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Example 1 with LanguageConnectionFactory

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionFactory in project derby by apache.

the class DataDictionaryImpl method boot.

 * Start-up method for this instance of the data dictionary.
 * @param startParams	The start-up parameters
 *	@exception StandardException	Thrown if the module fails to start
public void boot(boolean create, Properties startParams) throws StandardException {
    softwareVersion = new DD_Version(this, DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_15);
    startupParameters = startParams;
    uuidFactory = getMonitor().getUUIDFactory();
    engineType = Monitor.getEngineType(startParams);
    // Set the collation type of system schemas before we start loading
    // built-in schemas's SchemaDescriptor(s). This is because
    // SchemaDescriptor will look to DataDictionary to get the correct
    // collation type for themselves. We can't load SD for SESSION schema
    // just yet because we do not know the collation type for user schemas
    // yet. We will know the right collation for user schema little later
    // in this boot method.
    collationTypeOfSystemSchemas = StringDataValue.COLLATION_TYPE_UCS_BASIC;
    // REMIND: actually, we're supposed to get the DataValueFactory
    // out of the connection context...this is a bit of a shortcut.
    // We get the DataValueFactory early in order to help bootstrap the system catalogs.
    LanguageConnectionFactory langConnFactory = (LanguageConnectionFactory) bootServiceModule(create, this, LanguageConnectionFactory.MODULE, startParams);
    dvf = langConnFactory.getDataValueFactory();
    exFactory = (ExecutionFactory) bootServiceModule(create, this, ExecutionFactory.MODULE, startParams);
    // initailze the arrays of core and noncore tables
    // indicate that we are in the process of booting
    booting = true;
    // set only if child class hasn't overriden this already
    if (dataDescriptorGenerator == null) {
        dataDescriptorGenerator = new DataDescriptorGenerator(this);
    if (!create) {
        // SYSTABLES
        coreInfo[SYSTABLES_CORE_NUM].setHeapConglomerate(getBootParameter(startParams, CFG_SYSTABLES_ID, true));
        coreInfo[SYSTABLES_CORE_NUM].setIndexConglomerate(SYSTABLESRowFactory.SYSTABLES_INDEX1_ID, getBootParameter(startParams, CFG_SYSTABLES_INDEX1_ID, true));
        coreInfo[SYSTABLES_CORE_NUM].setIndexConglomerate(SYSTABLESRowFactory.SYSTABLES_INDEX2_ID, getBootParameter(startParams, CFG_SYSTABLES_INDEX2_ID, true));
        // SYSCOLUMNS
        coreInfo[SYSCOLUMNS_CORE_NUM].setHeapConglomerate(getBootParameter(startParams, CFG_SYSCOLUMNS_ID, true));
        coreInfo[SYSCOLUMNS_CORE_NUM].setIndexConglomerate(SYSCOLUMNSRowFactory.SYSCOLUMNS_INDEX1_ID, getBootParameter(startParams, CFG_SYSCOLUMNS_INDEX1_ID, true));
        // 2nd syscolumns index added in Xena, hence may not be there
        coreInfo[SYSCOLUMNS_CORE_NUM].setIndexConglomerate(SYSCOLUMNSRowFactory.SYSCOLUMNS_INDEX2_ID, getBootParameter(startParams, CFG_SYSCOLUMNS_INDEX2_ID, false));
        coreInfo[SYSCONGLOMERATES_CORE_NUM].setHeapConglomerate(getBootParameter(startParams, CFG_SYSCONGLOMERATES_ID, true));
        // SYSSCHEMAS
        coreInfo[SYSSCHEMAS_CORE_NUM].setHeapConglomerate(getBootParameter(startParams, CFG_SYSSCHEMAS_ID, true));
        coreInfo[SYSSCHEMAS_CORE_NUM].setIndexConglomerate(SYSSCHEMASRowFactory.SYSSCHEMAS_INDEX1_ID, getBootParameter(startParams, CFG_SYSSCHEMAS_INDEX1_ID, true));
        coreInfo[SYSSCHEMAS_CORE_NUM].setIndexConglomerate(SYSSCHEMASRowFactory.SYSSCHEMAS_INDEX2_ID, getBootParameter(startParams, CFG_SYSSCHEMAS_INDEX2_ID, true));
    String value = startParams.getProperty(Property.LANG_TD_CACHE_SIZE);
