use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor in project derby by apache.
the class DataDictionaryImpl method getColumnDescriptorsScan.
* Populate the ColumnDescriptorList for the specified TableDescriptor.
* MT synchronization: it is assumed that the caller has synchronized
* on the CDL in the given TD.
* @param uuid The referencing UUID
* @param cdl The column descriptor list
* @param td The parent tuple descriptor
* @exception StandardException Thrown on failure
private void getColumnDescriptorsScan(UUID uuid, ColumnDescriptorList cdl, TupleDescriptor td) throws StandardException {
ColumnDescriptor cd;
ColumnDescriptorList cdlCopy = new ColumnDescriptorList();
DataValueDescriptor refIDOrderable = null;
TabInfoImpl ti = coreInfo[SYSCOLUMNS_CORE_NUM];
/* Use refIDOrderable in both start and stop position for scan. */
refIDOrderable = getIDValueAsCHAR(uuid);
/* Set up the start/stop position for the scan */
ExecIndexRow keyRow = exFactory.getIndexableRow(1);
keyRow.setColumn(1, refIDOrderable);
getDescriptorViaIndex(SYSCOLUMNSRowFactory.SYSCOLUMNS_INDEX1_ID, keyRow, (ScanQualifier[][]) null, ti, td, cdl, ColumnDescriptor.class, false);
/* The TableDescriptor's column descriptor list must be ordered by
* columnNumber. (It is probably not ordered correctly at this point due
* to the index on syscolumns being on (tableId, columnName).) The
* cheapest way to reorder the list appears to be to copy it (above), and then
* walk the copy and put the elements back into the original in the
* expected locations.
int cdlSize = cdl.size();
for (int index = 0; index < cdlSize; index++) {
for (int index = 0; index < cdlSize; index++) {
cd = (ColumnDescriptor) cdlCopy.elementAt(index);
cdl.set(cd.getPosition() - 1, cd);
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor in project derby by apache.
the class DataDictionaryImpl method getSPSParams.
* Get all the parameter descriptors for an SPS.
* Look up the params in SYSCOLUMNS and turn them
* into parameter descriptors.
* @param spsd sps descriptor
* @param defaults list for storing column defaults
* @return array of data type descriptors
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public DataTypeDescriptor[] getSPSParams(SPSDescriptor spsd, List<DataValueDescriptor> defaults) throws StandardException {
ColumnDescriptorList cdl = new ColumnDescriptorList();
getColumnDescriptorsScan(spsd.getUUID(), cdl, spsd);
int cdlSize = cdl.size();
DataTypeDescriptor[] params = new DataTypeDescriptor[cdlSize];
for (int index = 0; index < cdlSize; index++) {
ColumnDescriptor cd = (ColumnDescriptor) cdl.elementAt(index);
params[index] = cd.getType();
if (defaults != null) {
return params;
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor in project derby by apache.
the class DataDictionaryImpl method upgradeFixSystemColumnDefinition.
* Upgrade an existing system catalog column's definition
* by setting it to the value it would have in a newly
* created database. This is only used to for a couple
* of columns that had incorrectly nullability. Other
* uses (e.g. changing column type) might require more work.
* @param columnNumber The column to change
* @param tc Transaction controller
* @exception StandardException Standard Derby error policy
public void upgradeFixSystemColumnDefinition(CatalogRowFactory rowFactory, int columnNumber, TransactionController tc) throws StandardException {
SystemColumn theColumn;
SystemColumn[] columns = rowFactory.buildColumnList();
SchemaDescriptor sd = getSystemSchemaDescriptor();
TableDescriptor td = getTableDescriptor(rowFactory.getCatalogName(), sd, tc);
// from 1 to 0 based
theColumn = columns[columnNumber - 1];
ColumnDescriptor cd = makeColumnDescriptor(theColumn, columnNumber, td);
String columnName = cd.getColumnName();
int[] columnNameColArray = new int[1];
updateColumnDescriptor(cd, td.getUUID(), columnName, columnNameColArray, tc);
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor in project derby by apache.
