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Example 6 with DefaultEntry

use of in project ldapchai by ldapchai.

the class ApacheLdapProviderImpl method createEntry.

public void createEntry(final String entryDN, final Set<String> baseObjectClasses, final Map<String, String> stringAttributes) throws ChaiOperationException, ChaiUnavailableException, IllegalStateException {
    getInputValidator().createEntry(entryDN, baseObjectClasses, stringAttributes);
    try {
        final AddRequest addRequest = new AddRequestImpl();
        final Entry entry = new DefaultEntry();
        for (final String baseObjectClass : baseObjectClasses) {
            entry.add(ChaiConstant.ATTR_LDAP_OBJECTCLASS, baseObjectClass);
        for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entryIter : stringAttributes.entrySet()) {
            final String name = entryIter.getKey();
            final String value = entryIter.getValue();
            entry.add(name, value);
        final AddResponse response = connection.add(addRequest);
    } catch (LdapException e) {
        throw ChaiOperationException.forErrorMessage(e.getMessage());
Also used : AddRequest( DefaultEntry( Entry( DefaultEntry( AddRequestImpl( AddResponse( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) LdapException(

Example 7 with DefaultEntry

use of in project syncope by apache.

the class LdifInputStreamLoader method execute.

 * Opens the LDIF file and loads the entries into the context.
 * @return The count of entries created.
public int execute() {
    try {
        try {
            for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : new LdifReader(ldif)) {
                Dn dn = ldifEntry.getDn();
                if (ldifEntry.isEntry()) {
                    Entry entry = ldifEntry.getEntry();
                    try {
                        LOG.debug("Found {}, will not create.", dn);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        try {
                            coreSession.add(new DefaultEntry(coreSession.getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager(), entry));
                            LOG.debug("Created {}.", dn);
                        } catch (LdapException e1) {
                            LOG.error("Could not create entry " + entry, e1);
                } else {
                    // modify
                    List<Modification> items = ldifEntry.getModifications();
                    try {
                        coreSession.modify(dn, items);
                        LOG.debug("Modified: " + dn + " with modificationItems: " + items);
                    } catch (LdapException e) {
                        LOG.debug("Could not modify: " + dn + " with modificationItems: " + items, e);
        } finally {
    } catch (Exception ioe) {
        LOG.error(I18n.err(I18n.ERR_174), ioe);
    return count;
Also used : Modification( LdifReader( DefaultEntry( Entry( LdifEntry( DefaultEntry( Dn( LdapException( LdifEntry( LdapException(

Example 8 with DefaultEntry

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class SchemaElementImpl method nameToLdif.

 * @return the Names as Ldif lines
 * @throws If the conversion goes wrong
private String nameToLdif() throws LdapException {
    if (names.isEmpty()) {
        return "";
    } else {
        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry();
        Attribute attribute = new DefaultAttribute("m-name");
        for (String name : names) {
        return LdifUtils.convertAttributesToLdif(entry);
Also used : DefaultEntry( Entry( Attribute( DefaultAttribute( DefaultEntry( DefaultAttribute(

Example 9 with DefaultEntry

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class SchemaElementImpl method descToLdif.

 * @return The description as a ldif line
 * @throws If the conversion goes wrong
private String descToLdif() throws LdapException {
    if (Strings.isEmpty(description)) {
        return "";
    } else {
        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry();
        Attribute attribute = new DefaultAttribute("m-description", description);
        return LdifUtils.convertAttributesToLdif(entry);
Also used : DefaultEntry( Entry( Attribute( DefaultAttribute( DefaultEntry( DefaultAttribute(

Example 10 with DefaultEntry

use of in project directory-ldap-api by apache.

the class SchemaElementImpl method extensionsToLdif.

 * Return the extensions formated as Ldif lines
 * @param id The attributeId : can be m-objectClassExtension or
 * m-attributeTypeExtension
 * @return The extensions formated as ldif lines
 * @throws If the conversion goes wrong
protected String extensionsToLdif(String id) throws LdapException {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Entry entry = new DefaultEntry();
    Attribute attribute = new DefaultAttribute(id);
    for (String extension : extensions.keySet()) {
    return sb.toString();
Also used : DefaultEntry( Entry( Attribute( DefaultAttribute( DefaultEntry( DefaultAttribute(


DefaultEntry ( Entry ( Test (org.junit.Test)55 DefaultAttribute ( Attribute ( LdapException ( LdifEntry ( Modification ( LdapConnection ( Dn ( CreateException ( DefaultModification ( Value ( LdifReader ( ByteArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( SchemaManager ( IOException ( ObjectInputStream ( ObjectOutputStream (