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Example 1 with DatabasePermission

use of in project derby by apache.

the class EmbedConnection method checkDatabaseCreatePrivileges.

 * Checks that a user has the system privileges to create a database.
 * To perform this check the following policy grants are required
 * <ul>
 * <li> to run the encapsulated test:
 *        permission "doAsPrivileged";
 * <li> to resolve relative path names:
 *        permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
 * <li> to canonicalize path names:
 *        permission "...", "read";
 * </ul>
 * or a SQLException will be raised detailing the cause.
 * <p>
 * In addition, for the test to succeed
 * <ul>
 * <li> the given user needs to be covered by a grant:
 *        principal org.apache.derby.authentication.SystemPrincipal "..." {}
 * <li> that lists a permission covering the database location:
 *        permission "directory:...", "create";
 * </ul>
 * or it will fail with a SQLException detailing the cause.
 * @param user The user to be checked for database create privileges
 * @param dbname the name of the database to create
 * @throws SQLException if the privileges check fails
private void checkDatabaseCreatePrivileges(String user, String dbname) throws SQLException {
    // approve action if not running under a security manager
    if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
    if (dbname == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("dbname can't be null");
    // the check
    try {
        // raises IOException if dbname is non-canonicalizable
        final String url = (DatabasePermission.URL_PROTOCOL_DIRECTORY + stripSubSubProtocolPrefix(dbname));
        final Permission dp = new DatabasePermission(url, DatabasePermission.CREATE);
        factory.checkSystemPrivileges(user, dp);
    } catch (AccessControlException ace) {
        throw newSQLException(SQLState.AUTH_DATABASE_CREATE_MISSING_PERMISSION, user, dbname, ace);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw newSQLException(SQLState.AUTH_DATABASE_CREATE_EXCEPTION, dbname, // overloaded method
        (Object) ioe);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw newSQLException(SQLState.AUTH_DATABASE_CREATE_EXCEPTION, dbname, // overloaded method
        (Object) e);
Also used : DatabasePermission( Permission( SQLPermission(java.sql.SQLPermission) AccessControlException( IOException( AccessControlException( XAException(javax.transaction.xa.XAException) SQLClientInfoException(java.sql.SQLClientInfoException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) StandardException(org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException) PrivilegedActionException( IOException( DatabasePermission(

Example 2 with DatabasePermission

use of in project derby by apache.

the class SystemPrivilegesPermissionTest method checkNameAndActions.

 * Tests DatabasePermission.getName() and .getActions().
private void checkNameAndActions(DatabasePermission[] dbperm, String[] dbpath) throws IOException {
    // assert(dpperm.length == dbpath.length)
    for (int i = 0; i < dbperm.length; i++) {
        final DatabasePermission dbp = dbperm[i];
        assertEquals("test: " + dbp + ".getName()", dbpath[i], dbp.getName());
        assertEquals("test: " + dbp + ".getActions()", DatabasePermission.CREATE, dbp.getActions());
Also used : DatabasePermission(

Example 3 with DatabasePermission

use of in project derby by apache.

the class SystemPrivilegesPermissionTest method testDatabasePermissionSerialization.

