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Example 11 with PageKey

use of in project derby by apache.

the class D_RecordId method diag.

 * Return string identifying the underlying container.
 * <p>
 * @return A string of the form TABLE(conglomerate_id, container_id).
 * @exception StandardException Standard Derby Error
public String diag() throws StandardException {
    RecordId record_id = (RecordId) diag_object;
    PageKey page_key = (PageKey) record_id.getPageId();
    long container_id = page_key.getContainerId().getContainerId();
    long conglom_id = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    String str = null;
    if (conglom_id == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
        str = "ROW(?, " + container_id + ", " + record_id.getPageNumber() + ", " + record_id.getId() + ")";
    } else {
        str = "ROW(" + conglom_id + ", " + record_id.getPageNumber() + ", " + record_id.getId() + ")";
    return (str);
Also used : PageKey(

Example 12 with PageKey

use of in project derby by apache.

the class ReclaimSpaceHelper method reclaimSpace.

 *		Reclaim space based on work.
public static int reclaimSpace(BaseDataFileFactory dataFactory, RawTransaction tran, ReclaimSpace work) throws StandardException {
    if (work.reclaimWhat() == ReclaimSpace.CONTAINER)
        return reclaimContainer(dataFactory, tran, work);
    // Else, not reclaiming container. Get a no-wait shared lock on the
    // container regardless of how the user transaction had the
    // container opened.
    LockingPolicy container_rlock = tran.newLockingPolicy(LockingPolicy.MODE_RECORD, TransactionController.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE, true);
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        SanityManager.ASSERT(container_rlock != null);
    ContainerHandle containerHdl = openContainerNW(tran, container_rlock, work.getContainerId());
    if (containerHdl == null) {
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(DaemonService.DaemonTrace)) {
                SanityManager.DEBUG(DaemonService.DaemonTrace, " aborted " + work + " because container is locked or dropped");
        if (// retry this for serveral times
        work.incrAttempts() < 3) // it is however, unlikely that three tries will be
        // enough because there is no delay between retries.
        // See DERBY-4059 and DERBY-4055 for details.
            return Serviceable.REQUEUE;
        } else {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(DaemonService.DaemonTrace)) {
                    SanityManager.DEBUG(DaemonService.DaemonTrace, "  gave up after 3 tries to get container lock " + work);
            return Serviceable.DONE;
    if (work.reclaimWhat() == ReclaimSpace.PAGE) {
        // Reclaiming a page - called by undo of insert which purged the
        // last row off an overflow page. It is safe to reclaim the page
        // without first locking the head row because unlike post commit
        // work, this is post abort work.  Abort is guarenteed to happen
        // and to happen only once, if at all.
        Page p = containerHdl.getPageNoWait(work.getPageId().getPageNumber());
        if (p != null)
        return Serviceable.DONE;
    // We are reclaiming row space or long column.
    // First get an xlock on the head row piece.
    RecordHandle headRecord = work.getHeadRowHandle();
    if (!container_rlock.lockRecordForWrite(tran, headRecord, false, /* not insert */
    false)) {
        // cannot get the row lock, retry
        if (work.incrAttempts() < 3) {
            return Serviceable.REQUEUE;
        } else {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(DaemonService.DaemonTrace)) {
                    SanityManager.DEBUG(DaemonService.DaemonTrace, "  gave up after 3 tries to get row lock " + work);
            return Serviceable.DONE;
    if (work.reclaimWhat() == ReclaimSpace.ROW_RESERVE) {
        // This row may benefit from compaction.
        // This work is being done - post commit, there is no user
        // transaction that depends on the commit being sync'd.  It is safe
        // to commitNoSync() This do as one of 2 things will happen:
        // 1) if any data page associated with this transaction is
        // moved from cache to disk, then the transaction log
        // must be sync'd to the log record for that change and
        // all log records including the commit of this xact must
        // be sync'd before returning.
        // 2) if the data page is never written then the log record
        // for the commit may never be written, and the xact will
        // never make to disk.  This is ok as no subsequent action
        // depends on this operation being committed.
        return Serviceable.DONE;
    } else {
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            SanityManager.ASSERT(work.reclaimWhat() == ReclaimSpace.COLUMN_CHAIN);
        // Reclaiming a long column chain due to update.  The long column
        // chain being reclaimed is the before image of the update
        // operation.
        long headPageId = ((PageKey) headRecord.getPageId()).getPageNumber();
        // DERBY-4050 - we wait for the page so we don't have to retry.
        // prior to the 4050 fix, we called getPageNoWait and just
        // retried 3 times.  This left unreclaimed space if we were
        // not successful after three tries.
        StoredPage headRowPage = (StoredPage) containerHdl.getPage(headPageId);
        if (headRowPage == null) {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(DaemonService.DaemonTrace)) {
                    SanityManager.DEBUG(DaemonService.DaemonTrace, "gave up because hadRowPage was null" + work);
            return Serviceable.DONE;
        try {
            headRowPage.removeOrphanedColumnChain(work, containerHdl);
        } finally {
        // This work is being done - post commit, there is no user
        // transaction that depends on the commit being sync'd.  It is safe
        // to commitNoSync() This do as one of 2 things will happen:
        // 1) if any data page associated with this transaction is
        // moved from cache to disk, then the transaction log
        // must be sync'd to the log record for that change and
        // all log records including the commit of this xact must
        // be sync'd before returning.
        // 2) if the data page is never written then the log record
        // for the commit may never be written, and the xact will
        // never make to disk.  This is ok as no subsequent action
        // depends on this operation being committed.
        return Serviceable.DONE;
Also used : PageKey( RecordHandle( Page( BasePage( LockingPolicy( RawContainerHandle( ContainerHandle(

