Search in sources :

Example 1 with Attribute

use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.

the class LdapConnector method search.

public LdapEntry search(LdapNetworkConnection connection, String searchBase, String searchPattern, String displayNameAttribute, String principal, boolean activeDirectory, String groupSearchBase, String groupIdAttribute, String groupSearchPattern) throws LdapException, CursorException {
    final LdapEntry ldapEntry = new LdapEntry();
    final Set<String> groupDns = Sets.newHashSet();
    final String filter = new MessageFormat(searchPattern, Locale.ENGLISH).format(new Object[] { sanitizePrincipal(principal) });
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace("Search {} for {}, starting at {}", activeDirectory ? "ActiveDirectory" : "LDAP", filter, searchBase);
    try (final EntryCursor entryCursor =, filter, SearchScope.SUBTREE, groupIdAttribute, displayNameAttribute, "dn", "uid", "userPrincipalName", "mail", "rfc822Mailbox", "memberOf", "isMemberOf")) {
        final Iterator<Entry> it = entryCursor.iterator();
        if (it.hasNext()) {
            final Entry e =;
            // always set the proper DN for the entry, we need it for group matching
            // for generic LDAP use the dn of the entry for the subsequent bind, active directory needs the userPrincipalName attribute (set below)
            if (!activeDirectory) {
            for (Attribute attribute : e.getAttributes()) {
                if (activeDirectory && "userPrincipalName".equalsIgnoreCase(attribute.getId())) {
                if (attribute.isHumanReadable()) {
                    ldapEntry.put(attribute.getId(), Joiner.on(", ").join(attribute.iterator()));
                // ActiveDirectory (memberOf) and Sun Directory Server (isMemberOf)
                if ("memberOf".equalsIgnoreCase(attribute.getId()) || "isMemberOf".equalsIgnoreCase(attribute.getId())) {
                    for (Value<?> group : attribute) {
        } else {
            LOG.trace("No LDAP entry found for filter {}", filter);
            return null;
        if (!groupDns.isEmpty() && !isNullOrEmpty(groupSearchBase) && !isNullOrEmpty(groupIdAttribute)) {
            // according to groupIdAttribute if present
            try {
                for (String groupDn : groupDns) {
                    LOG.trace("Looking up group {}", groupDn);
                    try {
                        Entry group = connection.lookup(groupDn, groupIdAttribute);
                        // See:
                        if (group != null) {
                            final Attribute groupId = group.get(groupIdAttribute);
                            LOG.trace("Resolved {} to group {}", groupDn, groupId);
                            if (groupId != null) {
                                final String string = groupId.getString();
                        } else {
                            LOG.debug("Unable to lookup group: {}", groupDn);
                    } catch (LdapException e) {
                        LOG.warn("Error while looking up group " + groupDn, e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Unexpected error during LDAP group resolution", e);
        if (ldapEntry.getGroups().isEmpty() && !isNullOrEmpty(groupSearchBase) && !isNullOrEmpty(groupIdAttribute) && !isNullOrEmpty(groupSearchPattern)) {
            ldapEntry.addGroups(findGroups(connection, groupSearchBase, groupSearchPattern, groupIdAttribute, ldapEntry));
            LOG.trace("LDAP search found entry for DN {} with search filter {}: {}", ldapEntry.getDn(), filter, ldapEntry);
        } else {
            if (groupDns.isEmpty()) {
      "LDAP group search base, id attribute or object class missing, not iterating over LDAP groups.");
        return ldapEntry;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.debug("Error while closing cursor", e);
        return null;
Also used : EntryCursor( Entry( LdapEntry( MessageFormat(java.text.MessageFormat) Attribute( LdapEntry( IOException( LdapException( CursorException( UncheckedTimeoutException( IOException( LdapInvalidDnException( LdapException( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 2 with Attribute

use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.

the class LdapConnector method findGroups.

