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Example 1 with PersistentService

use of in project derby by apache.

the class BaseMonitor method setLocale.

 *		Set the locale for the service *outside* of boot time.
 *		@exception StandardException Standard Derby error.
public Locale setLocale(Object serviceModule, String userDefinedLocale) throws StandardException {
    TopService ts = findTopService(serviceModule);
    if (ts == null)
        return null;
    PersistentService provider = ts.getServiceType();
    if (provider == null)
        return null;
    String serviceName = ts.getKey().getIdentifier();
    Properties properties = provider.getServiceProperties(serviceName, (Properties) null);
    properties = new UpdateServiceProperties(provider, serviceName, properties, true);
    return setLocale(properties, userDefinedLocale);
Also used : PersistentService( Properties(java.util.Properties)

Example 2 with PersistentService

use of in project derby by apache.

the class BaseMonitor method findProviderAndStartService.

 *		Find a provider and start  a service.
private boolean findProviderAndStartService(String name, Properties properties, boolean bootTime) throws StandardException {
    PersistentService actualProvider = null;
    Properties serviceProperties = null;
    String serviceName = null;
    // see if the name already includes a service type
    int colon = name.indexOf(':');
    if (colon != -1) {
        actualProvider = findProviderFromName(name, colon);
        // throw an exception
        if (actualProvider != null) {
            serviceName = actualProvider.getCanonicalServiceName(name);
            if (serviceName == null)
                // we understand the type, but the service does not exist
                return true;
            serviceProperties = actualProvider.getServiceProperties(serviceName, properties);
            if (serviceProperties == null)
                // we understand the type, but the service does not exist
                return true;
            // see if this service does not want to be auto-booted.
            if (bootTime && Boolean.valueOf(serviceProperties.getProperty(Property.NO_AUTO_BOOT)).booleanValue())
                return true;
            startProviderService(actualProvider, serviceName, serviceProperties);
            // we understand the type
            return true;
    StandardException savedMse = null;
    for (Enumeration e = new ProviderEnumeration(properties); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        PersistentService provider = (PersistentService) e.nextElement();
        String sn = provider.getCanonicalServiceName(name);
        if (sn == null)
        Properties p = null;
        try {
            p = provider.getServiceProperties(sn, properties);
            // service does not exist.
            if (p == null)
        } catch (StandardException mse) {
            savedMse = mse;
        // yes we can attempt to boot this service
        if (actualProvider == null) {
            actualProvider = provider;
            serviceName = sn;
            serviceProperties = p;
        // we have an ambigious service name
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.AMBIGIOUS_PROTOCOL, name);
    // the monitor claims to always understand these.
    if (actualProvider == null)
        return colon == -1;
    if (savedMse != null)
        throw savedMse;
    // see if this service does not want to be auto-booted.
    if (bootTime && Boolean.valueOf(serviceProperties.getProperty(Property.NO_AUTO_BOOT)).booleanValue())
        return true;
    startProviderService(actualProvider, serviceName, serviceProperties);
    return true;
Also used : StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) PersistentService( Properties(java.util.Properties)

Example 3 with PersistentService

use of in project derby by apache.

the class RawStore method backup.