the class SYSCOLUMNSRowFactory method makeRow.
private ExecRow makeRow(TupleDescriptor td, int columnCount) throws StandardException {
ExecRow row;
String colName = null;
String defaultID = null;
String tabID = null;
Integer colID = null;
TypeDescriptor typeDesc = null;
Object defaultSerializable = null;
long autoincStart = 0;
long autoincInc = 0;
long autoincValue = 0;
boolean autoincCycle = false;
// The SYSCOLUMNS table's autoinc related columns change with different
// values depending on what happened to the autoinc column, ie is the
// user adding an autoincrement column, or is user changing the existing
// autoincrement column to change it's increment value or to change it's
// start value? Following variable is used to keep track of what happened
// to the autoincrement column.
long autoinc_create_or_modify_Start_Increment = -1;
if (td != null) {
ColumnDescriptor column = (ColumnDescriptor) td;
/* Lots of info in the column's type descriptor */
typeDesc = column.getType().getCatalogType();
tabID = column.getReferencingUUID().toString();
colName = column.getColumnName();
colID = column.getPosition();
autoincStart = column.getAutoincStart();
autoincInc = column.getAutoincInc();
autoincValue = column.getAutoincValue();
autoinc_create_or_modify_Start_Increment = column.getAutoinc_create_or_modify_Start_Increment();
autoincCycle = column.getAutoincCycle();
if (column.getDefaultInfo() != null) {
defaultSerializable = column.getDefaultInfo();
} else {
defaultSerializable = column.getDefaultValue();
if (column.getDefaultUUID() != null) {
defaultID = column.getDefaultUUID().toString();
/* Insert info into syscolumns */
/* RESOLVE - It would be nice to require less knowledge about syscolumns
* and have this be more table driven.
* RESOLVE - We'd like to store the DataTypeDescriptor in a column.
/* Build the row to insert */
row = getExecutionFactory().getValueRow(columnCount);
/* 1st column is REFERENCEID (UUID - char(36)) */
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_REFERENCEID, new SQLChar(tabID));
/* 2nd column is COLUMNNAME (varchar(128)) */
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_COLUMNNAME, new SQLVarchar(colName));
/* 3rd column is COLUMNNUMBER (int) */
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_COLUMNNUMBER, new SQLInteger(colID));
/* 4th column is COLUMNDATATYPE */
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_COLUMNDATATYPE, new UserType(typeDesc));
/* 5th column is COLUMNDEFAULT */
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_COLUMNDEFAULT, new UserType(defaultSerializable));
/* 6th column is DEFAULTID (UUID - char(36)) */
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_COLUMNDEFAULTID, new SQLChar(defaultID));
if ((autoinc_create_or_modify_Start_Increment == ColumnDefinitionNode.CREATE_AUTOINCREMENT) || (autoinc_create_or_modify_Start_Increment == ColumnDefinitionNode.MODIFY_AUTOINCREMENT_INC_VALUE) || (autoinc_create_or_modify_Start_Increment == ColumnDefinitionNode.MODIFY_AUTOINCREMENT_ALWAYS_VS_DEFAULT)) {
// user is adding an autoinc column
// or is changing the increment value of autoinc column
// or is changing an autoinc column between ALWAYS and DEFAULT.
// This code also gets run when ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN
// is used to drop a column other than the autoinc
// column, and the autoinc column gets removed from
// SYSCOLUMNS and immediately re-added with a different
// column position (to account for the dropped column).
// In this case, the autoincValue may have a
// different value than the autoincStart.
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTVALUE, new SQLLongint(autoincValue));
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTSTART, new SQLLongint(autoincStart));
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTINC, new SQLLongint(autoincInc));
if (row.nColumns() >= 10) {
// This column is present only if the data dictionary version is
// 10.14 or higher.
