use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.
the class ModifyDNRequestTest method testDecodeModifyDNRequestWithoutSuperiorWithControls.
* Test the decoding of a ModifyDNRequest without a superior with controls
public void testDecodeModifyDNRequestWithoutSuperiorWithControls() {
Asn1Decoder ldapDecoder = new Asn1Decoder();
ByteBuffer stream = ByteBuffer.allocate(0x5A);
stream.put(new byte[] { 0x30, // LDAPMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
0x58, 0x02, 0x01, // messageID MessageID
0x01, 0x6C, // CHOICE { ..., modifyDNRequest ModifyDNRequest,
0x36, // entry LDAPDN,
0x04, 0x20, 'c', 'n', '=', 't', 'e', 's', 't', 'M', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'f', 'y', ',', 'o', 'u', '=', 'u', 's', 'e', 'r', 's', ',', 'o', 'u', '=', 's', 'y', 's', 't', 'e', 'm', // newrdn RelativeLDAPDN,
0x04, 0x0F, 'c', 'n', '=', 't', 'e', 's', 't', 'D', 'N', 'M', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'f', 'y', 0x01, 0x01, // deleteoldrdn BOOLEAN,
0x00, // newSuperior [0] LDAPDN OPTIONAL }
(byte) 0xA0, // A control
0x1B, 0x30, 0x19, 0x04, 0x17, 0x32, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x36, 0x2E, 0x38, 0x34, 0x30, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x31, 0x33, 0x37, 0x33, 0x30, 0x2E, 0x33, 0x2E, 0x34, 0x2E, 0x32 });
String decodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes(stream.array());
// Allocate a ModifyRequest Container
LdapMessageContainer<ModifyDnRequestDecorator> ldapMessageContainer = new LdapMessageContainer<ModifyDnRequestDecorator>(codec);
try {
ldapDecoder.decode(stream, ldapMessageContainer);
} catch (DecoderException de) {
ModifyDnRequest modifyDnRequest = ldapMessageContainer.getMessage();
assertEquals(1, modifyDnRequest.getMessageId());
assertEquals("cn=testModify,ou=users,ou=system", modifyDnRequest.getName().toString());
assertEquals(false, modifyDnRequest.getDeleteOldRdn());
assertEquals("cn=testDNModify", modifyDnRequest.getNewRdn().toString());
// Check the Control
Map<String, Control> controls = modifyDnRequest.getControls();
assertEquals(1, controls.size());
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") CodecControl<Control> control = (<Control>) modifyDnRequest.getControl("2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2");
assertEquals("2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2", control.getOid());
assertEquals("", Strings.dumpBytes((byte[]) control.getValue()));
// Check the encoding
try {
ByteBuffer bb = encoder.encodeMessage(modifyDnRequest);
// Check the length
assertEquals(0x5A, bb.limit());
String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes(bb.array());
assertEquals(encodedPdu, decodedPdu);
} catch (EncoderException ee) {
use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.
the class ModifyDNRequestTest method testDecodeModifyDNRequestEmptyBody.
// Defensive tests
* Test the decoding of a ModifyDNRequest with an empty body
public void testDecodeModifyDNRequestEmptyBody() {
Asn1Decoder ldapDecoder = new Asn1Decoder();
ByteBuffer stream = ByteBuffer.allocate(0x07);
stream.put(new byte[] { // LDAPMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
0x30, // LDAPMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
0x05, 0x02, 0x01, // messageID MessageID
0x01, 0x6C, // CHOICE { ..., modifyDNRequest ModifyDNRequest,
0x00 // ...
// Allocate a LdapMessage Container
LdapMessageContainer<ModifyDnRequestDecorator> ldapMessageContainer = new LdapMessageContainer<ModifyDnRequestDecorator>(codec);
// Decode a ModifyDNRequest PDU
try {
ldapDecoder.decode(stream, ldapMessageContainer);
fail("We should never reach this point !!!");
} catch (DecoderException de) {
use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.
the class ModifyDNRequestTest method testDecodeModifyDNRequestEmptyDeleteOldRdnn.
* Test the decoding of a ModifyDNRequest with an empty deleteOldRdn
public void testDecodeModifyDNRequestEmptyDeleteOldRdnn() {
Asn1Decoder ldapDecoder = new Asn1Decoder();
ByteBuffer stream = ByteBuffer.allocate(0x3C);
stream.put(new byte[] { 0x30, // LDAPMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
0x3A, 0x02, 0x01, // messageID MessageID
0x01, 0x6C, // CHOICE { ..., modifyDNRequest ModifyDNRequest,
0x35, // ...