 * Test serialization and deserialization of DatabasePermission objects.
private void testDatabasePermissionSerialization() throws IOException {
    // Simple test of serialization/deserialization of a valid object
    DatabasePermission perm = new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", "create");
    assertEquals(perm, serializeDeserialize(perm, null));
    // Test of relative paths
    for (String url : relDirPaths) {
        perm = new DatabasePermission(url, "create");
        assertEquals(perm, serializeDeserialize(perm, null));
    // Test of relative path aliases
    for (String url : relDirPathAliases) {
        perm = new DatabasePermission(url, "create");
        assertEquals(perm, serializeDeserialize(perm, null));
    // Test of absolute paths
    for (String url : absDirPaths) {
        perm = new DatabasePermission(url, "create");
        assertEquals(perm, serializeDeserialize(perm, null));
    // Test of absolute path aliases
    for (String url : absDirPathAliases) {
        perm = new DatabasePermission(url, "create");
        assertEquals(perm, serializeDeserialize(perm, null));
    // Actions should be normalized when read from the stream.
    for (String actions : Arrays.asList("create", "CrEaTe", " create ,  create")) {
        perm = serializeDeserialize(createDBPermNoCheck("directory:dir", actions), null);
        assertEquals("create", perm.getActions());
    // Null URL should fail on deserialization (didn't before DERBY-3476)
    perm = createDBPermNoCheck(null, "create");
    serializeDeserialize(perm, NullPointerException.class);
    // Empty URL should fail on deserialization (didn't before DERBY-3476)
    perm = createDBPermNoCheck("", "create");
    serializeDeserialize(perm, IllegalArgumentException.class);
    // Unsupported protocol should fail on deserialization (didn't before
    // DERBY-3476)
    perm = createDBPermNoCheck("unknown:test", "create");
    serializeDeserialize(perm, IllegalArgumentException.class);
    // Null actions should fail on deserialization
    serializeDeserialize(createDBPermNoCheck("directory:dir", null), NullPointerException.class);
    // Empty and invalid actions should fail on deserialization
    serializeDeserialize(createDBPermNoCheck("directory:dir", ""), IllegalArgumentException.class);
    serializeDeserialize(createDBPermNoCheck("directory:dir", " "), IllegalArgumentException.class);
    serializeDeserialize(createDBPermNoCheck("directory:dir", ","), IllegalArgumentException.class);
    serializeDeserialize(createDBPermNoCheck("directory:dir", "create,"), IllegalArgumentException.class);
    serializeDeserialize(createDBPermNoCheck("directory:dir", "invalid"), IllegalArgumentException.class);
    serializeDeserialize(createDBPermNoCheck("directory:dir", "create,invalid"), IllegalArgumentException.class);
Also used : DatabasePermission(

Example 4 with DatabasePermission

use of in project derby by apache.

the class SystemPrivilegesPermissionTest method testDatabasePermission.

 * Tests DatabasePermission.
public void testDatabasePermission() throws IOException {
    // test DatabasePermission with null url
    try {
        new DatabasePermission(null, DatabasePermission.CREATE);
        fail("expected NullPointerException");
    } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with empty url
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("", DatabasePermission.CREATE);
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with illegal url
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("no_url", DatabasePermission.CREATE);
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with unsupported protocol
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("unknown:test", DatabasePermission.CREATE);
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with null actions
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", null);
        fail("expected NullPointerException");
    } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with empty actions
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", "");
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with illegal action list
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", "illegal_action");
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with illegal action list
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", "illegal,action");
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with illegal action list
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", "illegal,create,action");
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission on illegal action list
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", "illegal;action");
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with illegal action list
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", ",");
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with illegal action list
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", " ");
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission with illegal action list
    try {
        new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", "create,");
        fail("expected IllegalArgumentException");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // expected exception
    // test DatabasePermission on relative directory paths
    final DatabasePermission[] relDirPathPerms = new DatabasePermission[relDirPaths.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < relDirPaths.length; i++) {
        relDirPathPerms[i] = new DatabasePermission(relDirPaths[i], DatabasePermission.CREATE);
    checkNameAndActions(relDirPathPerms, relDirPaths);
    checkHashCodeAndEquals(relDirPathPerms, relDirPathPerms);
    checkImplies(relDirPathPerms, relDirPathPerms, dirPathImpls);
    // test DatabasePermission on relative directory path aliases
    final DatabasePermission[] relDirPathAliasPerms = new DatabasePermission[relDirPathAliases.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < relDirPathAliases.length; i++) {
        relDirPathAliasPerms[i] = new DatabasePermission(relDirPathAliases[i], DatabasePermission.CREATE);
    checkNameAndActions(relDirPathAliasPerms, relDirPathAliases);
    checkHashCodeAndEquals(relDirPathPerms, relDirPathAliasPerms);
    checkImplies(relDirPathPerms, relDirPathAliasPerms, dirPathImpls);
    checkImplies(relDirPathAliasPerms, relDirPathPerms, dirPathImpls);
    // test DatabasePermission on absolute directory paths
    final DatabasePermission[] absDirPathPerms = new DatabasePermission[absDirPaths.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < absDirPaths.length; i++) {
        absDirPathPerms[i] = new DatabasePermission(absDirPaths[i], DatabasePermission.CREATE);
    checkNameAndActions(absDirPathPerms, absDirPaths);
    checkHashCodeAndEquals(absDirPathPerms, absDirPathPerms);
    checkImplies(absDirPathPerms, absDirPathPerms, dirPathImpls);
    // test DatabasePermission on absolute directory path aliases
    final DatabasePermission[] absDirPathAliasPerms = new DatabasePermission[absDirPathAliases.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < absDirPathAliases.length; i++) {
        absDirPathAliasPerms[i] = new DatabasePermission(absDirPathAliases[i], DatabasePermission.CREATE);
    checkNameAndActions(absDirPathAliasPerms, absDirPathAliases);
    checkHashCodeAndEquals(absDirPathPerms, absDirPathAliasPerms);
    checkImplies(absDirPathPerms, absDirPathAliasPerms, dirPathImpls);
    checkImplies(absDirPathAliasPerms, absDirPathPerms, dirPathImpls);
    // test DatabasePermission for the inclusive path specification
    final String inclPermissionUrl = "directory:<<ALL FILES>>";
    final DatabasePermission[] inclPerms = { new DatabasePermission(inclPermissionUrl, DatabasePermission.CREATE) };
    checkNameAndActions(inclPerms, new String[] { inclPermissionUrl });
    final DatabasePermission[] inclPerms1 = { new DatabasePermission(inclPermissionUrl, DatabasePermission.CREATE) };
    checkHashCodeAndEquals(inclPerms, inclPerms1);
    checkImplies(inclPerms, inclPerms1, new boolean[][] { { true } });
    final boolean[][] allTrue = new boolean[1][dirPaths.length];
    for (int j = 0; j < dirPaths.length; j++) {
        allTrue[0][j] = true;
    final boolean[][] allFalse = new boolean[dirPaths.length][1];
    for (int i = 0; i < dirPaths.length; i++) {
        allFalse[i][0] = false;
    checkImplies(inclPerms, relDirPathPerms, allTrue);
    checkImplies(relDirPathPerms, inclPerms, allFalse);
    checkImplies(inclPerms, relDirPathAliasPerms, allTrue);
    checkImplies(relDirPathAliasPerms, inclPerms, allFalse);
    checkImplies(inclPerms, absDirPathPerms, allTrue);
    checkImplies(absDirPathPerms, inclPerms, allFalse);
    checkImplies(inclPerms, absDirPathAliasPerms, allTrue);
    checkImplies(absDirPathAliasPerms, inclPerms, allFalse);
    // Actions string is washed (lower-cased, trimmed) and duplicates
    // are removed.
    DatabasePermission perm = new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", "create, create");
    assertEquals("create", perm.getActions());
    perm = new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", "  CrEaTe  ");
    assertEquals("create", perm.getActions());
    // DERBY-3476: The DatabasePermission class should be final.
Also used : DatabasePermission(

