null;
            // read the field header
            int fieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.readStatus(dataIn);
            int fieldDataLength = StoredFieldHeader.readFieldDataLength(dataIn, fieldStatus, slotFieldSize);
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                SanityManager.ASSERT(!StoredFieldHeader.isExtensible(fieldStatus), "extensible fields not supported yet");
            Object column = row[columnId];
            OverflowInputStream overflowIn = null;
            // field is non-existent, return null
            if (StoredFieldHeader.isNonexistent(fieldStatus)) {
                if (column instanceof DataValueDescriptor) {
                    // RESOLVE - This is in place for 1.2. In the future
                    // we may want to return this column as non-existent
                    // even if it is a storable column, or maybe use a
                    // supplied default.
                    ((DataValueDescriptor) column).restoreToNull();
                } else {
                    row[columnId] = null;
            boolean isOverflow = StoredFieldHeader.isOverflow(fieldStatus);
            if (isOverflow) {
                // A fetched long column needs to be returned as a stream
                long overflowPage = CompressedNumber.readLong((InputStream) dataIn);
                int overflowId = CompressedNumber.readInt((InputStream) dataIn);
                // Prepare the stream for results...
                // create the byteHolder the size of a page, so, that it
                // will fit the field Data that would fit on a page.
                MemByteHolder byteHolder = new MemByteHolder(pageData.length);
                overflowIn = new OverflowInputStream(byteHolder, owner, overflowPage, overflowId, recordToLock);
            // Deal with Object columns
            if (column instanceof DataValueDescriptor) {
                DataValueDescriptor sColumn = (DataValueDescriptor) column;
                // is the column null ?
                if (StoredFieldHeader.isNull(fieldStatus)) {
                // set the limit for the user read
                if (!isOverflow) {
                    // normal, non-overflow column case.
                    inUserCode = dataIn;
                    inUserCode = null;
                    int unread = dataIn.clearLimit();
                    if (unread != 0)
                        DataInputUtil.skipFully(dataIn, unread);
                } else {
                    // column being fetched is a Object long column.
                    FormatIdInputStream newIn = new FormatIdInputStream(overflowIn);
                    // if a column is a long column, store recommends user
                    // fetch it as a stream.
                    boolean fetchStream = true;
                    if (!(sColumn instanceof StreamStorable)) {
                        fetchStream = false;
                    if (fetchStream) {
                        ((StreamStorable) sColumn).setStream(newIn);
                    } else {
                        inUserCode = newIn;
                        inUserCode = null;
            if (StoredFieldHeader.isNull(fieldStatus)) {
                throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_NULL_STORABLE_COLUMN, Integer.toString(columnId));
            // This is a non-extensible field, which means the caller must
            // know the correct type and thus the element in row is the
            // correct type or null. It must be Serializable.
            // We do not support Externalizable here.
            inUserCode = dataIn;
            row[columnId] = (Object) dataIn.readObject();
            inUserCode = null;
            int unread = dataIn.clearLimit();
            if (unread != 0)
                DataInputUtil.skipFully(dataIn, unread);
        if ((numberFields + startColumn) > max_colid)
            return true;
            return false;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        if (inUserCode != null) {
            if (ioe instanceof EOFException) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("DEBUG_TRACE", "StoredPage - EOF while restoring record: " + recordHeader + "Page dump = " + this);
                // an EOFException when it sees the -1 from a read
                throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_MISMATCH, ioe, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
            // some SQLData error reporting
            Exception ne = inUserCode.getNestedException();
            if (ne != null) {
                if (ne instanceof InstantiationException) {
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_SQLDATA_READ_INSTANTIATION_EXCEPTION, ne, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
                if (ne instanceof IllegalAccessException) {
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_SQLDATA_READ_ILLEGAL_ACCESS_EXCEPTION, ne, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
                if (ne instanceof StandardException) {
                    throw (StandardException) ne;
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_EXCEPTION, ioe, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
        // re-throw to higher levels so they can put it in correct context.
        throw ioe;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
        // make the database corrupt, just that this field is inaccessable
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_MISSING_CLASS, cnfe, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
    } catch (LinkageError le) {
        // Some error during the link of a user class
        if (inUserCode != null) {
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_STORABLE_READ_EXCEPTION, le, inUserCode.getErrorInfo());
        throw le;
Also used : ErrorObjectInput( IOException( StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) IOException( EOFException( FormatIdInputStream( StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) StreamStorable( EOFException( DataValueDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)


StreamStorable ( DataValueDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor)8 FormatIdInputStream ( EOFException ( IOException ( InputStream ( StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)4 ByteArrayInputStream ( ArrayInputStream ( ErrorObjectInput ( RowLocation (org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RowLocation)3 BufferedInputStream ( Properties (java.util.Properties)1 FormatableBitSet ( LimitInputStream ( Storable ( LanguageProperties (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.LanguageProperties)1 ResultColumnDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.ResultColumnDescriptor)1 ColumnDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor)1 CursorResultSet (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.CursorResultSet)1