0x04, 0x20, 'c', 'n', '=', 't', 'e', 's', 't', 'M', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'f', 'y', ',', 'o', 'u', '=', 'u', 's', 'e', 'r', 's', ',', 'o', 'u', '=', 's', 'y', 's', 't', 'e', 'm', 0x04, 0x0F, 'c', 'n', '=', 't', 'e', 's', 't', 'D', 'N', 'M', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'f', 'y', 0x01, // deleteoldrdn BOOLEAN
0x00 });
// Allocate a LdapMessage Container
LdapMessageContainer<ModifyDnRequestDecorator> ldapMessageContainer = new LdapMessageContainer<ModifyDnRequestDecorator>(codec);
// Decode a ModifyDNRequest PDU
try {
ldapDecoder.decode(stream, ldapMessageContainer);
fail("We should never reach this point !!!");
} catch (DecoderException de) {
use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.
the class ModifyDNRequestTest method testDecodeModifyDNRequestBadDN.
* Test the decoding of a bad Dn ModifyDNRequest
public void testDecodeModifyDNRequestBadDN() {
Asn1Decoder ldapDecoder = new Asn1Decoder();
ByteBuffer stream = ByteBuffer.allocate(0x48);
stream.put(new byte[] { 0x30, // LDAPMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
0x46, 0x02, 0x01, // messageID MessageID
0x01, 0x6C, // CHOICE { ..., modifyDNRequest ModifyDNRequest,
0x41, // entry LDAPDN,
0x04, 0x20, 'c', 'n', ':', 't', 'e', 's', 't', 'M', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'f', 'y', ',', 'o', 'u', '=', 'u', 's', 'e', 'r', 's', ',', 'o', 'u', '=', 's', 'y', 's', 't', 'e', 'm', // newrdn RelativeLDAPDN,
0x04, 0x0F, 'c', 'n', '=', 't', 'e', 's', 't', 'D', 'N', 'M', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'f', 'y', 0x01, 0x01, // deleteoldrdn BOOLEAN,
0x00, // newSuperior [0] LDAPDN OPTIONAL }
(byte) 0x80, 0x09, 'o', 'u', '=', 's', 'y', 's', 't', 'e', 'm' });
// Allocate a ModifyRequest Container
LdapMessageContainer<ModifyDnRequestDecorator> ldapMessageContainer = new LdapMessageContainer<ModifyDnRequestDecorator>(codec);
try {
ldapDecoder.decode(stream, ldapMessageContainer);
} catch (DecoderException de) {
assertTrue(de instanceof ResponseCarryingException);
Message response = ((ResponseCarryingException) de).getResponse();
assertTrue(response instanceof ModifyDnResponseImpl);
assertEquals(ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, ((ModifyDnResponseImpl) response).getLdapResult().getResultCode());
fail("We should not reach this point");
use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.
the class ModifyDNRequestTest method testDecodeModifyDNRequestWithoutSuperior.
* Test the decoding of a ModifyDNRequest without a superior
public void testDecodeModifyDNRequestWithoutSuperior() {
Asn1Decoder ldapDecoder = new Asn1Decoder();
ByteBuffer stream = ByteBuffer.allocate(0x3D);
stream.put(new byte[] { 0x30, // LDAPMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
0x3B, 0x02, 0x01, // messageID MessageID
0x01, 0x6C, // CHOICE { ..., modifyDNRequest ModifyDNRequest,
0x36, // entry LDAPDN,
0x04, 0x20, 'c', 'n', '=', 't', 'e', 's', 't', 'M', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'f', 'y', ',', 'o', 'u', '=', 'u', 's', 'e', 'r', 's', ',', 'o', 'u', '=', 's', 'y', 's', 't', 'e', 'm', // newrdn RelativeLDAPDN,
0x04, 0x0F, 'c', 'n', '=', 't', 'e', 's', 't', 'D', 'N', 'M', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'f', 'y', 0x01, 0x01, // deleteoldrdn BOOLEAN,
0x00 // newSuperior [0] LDAPDN OPTIONAL }
String decodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes(stream.array());
// Allocate a ModifyRequest Container
LdapMessageContainer<ModifyDnRequestDecorator> ldapMessageContainer = new LdapMessageContainer<ModifyDnRequestDecorator>(codec);
try {
ldapDecoder.decode(stream, ldapMessageContainer);
} catch (DecoderException de) {
ModifyDnRequest modifyDnRequest = ldapMessageContainer.getMessage();
assertEquals(1, modifyDnRequest.getMessageId());
assertEquals("cn=testModify,ou=users,ou=system", modifyDnRequest.getName().toString());
assertEquals(false, modifyDnRequest.getDeleteOldRdn());
assertEquals("cn=testDNModify", modifyDnRequest.getNewRdn().toString());
// Check the encoding
try {
ByteBuffer bb = encoder.encodeMessage(modifyDnRequest);
// Check the length
assertEquals(0x3D, bb.limit());
String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes(bb.array());
assertEquals(encodedPdu, decodedPdu);
} catch (EncoderException ee) {