use of in project derby by apache.
the class BaseDataFileFactory method boot.
public void boot(boolean create, Properties startParams) throws StandardException {
jbmsVersion = getMonitor().getEngineVersion();
jvmVersion = buildJvmVersion();
osInfo = buildOSinfo();
jarCPath = jarClassPath(getClass());
dataDirectory = startParams.getProperty(PersistentService.ROOT);
UUIDFactory uf = getMonitor().getUUIDFactory();
identifier = uf.createUUID();
PersistentService ps = getMonitor().getServiceType(this);
try {
storageFactory = ps.getStorageFactoryInstance(true, dataDirectory, startParams.getProperty(Property.STORAGE_TEMP_DIRECTORY, PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.STORAGE_TEMP_DIRECTORY)), identifier.toANSIidentifier());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (create) {
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.SERVICE_DIRECTORY_CREATE_ERROR, ioe, dataDirectory);
} else {
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATABASE_NOT_FOUND, ioe, dataDirectory);
// you can't encrypt a database if the Lucene plugin is loaded
if (luceneLoaded()) {
String encryptionProp = startParams.getProperty(Attribute.DATA_ENCRYPTION);
if ((encryptionProp != null) && "TRUE".equals(encryptionProp.toUpperCase())) {
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LUCENE_ENCRYPTED_DB);
if (storageFactory instanceof WritableStorageFactory)
writableStorageFactory = (WritableStorageFactory) storageFactory;
actionCode = BOOT_ACTION;
try {
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
// BOOT_ACTION does not throw any exceptions.
String value = startParams.getProperty(Property.FORCE_DATABASE_LOCK, PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.FORCE_DATABASE_LOCK));
throwDBlckException = Boolean.valueOf((value != null ? value.trim() : value)).booleanValue();
if (// read only db, not interested in filelock
getJBMSLockOnDB(identifier, uf, dataDirectory);
// If the database is being restored/created from backup
// the restore the data directory(seg*) from backup
String restoreFrom = null;
restoreFrom = startParams.getProperty(Attribute.CREATE_FROM);
if (restoreFrom == null)
restoreFrom = startParams.getProperty(Attribute.RESTORE_FROM);
if (restoreFrom == null)
restoreFrom = startParams.getProperty(Attribute.ROLL_FORWARD_RECOVERY_FROM);
if (restoreFrom != null) {
try {
// restoreFrom and createFrom operations also need to know if database
// is encrypted
String dataEncryption = startParams.getProperty(Attribute.DATA_ENCRYPTION);
databaseEncrypted = Boolean.valueOf(dataEncryption).booleanValue();
} catch (StandardException se) {
throw se;
String messageID = (isReadOnly()) ? MessageId.STORE_BOOT_MSG_READ_ONLY : MessageId.STORE_BOOT_MSG;
boolean logBootTrace = Boolean.valueOf(startParams.getProperty(Property.LOG_BOOT_TRACE, PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.LOG_BOOT_TRACE))).booleanValue();
logMsg(new Date() + MessageService.getTextMessage(messageID, jbmsVersion, identifier, dataDirectory, // cast to Object so we get object hash code
(Object) this.getClass().getClassLoader(), jarCPath));
// Log the JVM version info
// Log the OS info
// Log derby.system.home It will have null value if user didn't set it
logMsg(Property.SYSTEM_HOME_PROPERTY + "=" + PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.SYSTEM_HOME_PROPERTY));
// Log properties related to redirection of derby.log
String target = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.ERRORLOG_STYLE_PROPERTY);
if (target != null)
logMsg(Property.ERRORLOG_STYLE_PROPERTY + "=" + target);
target = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.ERRORLOG_FILE_PROPERTY);
if (target != null)
logMsg(Property.ERRORLOG_FILE_PROPERTY + "=" + target);
target = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.ERRORLOG_METHOD_PROPERTY);
if (target != null)
logMsg(Property.ERRORLOG_METHOD_PROPERTY + "=" + target);
target = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.ERRORLOG_FIELD_PROPERTY);
if (target != null)
logMsg(Property.ERRORLOG_FIELD_PROPERTY + "=" + target);
if (logBootTrace)
Monitor.logThrowable(new Throwable("boot trace"));
uf = null;
CacheFactory cf = (CacheFactory) startSystemModule(org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference.Module.CacheFactory);
// Initialize the page cache
int pageCacheSize = getIntParameter(RawStoreFactory.PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_PARAMETER, null, RawStoreFactory.PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT, RawStoreFactory.PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_MINIMUM, RawStoreFactory.PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_MAXIMUM);
pageCache = cf.newCacheManager(this, "PageCache", pageCacheSize / 2, pageCacheSize);
// Initialize the container cache
containerCache = cf.newCacheManager(this, "ContainerCache", fileCacheSize / 2, fileCacheSize);
// Register MBeans that allow users to monitor the page cache
// and the container cache.