	 * Backup the database.
	 * Online backup copies all the database files (log, seg0  ...Etc) to the
	 * specified backup location without blocking any user operation for the 
	 * duration of the backup. Stable copy is made of each page using 
     * page level latches and in some cases with the help of monitors.  
     * Transaction log is also backed up, this is used to bring the database to 
     * the consistent state on restore.
     * <P> MT- only one thread  is allowed to perform backup at any given time. 
     *  Synchronized on this. Parallel backups are not supported. 
public synchronized void backup(Transaction t, File backupDir) throws StandardException {
    if (!privExists(backupDir)) {
        // if backup dir does not exist, go ahead and create it.
    } else {
        if (!privIsDirectory(backupDir)) {
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.RAWSTORE_CANNOT_BACKUP_TO_NONDIRECTORY, (File) backupDir);
        if (privExists(new File(backupDir, PersistentService.PROPERTIES_NAME))) {
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.RAWSTORE_CANNOT_BACKUP_INTO_DATABASE_DIRECTORY, (File) backupDir);
    boolean error = true;
    boolean renamed = false;
    boolean renameFailed = false;
    File oldbackup = null;
    File backupcopy = null;
    OutputStreamWriter historyFile = null;
    StorageFile dbHistoryFile = null;
    File backupHistoryFile = null;
    LogInstant backupInstant = logFactory.getFirstUnflushedInstant();
    try {
        // get name of the current db, ie. database directory of current db.
        StorageFile dbase = storageFactory.newStorageFile(null);
        String canonicalDbName = storageFactory.getCanonicalName();
        String dbname = StringUtil.shortDBName(canonicalDbName, storageFactory.getSeparator());
        // append to end of history file
        historyFile = privFileWriter(storageFactory.newStorageFile(BACKUP_HISTORY), true);
        backupcopy = new File(backupDir, dbname);
        logHistory(historyFile, MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.STORE_BACKUP_STARTED, canonicalDbName, getFilePath(backupcopy)));
        // check if a backup copy of this database already exists,
        if (privExists(backupcopy)) {
            // first make a backup of the backup
            oldbackup = new File(backupDir, dbname + ".OLD");
            if (privExists(oldbackup)) {
                if (privIsDirectory(oldbackup))
            if (!privRenameTo(backupcopy, oldbackup)) {
                renameFailed = true;
                throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.RAWSTORE_ERROR_RENAMING_FILE, backupcopy, oldbackup);
            } else {
                logHistory(historyFile, MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.STORE_MOVED_BACKUP, getFilePath(backupcopy), getFilePath(oldbackup)));
                renamed = true;
        // create the backup database directory
        dbHistoryFile = storageFactory.newStorageFile(BACKUP_HISTORY);
        backupHistoryFile = new File(backupcopy, BACKUP_HISTORY);
        // copy the history file into the backup.
        if (!privCopyFile(dbHistoryFile, backupHistoryFile))
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.RAWSTORE_ERROR_COPYING_FILE, dbHistoryFile, backupHistoryFile);
        // if they are any jar file stored in the database, copy them into
        // the backup.
        StorageFile jarDir = storageFactory.newStorageFile(FileResource.JAR_DIRECTORY_NAME);
        if (privExists(jarDir)) {
            // find the list of schema directories under the jar dir and
            // then copy only the plain files under those directories. One
            // could just use the recursive copy of directory to copy all
            // the files under the jar dir, but the problem with that is if
            // a user gives jar directory as the backup path by mistake,
            // copy will fail while copying the backup dir onto itself in
            // recursion
            String[] jarDirContents = privList(jarDir);
            File backupJarDir = new File(backupcopy, FileResource.JAR_DIRECTORY_NAME);
            // Create the backup jar directory
            LanguageConnectionContext lcc = (LanguageConnectionContext) getContextOrNull(LanguageConnectionContext.CONTEXT_ID);
            // DERBY-5357 UUIDs introduced in jar file names in 10.9
            boolean uuidSupported = lcc.getDataDictionary().checkVersion(DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_9, null);
            if (uuidSupported) {
                // no subdirectories
                for (int i = 0; i < jarDirContents.length; i++) {
                    StorageFile jar = storageFactory.newStorageFile(jarDir, jarDirContents[i]);
                    File backupJar = new File(backupJarDir, jarDirContents[i]);
                    if (privIsDirectory(new File(jar.getPath()))) {
                        // We no longer expect directories inside
                    // 'jar'. Need check to make the weird
                    // test #2 in work:
                    // it does a backup of the db into its
                    // own(!) jar file directory, so trying
                    // to copy that db file into itself two
                    // levels down would fail.
                    if (!privCopyFile(jar, backupJar)) {
                        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.RAWSTORE_ERROR_COPYING_FILE, jar, backupJar);
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < jarDirContents.length; i++) {
                    StorageFile jarSchemaDir = storageFactory.newStorageFile(jarDir, jarDirContents[i]);
                    File backupJarSchemaDir = new File(backupJarDir, jarDirContents[i]);
                    if (!privCopyDirectory(jarSchemaDir, backupJarSchemaDir, (byte[]) null, null, false)) {
                        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.RAWSTORE_ERROR_COPYING_FILE, jarSchemaDir, backupJarSchemaDir);
        // save service properties into the backup, Read in property
        // from file, remove logDevice from it,
        // then write it to the backup.
        StorageFile logdir = logFactory.getLogDirectory();
        try {
            String name = getServiceName(this);
            PersistentService ps = getMonitor().getServiceType(this);
            String fullName = ps.getCanonicalServiceName(name);
            Properties prop = ps.getServiceProperties(fullName, (Properties) null);
            StorageFile defaultLogDir = storageFactory.newStorageFile(LogFactory.LOG_DIRECTORY_NAME);
            if (!logdir.equals(defaultLogDir)) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    SanityManager.ASSERT(prop.getProperty(Attribute.LOG_DEVICE) == null, "cannot get rid of logDevice property");
                logHistory(historyFile, MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.STORE_EDITED_SERVICEPROPS));
            // save the service properties into the backup.
            ps.saveServiceProperties(backupcopy.getPath(), prop);
        } catch (StandardException se) {
            logHistory(historyFile, MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.STORE_ERROR_EDIT_SERVICEPROPS) + se);
            // skip the rest and let finally block clean up
        // Incase of encrypted database and the key is an external
        // encryption key, there is an extra file with name
        // Attribute.CRYPTO_EXTERNAL_KEY_VERIFY_FILE, this file should be
        // copied in to the backup.
        StorageFile verifyKeyFile = storageFactory.newStorageFile(Attribute.CRYPTO_EXTERNAL_KEY_VERIFY_FILE);
        if (privExists(verifyKeyFile)) {
            File backupVerifyKeyFile = new File(backupcopy, Attribute.CRYPTO_EXTERNAL_KEY_VERIFY_FILE);
            if (!privCopyFile(verifyKeyFile, backupVerifyKeyFile))
                throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.RAWSTORE_ERROR_COPYING_FILE, verifyKeyFile, backupVerifyKeyFile);
        File logBackup = new File(backupcopy, LogFactory.LOG_DIRECTORY_NAME);
        // this is wierd, delete it
        if (privExists(logBackup)) {
        // Create the log directory
        // do a checkpoint to get the persistent store up to date.
        logFactory.checkpoint(this, dataFactory, xactFactory, true);
        // start the transaction log  backup.
        File segBackup = new File(backupcopy, "seg0");
        // Create the data segment directory
        // backup all the information in the data segment.
        dataFactory.backupDataFiles(t, segBackup);
        logHistory(historyFile, MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.STORE_DATA_SEG_BACKUP_COMPLETED, getFilePath(segBackup)));
        // copy the log that got generated after the backup started to
        // backup location and tell the logfactory that backup has come
        // to end.
        logHistory(historyFile, MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.STORE_COPIED_LOG, getFilePath(logdir), getFilePath(logBackup)));
        error = false;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.RAWSTORE_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, ioe);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (error) {
                // Abort all activity related to backup in the log factory.
                // not an half backed one.
                if (!renameFailed)
                if (renamed)
                    // recover the old backup
                    privRenameTo(oldbackup, backupcopy);
                logHistory(historyFile, MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.STORE_BACKUP_ABORTED));
            } else {
                // success, remove the old backup copy
                if (renamed && privExists(oldbackup)) {
                    // get rid of the old backup
                    logHistory(historyFile, MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.STORE_REMOVED_BACKUP, getFilePath(oldbackup)));
                logHistory(historyFile, MessageService.getTextMessage(MessageId.STORE_BACKUP_COMPLETED, backupInstant));
                // backup information into the backup.
                if (!privCopyFile(dbHistoryFile, backupHistoryFile))
                    throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.RAWSTORE_ERROR_COPYING_FILE, dbHistoryFile, backupHistoryFile);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe2) {
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.RAWSTORE_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, ioe);
Also used : LogInstant( IOException( UpdateServiceProperties( Properties(java.util.Properties) StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) PersistentService( LanguageConnectionContext(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext) StorageFile( OutputStreamWriter( StorageFile( File(