public Set<String> findGroups(LdapNetworkConnection connection, String groupSearchBase, String groupSearchPattern, String groupIdAttribute, @Nullable LdapEntry ldapEntry) {
    final Set<String> groups = Sets.newHashSet();
    try (final EntryCursor groupSearch =, groupSearchPattern, SearchScope.SUBTREE, "objectClass", ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE_MEMBER, ATTRIBUTE_MEMBER, ATTRIBUTE_MEMBER_UID, groupIdAttribute)) {
        LOG.trace("LDAP search for groups: {} starting at {}", groupSearchPattern, groupSearchBase);
        for (Entry e : groupSearch) {
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("Group Entry: {}", e.toString("  "));
            if (!e.containsAttribute(groupIdAttribute)) {
                LOG.warn("Unknown group id attribute {}, skipping group entry {}", groupIdAttribute, e);
            final String groupId = e.get(groupIdAttribute).getString();
            if (ldapEntry == null) {
                // no membership lookup possible (we have no user), simply collect the found group names
            } else {
                // test if the given dn parameter is actually member of any of the found groups
                String memberAttribute;
                if (e.hasObjectClass("groupOfUniqueNames")) {
                    memberAttribute = ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE_MEMBER;
                } else if (e.hasObjectClass("groupOfNames") || e.hasObjectClass("group")) {
                    memberAttribute = ATTRIBUTE_MEMBER;
                } else if (e.hasObjectClass("posixGroup")) {
                    memberAttribute = ATTRIBUTE_MEMBER_UID;
                } else {
                    // Trying auto detection of the member attribute. This should be configurable!
                    if (e.containsAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE_MEMBER)) {
                        memberAttribute = ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE_MEMBER;
                    } else if (e.containsAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MEMBER_UID)) {
                        memberAttribute = ATTRIBUTE_MEMBER_UID;
                    } else {
                        memberAttribute = ATTRIBUTE_MEMBER;
                    LOG.warn("Unable to auto-detect the LDAP group object class, assuming '{}' is the correct attribute.", memberAttribute);
                final Attribute members = e.get(memberAttribute);
                if (members != null) {
                    final String dn = normalizedDn(ldapEntry.getDn());
                    final String uid = ldapEntry.get("uid");
                    for (Value<?> member : members) {
                        LOG.trace("DN {} == {} member?", dn, member.getString());
                        if (dn != null && dn.equalsIgnoreCase(normalizedDn(member.getString()))) {
                        } else {
                            // check against the uid attribute of the user.
                            if (!isNullOrEmpty(uid) && uid.equalsIgnoreCase(member.getString())) {
                                LOG.trace("UID {} == {} member?", uid, member.getString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.warn("Unable to iterate over user's groups, unable to perform group mapping. Graylog does not support " + "LDAP referrals at the moment. Please see " + DocsHelper.PAGE_LDAP_TROUBLESHOOTING.toString() + " for more information.", ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e));
    return groups;
Also used : EntryCursor( Entry( LdapEntry( Attribute( CursorException( UncheckedTimeoutException( IOException( LdapInvalidDnException( LdapException(

Example 3 with Attribute

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class LdapIdentityProvider method createUser.

private ExternalUser createUser(@Nonnull Entry entry, @CheckForNull String id) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException {
    ExternalIdentityRef ref = new ExternalIdentityRef(entry.getDn().getName(), this.getName());
    if (id == null) {
        String idAttribute = config.getUserConfig().getIdAttribute();
        Attribute attr = entry.get(idAttribute);
        if (attr == null) {
            throw new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException(ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, "no value found for attribute '" + idAttribute + "' for entry " + entry);
        id = attr.getString();
    String path = config.getUserConfig().makeDnPath() ? createDNPath(entry.getDn()) : null;
    LdapUser user = new LdapUser(this, ref, id, path);
    Map<String, Object> props = user.getProperties();
    applyAttributes(props, entry);
    return user;
Also used : ExternalIdentityRef( Attribute( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 4 with Attribute

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class LdapIdentityProvider method createGroup.