    tdCacheSize = PropertyUtil.intPropertyValue(Property.LANG_TD_CACHE_SIZE, value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Property.LANG_TD_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT);
    value = startParams.getProperty(Property.LANG_SPS_CACHE_SIZE);
    stmtCacheSize = PropertyUtil.intPropertyValue(Property.LANG_SPS_CACHE_SIZE, value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Property.LANG_SPS_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT);
    value = startParams.getProperty(Property.LANG_SEQGEN_CACHE_SIZE);
    seqgenCacheSize = PropertyUtil.intPropertyValue(Property.LANG_SEQGEN_CACHE_SIZE, value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Property.LANG_SEQGEN_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT);
    value = startParams.getProperty(Property.LANG_PERMISSIONS_CACHE_SIZE);
    permissionsCacheSize = PropertyUtil.intPropertyValue(Property.LANG_PERMISSIONS_CACHE_SIZE, value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Property.LANG_PERMISSIONS_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT);
    // See if automatic index statistics update is disabled through a
    // system wide property. May be overridden by a database specific
    // property later on.
    // The default is that automatic index statistics update is enabled.
    indexStatsUpdateDisabled = !PropertyUtil.getSystemBoolean(Property.STORAGE_AUTO_INDEX_STATS, true);
    // See if we should enable logging of index stats activities.
    indexStatsUpdateLogging = PropertyUtil.getSystemBoolean(Property.STORAGE_AUTO_INDEX_STATS_LOGGING);
    // See if we should enable tracing of index stats activities.
    indexStatsUpdateTracing = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(Property.STORAGE_AUTO_INDEX_STATS_TRACING, "off");
		 * data dictionary contexts are only associated with connections.
		 * we have to look for the basic data dictionary, as there is
		 * no connection, and thus no context stack yet.
		 * Get the table descriptor cache.
    CacheFactory cf = (CacheFactory) startSystemModule(org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference.Module.CacheFactory);
    OIDTdCache = cf.newCacheManager(this, "TableDescriptorOIDCache", tdCacheSize, tdCacheSize);
    nameTdCache = cf.newCacheManager(this, "TableDescriptorNameCache", tdCacheSize, tdCacheSize);
    if (stmtCacheSize > 0) {
        spsNameCache = cf.newCacheManager(this, "SPSNameDescriptorCache", stmtCacheSize, stmtCacheSize);
        spsIdHash = new Hashtable<UUID, SPSDescriptor>(stmtCacheSize);
    // spsTextHash = new Hashtable(stmtCacheSize);
    sequenceGeneratorCache = cf.newCacheManager(this, "SequenceGeneratorCache", seqgenCacheSize, seqgenCacheSize);
    sequenceIDs = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>();
    /* Get the object to coordinate cache transitions */
    cacheCoordinator = new ShExLockable();
    /* Get AccessFactory in order to transaction stuff */
    af = (AccessFactory) findServiceModule(this, AccessFactory.MODULE);
    /* Get the lock factory */
    lockFactory = af.getLockFactory();
		 * now we need to setup a context stack for the database creation work.
		 * We assume the System boot process has created a context
		 * manager already, but not that contexts we need are there.
    ContextService csf = getContextService();
    ContextManager cm = csf.getCurrentContextManager();
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        SanityManager.ASSERT((cm != null), "Failed to get current ContextManager");
    // RESOLVE other non-StandardException errors.
    bootingTC = null;
    try {
        // Get a transaction controller. This has the side effect of
        // creating a transaction context if there isn't one already.
        bootingTC = af.getTransaction(cm);
