use of org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.IndexConstantAction in project derby by apache.
the class TableElementList method genConstraintActions.
* Fill in the ConstraintConstantAction[] for this create/alter table.
* @param forCreateTable ConstraintConstantAction is for a create table.
* @param conActions The ConstraintConstantAction[] to be filled in.
* @param tableName The name of the Table being created.
* @param tableSd The schema for that table.
* @param dd The DataDictionary
* @exception StandardException Thrown on failure
void genConstraintActions(boolean forCreateTable, ConstraintConstantAction[] conActions, String tableName, SchemaDescriptor tableSd, DataDictionary dd) throws StandardException {
int conActionIndex = 0;
for (TableElementNode ten : this) {
String[] columnNames = null;
IndexConstantAction indexAction = null;
if (!ten.hasConstraint() || ten instanceof ColumnDefinitionNode) {
ConstraintDefinitionNode constraintDN = (ConstraintDefinitionNode) ten;
if (constraintDN.getColumnList() != null) {
columnNames = new String[constraintDN.getColumnList().size()];
int constraintType = constraintDN.getConstraintType();
boolean[] cChars = constraintDN.getCharacteristics();
String constraintText = constraintDN.getConstraintText();
** If the constraint is not named (e.g.
** create table x (x int primary key)), then
** the constraintSd is the same as the table.
String constraintName = constraintDN.getConstraintMoniker();
/* At execution time, we will generate a unique name for the backing
* index (for CREATE CONSTRAINT) and we will look up the conglomerate
* name (for DROP CONSTRAINT).
if (constraintDN.requiresBackingIndex()) {
if (constraintDN.constraintType == DataDictionary.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT && (dd.checkVersion(DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_4, null))) {
boolean contains_nullable_columns = areColumnsNullable(constraintDN, td);
// if all the columns are non nullable, continue to use
// a unique backing index.
boolean unique = !contains_nullable_columns;
// Only use a "unique with duplicate nulls" backing index
// for constraints with nullable columns.
boolean uniqueWithDuplicateNulls = contains_nullable_columns;
indexAction = genIndexAction(forCreateTable, unique, uniqueWithDuplicateNulls, // deferrable?
cChars[0], // initiallyDeferred?
cChars[1], null, constraintDN, columnNames, true, tableSd, tableName, constraintType, dd);
} else {
// For foreign key constraint we do no mark the
// index as deferrable; since checking isn't done on
// duplicate keys there.
indexAction = genIndexAction(forCreateTable, constraintDN.requiresUniqueIndex(), false, cChars[0], cChars[1], null, constraintDN, columnNames, true, tableSd, tableName, constraintType, dd);
if (constraintType == DataDictionary.DROP_CONSTRAINT) {
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
// Can't drop constraints on a create table.
conActions[conActionIndex] = getGenericConstantActionFactory().getDropConstraintConstantAction(constraintName, // / FiX
constraintDN.getDropSchemaName(), tableName, td.getUUID(), tableSd.getSchemaName(), indexAction, constraintDN.getDropBehavior(), constraintDN.getVerifyType());
} else if (constraintType == DataDictionary.MODIFY_CONSTRAINT) {
conActions[conActionIndex] = getGenericConstantActionFactory().getAlterConstraintConstantAction(constraintName, constraintDN.getDropSchemaName(), cChars, tableName, td.getUUID(), tableSd.getSchemaName(), indexAction);
} else {
ProviderList apl = constraintDN.getAuxiliaryProviderList();
ConstraintInfo refInfo = null;
ProviderInfo[] providerInfos;
if (constraintDN instanceof FKConstraintDefinitionNode) {
refInfo = ((FKConstraintDefinitionNode) constraintDN).getReferencedConstraintInfo();
/* Create the ProviderInfos, if the constraint is dependent on any Providers */
if (apl != null && apl.size() > 0) {
/* Get all the dependencies for the current statement and transfer
* them to this view.
DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
providerInfos = dm.getPersistentProviderInfos(apl);
} else {
providerInfos = new ProviderInfo[0];
// System.out.println("TABLE ELEMENT LIST EMPTY");
conActions[conActionIndex++] = getGenericConstantActionFactory().getCreateConstraintConstantAction(constraintName, constraintType, cChars, forCreateTable, tableName, ((td != null) ? td.getUUID() : (UUID) null), tableSd.getSchemaName(), columnNames, indexAction, constraintText, refInfo, providerInfos);