use of org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.FKInfo in project derby by apache.
the class DMLModStatementNode method generateFKInfo.
* Generate the FKInfo structures used during code generation.
* For each constraint that isn't a check constraint, add another
* one of these FKInfo structures and then package them up into
* a single array.
* @param cdl The constraint descriptor list
* @param dd The DataDictionary
* @param td The TableDescriptor
* @param readColsBitSet columns read
* @exception StandardException Thrown on failure
private void generateFKInfo(ConstraintDescriptorList cdl, DataDictionary dd, TableDescriptor td, FormatableBitSet readColsBitSet) throws StandardException {
ArrayList<FKInfo> fkList = new ArrayList<FKInfo>();
int type;
UUID[] uuids;
long[] conglomNumbers;
String[] fkNames;
ConstraintDescriptorList fkcdl;
ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor refcd;
boolean[] isSelfReferencingFK;
ConstraintDescriptorList activeList = dd.getActiveConstraintDescriptors(cdl);
int[] rowMap = getRowMap(readColsBitSet, td);
int[] raRules;
boolean[] deferrable;
UUID[] fkIds;
ArrayList<String> refSchemaNames = new ArrayList<String>(1);
ArrayList<String> refTableNames = new ArrayList<String>(1);
ArrayList<Long> refIndexConglomNum = new ArrayList<Long>(1);
ArrayList<Integer> refActions = new ArrayList<Integer>(1);
ArrayList<ColumnDescriptorList> refColDescriptors = new ArrayList<ColumnDescriptorList>(1);
ArrayList<int[]> fkColMap = new ArrayList<int[]>(1);
int activeSize = activeList.size();
for (int index = 0; index < activeSize; index++) {
ConstraintDescriptor cd = activeList.elementAt(index);
if (cd instanceof ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor) {
** We are saving information for checking the
** primary/unique key that is referenced by this
** foreign key, so type is FOREIGN KEY.
type = FKInfo.FOREIGN_KEY;
refcd = ((ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor) cd).getReferencedConstraint();
uuids = new UUID[1];
deferrable = new boolean[1];
fkIds = new UUID[1];
conglomNumbers = new long[1];
fkNames = new String[1];
isSelfReferencingFK = new boolean[1];
raRules = new int[1];
fkSetupArrays(dd, (ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor) cd, 0, uuids, conglomNumbers, fkNames, isSelfReferencingFK, raRules, deferrable, fkIds);
// oops, get the right constraint name -- for error
// handling we want the FK name, not refcd name
fkNames[0] = cd.getConstraintName();
} else if (cd instanceof ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor) {
refcd = (ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor) cd;
** We are saving information for checking the
** foreign key(s) that is dependent on this referenced
** key, so type is REFERENCED KEY.
fkcdl = dd.getActiveConstraintDescriptors(((ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor) cd).getForeignKeyConstraints(ConstraintDescriptor.ENABLED));
int size = fkcdl.size();
if (size == 0) {
uuids = new UUID[size];
deferrable = new boolean[size];
fkIds = new UUID[size];
fkNames = new String[size];
conglomNumbers = new long[size];
isSelfReferencingFK = new boolean[size];
raRules = new int[size];
TableDescriptor fktd;
ColumnDescriptorList coldl;
int[] refColumns;
ColumnDescriptor cold;
int[] colArray = remapReferencedColumns(cd, rowMap);
for (int inner = 0; inner < size; inner++) {
ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor fkcd = (ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor) fkcdl.elementAt(inner);
fkSetupArrays(dd, fkcd, inner, uuids, conglomNumbers, fkNames, isSelfReferencingFK, raRules, deferrable, fkIds);
if ((raRules[inner] == StatementType.RA_CASCADE) || (raRules[inner] == StatementType.RA_SETNULL)) {
// find the referencing table Name
fktd = fkcd.getTableDescriptor();
// find the referencing column name required for update null.
refColumns = fkcd.getReferencedColumns();
coldl = fktd.getColumnDescriptorList();
ColumnDescriptorList releventColDes = new ColumnDescriptorList();
for (int i = 0; i < refColumns.length; i++) {
cold = coldl.elementAt(refColumns[i] - 1);
} else {
final TableDescriptor pktd = refcd.getTableDescriptor();
final UUID pkIndexId = refcd.getIndexId();
final ConglomerateDescriptor pkIndexConglom = pktd.getConglomerateDescriptor(pkIndexId);
final TableDescriptor refTd = cd.getTableDescriptor();
fkList.add(new FKInfo(// foreign key names
fkNames, cd.getSchemaDescriptor().getSchemaName(), // table being modified
refTd.getName(), // INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE
type, // referenced backing index uuid
pkIndexId, pkIndexConglom.getConglomerateNumber(), // referenced backing index conglom
refcd.getUUID(), // referenced constraint is
refcd.deferrable(), // fk backing index uuids
uuids, // fk backing index congloms
conglomNumbers, // is self ref array of bool
isSelfReferencingFK, remapReferencedColumns(cd, rowMap), // columns referenced by key
dd.getRowLocationTemplate(getLanguageConnectionContext(), refTd), // referential action rules
raRules, // deferrable flags
deferrable, // UUID of fks
// Now convert the list into an array.
if (!fkList.isEmpty()) {
fkInfo = fkList.toArray(new FKInfo[fkList.size()]);
// Convert the ref action info lists to arrays.
int size = refActions.size();
if (size > 0) {
fkTableNames = new String[size];
fkSchemaNames = new String[size];
fkRefActions = new int[size];
fkColDescriptors = new ColumnDescriptorList[size];
fkIndexConglomNumbers = new long[size];
fkColArrays = new int[size][];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
fkTableNames[i] = refTableNames.get(i);
fkSchemaNames[i] = refSchemaNames.get(i);
fkRefActions[i] = (refActions.get(i)).intValue();
fkColDescriptors[i] = refColDescriptors.get(i);
fkIndexConglomNumbers[i] = (refIndexConglomNum.get(i)).longValue();
fkColArrays[i] = (fkColMap.get(i));