Example 5 with DatabasePermission

use of in project derby by apache.

the class SystemPrivilegesPermissionTest method policyTestDatabasePermissionGrants.

 * Tests DatabasePermissions against the Policy.
public void policyTestDatabasePermissionGrants() throws IOException {
    final DatabasePermission[] relDirPathPerms = new DatabasePermission[relDirPaths.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < relDirPaths.length; i++) {
        relDirPathPerms[i] = new DatabasePermission(relDirPaths[i], DatabasePermission.CREATE);
    // test DatabasePermission for unauthorized, authorized, and
    // all-authorized users
    final int[] singleLocPaths = { 2, 3, 6, 7 };
    final SystemPrincipal authorizedUser = new SystemPrincipal("authorizedSystemUser");
    final SystemPrincipal unAuthorizedUser = new SystemPrincipal("unAuthorizedSystemUser");
    final SystemPrincipal superUser = new SystemPrincipal("superUser");
    for (int i = 0; i < singleLocPaths.length; i++) {
        final int j = singleLocPaths[i];
        execute(unAuthorizedUser, new CreateDatabaseAction(relDirPathPerms[j]), false);
        execute(authorizedUser, new CreateDatabaseAction(relDirPathPerms[j]), (j != 6));
        execute(superUser, new CreateDatabaseAction(relDirPathPerms[j]), true);
    // test DatabasePermission for any user
    final SystemPrincipal anyUser = new SystemPrincipal("anyUser");
    final DatabasePermission dbPerm = new DatabasePermission("directory:dir", DatabasePermission.CREATE);
    execute(anyUser, new CreateDatabaseAction(dbPerm), true);
Also used : SystemPrincipal(org.apache.derby.authentication.SystemPrincipal) DatabasePermission(


DatabasePermission ( IOException ( AccessControlException ( Permission ( PrivilegedActionException ( SQLClientInfoException (java.sql.SQLClientInfoException)1 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 SQLPermission (java.sql.SQLPermission)1 XAException (javax.transaction.xa.XAException)1 SystemPrincipal (org.apache.derby.authentication.SystemPrincipal)1 StandardException (org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException)1