use of in project derby by apache.
the class BaseDataFileFactory method addAndLoadStreamContainer.
* Add and load a stream container
* @exception StandardException Standard Derby error policy
public long addAndLoadStreamContainer(RawTransaction t, long segmentId, Properties tableProperties, RowSource rowSource) throws StandardException {
long containerId = getNextId();
ContainerKey identity = new ContainerKey(segmentId, containerId);
// create and load the stream container
StreamFileContainer sContainer = new StreamFileContainer(identity, this, tableProperties);
return containerId;
use of in project derby by apache.
the class Heap method boot_create.
* Create a heap conglomerate during the boot process.
* <p>
* Manufacture a Heap Conglomerate out of "thin" air, to boot strap
* the system. Create an in-memory Heap Conglomerate with the input
* parameters, The caller will use this to open the conglomerate
* conglomerate and read the "real" values from disk. Conglom-conglom
* is always on segment 0.
* @param containerid The container id of the conglomerate.
* @param template Object array describing the columns of the heap.
public void boot_create(long containerid, DataValueDescriptor[] template) {
id = new ContainerKey(0, containerid);
this.format_ids = ConglomerateUtil.createFormatIds(template);
use of in project derby by apache.
the class BTree method create.
* Do the generic part of creating a b-tree conglomerate. This method
* is called from the concrete subclass (which may also read some properties).
* <p>
* This method processes all properties which are generic to all BTree's. It
* creates the container for the btree.
* <p>
* The following properties are generic to a b-tree conglomerate. :
* <UL>
* <LI>"allowDuplicates" (boolean). If set to true the table will allow
* rows which are duplicate in key column's 0 through (nUniqueColumns - 1).
* Currently only supports "false".
* This property is optional, defaults to false.
* <LI>"nKeyFields" (integer) Columns 0 through (nKeyFields - 1) will be
* included in key of the conglomerate.
* This implementation requires that "nKeyFields" must be the same as the
* number of fields in the conglomerate, including the rowLocationColumn.
* Other implementations may relax this restriction to allow non-key fields
* in the index.
* This property is required.
* <LI>"nUniqueColumns" (integer) Columns 0 through "nUniqueColumns" will be
* used to check for uniqueness. So for a standard SQL non-unique index
* implementation set "nUniqueColumns" to the same value as "nKeyFields"; and
* for a unique index set "nUniqueColumns" to "nKeyFields" - 1 (ie. don't
* include the rowLocationColumn in the uniqueness check).
* This property is required.
* <LI>"maintainParentLinks" (boolean)
* Whether the b-tree pages maintain the page number of their parent. Only
* used for consistency checking. It takes a certain amount more effort to
* maintain these links, but they're really handy for ensuring that the index
* is consistent.
* This property is optional, defaults to true.
* </UL>
* @exception StandardException Thrown by underlying raw store, or thrown by
* this routine on an invalid containerid.
public void create(Transaction rawtran, int segmentId, long input_containerid, DataValueDescriptor[] template, Properties properties, int conglom_format_id, int tmpFlag) throws StandardException {
String result_string;
if (properties == null) {
throw (StandardException.newException(SQLState.BTREE_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND, PROPERTY_NKEYFIELDS));
// Check input arguments
allowDuplicates = (Boolean.valueOf(properties.getProperty(PROPERTY_ALLOWDUPLICATES, "false"))).booleanValue();
result_string = properties.getProperty(PROPERTY_NKEYFIELDS);
if (result_string == null) {
throw (StandardException.newException(SQLState.BTREE_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND, PROPERTY_NKEYFIELDS));
} else {
nKeyFields = Integer.parseInt(result_string);
result_string = properties.getProperty(PROPERTY_NUNIQUECOLUMNS);
if (result_string == null) {
} else {
nUniqueColumns = Integer.parseInt(result_string);
result_string = properties.getProperty(PROPERTY_UNIQUE_WITH_DUPLICATE_NULLS, "false");
uniqueWithDuplicateNulls = Boolean.parseBoolean(result_string);
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
result_string = properties.getProperty(PROPERTY_MAX_ROWS_PER_PAGE_PARAMETER);
if (result_string != null) {
maxRowsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(result_string);
maintainParentLinks = (Boolean.valueOf(properties.getProperty(PROPERTY_PARENTLINKS, "true"))).booleanValue();
// fields eventually this assert may be wrong.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
if (template.length != nKeyFields) {
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("template.length (" + template.length + ") expected to equal nKeyFields (" + nKeyFields + ")");
SanityManager.ASSERT((nUniqueColumns == nKeyFields) || (nUniqueColumns == (nKeyFields - 1)));
// get format id's from each column in template and store it in the
// conglomerate state.