private ExternalGroup createGroup(@Nonnull Entry entry, @CheckForNull String name) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException {
    ExternalIdentityRef ref = new ExternalIdentityRef(entry.getDn().getName(), this.getName());
    if (name == null) {
        String idAttribute = config.getGroupConfig().getIdAttribute();
        Attribute attr = entry.get(idAttribute);
        if (attr == null) {
            throw new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException(ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, "no value found for attribute '" + idAttribute + "' for entry " + entry);
        name = attr.getString();
    String path = config.getGroupConfig().makeDnPath() ? createDNPath(entry.getDn()) : null;
    LdapGroup group = new LdapGroup(this, ref, name, path);
    Map<String, Object> props = group.getProperties();
    applyAttributes(props, entry);
    return group;
Also used : ExternalIdentityRef( Attribute( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 5 with Attribute

use of in project mxisd by kamax-io.

the class LdapAuthProvider method authenticate.

public BackendAuthResult authenticate(_MatrixID mxid, String password) {"Performing auth for {}", mxid);
    try (LdapConnection conn = getConn()) {
        String uidType = getAt().getUid().getType();
        String userFilterValue = StringUtils.equals(LdapBackend.UID, uidType) ? mxid.getLocalPart() : mxid.getId();
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(userFilterValue)) {
            log.warn("Username is empty, failing auth");
            return BackendAuthResult.failure();
        String userFilter = "(" + getUidAtt() + "=" + userFilterValue + ")";
        userFilter = buildWithFilter(userFilter, getCfg().getAuth().getFilter());
        Set<String> attributes = new HashSet<>();
        getAt().getThreepid().forEach((k, v) -> attributes.addAll(v));
        String[] attArray = new String[attributes.size()];
        log.debug("Base DN: {}", getBaseDn());
        log.debug("Query: {}", userFilter);
        log.debug("Attributes: {}",;
        try (EntryCursor cursor =, userFilter, SearchScope.SUBTREE, attArray)) {
            while ( {
                Entry entry = cursor.get();
                String dn = entry.getDn().getName();
      "Checking possible match, DN: {}", dn);
                if (!getAttribute(entry, getUidAtt()).isPresent()) {
      "Attempting authentication on LDAP for {}", dn);
                try {
                    conn.bind(entry.getDn(), password);
                } catch (LdapException e) {
          "Unable to bind using {} because {}", entry.getDn().getName(), e.getMessage());
                    return BackendAuthResult.failure();
                Attribute nameAttribute = entry.get(getAt().getName());
                String name = nameAttribute != null ? nameAttribute.get().toString() : null;
      "Authentication successful for {}", entry.getDn().getName());
      "DN {} is a valid match", dn);
                // TODO should we canonicalize the MXID?
                BackendAuthResult result = BackendAuthResult.success(mxid.getId(), UserIdType.MatrixID, name);
      "Processing 3PIDs for profile");
                getAt().getThreepid().forEach((k, v) -> {
          "Processing 3PID type {}", k);
                    v.forEach(attId -> {
                        List<String> values = getAttributes(entry, attId);
              "\tAttribute {} has {} value(s)", attId, values.size());
                        getAttributes(entry, attId).forEach(tpidValue -> {
                            if ( {
                                tpidValue = getMsisdn(tpidValue).orElse(tpidValue);
                            result.withThreePid(new ThreePid(k, tpidValue));
      "Found {} 3PIDs", result.getProfile().getThreePids().size());
                return result;
        } catch (CursorLdapReferralException e) {
            log.warn("Entity for {} is only available via referral, skipping", mxid);
        }"No match were found for {}", mxid);
        return BackendAuthResult.failure();
    } catch (LdapException | IOException | CursorException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : EntryCursor( Attribute( IOException( BackendAuthResult(io.kamax.mxisd.auth.provider.BackendAuthResult) Entry( CursorException( CursorLdapReferralException( ThreePid(io.kamax.matrix.ThreePid) LdapException( LdapConnection( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


Attribute ( Test (org.junit.Test)180 DefaultAttribute ( Entry ( Modification ( Value ( DefaultEntry ( DefaultModification ( LdapException ( EncoderException ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)18 DecoderException ( Asn1Decoder ( LdapMessageContainer ( AbstractCodecServiceTest ( SearchResultEntry ( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException ( LdifEntry ( ModifyRequest ( ByteArrayInputStream (