				We need an execution context so that we can generate rows
				REMIND: maybe only for create case?
        DataDescriptorGenerator ddg = getDataDescriptorGenerator();
        // We should set the user schema collation type here now because
        // later on, we are going to create user schema APP. By the time any
        // user schema gets created, we should have the correct collation
        // type set for such schemas to use. For this reason, don't remove
        // the following if else statement and don't move it later in this
        // method.
        String userDefinedCollation;
        if (create) {
            // Get the collation attribute from the JDBC url. It can only
            // have one of 2 possible values - UCS_BASIC or TERRITORY_BASED
            // This attribute can only be specified at database create time.
            // The attribute value has already been verified in DVF.boot and
            // hence we can be assured that the attribute value if provided
            // is either UCS_BASIC or TERRITORY_BASED. If none provided,
            // then we will take it to be the default which is UCS_BASIC.
            userDefinedCollation = startParams.getProperty(Attribute.COLLATION, Property.UCS_BASIC_COLLATION);
            bootingTC.setProperty(Property.COLLATION, userDefinedCollation, true);
        } else {
            userDefinedCollation = startParams.getProperty(Property.COLLATION, Property.UCS_BASIC_COLLATION);
        // Initialize the collation type of user schemas by looking at
        // collation property/attribute.
        collationTypeOfUserSchemas = DataTypeDescriptor.getCollationType(userDefinedCollation);
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            SanityManager.ASSERT((collationTypeOfUserSchemas != -1), "Invalid collation type: " + userDefinedCollation);
        // Now is also a good time to create schema descriptor for global
        // temporary tables. Since this is a user schema, it should use the
        // collation type associated with user schemas. Since we just
        // finished setting up the collation type of user schema, it is
        // safe to create user SchemaDescriptor(s) now.
        declaredGlobalTemporaryTablesSchemaDesc = newDeclaredGlobalTemporaryTablesSchemaDesc(SchemaDescriptor.STD_DECLARED_GLOBAL_TEMPORARY_TABLES_SCHEMA_NAME);
        boolean nativeAuthenticationEnabled = PropertyUtil.nativeAuthenticationEnabled(startParams);
        if (create) {
            String userName = IdUtil.getUserNameFromURLProps(startParams);
            authorizationDatabaseOwner = IdUtil.getUserAuthorizationId(userName);
            HashSet<String> newlyCreatedRoutines = new HashSet<String>();
            // log the current dictionary version. Moving this statement to top as SYSCOLUMNSRowFactory
            // queries the version info. SEE Derby-6904
            dictionaryVersion = softwareVersion;
            // create any required tables.
            createDictionaryTables(startParams, bootingTC, ddg);
            // create procedures for network server metadata
            create_SYSIBM_procedures(bootingTC, newlyCreatedRoutines);
            // create metadata sps statement required for network server
            // create the SYSCS_UTIL system procedures)
            create_SYSCS_procedures(bootingTC, newlyCreatedRoutines);
            // now grant execute permission on some of these routines
            grantPublicAccessToSystemRoutines(newlyCreatedRoutines, bootingTC, authorizationDatabaseOwner);
            /* Set properties for current and create time 
				 * DataDictionary versions.
            bootingTC.setProperty(DataDictionary.CORE_DATA_DICTIONARY_VERSION, dictionaryVersion, true);
            bootingTC.setProperty(DataDictionary.CREATE_DATA_DICTIONARY_VERSION, dictionaryVersion, true);