Example 13 with PageKey

use of in project derby by apache.

the class FileContainer method getAnyPage.

 *		Get any old page - turn off all validation
 *		@exception StandardException Derby Standard error policy
protected BasePage getAnyPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber) throws StandardException {
    if (// committed and dropped, cannot get a page
        return null;
    // make sure alloc cache has no stale info
    synchronized (allocCache) {
    PageKey pageSearch = new PageKey(identity, pageNumber);
    BasePage page = (BasePage) pageCache.find(pageSearch);
    return page;
Also used : PageKey(

Example 14 with PageKey

use of in project derby by apache.

the class FileContainer method getLatchedPage.

 *  Get a latched page. Incase of backup page Latch is necessary to
 *  prevent modification to the page when it is being written to the backup.
 *  Backup process relies on latches to get consistent snap
 *  shot of the page , user level table/page/row locks are NOT
 *  acquired  by the online backup mechanism.
 *  @param handle the container handle used to latch the page
 *  @param pageNumber the page number of the page to get
 *  @return the latched page
 *	@exception StandardException Standard Derby error policy
protected BasePage getLatchedPage(BaseContainerHandle handle, long pageNumber) throws StandardException {
    PageKey pageKey = new PageKey(identity, pageNumber);
    BasePage page = (BasePage) pageCache.find(pageKey);
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        SanityManager.ASSERT(page != null, "page is not found :" + pageKey);
    // latch the page
    page = latchPage(handle, page, true);
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        SanityManager.ASSERT(page.isLatched(), "page is not latched:" + pageKey);
    return page;
Also used : PageKey(

Example 15 with PageKey

use of in project derby by apache.

the class BasePage method copyInto.

 *		Copy num_rows from srcPage, src_slot into this page starting at dest_slot.
 *		This is destination page of the the copy half of copy and Purge.
 *		@see Page#copyAndPurge
private void copyInto(BasePage srcPage, int src_slot, int num_rows, int dest_slot) throws StandardException {
    if ((dest_slot < 0) || dest_slot > recordCount) {
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.DATA_SLOT_NOT_ON_PAGE);
    RawTransaction t = owner.getTransaction();
    // get num_rows row locks, need to predict what those recordIds will be
    int[] recordIds = new int[num_rows];
    // RESOLVE - MT problem ?
    PageKey pageId = getPageId();
    for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
        if (i == 0)
            recordIds[i] = newRecordId();
            recordIds[i] = newRecordId(recordIds[i - 1]);
        RecordHandle handle = new RecordId(pageId, recordIds[i], i);
        owner.getLockingPolicy().lockRecordForWrite(t, handle, false, true);
    // RESOLVE: need try block here to invalidate self and crash the system
    owner.getActionSet().actionCopyRows(t, this, srcPage, dest_slot, num_rows, src_slot, recordIds);
Also used : PageKey( RawTransaction( RecordHandle(


PageKey ( RecordHandle ( RawTransaction ( IOException ( ArrayInputStream ( StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)3 ByteArrayInputStream ( LockingPolicy ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( DynamicByteArrayOutputStream ( FormatableBitSet ( ContainerHandle ( Page ( RawContainerHandle ( InterruptDetectedException (org.apache.derby.iapi.util.InterruptDetectedException)1 BasePage (