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTINCCYCLE, new SQLBoolean(autoincCycle));
} else if (autoinc_create_or_modify_Start_Increment == ColumnDefinitionNode.MODIFY_AUTOINCREMENT_RESTART_VALUE) {
// user asked for restart with a new value, so don't change increment by and original start
// with values in the SYSCOLUMNS table. Just record the RESTART WITH value as the
// next value to be generated in the SYSCOLUMNS table
ColumnDescriptor column = (ColumnDescriptor) td;
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTVALUE, new SQLLongint(autoincStart));
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTSTART, new SQLLongint(autoincStart));
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTINC, new SQLLongint(column.getTableDescriptor().getColumnDescriptor(colName).getAutoincInc()));
if (row.nColumns() >= 10) {
// This column is present only if the data dictionary version is
// 10.14 or higher.
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTINCCYCLE, new SQLBoolean(autoincCycle));
} else if (autoinc_create_or_modify_Start_Increment == ColumnDefinitionNode.MODIFY_AUTOINCREMENT_CYCLE_VALUE) {
ColumnDescriptor column = (ColumnDescriptor) td;
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTVALUE, new SQLLongint(column.getTableDescriptor().getColumnDescriptor(colName).getAutoincValue()));
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTSTART, new SQLLongint(column.getTableDescriptor().getColumnDescriptor(colName).getAutoincStart()));
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTINC, new SQLLongint(column.getTableDescriptor().getColumnDescriptor(colName).getAutoincInc()));
if (row.nColumns() >= 10) {
// This column is present only if the data dictionary version is
// 10.14 or higher.
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTINCCYCLE, new SQLBoolean(autoincCycle));
} else {
if (row.nColumns() >= 10) {
// This column is present only if the data dictionary version is
// 10.14 or higher.
row.setColumn(SYSCOLUMNS_AUTOINCREMENTINCCYCLE, new SQLBoolean(autoincCycle));
return row;
use of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor in project derby by apache.
the class InsertNode method generate.
* Code generation for insert
* creates an expression for:
* ResultSetFactory.getInsertResultSet(resultSet.generate(ps), generationClausesResult, checkConstrainResult, this )
* @param acb The ActivationClassBuilder for the class being built
* @param mb the method for the execute() method to be built
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
void generate(ActivationClassBuilder acb, MethodBuilder mb) throws StandardException {
// If the DML is on the temporary table, generate the code to
// mark temporary table as modified in the current UOW. After
// DERBY-827 this must be done in execute() since
// createResultSet() will only be called once.
/* generate the parameters */
// Base table
if (targetTableDescriptor != null) {
** Generate the insert result set, giving it either the original
** source or the normalize result set, the constant action,
** and "this".
// arg 1
if (inMatchingClause()) {
matchingClause.generateResultSetField(acb, mb);
} else {
resultSet.generate(acb, mb);
// arg 2 generate code to evaluate generation clauses
generateGenerationClauses(resultColumnList, resultSet.getResultSetNumber(), false, acb, mb);
// arg 3 generate code to evaluate CHECK CONSTRAINTS
generateCheckConstraints(checkConstraints, acb, mb);
// arg 4 row template used by bulk insert
if (bulkInsert) {
ColumnDescriptorList cdl = targetTableDescriptor.getColumnDescriptorList();
ExecRowBuilder builder = new ExecRowBuilder(cdl.size(), false);
for (int i = 0; i < cdl.size(); i++) {
ColumnDescriptor cd = cdl.get(i);
builder.setColumn(i + 1, cd.getType());
} else {
// arg 5, 6 table name
if (targetTableName.getSchemaName() == null) {
} else {
mb.callMethod(VMOpcode.INVOKEINTERFACE, (String) null, "getInsertResultSet", ClassName.ResultSet, 6);
} else {
/* Generate code for the VTI
* NOTE: we need to create a dummy cost estimate for the
* targetVTI since we never optimized it.
* RESOLVEVTI - we will have to optimize it in order to
* push predicates into the VTI.
** Generate the insert VTI result set, giving it either the original
** source or the normalize result set, the constant action,
// arg 1
resultSet.generate(acb, mb);
// arg 2
targetVTI.generate(acb, mb);
mb.callMethod(VMOpcode.INVOKEINTERFACE, (String) null, "getInsertVTIResultSet", ClassName.ResultSet, 2);