if (create) {
String noLog = startParams.getProperty(Property.CREATE_WITH_NO_LOG);
inCreateNoLog = (noLog != null && Boolean.valueOf(noLog).booleanValue());
droppedTableStubInfo = new Hashtable<LogInstant, Object[]>();
// writes during checkpoint
if (Property.DURABILITY_TESTMODE_NO_SYNC.equalsIgnoreCase(PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.DURABILITY_PROPERTY))) {
// - disable syncing of data during checkpoint.
dataNotSyncedAtCheckpoint = true;
// log message stating that derby.system.durability
// is set to a mode, where syncs wont be forced and the
// possible consequences of setting this mode
Monitor.logMessage(MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.STORE_DURABILITY_TESTMODE_NO_SYNC, Property.DURABILITY_PROPERTY, Property.DURABILITY_TESTMODE_NO_SYNC));
} else if (Performance.MEASURE) {
// development build only feature, must by hand set the
// Performance.MEASURE variable and rebuild. Useful during
// development to compare/contrast effect of syncing, release
// users can use the above relaxed durability option to disable
// all syncing.
// debug only flag - disable syncing of data during checkpoint.
dataNotSyncedAtCheckpoint = PropertyUtil.getSystemBoolean(Property.STORAGE_DATA_NOT_SYNCED_AT_CHECKPOINT);
if (dataNotSyncedAtCheckpoint)
Monitor.logMessage("Warning: " + Property.STORAGE_DATA_NOT_SYNCED_AT_CHECKPOINT + "set to true.");
fileHandler = new RFResource(this);
use of in project derby by apache.
the class RawStore method setupEncryptionEngines.
** data encryption/decryption support
* Setup encryption engines according to the user properties and the
* current database state.
* @param create whether a new database is being created, or if this is
* an existing database
* @param properties database properties, including connection attributes
* @return {@code true} if the existing data in the database should be
* transformed by applying a cryptographic operation.
* @throws StandardException if the properties are conflicting, if the
* requested configuration is denied, or if something else goes wrong
private boolean setupEncryptionEngines(boolean create, Properties properties) throws StandardException {
// Check if user has requested to decrypt the database.
boolean decryptDatabase = isTrue(properties, Attribute.DECRYPT_DATABASE);
// Check if user has requested to encrypt the database.
boolean encryptDatabase = isTrue(properties, Attribute.DATA_ENCRYPTION);
boolean reEncrypt = false;
if (!create) {
// Check if database is already encrypted, by directly peeking at
// the database service propertes instead of the properties passed
// to this method. By looking at properties passed to the boot
// method, one can not differentiate between a request to encrypt
// a plaintext database and booting an already encrypted database.
// Attribute.DATA_ENCRYPTION is stored in the service properties
// for encrypted database, and this takes precedence over the
// value specified by the user.
String name = getServiceName(this);
PersistentService ps = getMonitor().getServiceType(this);
String canonicalName = ps.getCanonicalServiceName(name);
Properties serviceprops = ps.getServiceProperties(canonicalName, (Properties) null);
isEncryptedDatabase = isTrue(serviceprops, Attribute.DATA_ENCRYPTION);
if (isEncryptedDatabase) {
// Check if the user has requested to re-encrypt an
// encrypted datbase with a new encryption password/key.
// See also attribute check in EmbedConnection.
reEncrypt = isSet(properties, Attribute.NEW_BOOT_PASSWORD) || isSet(properties, Attribute.NEW_CRYPTO_EXTERNAL_KEY);
encryptDatabase = reEncrypt;
} else if (encryptDatabase && decryptDatabase) {
// We cannot both encrypt and decrypt at the same time.