            if (PropertyUtil.getSystemBoolean(Property.SQL_AUTHORIZATION_PROPERTY)) {
                bootingTC.setProperty(Property.SQL_AUTHORIZATION_PROPERTY, "true", true);
            if (PropertyUtil.getSystemBoolean(Property.SQL_AUTHORIZATION_PROPERTY) || nativeAuthenticationEnabled) {
                usesSqlAuthorization = true;
            // Set default hash algorithm used to protect passwords stored
            // in the database for BUILTIN and NATIVE authentication.
            bootingTC.setProperty(Property.AUTHENTICATION_BUILTIN_ALGORITHM, findDefaultBuiltinAlgorithm(), false);
        } else {
            // Get the ids for non-core tables
            loadDictionaryTables(bootingTC, startParams);
            // See if index stats update is disabled by a database prop.
            String dbIndexStatsUpdateAuto = PropertyUtil.getDatabaseProperty(bootingTC, Property.STORAGE_AUTO_INDEX_STATS);
            if (dbIndexStatsUpdateAuto != null) {
                indexStatsUpdateDisabled = !Boolean.valueOf(dbIndexStatsUpdateAuto).booleanValue();
            String dbEnableIndexStatsLogging = PropertyUtil.getDatabaseProperty(bootingTC, Property.STORAGE_AUTO_INDEX_STATS_LOGGING);
            if (dbEnableIndexStatsLogging != null) {
                indexStatsUpdateLogging = Boolean.valueOf(dbEnableIndexStatsLogging).booleanValue();
            String dbEnableIndexStatsTracing = PropertyUtil.getDatabaseProperty(bootingTC, Property.STORAGE_AUTO_INDEX_STATS_TRACING);
            if (dbEnableIndexStatsTracing != null) {
                if (!(dbEnableIndexStatsTracing.equalsIgnoreCase("off") || dbEnableIndexStatsTracing.equalsIgnoreCase("log") || dbEnableIndexStatsTracing.equalsIgnoreCase("stdout") || dbEnableIndexStatsTracing.equalsIgnoreCase("both"))) {
                    indexStatsUpdateTracing = "off";
                } else {
                    indexStatsUpdateTracing = dbEnableIndexStatsTracing;
            String sqlAuth = PropertyUtil.getDatabaseProperty(bootingTC, Property.SQL_AUTHORIZATION_PROPERTY);
            // Feature compatibility check.
            if (Boolean.valueOf(startParams.getProperty(Attribute.SOFT_UPGRADE_NO_FEATURE_CHECK)).booleanValue()) {
                // database owner check at a hard upgrade.
                if (dictionaryVersion.majorVersionNumber >= DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_2) {
                    usesSqlAuthorization = Boolean.valueOf(sqlAuth).booleanValue() || nativeAuthenticationEnabled;
            } else {
                if (Boolean.valueOf(sqlAuth).booleanValue() || nativeAuthenticationEnabled) {
                    // SQL authorization requires 10.2 or higher database
                    checkVersion(DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_2, "sqlAuthorization");
                    usesSqlAuthorization = true;
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            SanityManager.ASSERT((authorizationDatabaseOwner != null), "Failed to get Database Owner authorization");
        /* Commit & destroy the create database */
        // done with ctx
    } finally {
        if (bootingTC != null) {
            // gets rid of the transaction context
            bootingTC = null;
    booting = false;
Also used : ContextService( ShExLockable( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DataDescriptorGenerator(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDescriptorGenerator) LanguageConnectionFactory(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionFactory) ContextManager( CacheFactory( UUID(org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID) SPSDescriptor(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SPSDescriptor) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 2 with LanguageConnectionFactory