Example 4 with PersistentService

use of in project derby by apache.

the class LogToFile method getLogStorageFactory.

// end of boot
private void getLogStorageFactory() throws StandardException {
    if (logDevice == null) {
        DataFactory df = (DataFactory) findServiceModule(this, DataFactory.MODULE);
        logStorageFactory = (WritableStorageFactory) df.getStorageFactory();
    } else {
        try {
            PersistentService ps = getMonitor().getServiceType(this);
            logStorageFactory = (WritableStorageFactory) ps.getStorageFactoryInstance(false, logDevice, null, null);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ioe, logDevice);
Also used : PersistentService( DataFactory( IOException(

Example 5 with PersistentService

use of in project derby by apache.

the class RAMAccessManager method createReadMeFiles.

 * DERBY-5996(Create readme files (cautioning users against modifying
 *  database files) at database hard upgrade time)
 * This gets called during hard upgrade. It will create 3 readme files
 *  one in database directory, one in "seg0" directory and one in log
 *  directory. These readme files warn users against touching any of
 *  files associated with derby database
public void createReadMeFiles() throws StandardException {
    // creating readme in "seg0" directory
    // creating readme in log directory
    LogFactory logFactory = (LogFactory) findServiceModule(this, rawstore.getLogFactoryModule());
    // creating readme in root database directory
    DataFactory dataFactory = (DataFactory) findServiceModule(this, rawstore.getDataFactoryModule());
    PersistentService ps = getMonitor().getServiceType(rawstore);
Also used : LogFactory( PersistentService( DataFactory(


PersistentService ( Properties (java.util.Properties)4 IOException ( StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)3 Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)2 DataFactory ( LogInstant ( UpdateServiceProperties ( File ( OutputStreamWriter ( PrivilegedActionException ( Date (java.util.Date)1 CacheFactory ( CipherFactoryBuilder ( UUIDFactory ( LanguageConnectionContext (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext)1 LogFactory ( StorageFile ( WritableStorageFactory (