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.CONFLICTING_BOOT_ATTRIBUTES, Attribute.DECRYPT_DATABASE + ", " + Attribute.DATA_ENCRYPTION);
// Prevent attempts to (re)encrypt or decrypt a read-only database.
if ((encryptDatabase || decryptDatabase) && isReadOnly()) {
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.CANNOT_ENCRYPT_READONLY_DATABASE);
// setup encryption engines.
if (isEncryptedDatabase || encryptDatabase) {
// Check if database is or will be encrypted. We save encryption
// properties as service properties, such that
// user does not have to specify them on the URL everytime.
// Incase of re-encryption of an already of encrypted database
// only some information needs to updated; it is not treated
// like the configuring the database for encryption first time.
boolean setupEncryption = create || (encryptDatabase && !reEncrypt);
// start the cipher factory module, that is is used to create
// instances of the cipher factory with specific enctyption
// properties.
CipherFactoryBuilder cb = (CipherFactoryBuilder) startSystemModule(org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference.Module.CipherFactoryBuilder);
// create instance of the cipher factory with the
// specified encryption properties.
currentCipherFactory = cb.createCipherFactory(setupEncryption, properties, false);
// The database can be encrypted using an encryption key that is
// specified in the connection URL. For security reasons this key
// is not persisted in the database, but it is necessary to verify
// the encryption key whenever booting the database. This needs to
// happen before we access the data/logs to avoid the risk of
// corrupting the database because of a wrong encryption key.
// Please note this verification process does not provide any added
// security. Its purpose is to allow us to fail gracefully if an
// incorrect encryption key is used during boot time.
currentCipherFactory.verifyKey(setupEncryption, storageFactory, properties);
// Initializes the encryption and decryption engines.
encryptionEngine = currentCipherFactory.createNewCipher(CipherFactory.ENCRYPT);
if (setupEncryption) {
encryptionBlockSize = encryptionEngine.getEncryptionBlockSize();
// this will be saved after encrypting the exisiting data.
if (create) {
properties.put(RawStoreFactory.ENCRYPTION_BLOCKSIZE, String.valueOf(encryptionBlockSize));
} else {
if (isSet(properties, RawStoreFactory.ENCRYPTION_BLOCKSIZE)) {
encryptionBlockSize = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(RawStoreFactory.ENCRYPTION_BLOCKSIZE));
} else {
encryptionBlockSize = encryptionEngine.getEncryptionBlockSize();
decryptionEngine = currentCipherFactory.createNewCipher(CipherFactory.DECRYPT);
random = currentCipherFactory.getSecureRandom();
if (encryptDatabase) {
if (reEncrypt) {
// Create new cipher factory with the new encryption
// properties specified by the user. This cipher factory
// is used to create the new encryption/decryption
// engines to re-encrypt the database with the new
// encryption keys.
newCipherFactory = cb.createCipherFactory(setupEncryption, properties, true);
newDecryptionEngine = newCipherFactory.createNewCipher(CipherFactory.DECRYPT);
newEncryptionEngine = newCipherFactory.createNewCipher(CipherFactory.ENCRYPT);
} else {
// There is only one engine when configuring an
// un-encrypted database for encryption.
newDecryptionEngine = decryptionEngine;
newEncryptionEngine = encryptionEngine;
// at database creation time.
if (create) {
isEncryptedDatabase = true;
// existing database, or decrypting an already encrypted database.
return (!create && (encryptDatabase || (isEncryptedDatabase && decryptDatabase)));
use of in project derby by apache.
the class BaseMonitor method removePersistentService.
* Removes a PersistentService.
* Could be used for drop database.
* @param name : Service name to be removed.
public void removePersistentService(String name) throws StandardException {
PersistentService provider = null;
provider = findProviderForCreate(name);
String serviceName = provider.getCanonicalServiceName(name);
boolean removed = provider.removeServiceRoot(serviceName);
if (removed == false)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.SERVICE_DIRECTORY_REMOVE_ERROR, serviceName);
use of in project derby by apache.
the class BaseMonitor method bootPersistentServices.
* Boot all persistent services that can be located at run time.
* <BR>
* This method enumerates through all the service providers that
* are active and calls bootPersistentServices(PersistentService)
* to boot all the services that that provider knows about.
private void bootPersistentServices() {
Enumeration e = new ProviderEnumeration(applicationProperties);
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
PersistentService provider = (PersistentService) e.nextElement();