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionFactory in project derby by apache.

the class GenericLanguageFactory method boot.

		ModuleControl interface
 * Start-up method for this instance of the language factory.
 * This service is expected to be started and accessed relative
 * to a database.
 * @param startParams	The start-up parameters (ignored in this case)
 *       @exception StandardException Thrown if module cannot be booted.
public void boot(boolean create, Properties startParams) throws StandardException {
    LanguageConnectionFactory lcf = (LanguageConnectionFactory) findServiceModule(this, LanguageConnectionFactory.MODULE);
    PropertyFactory pf = lcf.getPropertyFactory();
    if (pf != null)
        pf.addPropertySetNotification(new LanguageDbPropertySetter());
    emptySet = new GenericParameterValueSet(null, 0, false);
Also used : LanguageConnectionFactory(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionFactory) PropertyFactory(

Example 3 with LanguageConnectionFactory

use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionFactory in project derby by apache.

the class SPSDescriptor method compileStatement.

 * Compiles this SPS.
 * <p>
 * <em>Note:</em> This SPS may still be marked as invalid after this method
 * has completed, because an invalidation request may have been received
 * while compiling.
 * @param lcc connection
 * @param triggerTable subject table (may be {@code null})
 * @param tc transaction controller to use (may be {@code null})
 * @throws StandardException if something fails
// @GuardedBy("this")
private void compileStatement(LanguageConnectionContext lcc, TableDescriptor triggerTable, TransactionController tc) throws StandardException {
    ContextManager cm = lcc.getContextManager();
    LanguageConnectionFactory lcf = lcc.getLanguageConnectionFactory();
    DataDictionary dd = getDataDictionary();
		** If we are a trigger, then we have to go ahead
		** and locate the trigger's table descriptor and
		** push it on the lcc.  This is expensive, but
		** pretty atypical since trigger actions aren't
		** likely to be invalidated too often.  Also, when
		** possible, we already have the triggerTable.
    if (type == SPS_TYPE_TRIGGER && triggerTable == null) {
        // 49 because name consists of (see CreateTriggerConstantAction):
        // TRIGGER<ACTN|WHEN>_<UUID:36>_<UUID:36>
        String uuidStr = name.substring(49);
        triggerTable = dd.getTableDescriptor(recreateUUID(uuidStr));
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            if (triggerTable == null) {
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("couldn't find trigger table for trigger sps " + name);
    if (triggerTable != null) {
    // stored statements always stored as unicode.
    Statement stmt = lcf.getStatement(dd.getSchemaDescriptor(compSchemaId, null), text, true);
    try {
        preparedStatement = (ExecPreparedStatement) stmt.prepareStorable(lcc, preparedStatement, getParameterDefaults(), getSchemaDescriptor(), type == SPS_TYPE_TRIGGER);
    } finally {
        if (triggerTable != null) {
    // when the query is getting compiled.
    if (preparedStatement.referencesSessionSchema())
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_SESSION_SCHEMA_TABLES);
    if (!dd.isReadOnlyUpgrade()) {
			** Indicate that we are going to write the data
			** dictionary.  We have probably already done this
			** but it is ok to call startWriting more than once.
        DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
			** Clear out all the dependencies that exist
			** before we recreate them so we don't grow
			** SYS.SYSDEPENDS forever.
        dm.clearDependencies(lcc, this, tc);
			** Copy over all the dependencies to me
        // from
        dm.copyDependencies(// from
        preparedStatement, // to
        this, // persistent only
        false, cm, tc);
        // between this sps and the trigger table DERBY-5120
        if (triggerTable != null)
            dm.addDependency(this, triggerTable, lcc.getContextManager());
    // mark it as valid
    valid = true;
Also used : LanguageConnectionFactory(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionFactory) Statement(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.Statement) StorablePreparedStatement(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.StorablePreparedStatement) ExecPreparedStatement(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecPreparedStatement) ContextManager( DependencyManager(org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.DependencyManager)


LanguageConnectionFactory (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionFactory)3 ContextManager ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 UUID (org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID)1 CacheFactory ( ContextService ( ShExLockable ( PropertyFactory ( Statement (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.Statement)1 StorablePreparedStatement (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.StorablePreparedStatement)1 DependencyManager (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.DependencyManager)1 DataDescriptorGenerator (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDescriptorGenerator)1 SPSDescriptor (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SPSDescriptor)1 ExecPreparedStatement (org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecPreparedStatement)1