format_ids = ConglomerateUtil.createFormatIds(template);
// copy the format id of the conglomerate.
this.conglom_format_id = conglom_format_id;
// Create a container for the b-tree with default page size and
// fill up pages.
properties.put(RawStoreFactory.PAGE_RESERVED_SPACE_PARAMETER, "0");
properties.put(RawStoreFactory.MINIMUM_RECORD_SIZE_PARAMETER, "1");
properties.put(RawStoreFactory.PAGE_REUSABLE_RECORD_ID, "true");
long containerid = rawtran.addContainer(segmentId, input_containerid, ContainerHandle.MODE_DEFAULT, properties, tmpFlag);
// Open segment will get cleaned up when transaction is.
if (containerid <= 0) {
throw (StandardException.newException(SQLState.BTREE_CANT_CREATE_CONTAINER));
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
if (input_containerid != ContainerHandle.DEFAULT_ASSIGN_ID)
SanityManager.ASSERT(containerid == input_containerid);
id = new ContainerKey(segmentId, containerid);
use of in project derby by apache.
the class D_DiagnosticUtil method diag_dump_page.
* Dump raw contents of a page.
* <p>
* A utility routine that can be called from an ij session that will
* dump the raw contents of a page, in the raw store dump format.
* @param db_name name of the database
* @param segmentid segmentid of the table (usually 0)
* @param containerid containerid of the table (not conglomid)
* @param pagenumber pagenumber of page to dump.
public static void diag_dump_page(String db_name, long segmentid, long containerid, long pagenumber) {
Transaction xact = null;
try {
Object module = getModuleFromDbName(db_name);
RawStoreFactory store_module = (RawStoreFactory) findServiceModule(module, RawStoreFactory.MODULE);
xact = store_module.startInternalTransaction(FileContainer.getContextService().getCurrentContextManager());
ContainerKey id = new ContainerKey(segmentid, containerid);
ContainerHandle container = xact.openContainer(id, ContainerHandle.MODE_READONLY);
Page page = container.getPage(pagenumber);
if (page != null) {
} else {
System.out.println("page " + pagenumber + " not found");
xact = null;
} catch (StandardException se) {
} finally {
if (xact != null) {
try {
} catch (StandardException se) {
use of in project derby by apache.
the class D_BaseContainerHandle method diag_detail.
* Return a set of properties describing the the key used to lock container.
* <p>
* Used by debugging code to print the lock table on demand.
* @exception StandardException Standard exception policy.
public void diag_detail(Properties prop) throws StandardException {
BaseContainerHandle ch = (BaseContainerHandle) diag_object;
ContainerKey key = ch.getId();
prop.put(RowLock.DIAG_CONTAINERID, Long.toString(key.getContainerId()));
prop.put(RowLock.DIAG_SEGMENTID, Long.toString(key.getSegmentId()));
// The following 2 don't make sense for container locks, just set
// them to 0 to make it easier for now to tree container locks and
// row locks similarly.
prop.put(RowLock.DIAG_PAGENUM, Integer.toString(0));
prop.put(RowLock.DIAG_RECID, Integer.toString(0));